Heroes of the Heartlands

Game Master wanderer82

more to come shortly....

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male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Greetings one and all, to this most auspicious of gatherings! I am most excited to venture forth on this cooperative storytelling endeavor with each of you. Over the next few days we will handle any and all final adjustments to characters. To start, please roll your hit points here in thread. You get max for first level, roll the rest. If below half (3 on d6, 4 on d8, 5 on d10), you take half instead. In addition, you get to reroll 1 level's hit die.

I have a few other boons in store, but I will wait for everyone to dot in and introduce themselves before I address those.

Human Female Arcanist LVL 6 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 23 (T17, FF16) | Init: +5 | Perception: +7 Normal Vision | Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +6 | CMB: +5 | CMD: 17 | Speed: 60 | SKILLS | Appraise +11 | Artistry +16/+17 | Craft: +17 | Diplomacy +8 | KR +11 | KA, KD, KNa, KP +10 | KG, KH +8 | KE, KNo +7 | Linguistics +7 | Perform +3 | Ride +4 | Spellcraft +10 | UMD +9 | Arcane Pool 5/9

Welcome, everyone.
Health Rolls: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4) = 8

Reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 1 Well, half it is.

Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17

Hit Point Rolls: 3d10 ⇒ (10, 8, 7) = 25

Nothing I'm going to complain about, to be sure.

Human Female Arcanist LVL 6 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 23 (T17, FF16) | Init: +5 | Perception: +7 Normal Vision | Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +6 | CMB: +5 | CMD: 17 | Speed: 60 | SKILLS | Appraise +11 | Artistry +16/+17 | Craft: +17 | Diplomacy +8 | KR +11 | KA, KD, KNa, KP +10 | KG, KH +8 | KE, KNo +7 | Linguistics +7 | Perform +3 | Ride +4 | Spellcraft +10 | UMD +9 | Arcane Pool 5/9

I'm eyeing those d10s and nice rolls with jealousy... ;0

HP: 3d8 ⇒ (1, 5, 8) = 14

Reroll 1: 1d8 ⇒ 3

Hey, slightly better than average. Neat.

I'll have a proper alias up for Irving later.

Glad to be here! Now, for those rolls...

HP: 10 + 3d8 + 16 ⇒ 10 + (4, 5, 7) + 16 = 42

Male Half Elf Druid (Nature Priest) 4 HP: 36/36| AC: 18/14/15| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +9| Init: +3| Perc: +13| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Sling: +6;1d4| Scythe: +6;2d4+4| Hero:3
Acro:+3| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Althe:+2| Diplo:+1|Disg:+0|E.A:+0|H.A:+4|Heal:+19|Inti:+0|K.Nat:+11|K.Reli:+11|K.Geo+ 11|K.Pla:+7|Ling:+7|Ride:+0|SM:+5|Sleight:+0|Spell:+8|Stealth:+2|Sur:+10|UM D:+0|Prof:Farm:+8|

One Druidic Priest reporting in.

hp: 3d8 ⇒ (1, 6, 7) = 14
reroll 1: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Well now it seems my HP would be.

8 + 4 + 6 + 7 = 25

Turmish bard 1 Urogue 3 HPs:25/25, AC:20*|15|15 (*+1 vs traps, cold/electric/fire resist 5), Fort+3, Ref+12 (Evasion), Will+5 - Per:+10 (+5 traps, +4 conversation/hidden, +1 surprise,darkvision 120',low-light vision)Init:+5,CMD:18

Greetings, and well met!

hps: 8 + 3d8 ⇒ 8 + (3, 1, 5) = 17

reroll 1: 1d8 ⇒ 2 Yikes. The dicebot doesn't appreciate Rajiv's need to survive!

I believe that's 13 hps, correct? Rajiv is apparently of delicate constitution. XD

ETA: Oops, forgot the full-at-first. 21 seems a bit more survivable!

Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17

Just stand behind me. 47 hps isn't a ton, but it will have to do.
Btw, Hi folks. Glad to be here, as well. Looking forward to adventuring with ya'.

Don't forget that you get 1/2 as a minimum. So for Raj, it's HP with FCB: 8 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 4 = 25

That's a bit better.

