HP 9/9 | AC 18, T 15, FF 14 | CMD 14 | F +4, R +7, W +1 | Init +6 Perc +6
All good on the map. And good job on it too!
Mouth full of venison, chewing happily, Culver says, "ThwiSth if rWreely Goodth..." He pauses to swallow, then wipes his mouth on the back of his sleeve and grins, "Seriously, Good job. 'Compliments to the chef!"
"So...I have a question." From his spot near the fire, the halfling glances around at everyone in turn. "While things are kinda quiet right now, they're sure to get a bit more wild tomorrow or at the day after at most. What do we really know about this place we're going? Like, we all know the rumors and what the other candidates have said, but..."
Culver shrugs, surprisingly sounding much less naive and fun-loving than usual, and a bit more mature than maybe he usually lets on. "What do we KNOW, and what are we planning to do once we get there? What do we all bring to the table, so to say?"
While most of the group may have not ever seen this side of the halfling scoundrel, Grobradon has, which he knows means that Culver actually is taking things seriously, despite his demeanor.
HP 9/9 | AC 18, T 15, FF 14 | CMD 14 | F +4, R +7, W +1 | Init +6 Perc +6
Betzolte Ironhame wrote:
Betzolte raises an eyebrow at Culver's words.
"Garth's speech got to you a bit, seems like," she comments. "Never really seen you be nervous before..."
Culver winks,"Not nervous exactly. Cautious. Yeah, that's the word. Rabid armadillos are NOT to be underestimated..."
At the Camp
One moment, Culver is unrolling his bedroll, setting up his personal space in camp, small though it might be. And the next, Maidie is screeching, and the blonde-haired rogue spins, dropping into a crouch as he does so, drawing two daggers as he moves.
A long pause follows as Culver takes in the situation and then sheathes his blades with a chuckle, "Maidie, don't DO that! Hey, Keth. Good to see you." He then turns sheepishly and goes back to his efforts, muttering quietly to himself, "Nope. Not nervous at all...
"Huh? Something moving? Like what? An angry bear? A stalking Wolf? A rabid armadillo?" A slight pause, followed by a defensive response to any odd looks, "What? It could happen. You don't know..."
Beyond that, however, Culver is really of little use in picking and setting up a camp. To that end, he begins to expound upon that fact to anyone willing to listen, all the while taking in what the others are doing so he can learn...which he also comments upon.
HP 9/9 | AC 18, T 15, FF 14 | CMD 14 | F +4, R +7, W +1 | Init +6 Perc +6
Dropping out of "Spoilervision" as well...
DM-Salsa wrote:
Coldanna smiles as she enjoys breakfast and the banter between the two of you. She even laughs when Culver brings up Mayor Uptal's love of Trelvar's special recipe sausages and the incident with Betzolte and Casina. It's not everyday magic goes awry like that. Colbin Ventar being in the middle of the mess only made the memory that much more enjoyable.
It's about this time you hear a distant scream coming from the direction of Casina's aunt's and uncle's house.
The blonde-haired rogue jolts at the sudden disruption, darting out of his chair and almost toppling the mug he'd been about to sip. "What was that??"
Culver moves towards the door (knowing he'd be too short to see out the window, and opens it, stepping out a few paces and looking around to see if anyone was reacting in terror or not). "Grob! What was that all about? I can't get caught overreacting again...charging down the street with weapons out or something...not like that time I saw a lot of smoke and I took off yelling that there was a fire at Maidie's house and it turned out that they were just doing some work with their forge...And everyone came running for nothing. Boy, were they mad! The council made me do chores around town for a week!"
There's a pause, and the halfling looks antsy as he glances back and forth between the street and the Druid. "Should we...?"
Everything and everyone is good, and I truly appreciate the comments.
It was an entirely too busy week, one of those wtf is going on? kinda things.
And yes, I did under-estimate the time involved in launching this, especially with the mash-up I'm planning. So there's that. I've run games before, tabletop, but it's much different for this.
I am slightly postponing the start of the game, but just to get my bearings, but not indefinitely. I'll take a day or so, and then give you guys a timeframe. At the moment, I'd say two weeks. I'll update if needed.
