
UllarWarlord's page

Contributor. RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. ** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 321 posts (441 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 2 wishlists. 41 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.


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Scarab Sages Contributor

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my lil fey emotion babies are getting more attention i am screaming so hard right now aaaaaaaaaaa

Scarab Sages Contributor

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Wayfinder walked not only so Infinite could run, but tons of budding freelancers too! I still look back fondly on my space goblin faith article, and remember it was oneof the pieces that got me my first Paizo gig.

Thanks for the memories, Tim, you've done good. So has the whole damn Wayfinder crew! It was a nice and cozy cornerstone of the community that helped shape how it is today.

Scarab Sages Contributor

15 people marked this as a favorite.

hey look thats me

I'm so happy with the result of the Player's Guide - what I submitted was polished to become this amazing little product! I hope it's helpful to you as you start your wild ride in Drift Crashers!

I'd also like to thank the developer, Jason Keeley, and the editing team for making this the best thing it could be! Janica Carter, K. Tessa Newton, Solomon St. John, and Simone D Sallé, thank you! Editors are often overlooked in gaming prose, and I wanted to shout them out for the hard work they do.

Hope you enjoy the crash, folks!

also if you like the rift remora please let me know because it is my favorite option in here and i am proud of it okay thanks bye

Scarab Sages Contributor

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:

Back cover text:

• A player's guide for this Adventure Path, with advice on making characters perfect for the Drift Crash and the Drift Crisis that follows, by Joshua Hennington.

oh wow who could that be is it me oh gosh

I'm really excited to see the final results of the Player's Guide - I'm hoping you all like the neat ideas and guidance I brought to playing through this AP! I hope it helps, because the ideas on the table for this AP were so WACKY and OFF THE WALL that I couldn't possibly encompass them all. This AP was so cool to witness!!!!

Scarab Sages Contributor

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Hat of Hats Item 4
Invested, Transmutation
This hat has no nature unto itself - except, of course, what the wearer desires. As a single action that has the concentrate trait, its wearer can change its composition, color, style, whatever you want, to another hat. It still has to be within the reasonable size of a hat, instead of like a boat or something. As long as it can fit on your head and not be wider than 5 feet, that's a good benchmark.

This hat was created by the Sewer Dragons tribe of kobolds, in the hope that it would bring their beloved guardian and mascot (Hats the otyugh) home to them. They miss him. We miss him! BRING HATS BACK. Anyway, the wearer of the hat of Hats can use this activity.

Where's Hats? Anywhere? Somewhere? [three-actions] (auditory, concentrate) Frequency once per day; Effect You call out for Hats, and he can faintly hear you as long as he's on the same plane of existence as you. He cannot respond, and it's very hard for him to hear if you're really far away. The Sewer Dragons have had no luck calling out to him on the Material Plane, but how could he have gotten somewhere else? Weird. WHERE IS HE

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

TwilightKnight wrote:
UllarWarlord wrote: write an interactive special that actively prevents new players from participating is gatekeeping, plain and simple


Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.
TwilightKnight wrote:

I have never been one to suggest that writing/developing is easy (I am published and have worked with and observed a number contributors). Quite the contrary in fact. However, it IS true that the mid-high/high level content volume for PFS2 is lacking compared to what we have come to expect. The comments by staff seems to indicate that will continue to be true.

It is no secret that there is an ongoing emphasis on low-level content with the expectation that it will bring in new players. To be honest, this is a societal trend. Most companies that have a model that includes ongoing customer commitment cater to new subscribers and tend to diminish the ongoing value of existing customers, sometimes to the point of ignoring them completely. The idea is that it is a bigger hassle to change to the next available option than it is just sticking with what you know. There is a ton of psychological data supporting the concept. No, I am not suggesting that Paizo is ignoring higher-level content, but they certainly demonstrate a greater interest in acquiring new players, than maintaining existing ones.

If it is easier to produce content that covers a narrower level range, then I would encourage the production of two separate specials; one targeted for levels 1-6 as announced above, and the other targeted at something like levels 5-10, assuming you don't think there are enough characters approaching higher levels with the ultimate goal to cover levels 7-12. Yes, I realize it means adding another scenario to the schedule, but we are already seeing a couple/few months only getting one (instead of two) scenarios, so maybe drop one more and fill that slot with the second special.