Male Half Elf Druid (Nature Priest) 4 HP: 36/36| AC: 18/14/15| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +9| Init: +3| Perc: +13| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Sling: +6;1d4| Scythe: +6;2d4+4| Hero:3
Acro:+3| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Althe:+2| Diplo:+1|Disg:+0|E.A:+0|H.A:+4|Heal:+19|Inti:+0|K.Nat:+11|K.Reli:+11|K.Geo+ 11|K.Pla:+7|Ling:+7|Ride:+0|SM:+5|Sleight:+0|Spell:+8|Stealth:+2|Sur:+10|UM D:+0|Prof:Farm:+8|

Hmm looking at our party we seemed to be a pretty typical forgotten realm party akin to the harpers.

Bharaz Silverhelm Dwarf Warpriest 4
Baerlon Greymantle Human Cavalier 4
Dalgar Carver Half-Elf Druid 4
Irving Skriven Skinwalker Investigator 4
Pelipe Lightdriver Human Arcanist 4
Rajiv Rao Tiefling Rogue 4

Anyone of us the typical trouble seeker cause I see we have leader. (its ok, I nominate you Baerlon. :) )

I'll likely prepare two slots of cure light wounds and for party to take note.
I also give +2 insight bonus on skill checks to notice or avoid natural hazards, difficult terrain, and rough winds or water, as well as on saving throws against natural hazards.

Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17

Keep in mind, while tactically Baer is pretty clever, he's only got a 12 chr since his archetype uses Int over Chr.

His abilities, btw, are very similar to bard bonuses, (inspire courage, competence, etc), but mundane in nature rather than magical. Also, when in melee either flanking or attacking the same enemy as him, he can offer to hit or ac bonuses as well.

It’s a good looking party. Has plenty of arcane, divine and support with a strong front line. A good mix of races, and when it comes to character play style no overlap.

But just to brag...with Cha14, Bharaz has one of the highest Cha scores in the group. That’s a novel feeling playing a dwarf!

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Good morning, one and all. Glad to see everyone dotting in within 12 hours of my post, it makes the pacing of this game look most promising. I am also already appreciating the interplay on this page between everyone - chat it up! And yes, I was looking to build a well rounded party that can support itself across multiple facets. I would say the one potential 'weak spot' would be ranged combat, but you can just charge in to solve that!

I have spent some time this morning reviewing details on your characters and have a few notes to address (some of which I identified during my pre-selection review, but waited until now to bring up).

Rajiv Rao:

Your base ability scores (before racial modifiers and the +1 for 4th level) only add up to 76, not 78, points. So you have 2 points to add as you so wish.

Unfortunately, Accomplished Sneak Attacker states that your total sneak attack dice cannot exceed half your level (rounded up). As such, at 4th, even though you have the feat, you would still be limited to 2d6. The feat would only aid you on odd levels, effectively increasing your sneak attack dice on the chart one level early. In the end, the feat serves the person who dips into rogue the best. You may be planning to multiclass, and if so, that is fine. I just wanted to point out that you are welcome to select another feat in place of this if you would like to adjust.

I missed where you listed your compiled Class Abilties on your character sheet. I did see a note that one of your rogue talents is Esoteric Scholar, what other one did you select?

Irving Skriven:

I see you opted for the 18 point build over your rolls (due, no doubt, to the four odds you had). That said, it looks like you neglected to add your +1 from 4th level. So, feel free to do so now.

It also looks like you included the +2 to Dex as a permanent part of your ability scores. I was actually going to tell you to do this, as I find it rather weakening for the race to only get that for part of the time.

Can you explain your miscellaneous modifier for Heal? I see the +1 from trait, +2 from class, and +5 from magic item, but then the +2 from healer's kit would take it to +10, no?

By your notes it looks like you overspent on gold. You listed the +1 rapier at 2k, when it would be 2320 gp (2000 for +1, 300 for masterwork, 20 for rapier). That said, you charged yourself 3000 gp for the Healer's Gloves, which are 2500 gp. So, should be easy enough to work out. Also, if there is any "adventuring gear" you would like, please purchase it now. A class kit might be an easy option. Also, Surgeon's Tools and a Boline are excellent additions to compliment the Healer's Kit.

Baerlon Greymantle:

Your archetype takes away Heavy Armor Proficiency , but I noticed you took Field Plate for armor. Did I miss where you got heavy armor prof from? Admittedly, it is a little strange for an archetype that says "you lead from the front" to remove heavy armor, but I am thinking it may have been to offset the significant benefit Rapid Tactician has over Tactician (move vs standard action, more uses per day, add Int + Dex to initiative). Given the only slight difference, I might recommend Breastplate instead of the Field Plate?