HP 9/9 | AC 18, T 15, FF 14 | CMD 14 | F +4, R +7, W +1 | Init +6 Perc +6
Culver's Meeting:
"Ah, Young Culver! Just the halfling I wished to see. May I have a minute of your time? You are familiar with the Quest of the Everflame and the festival afterwards that we hold every year, yes? I have decided and the council has agreed that you should be one of the ones sent on the Quest this year. I asked Master Trelvar to release you from your work so that you could spend some time with your mother and prepare yourself for the event. The trip to the Crypt of the Everflame is not a short nor easy one, but I am confident that you will be able to handle it splendidly." He smiles, obviously trying to be friendly, though it does come off as a bit condescending as he looks down at you. "Do you have any questions that you'd like me to answer before I go on my next errand," he asks.
Culver looks up from where the array of mugs he'd been cleaning were arrayed across the table and grins, "Why good morning, Mayor. You sure you're not lost? You and the Council are really sending me along for the Crypt run? Honest?"
The blonde halfling cocks his head slightly in an almost canine manner, and purses his lips, obviously thinking. "Well, y'know, I am rather busy. These tankards aren't going to clean themselvers, and there's a whole host of silverware back in the kitchen in need of polishing...not sure I can clear my schedule..."
Culver grins, "But for the sake of the town and tradition, I suppose my mother and my uncle..." (Off in the corner, Jimes mutters "I ain't yer uncle.") "...they'll just have to do without me."
A pause, then the rogue asks, "When do we leave? Oh, and is there any sort of reward involved?"
I know, I know. * sheepish grin *
You were correct, and Real Life did indeed swallow me up over the last three days, Adam.
Sunday was my daughter's 16th birthday.
Sunday night into Monday we all got sick with headcolds. (Me too) Doctor appointment was necessary for my youngest.
Also yesterday we discovered my beagle had injured her paw on the bottom of our fence while chasing a squirrel, and tore a quarter-sized chuck out of the top.
A vet visit was required to the Animal Hospital today. (Only place we could get in)
Altogether, not fun.
My apologies. Life happens...this time, too quickly. lol
I'll have a post up tomorrow, guys to open the Game thread. I appreciate your patience.
HP 9/9 | AC 18, T 15, FF 14 | CMD 14 | F +4, R +7, W +1 | Init +6 Perc +6
I know, I know. * sheepish grin *
You were correct, Salsa, and Real Life did indeed swallow me up over the last three days.
Sunday was my daughter's 16th birthday.
Sunday night into Monday we all got sick with headcolds. (Me too) Doctor appointment was necessary for my youngest.
Also yesterday we discovered my beagle had injured her paw on the bottom of our fence while chasing a squirrel, and tore a quarter-sized chuck out of the top.
A vet visit was required to the Animal Hospital today. (Only place we could get in)
Altogether, not fun.
My apologies. Life happens...this time, too quickly. lol
The deadline has indeed passed. I'll be going over the characters and announcing the party members tomorrow. (Mon. 10/2) Today's my daughter's 16th birthday, and I'll be occuppied for most of it.
Here's my understanding of those still wanting to play:
The Applicants:
AdamWarnock: Ping Ibbleting Female Gnome Sorcerer
If I've gotten something wrong, please let me know and I'll adjust it.
Starting Premise:
The party will be traveling with a caravan of wagons that are delivering pots, pans, mead, ale, and pickled fish to taverns along the road, with the final stop being in a town called Belhaim.
You've been traveling for almost two weeks, having made three stops already, with two to go. One in Oakhurst, and another in Belahim. Each of you is making 50 gp each for this run, (10 gp per stop) and have recieved 30 gp already.
Ok, after a cursory glance at the very cool characters, I'm going to try something. There are currently 8 of you. I planned to take 6 characters. I've decided to have everyone play along until the group gets to Belhaim. (Probably a few weeks of play in real time). At that point, if things are working well, everyone stays. If not, players will have the option of leaving the story, or if it's too much for me and necessary, I'll trim two characters. My goal will be to keep everyone.
Does that seem fair to you guys?
