Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Nekkid Monty Python for the top

Pop goes the, pop goes the windin' of the weasel

i see the empty pocket needs a refill

i got a squad with a list of complainers

i should have started RAPE, Rappers agianst phoney entertainers

so we can make it known that we won't get swade

it's 91 son, so somthin's gotta change

gettin paid peddle sneaks and soda pop,

pop pop goes the weasel

as drawls drop drop drop, 1 take them, non top pop head

dig the music and make the senseless ryhmes fit

it's the fact that ya can't be artistic

intracat raps, comin so simplistic

gotta strong mind and it doesn't have to be spoon fed

and i can read it so 'cuz it has to be read

so some stay illiterate and feeble, leagally let ya

go the ways of the weasel, the weasel

Pop Pop goes the weasel, the weasel
Pop Pop goes the weasel, the weasel
Pop Pop goes the weasel, the weasel

Pop goes the weasel, 'cuz the weasel goes pop!

Joren! Stop that whining and get over here!



I believe that you use the word "troll" differently from everyone else. I believe normally it implies an intent "of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion." Therefore, most off-topic discussions, and particularly the ones in which people are actually discussing issues, don't fall under the definition.

Have some Sendero-Gonzalez scones! Fresh baked by our misguided guests at the re-education facility!


Come and peruse my wares!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


And among the strands of the Interethereal Sea, a vast warty menace rose screaming: PAY ATTENTION TO ME! THIS IS IMPORTANT STUFF I AM SAYING!

Grr. I am drippy and undead ...




Yay! Finally over CA. Not the most comfortable flight. I only mention this because I can tell everyone is hanging on my every update.

Quite illogical...

Strums Lucille

There seems to be alot of m!%##*$&$~*#s blind to the fact
That a troll is gonna be just that
And this type of ignorance is the reason why
So many posters accounts is in the g#%*~~ned archives
Intelligence is on call
You don’t treat a troll like a poster who behaves hisself
Are you the type who wont put a troll on ignore
Then you’re a troll-assed n00bly whore
G~+$*!ned hound
Pound for pound
You knew the troll when he was trolling the whole town
He trolled you and gave your buddies a snark
But your trick ass fell for his strawman lark
Tried to change his mind make him less blind
You keep putting your damn rep in danger
Fronting posters about that slupid ass trifling troll
You gotta let a troll be a troll

Down here we all float ...

Lizardmen get no respect. I have class levels you know!

Sovereign Court

I keep seeing the Orc thread and for a moment it looks like "Make a stand for Ostrich rights in Golarion!"
Those poor birds...

Callous Jack wrote:

I keep seeing the Orc thread and for a moment it looks like "Make a stand for Ostrich rights in Golarion!"

Those poor birds...

Another hidden thread.

Miniblitz commencing in ten ..nine...eight...

I am an abomination of nature!

When a problem comes along

You must whip it


Record: Elway 2-5 Tebow 4-3
Completion % : Elway 44% Tebow 47%
Passing Yards: Elway 757 Tebow 1,177
TD/INT: Elway 1-9 Tebow 10-4
QB Rating: Elway 37.2 Tebow 78.7

Pretty interesting....

Holy Happy Meals for everyone!

Where did my crew get off to?

You gonna eat that?

Shadow Lodge

I should feel bad about needling the PFS community, but when they post blatantly false statements, I can't help myself.

It is I, El Rushbo, your fountain of kobold wisdom!

Miss this PbP too. What ever happened to Kayos?



Poor Sebastian. The eggplant paladin never really got offf the ground ...

I got rotten tips too!


Life is a waterfall,
we're one in the river,
and one again after the fall.

Swimming through the void
we hear the word,
we lose ourselves,
but we find it all...

Cause we are the ones that want to play,
always want to go,
but you never want to stay.

And we are the ones that want to choose,
always want to play,
but you never want to lose.

Aerials, in the sky,
when you lose small mind,
you free your life.


They're all around!


I need a drink...

YAR! Bring the rum and wenches aborad! We sail for the Rock of Bral!

Oi! Mind the mess yer makin'

Corr, lousy tips today ...

I like big blitzes and I cannot lie

You other posters can deny ..


Resistance is futile

ksvhodehgv;ksedfb ,sdfbnsdfbnlsdknb dlfbn zdl/kb dfvbvjsdlkfbnldfb

Ook ook I'm a 19-year old hawt gamer bisexual chick

This is getting long

But I will persevere

The Exchange

Until the bitter end


Princess Bubblegum will be mine!

If I ever get my updated WoD PbP going this is my narrator ...

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