You also have a LOT of gold left to spend. Perhaps make your armor, shield, and sword all magical? Hell, a +1 Breastplate costs 1350 gp, the same amount as your masterwork field plate. Coincidence, or divine providence?

Pelipe Lightdriver:

I am a bit confused by your Favored Class Bonus. You selected the "elf" FCB, which for Arcanist is +1 point to arcane reservoir (which is a gray phrasing that is up for debate as to game effect), but you listed information for the teleportation ability shift. Could you clarify for me?

Your Arcane Exploits vs Archetype also gets hung up. Your class noramlly provides 2 Arcane Exploits (1st, 3rd) but those are replaced by the Bloodline granted by your Archetype. You then spent one feat to gain an extra Arcane Exploit. So, this would give you a total of one, but on your sheet you list four (Armored Mask, Quick Study, Shift Caster, Craft Wondrous Item w/ the feat). Maybe you didn't account for the loss of the Arcane Exploits because of your Bloodline, but even then, that still presents an additional with no source. If that is the case, please confirm, and you will only need to drop one Arane Exploit, as a post later today will solve your problem. If not, please clarify.

At a glance it looks like Shift Caster is the outlier, and given that you cannot yet take a form without the necessary apparatus for casting (hands and a mouth), you really have little need for it at this level (beast shape, a 3rd level spell, would be your first opportunity, and you get a new exploit at both 5th and 7th level).

Bharaz Silverhelm:

I like the "re-skin" of Scarred as a drawback. A massive religious tattoo on your face might make deception a bit tricky.

The Butchering Axe is kind of nuts, especially as an item made of alchemical glass. Besides the beer stein structure, is this some relic discovered in a lost tomb, or do you have a story behind it for your character? You have a plan with Bull's Strength to handle the -2 to hit (boosting Str to 19 or above). Trying to get the energy of it. Also, Weapon of the Chosen is listed as applying to your deity's favored weapon, which you asked to be unarmed strike instead of axes (greataxe), so how is it applying to this axe now?

Finally, please add your background, appearance, and personality into your avatar (they are back in your post from Jan 25th).

Dalgar Carver:

Perhaps I missed it, but what did you select for your Favored Class Bonus for each level? On skills it looks like you spent 32 ranks (by my calculations you should have 28 (4 base + 2 int + 1 campaign), is that where you placed the FCB? Also, as you invested in Healer's Hands, you might want to move 2 more skill points into Know (planes), so you can get most use out of the feat. Just a thought.

You might want to consider Lamellar (leather) for armor instead of Hide. It's only a few gold more, and as light armor, would not inhibit your speed. Also, Surgeon's Tools and a Boline are excellent additions to compliment the Healer's Kit.

Alright, that was a ton of typing. I will have a few more posts coming up shortly to address a couple more things, but for now I need to run a few errands. See you all soon!

Ah yes, I intended it to work with chosen feat line (a huge waste of feats to not use them on my weapon) and have been meaning to write up the story of it. The idea being that it is a holy relic of his cult, being that it is an axe made of liquid! So the blade is literally holy ale, the perfect weapon of his God. And I liked the idea of it being so large and unwieldy that he required the literal blessing of his God to wield it. What are your suggestions on resolving this issue?

Turmish bard 1 Urogue 3 HPs:25/25, AC:20*|15|15 (*+1 vs traps, cold/electric/fire resist 5), Fort+3, Ref+12 (Evasion), Will+5 - Per:+10 (+5 traps, +4 conversation/hidden, +1 surprise,darkvision 120',low-light vision)Init:+5,CMD:18


By the gods! That is good news indeed! I'm obscenely tempted to put those extra points into his Intelligence (or, more boringly but also more effective for his role, Dexterity), but... with the way I rolled, it may be a bit more wise to put them into Constitution. Certainly the dicebot and I have been adversaries for many a year. I'm willing to hear any advice, if you or anyone else has some?

Drat, I should have double-checked the feat. Good catch! Though, dipping a level of Investigator for the tasty, tasty Knowledge class skills is tempting... Oh Pathfinder, why do you torment me so? D: (Though I suppose Pelipe the arcanist might have Knowledge covered?) I'll have a look to see if there are any other feats that are as charming as I thought this one was, give some more thought to his future of leveling up, and get back to you, if it's all right.

I do believe I neglected to gather all his class abilities anywhere - I'll update that together with (potentially) the feat. His two talents are Canny Observer and Esoteric Scholar.

