Young Master

Sasish's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for pauljathome.

Organized Play Characters

Queen Ileosa Arabasti
The Exchange Arasmes the cleric

Male Human Cleric/1 (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Ling Mao

Female Chysanthemum Leshy L1 Rogue (Thief) (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Maudril the Aasimar palimonk

Male Aasimar Palidin 2/Monk 2 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Alinza

Female Human Dawmflower Dervish Bard/1 (0 posts)

Sczarni Walks with Outsiders

Male Human (Shoanti) (1 post)

Liberty's Edge Losk

Male Dwarf Cleric (0 posts)

The Exchange Marduzi

Male Human (varisian) Sorceror (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Captain Papageno

TEngu (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Kurdan of the Lyrune Quah

mad Dog Barbarian (0 posts)

The Exchange Kyomi the Kitsune

Kitsune Level 1 Lotus Geisha Bard (1 post)

The Exchange Poshment the Nearly Tall

Tengu (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Thora Helgadottir

Human Winter Witch 3 (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Foxenbout formerly Irizati

Kitsune (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Skywatcher the Tengu

Tengu (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Zuri the Osirion
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Ling Sha
(0 posts)

The Exchange Mortok the Beast

Tiefling (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Honvar

Male Human (Shoanti Bard 4 (0 posts)

Sczarni Reserve Aasimar

Aasimar (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Merilya
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Delsaran
(0 posts)

The Exchange Pengyow
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Cecilia Bartoli

Female Human Bard L2 (0 posts)

The Exchange Biralla

Ifrit (1 post)

The Exchange Akiho
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Halla and Bill
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Tarnag the cleric
(0 posts)

The Exchange Paul Jackson unplayed 2
(0 posts)
Sovereign Court Gallako Tenkarlyion

Male Tengu Shaman L3/Fey Sorcerer 1/Duettist Bard 1 |HP 29/29| Init +2; Per +15| AC 16, T 12, FF 14 | Fort 2, Ref +6, Will +12 (326 posts)

Silver Crusade Adventure Path credit
(1 post)
Sovereign Court Vralk, master of all

HP 4/4| Init +2; Per +5| AC16, T 16, FF 14 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +4 (174 posts)

Sovereign Court Linry
(0 posts)

The Exchange iskilsa
(0 posts)

Sovereign Court Linry the halfling
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Dindreann the Mystic Theurge

Cleric/Wizard Mystic Theurge wannabe. Staying Cleric/Wizard at least for moment (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Duezze the bard
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Shallya the Kitsune
(0 posts)

Sovereign Court Sumna
(1 post)

Silver Crusade Jezgrinni
(0 posts)
Elf Archer
The Exchange Shallya

Male Human Ranger (105 posts)

Silver Crusade Thirtal
(0 posts)
Scarab Sages Shwarto

Male Wayang Rogue 1/Wizard 3 | HP 16/26 AC 19 | Init +5 | Per +12 (+13 vs traps) | Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +3 | Twikli HP 13/13 -1 non lethal, fatigued, -1 use shadow seeker (132 posts)
Worshipper of Torag
Scarab Sages Tarnag
(1 post)
Ishani Dhatri
Sovereign Court Platros, cleric of anok
(3 posts)
Varisian Wanderer
The Exchange Zandirri

Male Varisian L1 Ranger HP 12/12 AC 19 T 15 FF 14 | F+3 R+6 W+2 | Init +4 | Per +6
Climb +6, Disable Device +11, Handle Animal +4, Perception +6, Profession (gambler) +8, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Swim +6
(31 posts)

Grand Lodge Grannar
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Tisarra
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Teseliot
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Joka Mawana
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Costel
(0 posts)

Sovereign Court Prince Brillip
(0 posts)
Young Master
Liberty's Edge Sasish

Male Human L2 Inquisitor/L3 Zen Archer (2 posts)
Sovereign Court Qishi Mingzhi
(3 posts)

Grand Lodge Halvart
(0 posts)
Ratfolk Troubleshooter
Liberty's Edge Agiz the ratfolk
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge Linry the bard
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Grezzo
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Lung Wa
(0 posts)

Acquisitives Dormasht
(0 posts)
Acquisitives Maenello the Mercenary Solarion

Male Korasha Lashunta Solarion (Weapon) (1 post)
Wayfinders Shessalla

Damaya Lashunta Envoy (6 posts)