The point is, don't underestimate the value of your most committed players possessing high level characters. They are often the ones most likely to be bringing in new players, GMing most of the games, and organizing events. Reward them by providing more gameplay options for their favorite characters. After-all playing our favorite characters in...

interactive specials serve a different purpose than you seem to realize, friend. beyond being exponentially more of a workload than a typical scenario, they also exist in a convention-based medium of allowing many, many players to collaborate. to write an interactive special that actively prevents new players from participating is gatekeeping, plain and simple. additionally, the convention structure of specials such as these requires several players to be in one place. one that has a minimum level of 5 that would not only meet the table requirement, but have enough tables to even be worth scheduling is a laughable concept. you have more characters than your high- or mid-level ones, I hope. You can even make a fresh level 1 if you feel so inclined! New players, however, do not have that luxury. it would be a special actively geared towards exclusivity in the end; while that might appeal to you, Bob, i doubt the OP team would want to devote resources towards the (very very in-depth, much more than a standard scenario) process of making a seperate special that's only for the good old boys.

kate baker wrote a 9-12 that's on the way, if you crave content that not everyone can walk up and play. but everyone can walk up and play a multitable that is low-level, whether they're loyal players or eager to learn. now, do i think the program merits high-level play? absolutely! making a seperate, additional, exclusive multitable is definitely not the way to go about it though.

as a side-note: if you throw Siege of Gallowspire as a counter-example, then all you've proven is a lack of understanding of context. Siege is a sendoff to 10+ seasons of PF1 content. It's quite literally the culmination of over a decade of campaigning. Is it more exclusive, sure, but it's a fair assumptions that after that length of time with folks playing 1e PFS, there are enough players to fill some tables of the Last Hurrah.

Scarab Sages Contributor

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Themetricsystem wrote:
and direct feedback they received from their freelancers who were tasked with writing content pertaining to the subject.

bingo. that's a decent part of it - and as freelancers are a required part of Paizo's development schedule, we have a voice too.

To everyone arguing that this is not needed as a change: do you write for Paizo? Not the unified, monolithic entity y'all imagine the corp to be, but the people who care about the product and make it beautiful. The developers, the editors, the art team. Everybody who has been trusted with this setting, to build on it and make it great.

Is it easy to get a seat at this table? Hell no! It took me years of building my career to get my first freelance assignment with this company, writing a couple of monsters for Starfinder Adventure Path backmatter (the umbracygot and nullsoul host in #31, for anyone curious). You have to demonstrate to the team that you're willing to make the commitment of not only finishing your assignment (which has to be written in a way approachable for any GM, new or old), but also to commit to taking it in the direction intended for the setting. Yes, we can carve out our own niches, and tell our own renditions of the tales, but we can't uproot the setting...except, of course, in ways intended by the development team.

All of this is to say: you're free to have your power fantasies of owning other intelligent creatures in your home games. I'm not going to stop you. But the freelancers have a definite voice as content creators for these settings, and we will be (and have been) making our voices heard.

And if you don't like it? Then vote with your wallets. Walk away. But don't expect us to reason with you, when you don't reason with us. Bigotry, racism and trauma have no place here - and no place in the games we (not you) create. You can create what you want, hell, post it on Infinite if you want to monetize it.

But like they said on the T&C, nothing on Infinite is canon to the setting at large.

-Joshua Hennington

Scarab Sages Contributor

22 people marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

This is the last post I'll be making here until the mods wake up tomorrow. I will say, first, that nobody's called for a boycott. We're waiting for the Union to make any decisions like that, and I don't expect the Union to call for one. In the meantime, we're just making our own decisions and advocating for what we believe in.

But more importantly--and this applies to a lot of you--I have a question.

When called out on your initial baiting or hyperconfrontational posts, so many of you appear to backtrack. You clarify that no, of course you don't support doxxing. Of course you oppose transphobia. Of course you support our right to make our own decisions as customers, and of course the executives were wrong to fire Sara.

But if that's the case, and you truly do support trans rights, and we truly do agree on most of the issues, and we really are aligned in wanting the leadership to do better...

... why are you screaming at us?