Human Female Arcanist LVL 6 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 23 (T17, FF16) | Init: +5 | Perception: +7 Normal Vision | Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +6 | CMB: +5 | CMD: 17 | Speed: 60 | SKILLS | Appraise +11 | Artistry +16/+17 | Craft: +17 | Diplomacy +8 | KR +11 | KA, KD, KNa, KP +10 | KG, KH +8 | KE, KNo +7 | Linguistics +7 | Perform +3 | Ride +4 | Spellcraft +10 | UMD +9 | Arcane Pool 5/9

Oh wow...embarrassed now! I had her initially an 8th level character when I first conceived her. I forgot to remove some things from my sheet, evidently! Also, I was toying between a regular arcanist and the blood arcanist for a while and made edits I forgot about to my sheet. I forgot to erase some stuff and eventually (somehow) thought that my character was set up properly. Scary. Anyways...hopefully, that should clean things up.

Removed: Craft Wondrous Item, Shift Caster mentioning, Shift FCB, changed feat lineup.

In regards to the Shift FCB, I had misunderstood. I thought that because the Arcanist is a Sorcerer/Wizard build, I could elect to choose from those lists too, but in reviewing those rules, it's not like the ninja, where it can pull from a rogue list. It is a completely separate class (not an archetype). I think it's a tie between whether I will go with +4HP or the halfling FCB, but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything. Did you mean, by chance that, "additionally" we get the FCB of any race (I would get the 4hp + if I chose halfling for me it also would be at 4/6) or that I have the additional option to choose any race's bonus?

Human Female Arcanist LVL 6 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 23 (T17, FF16) | Init: +5 | Perception: +7 Normal Vision | Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +6 | CMB: +5 | CMD: 17 | Speed: 60 | SKILLS | Appraise +11 | Artistry +16/+17 | Craft: +17 | Diplomacy +8 | KR +11 | KA, KD, KNa, KP +10 | KG, KH +8 | KE, KNo +7 | Linguistics +7 | Perform +3 | Ride +4 | Spellcraft +10 | UMD +9 | Arcane Pool 5/9

For ranged, I do have spells I can swap out for if needed and a wand of magic missile plus prepared acid arrow fyi. We'll still be weaker than a multishot archer/rogue, but fireball will eventually trump that, hopefully.

wanderer82 wrote:

I see you opted for the 18 point build over your rolls (due, no doubt, to the four odds you had). That said, it looks like you neglected to add your +1 from 4th level. So, feel free to do so now.

It also looks like you included the +2 to Dex as a permanent part of your ability scores. I was actually going to tell you to do this, as I find it rather weakening for the race to only get that for part of the time.

Whoops, yeah, I can spend that last point. And thanks! I actually had the +2 listed as permanent just because it's almost always going to be on when relevant (the change is at-will and has no duration), but this houserule makes bookkeeping a lot easier.

wanderer82 wrote:
Can you explain your miscellaneous modifier for Heal? I see the +1 from trait, +2 from class, and +5 from magic item, but then the +2 from healer's kit would take it to +10, no?

Lessee, +1 trait, +2 class, +5 Gloves is +8...I think it's because I changed traits at some point but not bonus, I believe I had a +2 Heal Trait at some point, let me bump that back down to +8.

I didn't list the Healer's Kit bonus in Misc. because I won't be using it on every check; Incredible Healer lets me make checks without the kit, so it's only for situational +2 penalties.

wanderer82 wrote:
By your notes it looks like you overspent on gold. You listed the +1 rapier at 2k, when it would be 2320 gp (2000 for +1, 300 for masterwork, 20 for rapier). That said, you charged yourself 3000 gp for the Healer's Gloves, which are 2500 gp. So, should be easy enough to work out. Also, if there is any "adventuring gear" you would like, please purchase it now. A class kit might be an easy option. Also, Surgeon's Tools and a Boline are excellent additions to compliment the Healer's Kit.

Gah. I always forget about the Masterwork weapon cost when making a character from scratch. But I also fumble fingered and bought the wrong Healer's Gloves, so looks like it balances out. =)

Grabbed the Surgeon's Tools and Boline. Intentionally didn't buy adventuring gear since Irving isn't an adventurer; perhaps a bit at odds with him having his magic armor/weapon, but I figured procuring supplies for the road would be simpler when someone tells him he'll be leaving town or whatnot than buying those big ticket items on short notice.

Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17

wanderer82 wrote:

Your archetype takes away Heavy Armor Proficiency , but I noticed you took Field Plate for armor. Did I miss where you got heavy armor prof from? Admittedly, it is a little strange for an archetype that says "you lead from the front" to remove heavy armor, but I am thinking it may have been to offset the significant benefit Rapid Tactician has over Tactician (move vs standard action, more uses per day, add Int + Dex to initiative). Given the only slight difference, I might recommend Breastplate instead of the Field Plate?

You also have a LOT of gold left to spend. Perhaps make your armor, shield, and sword all magical? Hell, a +1 Breastplate costs 1350 gp, the same amount as your masterwork field plate. Coincidence, or divine providence?

Y'know, I have to admit I completely forgot about the armor restriction...obviously...probably for the very reason you state. I know I read it at one point, but then, Zooooom...right out of my brain. Apologies.

As for the changes, I didn't want to seem too greedy in acquiring magic items before the game even started, and figured it was better to go with less and then get told I could purchase more...and I will do so. As far as the Breastplate +1 costing the same as Baerlon's current armor? Obviously, it's fate.

I will make the changes.
EDIT: I MADE the changes. :D

Male Half Elf Druid (Nature Priest) 4 HP: 36/36| AC: 18/14/15| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +9| Init: +3| Perc: +13| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Sling: +6;1d4| Scythe: +6;2d4+4| Hero:3
Acro:+3| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Althe:+2| Diplo:+1|Disg:+0|E.A:+0|H.A:+4|Heal:+19|Inti:+0|K.Nat:+11|K.Reli:+11|K.Geo+ 11|K.Pla:+7|Ling:+7|Ride:+0|SM:+5|Sleight:+0|Spell:+8|Stealth:+2|Sur:+10|UM D:+0|Prof:Farm:+8|

Yes Extra skill points?
From FCB.
Will be looking at Fast learner to just grab both HP and Skill points.
Maybe Add Toughness and Cunning but I feel that maybe overkill since I would like to try the Exile's path feat tree for fluff wise. I mean I wrote that this guy got himself exiled for his actions. The feat looks good enough for that.

Would love to add more skills to Knowledge (Planes) but for now, it's a secondary aid to me. Will pile on the skill points later.

Sticking with Hide for now, to save that few gold and also because I'm looking forward to picking up magical armor and future ironwood.

Boline and Surgeon's Tools purchased.

Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
Bharaz Silverhelm wrote:
It’s a good looking party. Has plenty of arcane, divine and support with a strong front line. A good mix of races, and when it comes to character play style no overlap.

Totally agreed. Very "classic" feel to this group, without any sort of ...'throw away' characters mixed in, if that makes sense? Really liking the way this is firming up.

Bharaz Silverhelm wrote:

But just to brag...with Cha14, Bharaz has one of the highest Cha scores in the group. That’s a novel feeling playing a dwarf!

That IS rather cool.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
Bharaz Silverhelm wrote:
Ah yes, I intended it to work with chosen feat line (a huge waste of feats to not use them on my weapon) and have been meaning to write up the story of it. The idea being that it is a holy relic of his cult, being that it is an axe made of liquid! So the blade is literally holy ale, the perfect weapon of his God. And I liked the idea of it being so large and unwieldy that he required the literal blessing of his God to wield it. What are your suggestions on resolving this issue?

A holy, dwarven-relic weapon made up of solidified ale?? SO cool.

Glad you like it! Had to make it when I saw that there was a Dwarven god of alcohol and brawling. :)

Male Half Elf Druid (Nature Priest) 4 HP: 36/36| AC: 18/14/15| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +9| Init: +3| Perc: +13| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Sling: +6;1d4| Scythe: +6;2d4+4| Hero:3
Acro:+3| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Althe:+2| Diplo:+1|Disg:+0|E.A:+0|H.A:+4|Heal:+19|Inti:+0|K.Nat:+11|K.Reli:+11|K.Geo+ 11|K.Pla:+7|Ling:+7|Ride:+0|SM:+5|Sleight:+0|Spell:+8|Stealth:+2|Sur:+10|UM D:+0|Prof:Farm:+8|

Death by Ale.

so death due to too much Ale?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Female Arcanist LVL 6 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 23 (T17, FF16) | Init: +5 | Perception: +7 Normal Vision | Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +6 | CMB: +5 | CMD: 17 | Speed: 60 | SKILLS | Appraise +11 | Artistry +16/+17 | Craft: +17 | Diplomacy +8 | KR +11 | KA, KD, KNa, KP +10 | KG, KH +8 | KE, KNo +7 | Linguistics +7 | Perform +3 | Ride +4 | Spellcraft +10 | UMD +9 | Arcane Pool 5/9

As long as you share the ale, we'll be best friends.