As for you, Jacob Trier, would you be interested in NPCing as the lead caravan wagon driver, and owner of transport service? He'd mostly stay with the wagons and all that, unless the wagons themselves come under attack. At the moment, he's a blank slate, non-adventurering NPC. Have fun with it. (If you're not interested, no worries. I'll cook something up.)
So, all of you are invited to DOT in on the Gameplay thread (once it's up tomorrow) and then delete it, to add your character to the Game. (You guys known the drill)
Feel free to keep offering opinions, but after seeing the current responses, I think I'm probably gonna pull up my big-boy pants and do the mash-up.
It'll be less word-for-word adventures and more customized storyline, tailored to the characters and whatever you guys bring to it.
Feel free to change character submissions if you want. (Not encouraging it, just allowing it. I like who you guys have submitted currently, but to be fair, this one DOES include a Dragon. Might change someone's mind...)
Wow GM Plastic Dragon I seemed to have missed the invitation. I just happened to check this thread out and saw that Robert Henry had posted my name as having been invited.
When did the invites go out?
Also if you have, since its been while since you started, filled the spot I will understand otherwise I can get something put together fairly quickly, especially if you have a solid idea of what you might need to help the game the most. So let me know GM Plastic Dragon how things stands. I will read back through the posts to see what is what but wanted to put this out there just in case.
Yours, on Sun. SEPT 17th, check your messages, DeJ. I told you there you were welcome to play, but I understood your aversion to "contests", and that I would be choosing 6 characters out of the applications. You're still welcome to apply, since you mentioned interest then, along with your advice.
HP 9/9 | AC 18, T 15, FF 14 | CMD 14 | F +4, R +7, W +1 | Init +6 Perc +6
Grobradon wrote:
Okay, here we go, some ideas on how Grobradon might interact with other PCs, each idea totally subject to each player of that character's approval.
Yeah, this could work:
The profile says "Culver usually gets along with everyone, even if he’s somehow irritating to them" and I'm going to go with that. Also Culver has a good charisma, so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say despite Grobradon's guarded nature, he LIKES Culver; as much as any guarded introvert can like an open and geniunely decent extrovert. Grobradon is probably agog at the absolute heaping amounts of Bulls**t that the little halfling can scatter about and may have even referenced that Culver dispenses more fertalizer than any other ten people in the village, but Grobradon still listens to the stories with some quiet amusement with a real laugh escaping when his guard is down.
Grobradon is aware that, shady skills or not, Culver is a nicer person than he is; and so if asked to be a look out or the like, won't resist being dragged along. Whatever Culver is up to, Grobradon is sure it's not meant out of cruelty. Besides, the little fellow might need a wiser head to help him out of whatever he gets into. Grobradon is also amazed that someone who can talk that much can move so quietly.
I think that I'd like to add to all that the fact that Culver's grown up around Kassen, and has seen how poorly Grob's uncle treats him, and so the mischievious halfling will (or will have at least suggested) random and mostly harmless pranks on Colbin. Culver will see the half-orc as somewhat of an underdog like himself. (albiet one who can DEFINITELY defend himself). Young Mr. Cobbletoss will likely consider Grob a good friend.
* Looks around at everyone who's got two submissions turned in and feels the awkward peer pressure that he resists, but yearns to surrender to. *
"You know you want to..."
"Everybody's doing it."
*Years later, he knows he'll be seated in a circle of fellow addicts.*
"Hi. My name is Plastc Dragon. And I have alt-itis."
Everyone there, "Hi, Dragonnn..."
I apologize for any inconvience or irritation, but this is an INVITATION only game, based on an Interest Check I posted some time ago, and applications are only open to the players I contacted there.
* Cue the Soundrack Music! *
Episode One: The Sunless Citadel
It is a period of quiet unrest in between all too many civil wars.
Eldritch Knights, daring maidens, dashing scoundrels, heroic adventures, and righteous quests...These were once the legacies of old Taldor, a formerly-proud empire that has since fallen from its former glory.
Now rival nobles battle each other with bitter knights and proxy armies for personal power rather than honor. The Eldritch Legion that once fought for peace and justice is a lost and broken order. Taldor’s former region-states, now kingdoms of their very own, look down upon her with contempt. A fragile, smoldering truce with Qadira once again threatens to ignite the flames of war.