Quick aside: a boycott already happened, for anyone who missed it (in a sense). Those freelancers with active projects who were able refused to turn over any work, nor take any new assignments until the union was recognized. That was one of the three pillars that got the UPW on its feet, in my opinion (the other two being community outcry and the union's members themselves).

Paizo came out on the other side of that just fine. The strike lasted a good while. If RD wants to worry about us hurting the poor innocent company, that's fine. If RD wants to refuse to worry about the people who actually make the content? Then...don't really know what to say to that besides he needs to get over himself.

For everyone at home, RD is, in his own words, worried that public outcry might damage the products he loves. Funny, how he ignores the facts that the conditions of the people who create said products is highly damaging and dehumanizing. But what's the difference, right? It's not like these creators and employees are burning out, being fired, or seeking greener pastures, right?

Oh wait. They are.

But sure. It's the people worried about the developers that are the problem. Long live Paizo, whatever

Scarab Sages Contributor

12 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm deeply appreciative of the forumgoers that choose to stay here, to show that this place is not 'beyond saving'. I know people who seem to expend more energy saying the forums are not worth the spoons than it would take to post here, and those accusations miss the point that the forum is who goes there. And for all the kind souls who are calling out transphobes, you are the reason the forums shouldn't be nuked. keftiu, KC, Rysky, and several others whose names I can't recall considering I just woke up, thank you.

This place would deserve nuking if the trolls overtook it, but they haven't. Keep fighting.

Scarab Sages Contributor

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Thanks for the compliment, Kate; it means a lot! I'm excited to write more Cantrippers content!

The Ravaged Rover is a really cool design space for an archetype! The author did well making a modular druid class archetype that can use guns in a variety of ways. Kudos!

Scarab Sages Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Andrew Sturtevant wrote:

Here to show my support! I've sent my e-mail and been tweeting all afternoon about it!

Come on Paizo Execs, you've published these stories when it's the workers vs. the company. You're the company that published Fly Free or Die! A story about workers. Don't be like EJ Corp!

It's time for you to voluntarily recognize this Union!

agreed, it's time to #StepAwayFromTheEJ


Scarab Sages Contributor

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Hey, he said anyone can post here. So I will!

Arthus Wellor, Decrier of Mortal Gods (CE male human acolyte antipaladin 10)

He makes use of not only a ton of deceit, but backs it up with the Blessed One archetype to disguise himself as a scholarly paladin! (Did you know Baphomet has both heal and harm as divine font options? If not, now you do!)

He's also the in-world author of something I composed at the start of the year; a little (see: approximately 9500-word) essay extolling the virtues of Baphomet, and laying bare the deceit in other deities that were once mortal! You can find a link to A Misguided Ascendance: A Commentary on the Fallibility of Lesser Humanoids Made Divine here!

I hope you all like the character, as he's near and dear to my heart for personal reasons. Cheers!

Scarab Sages Contributor

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Yay! Happy Pride, all!

Scarab Sages Contributor

While he doesn’t have a ‘statblock’ or ‘PC class levels’ per se, I’d love to see your 2e take on Jinkoo (pg 23 of CoT 6: The Twice-Damned Prince)! As the player of a character in PFS who seeks racial equality for goblins and other ancestries in the Hellknights’ ranks, learning about Jinkoo sent me over the moon. Thanks!

P.S. The Gobclaw initiative is always recruiting for the cause of law! Anyone who reads this is welcome to join!

P.P.S. If you hate written words, you can join too! Reading is nonessential!

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love this scenario. I love it SO MUCH. Immense kudos to Mr. Greenshields for not only creating a memorable location, but for making it full of life - and unlife!

I did, however, notice something that some PCs are definitely going to enquire about. Sylvina (of Knicks and Knacks, on page 6) knows the (uncommon) consecrate ritual. I know that RAW she only uses it to cleanse the shrine of Urgathoa's influence if she's friendly, but does she potentially teach the PCs the ritual under the same conditions and/or if made helpful? Despite it not being on the Chronicle sheet, I know my PCs would jump at the chance to learn an uncommon mechanic.


Scarab Sages Contributor

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oh my god i can not WAIT

Scarab Sages Contributor


Scarab Sages Contributor

Sadly, my financial situation has radically changed; as a result, I must cancel all of my active subscriptions with Paizo. Thanks for the great reading, and a stupendous CS team!