Exo-Guardians Trellik the Ysoki

Ysoki Operative (0 posts)
Sargogen, Lord of Coils
Exo-Guardians Julkashatil

Male N Vesk Soldier 2 (Blitz) Mercenary | Active Conditions: None | SP 14/14, HP 22/22, RP 5/5 EAC 18 (20), KAC 20(22) | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will + 3, +2 vs Fear | Per +5 (low light), Sense Motive +1 | Speed 30 ft | Low Light, Unarmed (35 posts)

Exo-Guardians Paul Jackson 577
(0 posts)

Wayfinders Paul Jackson 329
(0 posts)

Paul Jackson 795
(0 posts)
Reta Bigbad
Horizon Hunters Bolkar
(0 posts)

Verdant Wheel Furnbold
(0 posts)

Verdant Wheel Nakail
(0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Thanlos
(0 posts)
Kanya Ismahe
Horizon Hunters Jamha
(0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Lelland
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Marash
(0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Sandru the gnome
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Manlin
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Paldara
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Akosa
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Wilfan
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Silver Sovereign Vorsask
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters lanbar
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Ranal
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Merysekh
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Einar the Brave
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters TBD 34
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge HighFeather

Tengu Cleric/Brawler (0 posts)
Shade of the Uskwood
Liberty's Edge Dead character was Garridan
(1 post)

Grand Lodge Miezze. Gone to meet his maker
(0 posts)


Verik Vancaskerkin
(18 posts)
Balazar the Summoner

Female Human Witch (Herb Witch) 6 (28 posts)
Edwid Fickleberry

GG Forest Gnome Boddynuck Male Wizard Folk Hero | Hp 18/18 | AC 12 | S -1/D+2/ C+3//I+7/W+3/C+1 | Passive Per 11 | Per +1 | Insight +1| Acro +2 Spells DC 15 save, [3/3 L2] (141 posts)
Brina the pretty

HP 10/13 AC 20 Touch 19 FlatFooted 13, F +3 R +9 W +1, Per +4 (25 posts)
Ehsan ibn Assan

Male Human Level 1 Cleric (8 posts)

Female 1/2 Elf L2 Cleric of Lathander L1 Bard HP: 16/24 AC 18 Init: +0 Per +5 (73 posts)
Harrow Bloodline

Male human L3 Shaman (Animist)/Oracle HP 24/24 1NL | AC 13 Tch 10 FF 13 | init + 0 | F +2 R + 1 W +6 +2 vs death | per +11 Sense Motive +9 (33 posts)
Villamar Koth

Male Human
HP 10/20┃AC 18, FF 17, T 11, CMD 14┃F 5, R3, W 4┃Perception +9 (+1 vs traps), Init +1
L1 Barbarian (Mad Dog)/L1 Ranger (Trapper) (40 posts)
Abra Lopati
Garridan the Walker

Male Human
HP 79/79; AC 25, FF 24, T 12, CMD 27; F 12, R 10, W 8; Perception +22 (+2-4 in various terrains), Init +1
L6 Ranger (Divine Tracker)/L3 Horizon Walker
Important Skills:
Climb 8, Diplomacy 10, Disable Device 10, Stealth 19+, Survival 14+ , Swim 8
(113 posts)
GM Pauljathome
(25 posts)
Magaambya Priest

Male Human L5 Haida Witch raised by Orcs HP 36/38 | AC 10 T 10 FF 10 | Fort +3 Ref +1 Will +4 | Init +0 | Per +0 (143 posts)

Female Chysanthemum Leshy L1 Rogue (Thief) (7 posts)
Baron Hannis Drelev
Lodoro Balbus

Aasimar L2 Warrior Poet/L1 Paladin | HP 33/33 AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14 | F +6, R+4, W+2 | Per +0, SM +10 |Init +4 | Speed 30 ft | (107 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin

Male Varisian Human L1 Dirge Bard - devoted to Desna (22 posts)
Marinda the Varisian

L8 Female Varisian shaman (witch doctor) 8 | hp 52/67 | F+6, R +5, W +13 (+1 vs Enchant) AC 19, T 11, FF 18 | Init + 1 | Per +6, Sense Motive +9 (109 posts)
Mr Spock

Half Vulcan time traveller Dodge +6, Toughness +10, Will +8, Fort +, Init +12 (18 posts)
The Sand Sage
Naajy Singh

Sensitive Esper | HP 18(9 NL) /22 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7 :: Haamid HP HP 17 (6 NL)/17 AC 17 Init +1 | Perception +8 (246 posts)
Pirate Queen
Nikka Eversong