All this while worried rumors filter through the streets that dark cultists in Qadira, the Dark Jewel of the East, are creating a an airborne armada and a massive flying fortress with the firepower to destroy whole cities in its wake.
Meanwhile, far from the noble houses and stature of Oppara, the capital of Taldor, there are people living simple lives, far from the pain and fury of War. These common folk, going about their day to day lives, or who perhaps seek to remain out of sight of the local authorities, may soon find themselves thrust into the spotlight of history…
Evil Grows Beneath The Earth
Why should anyone travel the cracked cobblestones of the Old Road? The fortress that once cast its shadow across the road does so no longer. Some whisper that the earth swallowed the dwarven fortress whole in retribution for foul rituals performed there.. Four brave adventurers resolved to discover the truth and find their fortunes set off down the Old Road weeks ago, but they never returned…Their townsfolk are worried. Will you answer the call?
The Requirements Will be:
Build: 20 point buy system OR 4d6, drop the lowest, for six stats.
RulesCore rulebook ONLY. Nothing "Unchained". No Elephant in the Room.
TraitEach character will be allowed (1) Trait. AP Traits will be considered on a case to case basis, but NOT automatically allowed. No Flaws.
Hit Points: Max at 1st, Rolled thereafter, minimum ½ HD per level.
Funds: Average starting gold for class
Posting Rate Post Daily if possible, min.5 posts per/week. Communicate if there will be absences if necessary. Life Happens.
The Party: 6 characters based on background and fit. Any characters not chosen will be first in line should other characters leave, and possibly offered NPC roles as the game progresses.
Alignments No evil. It’s up the the Players to explain why characters are staying.
Dieties: I will allow either Greyhawk or Golarion dieties for this game.
My comments were not intended as anything other than a clarification of my thinking process on the matter of choosing characters for my game, based on a few heated conversations I have seen as of late, which I do not intend to rehash here.
Nothing was intended as a jab at anyone, and if I somehow ruffled any feathers, my apologies. I hope that is not the case.
No worries, Mr. Henry. :) I'm a sucker for reunions.
Ok, so after doing some reading of both adventures, I think that when I start this, we'll begin with Sunless Citadel, THEN if there's still interest, into the Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands.
I have an idea to tie the Sunless/Shadowed locations together with an overarching story. There's some definite similarities that could make this work, methinks.
DJ, basically what you offered Black Dow was "I'm sorry, but here's why what I said and how I said it was ok."
I think that, after seeing this back and forth, I'm going to back out of the Colony game. Too much of a Rules Lawyering thing in Shadow Dark for my taste.
No hard feelings, folks. Everyone plays their own way.
Happy Gaming.
NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual
NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual
Thank ye. Somehow I missed that. Or rather, I remember reading it, but it didn't register. * yawn * Got up too early for a Saturday, methinks. lol
"She's coming up FAST!" Dak calls out, gritting his teeth with the light freighter grows larger and larger in the viewport as the two ships charge directly at each other!
Nothing new. Just atmospheric and for tension. LOL
NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual
So. Learning new things every day. Like the fact that I hate ships.
As a less-than-stellar swimmer, Rhaedlaf had planned to spend most of the voyage below decks, studying his spells, the mage had discovered to his absolute horror that he was, in fact, rather prone to sea-sickness, and had spent the entirety of the journey so far at the rail, vomiting, or wishing that he could.
Puffy-eyed and feeling frail, the magic-user drew some comfort from the fact that the row boats were far less likely to induce more nausea, and did his best to be amicable as he stowed his gear aboard one and found a spot to secure himself.
"So. This is fun, eh?" he muttered and sighed.
Back. Was MIA with some serious OT the last two days. Apologies. Wasn't expecting it or I would have warned you guys."
NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual
Quiet during the entire encounter, having entered silently after they'd begin and then simply nodding and perhaps brooding as the conversation drew on, Raedlaf purses his lips and arches a bushy eyebrow, "Done. A question, however: Have you access to potions that would allow one to breathe under water, or might you know where we could find draughts like this?"