Scarab Sages Contributor

Ventnor wrote:
UllarWarlord wrote:

Could I have some info on Splinter Faith please? Does it only allow you to choose from alternate domains? Is it compatible with pantheons? What benefits does it entail beyond the domain?

Also if a kind soul could give me more details regarding the Godclaw, that would be fantastic. Much love to those who share early!

Details about how pantheons work can be found in this Paizo Blog post.

Thanks for pointing it out; I saw it. I was more referring to pantheons' interactions with this new Splinter Faith feat, rather than pantheons themselves.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Could I have some info on Splinter Faith please? Does it only allow you to choose from alternate domains? Is it compatible with pantheons? What benefits does it entail beyond the domain?

Also if a kind soul could give me more details regarding the Godclaw, that would be fantastic. Much love to those who share early!

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

Update: traded one Rabid Fan Base, putting another boon on the block.

Have: Rabid Fan Base, Embri/Phentomite/Witchwyrd, Manifold Host

Want: Nanite Corruption, other interesting offers

Scarab Sages Contributor

15 people marked this as a favorite.


Also an iconic that's a Mythbuster is amazing. Loving it!

Scarab Sages Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.

What makes the Swarm different from, say, Tyranids or Zerg? What's their defining feature?

The Swarm/Shirren articles in the AP volumes are quite enlightening as to the Swarm's biology/techniques, but it begs the question: do Swarm compmonents have a preference to shirren targets to this day, or are shirren now just 'enemy to be harvested for resource'.

I'm a big fan of the detailed Orzaka Institute of Swarm Biology (I in fact have a biohacker concept that would fit in perfectly with there). What sort of breakthroughs could they have hypothetically made in 'freeing' the Swarm? Are there any plot hooks (whether in AotS! or beyond) that expand on this organization?

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

Have: Rabid Fan Base (x2), Embri/Phentomite/Witchwyrd

Want: Nanite Corruption, other interesting offers

Preference of digital exchange

Scarab Sages Contributor

I was recently making a start on building a Giant Instinct Barbarian for PFS, and I was hoping to have more than one Large-sized weapon, due to having what some might denote as a 'wacky build'; details on the build are listed in a spoiler at the bottom of this post, and I believe the math/logic is airtight on it. I'd rather not discuss it (in this thread anyway), and would instead prefer to discuss this line in Titan Mauler, the 1st-level Instinct Ability.

CRB pg. 84 wrote:

You gain access to

one weapon one size larger than you, of any weapon type
otherwise available at character creation.

This implies that Large-sized weaponry is not normally accessible (despite not specifying rarity). However, in the Item Sizes section (pg. 295), it gives rules for differently-sized equipment without outright stating its rarity. The only word on bigger equipment comes from the above quoted passage in the Giant Instinct section. So here's my query: is Large-sized equipment available to all? Or is it Uncommon/Rare for Small/Medium or smaller creatures?

My Build:
Put simply, I'm using Rage with alchemical bombs. The Rage ability gives static bonus damage that isn't based on Strength (a restriction alchemical bombs possess); furthermore, Raging Thrower simply specifies the following:
CRB pg. 88 wrote:

Thrown weapons become especially deadly in your fury. You apply the additional damage

from Rage to your thrown weapon attacks. If you have the Brutal Critical feat or the
devastator class feature, apply their benefits to thrown weapon attacks.

Alchemical bombs are denoted as weapons in multiple cases, from Table 6-8 which displays it as a ranged weapon, as well as this line in the Crafting and Treasure section:

CRB p. 544 wrote:

Bombs are martial thrown weapons with a range

increment of 20 feet.
Most bombs also have the splash trait. When you use a
thrown weapon with the splash trait, you don’t add your
Strength modifier to the damage roll.
If an attack with a
splash weapon fails, succeeds, or critically succeeds, all
creatures within 5 feet of the target (including the target)
take the listed splash damage. On a failure (but not a critical
failure), the target of the attack still takes the splash damage.
Add splash damage together with the initial damage against
the target before applying the target’s resistance or weakness.
You don’t multiply splash damage on a critical hit.

This also only gives the restriction of Strength not applying; not anything else. Rage simply states that 2 (or in Giant Instinct's case, 6) additional damage is dealt, and it's halved if the attack is agile.