Female Halfling Fey Touched Druid Hp 16/16 |AC 17 (T 13 FF 15) | Init +2 | Per +7 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 (+2 vs fear) } HP 16/16 |||| Jakur (Cougar) AC 19. H{ 20/20) (111 posts)
Pacus Bursio

M 1/2 Orc Courtly Hunter | Init +2 | Per +6 | AC 21 / T 13 / FF 18 | HP 10/10 | Saves F +4/R +4/W +2]
Angela (Leopard):
| Init +5 | Per +9 | AC 19/T 16/FF 14|HP 12/12| Saves F+4/R +8/W +1
(6 posts)
Balazar's Eidolon
Padrig the Eidolon

Protean Eodolon┃Init+4┃Per +7┃Hp:30/30┃AC:26┃T 14┃FF 16┃CMD 20 (can't be tripped)┃F:3 R: 8 W:4┃ 21Hp/30┃Speed 20/Fly 40(Good)┃Bite +10 (d8+3 + grab, 10 ft reach), tail slap +4 (1d6+2)┃Grapple +10┃
evasion┃Resist acid, sonic, electricity 20
Acrobatics +9┃Bluff +5┃Climb +10┃Fly +13┃Stealth +10
(14 posts)
Smaar Janderfut
Pavel the druid

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2] (80 posts)
Ishani Dhatri
(35 posts)
Lucretia Daellum Adella

HP 21/21 | Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +7 AC 15 | Init +4 | Per +4 Female Duskwalker Shaman 3 (141 posts)

Male Blond haired tall 14 year old Shapechanger (amimal forms) (36 posts)

Female Human/Avatar of Sehkmet (58 posts)
Sandpoint Cleric

aka George Investigator L2 with Psychic Sensitivity Hp 12/17. | AC 15 (T 12, F 13) | F +1 R +5 W +4 +1 vs aberrations +3 to hit | CMB +3, CMD 15 | Init +2, Per +9 (183 posts)
Axe Lord
Sir Haldern

Sir Haldern Male Human (Taldan) L16 Paladin (Shining Knight) HP 164/164┃AC 35+, Tch 12+, FF 35+, CMD 35+┃Init +1, Per 0
HP 164/164┃AC 35+, Tch 12+, FF 35+, CMD 35+┃Init +1, Per 0 Fort +23, Ref +17, Will +22 +1 vs evil outsider
Jensal Stats:
HP 124/124 AC 34 Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +6
(325 posts)

Male Human and Leopard (Solvi AC 15, Bissi: AC 29) (Solvi 41/41 HP, Bissi 38/39 HP) Lvl 4 Hunter (197 posts)
S’kkk’aaa’rrrk the Shadow
(70 posts)

Female (masquerading as male) civilized Yar-Ammonite Druid | HP 14/14 | AC 17 T 11 FF 16 | Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +4 | Init +1 | Per +6 | Speed 30 ft | (13 posts)

Male Cat raised by rabbits L1 Bard (23 posts)
Tobar Johnson

Male Human Hunter (L1) HP 1/8 AC 15 Touch 15 FF 11, F +2 R + 6 W +1 | Init +4, Per +5 (161 posts)
Tobar Palar

Female (ex Male) Succubus (ex Human (Varisian)) L3 Succubus/L3 Hinterlander (59 posts)
Ratfolk Sage

EAC 15, KAC 16, Fort +6, Ref +2. Will +2 Male Ysoki Operative (Explorer) Xenoseeker HP 8/8, Stam 6/6, Res 5/5 (55 posts)

Female N Lashunta Mystic (XenoDruid) Wild Warden 1 | Active Conditions: None | SP 12/12, HP 14/14, RP 4/4 EAC 11. KAC 12 | Fort -1, Ref +2, Will + 6 | Per +5 (low light), Sense Motive | Speed 30 ft | Telepathy 30 ft (166 posts)
Vralk The Thrush

HP 4/4 | Fort + 0 Ref +4 Will +4 AC 16 Touch 16 Flat 14 | Init +2 | Per +5 Female Thrush Familiar (8 posts)
Blue Hesmene

Male CG Skittermander Ace Pilot Operative (Ghost) 4 | Active Conditions: None | SP 18/18, HP 20/20, RP 5/5 EAC 16. KAC 17 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will + 3 | Per +5 (low light), Sense Motive +1 | Speed 40 ft | Hyper 1/1 Six armed (426 posts)