3 people marked this as a favorite.
Robot Chris: (Warning: Nic Cage)
Cosmo wrote: Robot Chris: (Warning: Nic Cage) that is a very important warning.
robot chris: I accidentally clicked that banana
1 person marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: wow, definitely don't google "nic cage puppy"
robot chris: I took this bullet for all of you
robot chris: also, seriously, back to the glitter cave
Sara Marie wrote: robot chris: wow, definitely don't google "nic cage puppy"
robot chris: I took this bullet for all of you
robot chris: also, seriously, back to the glitter cave
you're welcome world
the 4th dog got it the worst
8 people marked this as a favorite.
cs erik: eesh I better stop procrastinating... maybe tomorrow...
3 people marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: what *is* the turning radius on a T-Rex?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote: robot chris: what *is* the turning radius on a T-Rex? Depends. What kind of car is JJ driving these days?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: why be queen when you can be galatic czar overlord?
Sara Marie wrote: robot chris: what *is* the turning radius on a T-Rex? *looks back at six city blocks of smashed windows and flattened cars*
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie Anyone have a spare chicken?
7 people marked this as a favorite.
cs erik: there we go, Ezren has pink hair, Merisiel is a ninja, Valeros is frowning, and I pray to god this is erasable
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Christopher: Mess with the squid, you get the tentacles.
Sara Marie wrote: Christopher: Mess with the squid, you get the tentacles. (^_^)
Sara Marie wrote: Christopher: Mess with the squid, you get the tentacles. Yeah, y'see?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sara Marie wrote: Christopher: Mess with the squid, you get the tentacles. Y'all can keep the calamari. Thanks, though.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
That pun was in-ceph(alopod)erable.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Crystal There's babies in the conference room!
Christopher First girl scout cookies, now babies!
Crystal But I don't have 4 bucks! :(
7 people marked this as a favorite.
ashley: does anyone have a nail file i could use?
christopher: Call the warden! Ashley's bustin' out!
ashley: ha, the finance department never goes to jail, we just get promoted.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
lissa: Or is time to drink from the firehose?
christopher: I didn't realize there was a non-firehose option.
lissa: Well there's a "forced to drink from the firehose" option and a "get to drink from the firehose" option. HR is big on semantics.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz: Because I'm a classy g@!#$&ned lady.
Robot Chris: true story
2 people marked this as a favorite.
*moves pun die of doom from 20 to 18*
It's PUNbelievable how horrible those puns are.
8 people marked this as a favorite.
Accounting Ashley: can we have a "we didn't end up in the looney bin, kill ourselves, or murder anyone else" party after year end/tax season/GenCon this year?
Money Chris: ...I thought that was the Christmas party?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
christopher: If your toes were gone forever, you'd be scared, too.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Our jobs in a nutshell, folks. :D
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote: Accounting Ashley: can we have a "we didn't end up in the looney bin, kill ourselves, or murder anyone else" party after year end/tax season/GenCon this year? Well, you can call it that, but deep down, you'll know better. You know which one of these things you've done....
1 person marked this as a favorite.
ashley that is like loudly yelling "I AM SO GLAD I DID NOT FALL DOWN AND BREAK MY LEGS" while still having a mile left in your marathon
you put the jinx on the whole thing now
6 people marked this as a favorite.
liz: why [redacted] is applying to [redacted] and not [redacted] as specified?
christopher: Goblins.
cs erik: Are they in the works?
cs erik: Sorry, that was terrible even from me.
liz: Right now, I'm gonna blame pugwampis
liz: Because of inconsistent behavior
cs erik: that sounds familiar, witch isn't surprising.
cs erik: may be trying too hard.
cosmo: When is this not true?
cs erik: well, I'd hate for people to think that I was eidolon the chat
2 people marked this as a favorite.
CS Erik obviously needs more work, Sara. Way too much time on his hands.
8 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz: Lissa there you go
Liz: in-stock
Liz: downstairs
Liz: you could get them tomorrow
Lissa: >_> Damnit Liz
Christopher: Liz is the Mephistopheles of nerd merch. "It's just one soul, and look at the wonders that could be yours..."
Now I know where Mamet got the inspiration for Glengarry Glen Ross
Liz "ABC" Courts
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Lamontius wrote: ashley that is like loudly yelling "I AM SO GLAD I DID NOT FALL DOWN AND BREAK MY LEGS" while still having a mile left in your marathon
you put the jinx on the whole thing now
I was going to make a joke about murder, but then the power surged and took everything down at the office.
I'll get back to work now universe.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
just remember
you can't have slaughter without laughter
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lamontius wrote: just remember
you can't have slaughter without laughter
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Robot Chris: ugh
Robot Chris: my brain
2 people marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: okay, I'm going on the journey to lunch and getting my bike, if I get washed away in the rain, the sekrit emergency chocolate is located RJIWHTREDACTED
1 person marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: I suddenly feel very cold and nervous
8 people marked this as a favorite.
christopher: When we finally replace this software, I'm going to yell "You were the chosen one!" just before punting it into a lake of lava.
gary: even if it's just a witty rejoinder
gary: should rank up there with "NO CAPES"
cs erik: Woah, Gary would make a good evil overlord
sara marie: would?
robot chris: good evil...
robot chris: good evil
robot chris: GOOD EVIL
robot chris: ...breaks...
christopher: Well, the evil overlord's had his arm and legs cut off already, and I'm the hero, so I think a little monologuing is safe at that juncture.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hmmm...which Paizo staffer will post the 5000th post on this thread?
Feros wrote: Hmmm...which Paizo staffer will post the 5000th post on this thread?
I may just lurk so I can snatch that away. Thought the Paizo people could potentially lock the thread, and post, then unlock it.
OOoohhhh! *Hides behind a rock and watches*
1 person marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: tech team is aware of nostore, seems to be emminating from the deep
liz: Hope you have some Elder signs handy
gary: i am investigating
gary: probably should've brought a flashlight
gary: hehe it's a useful bug actually
robot chris: it definitely is corrupted
2 people marked this as a favorite.
lissa: Liz: You will be happy to know that I have spent money on dice thanks to you.
liz: Don't worry, you'll get that money back via your paycheck.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: NEERRD
christopher: It does, in fact, take one to know one.
Gary: hmmm maybe i should eat lunch before i fall over