...put simply, I want to multiclass into Alchemist, and brew a bunch of Large-sized alchemical bombs that are less condensed, but that I can throw with enough fury that they're more effective. Even before I multiclass, at level 1 (alas for Ancient Elf not being accessible yet!), that's still 1d6+6 damage (1d4+6 for thunderstones). I can only assume that Rage doesn't apply to splash damage, as it's a static bonus provided by the bomb. Or (un)holy water, if you're getting overly specific.

I'm not doing this because it's optimal; I'm doing it because (as far as I can tell) it's pretty airtight rules-wise, it works, and it's very funny. For those curious, if it is ruled that Large weapons are uncommon, I'm probably going for frost vial being my specific Large weapon. Demon Hunter background, and all that.

Please keep replies regarding this specific build in spoiler tags. Thanks!

Scarab Sages Contributor

VampByDay wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Now pondering a ysoki that whips things with a lightning tail...
Tailblade+Lightning fusion? Works on any Ysoki?

Tailblades are level 4, sadly; just high enough to be immediately out of reach of new chars, but just low enough to be deprived of the Classic fusions, such as the bane and elemental ones.

‘tis a shame. A shame my Ridley knockoff knows all too well.

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

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Have: Rabid Fan Base x2
Second Seekers Roheas (Minor Faction, would prefer to keep but could negotiate)

Want: Embri or other interesting race boon, Augmented Affiliation, make me an offer!

Scarab Sages Contributor

Hi! I was charged for my Paizocon pickup, but I don’t seem to have access to my pdf. Will it be granted later in the process? Thanks!

Scarab Sages Contributor

I’m getting in late Wednesday, and I’d love to join in on any pre-con SFS offerings! I have a level 6 Hellknight and a level 2 or 3 (depending on circumstances) melee operative dragonkin who would love some action. I’ll be running Dreaming of the Future. multiple times as a volunteer, but I’m open to most things!

Scarab Sages Contributor

Two please for Joshua Hennington and Jess Hennington! We arrive Thursday, but will more likely be available all day Thursday.

Scarab Sages Contributor

I have a character sheet I made some time ago that I've been periodically updating - a stellifera mechanic that uses his drone like a mech. It requires only two mods on the drone to work in any sense (making its earliest viability level 3), as well as a specific armor upgrade; it's not exactly 'effective', but ti's still a funny concept I'd love to play some day. Is it alright if I post it here?

Scarab Sages Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
That's some pretty art. Gotta say that the strap from her leg would be annoying as hell slapping around as she walks. Maybe it's part of her scabbard?

Hrnnnn...Colonel, I’m trying to sneak around,

Scarab Sages Contributor

I'm down! I haven't run or played it yet, so I'm hyped to help!

Scarab Sages Contributor

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Are salamanders playable? Regardless, what geniekin (or other playable race) is in this book, if any?

What's your favorite aspect of the Brass Bazaar?

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

I just wanted to bump this because I noticed a discrepancy as I was prepping this scenario. The table GMs roll on is inconsistent with the scenario text in the case of Hellknights; the scenario text says Order of the Nail, and the GM table says Order of the Pike. Which one is it? I'm leaning towards Nail, but I'd like some clarification. Thanks!

Scarab Sages Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.


1. We know the basics of most of the main Hellknight Orders from their counterparts in Ancient Golarion times. The Furnace and the Eclipse, though, have been sitting at the forefront of my mind. What do they do, and what is their main purpose/execution of perfect law?

1a. Have any other lesser orders of Hellknights survived the Gap? Clearly the Pike rose to prominence, but have, for example, the Orders of the Scar, Torrent or Rack survived time?

2. We know of the Hellknight Citadel-ships, and they’re likely built using the rules in AP #6. My question though, is where are they? Are most of them in Pact Space? Near Space? What are they doing?

2a. On a similar note, do any lesser orders have Citadel-ships?

Scoured Past SFS Spoilers!:
The Order of the Pyre, for instance, has been relegated to a lesser status, and apparently has a ‘base of operations’ of some sort, though this could just be an outpost.

3. Can you put a Hellknight article in the Swarm AP? This is more of a request than a question, but I’ll be damned if the Pike doesn’t fit the AP’s theme.