A small pause and a glance around the table at his newfound business partners and the mage shrugs, "I like to be prepared for possible...especially probable...contingencies.
NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual
Just saw this. I wasn't trying to be a Diva or overly dramatic...lol Re-reading my comment it kinda reads that way.
Ok, after some consideration, I'll give it shot and try to keep up. I really do like the characters and you folks are really quite talented, so it's worth giving it a go.
NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual
While technically a conjurer, Rhaed will cast as a generalist wizard for the most part, excluding necromancy and enchantment. He's more of a battlefield controller than a blaster, to be sure. Though, he won't forego damage dealing spells altogether.
And he has a healing-ish spell of his own, as well. ;)
NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual
The bearded wizard turns back toward the dour-faced dwarf and the smile leaves his face. His tone isn't rude, but it's no longer jovial when he speaks, "I bear no good will towards anyone who practices the dark arts, delves into the animation of the dead, nor with anyone who meddles in matters infernally arcane. I am a wizard of the conjuration school, madam, and I am good at my craft." A pause, and then a slight smirk, "Though I am absolutely horrible when it comes to enchanting things...unlike your talented friend there."
NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual
Small note on Rhaedlaf's manner of speaking: He talks a lot. He chatters, and obviously likes the sound of his own voice. (Think Tony Stark, but less charming or smart) This is intentional and not because I simply like to type dialogue. :D So, feel free, so long as it's not TOO rude, once the characters get to know each other, to tell him to cut it out.
Also, Mr. Clint, did Rhaedlaf know anything about the Gloamhold that he overheard the drunk gentleman muttering about? Rolled a 19 on Knowledge check...
Thanks for the kind words, Straug. I miss you guys already.
If somehow, you guys don't find a replacement, or are somehow in need of another player when I'm feeling better I'd be more than happy to return to this game. Of all the pbp stuff I've done around here, this is my favorite. It feels almost like a tabletop game, and that's the highest compliment I can give it. You rock, Dread.
That being said, I'm not egotistical enough to want you guys to wait around on me, either, and I'd hate to hold your game up any more than I already have. I already feel bad enough for that.
Human Scoundrel - Pilot 1 | HP 19/19 | Defense R16 / F12 / W13
* Back at the Ship *
Robbidon's voice crackles over the comm to the droid, "Ok, Lemm. Let's run the diagnostics on that again, real quick. Looks like it's should be fully functional, but it's slightly misaligned with the controls in here."
The sound of sparks and a yelp of surprise is quickly followed by Robb's probably embarrassed and hurried words, "Nevermind. The problem's in here. I've got it. All under control."
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
Bharaz Silverhelm wrote:
Ah yes, I intended it to work with chosen feat line (a huge waste of feats to not use them on my weapon) and have been meaning to write up the story of it. The idea being that it is a holy relic of his cult, being that it is an axe made of liquid! So the blade is literally holy ale, the perfect weapon of his God. And I liked the idea of it being so large and unwieldy that he required the literal blessing of his God to wield it. What are your suggestions on resolving this issue?
A holy, dwarven-relic weapon made up of solidified ale?? SO cool.
Dunno if this is something I could work into my schedule, but MAN it's ambitious and sounds cool. Good luck on this...I'll be watching from the wings, regardless.
There are a number of Arcane casters being rolled, so I'm working on a Human or Half-Elven Bard. (Just to make it on the list of applicants. :) )
Question: Would you allow an Inspiring Commander archetype of the Cavalier? It's not mount-based, and is more or less a blend of Cavalier and Bard. Figured it couldn't hurt to ask. :)
Human Scoundrel - Pilot 1 | HP 19/19 | Defense R16 / F12 / W13
Robbidon gestures around the bay, almost comically, "Buddy, if it gets us outta whatever trouble THIS is, I'd steal a herd of tautaun and ride off into the wilderness...if there were wilderness up here, that is."
The pilot holsters his blaster and looks nervously back at the blast doors then over at Lemm, "Which one IS it supposed to be, anyway? Pretty sure I can fly most of these too." This last bit is directed at Lakoneous with a nod.