Scarab Sages Contributor

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meloriel wrote:
Question for the show this week: "New classes means new Iconics. Any idea what races we can expect the new Iconics to be when they're released?" (and if not: "What races would you choose to make them, if it was up to you?" )

Based on the name and theme, if the witchwarper iconic isn't a witchwyrd I'll eat my holographic projection of a hat.

Even if I lose, eating a hologram's easy.

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

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I’m making an ex-taskmaster who found it in himself to rebel against the mental and spiritual slavery of the hive mentality. He’s addicted to the knife, and seeks as many augmentations as possible to shed his original frame of the slave that was once a profitable salesman. Envoy, with the Augmented archetype.

Just me though ^^

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

FINALLY found my old boon...buried in my many books. So here's another repost!

Have: The following PFS boons:
Psychic Dilettante
Share the Wealth (Companions)
Prophetic Dream
Alchemical Versatility
Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthrope)
ACG boon Heirloom Relic

A Tier 1 Gen Con 2013 GM boon that I got in a trade and never used! For reference, it can either give a rebuild or one of the following races: Grippli, Vishkanya, Suli, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Undine. I got it in an online scanned trade, but it is as legitimate as when I got it (save for a mark transmitting it to my OP#). I can happily show a picture if you wish to check its veracity.

SFS race boons, or any other particularly entertaining things for SFS! Formian is top of my list, but I'm open to any weird races y'all have.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Does this require playable alien stats, or just a statblock used on the GM side?

Scarab Sages Contributor

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

In the Alien Archive 2, they are immune to cold, and their breath weapon is cold. I thought this was odd, as three true dragon types in a category having cold seemed off...

So I checked my Bestiaries, and lo and behold, the Time Dragon had electricity-based breath/immunities. I understand c/p errors (lord knows I have them), but I just wanted to make sure that Time Dragons actually wield electricity, rather than cold. Thanks!

Scarab Sages Contributor

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this is literally a creature in Alien Archive 2

Scarab Sages Contributor

Don't forget baleful polymorph, and it's 1-6 options! It goes from minor inconvenience to terrible consequence after a few consecutively failed saves; bravo to the devs for making it immediately satisfying, but still useful!

Scarab Sages Contributor

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Personally? I put a tool arm on my stellifera mechanic's drone for a habitat box, and just use it as a mech while camping out inside.

Who needs a hydrobody when you have a robotbody?

Scarab Sages Contributor

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Luna Protege wrote:
brkndevil wrote:

Supercolossal ship size is in one of the Dead suns books

It would probably be what you want, no limits on expansion bays and facilities are big enough to handwave everything. Hangers are for Medium size

so much stuff. but it would have to be a tier 20 or more build

But still no Drift Engine tier 2+ for such a big thing, so...

Its slow
like really slow

Any idea which one of the books it is?

If I had been buying the modules as they came out this might not be an issue, but I can't exactly buy them all at once.

I have the first one though, so I know its not that one.

It’s in AP6, Empire of Bones. Those rules have seen use considerably in my home games as bases of operations; kudos to the writers!

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

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Turns out I have more boons to offer than what I originally thought! Hooray for cleaning!

Have: The following PFS boons:
Psychic Dilettante
Share the Wealth (Companions)
Prophetic Dream
Alchemical Versatility
Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthrope)
ACG boon Heirloom Relic

A Tier 1 Gen Con 2013 GM boon that I got in a trade and never used! For reference, it can either give a rebuild or one of the following races: Grippli, Vishkanya, Suli, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Undine. I got it in an online scanned trade, but it is as legitimate as when I got it (save for a mark transmitting it to my OP#). I can happily show a picture if you wish to check its veracity.

SFS race boons, or any other particularly entertaining things for SFS!


Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Have: The following PFS boons:
Psychic Dilettante
Share the Wealth (Companions)
Prophetic Dream

And the ACG boon Heirloom Relic.

Want: Formian/Ikeshti race boon

I have a vision of a future...a future where a biotechnician independent formian seeks to free the formian people from enslavement of body and soul! All she needs is entry into the Society, and her contact-seeking can begin in earnest...

Scarab Sages Contributor

Hi CS Team,

I placed an order yesterday for SFS Scenario 1-11, but it seems it did not fully process. If you all could finalize its process, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for all you do,
Joshua Hennington

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