Will hopefully have something written up by tomorrow to flesh this out. But for spells I’m restricting him to touch spells only, as they take the form of him producing alcohol from his axe and drinking it (or having others do so)

HP 36/36| AC 19 (Touch 14, FF 15); CMD 16|Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +6|Perception +11, Sense Motive +11 (add +1d6 to both)|Low-light vision| Initiative +4|

Don't you know over-consumption of ale is bad for your health?

Male Half Elf Druid (Nature Priest) 4 HP: 36/36| AC: 18/14/15| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +9| Init: +3| Perc: +13| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Sling: +6;1d4| Scythe: +6;2d4+4| Hero:3
Acro:+3| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Althe:+2| Diplo:+1|Disg:+0|E.A:+0|H.A:+4|Heal:+19|Inti:+0|K.Nat:+11|K.Reli:+11|K.Geo+ 11|K.Pla:+7|Ling:+7|Ride:+0|SM:+5|Sleight:+0|Spell:+8|Stealth:+2|Sur:+10|UM D:+0|Prof:Farm:+8|

It seems that neutralize Poison has to be one of the spells prepared...

Spoken like a human.

“ Dwarf ale is so nourishing that it is possible to survive on it alone for weeks on end. Every stronghold has a store of barrels and takes pride in the unique flavour of its brews. Wars between clans have been started by the mere suggestion that a hold's ale tastes remotely similar to mannish brews (considered watery). After the length of his beard, the mark of any Dwarf is the amount he can guzzle, a feat warriors feel improves their battle prowess.[1a]

Dwarf Ale is much stronger than that produced in the Empire of Man, for Dwarf constitutions are much more robust. Indeed, so potent is some Dwarf Ale that it is believed it alone could sustain a Dwarf over long periods, without the need for water or food of any description. Undoubtedly, such a potent draught would as likely blind or kill a Human. ”

Back in the heyday of mithril hall, when the halls rang with the sound of hammer on anvil and ironshod boots on stone floors, there had been a dwarven smith by the name of Thorek Anviltamer. He had been a paragon among his people, known throughout the hold as a weaponsmith without equal. Everything he made was of peerless quality, and it was said that only with one of his axes would a dwarf be properly armed for battle. If his tale ended there then he would have had a story much like many a dwarf. A life of hard work, toil and respect. But the tales that are remembered rarely end as such.

For the greatest of dwarven smiths, there comes a time when they feel the pull of the forge. When they have a calling to craft an item of such quality, of such strength, that it takes on a part of themselves. With the price being that the craftsmen will never craft anything greater. And Thorek felt the pull. When the strange mood took him, he locked himself away and went to work, coming out only to make demands to his clansmen. Many expected him to make demands like mithril, or illithium ore. Instead, his demands were...different. Such as copious amounts of ale, blessed by clerics, and large quantities of troll blood. Weeks went by as Thorek worked feverishly, in the end ignoring even the food and water left outside his workshop. It was the talk of the hold, with many gossiping about what wonder he would make.

When the doors to his workshop finally opened, what they found was an old dwarf with sunken features and a wasted frame, for he had poured himself into the axe that he made. But there was no fanfare. There was no rejoicing. For the axe was a monstrous thing, far too large and heavy for any dwarf to wield. It was said by all who held it that it would take a hill giant to swing it in battle. But that was not all. For Thorek had made something different from what any dwarf in Mithril Hall had seen. Rather than an axe made out of steel, or mithril, or any other known metal, the blade had been made out of "liquid glass." The blessed ale, forged with troll blood, had created a blade which seemed to move and shimmer, but which held an edge. And most surprisingly of all, it would repair itself. And atop the axe was a mug, inscribed with the runes of Hanseath.

Despite the wonder of it's creation, the axe itself was met with profound disappointment. While certainly a holy item, it was found to be far too unwieldy for actual use. As such, it was taken by the temple of Hanseath and was hung above the main entrance. And there it sat until the fall of Mithril Hall and it's reclamation. Of Thorek, the dwarf wasted away after his creation, and died of old age, having never produced another weapon. The axe took on the name "Anvilbreaker", for it had broken the anvil that he had tamed.

Many a century later, the axe was finally used for it's intended purpose. It was during the fighting against Obould's Orc Hordes that Bharaz fell into the fervent worship of Hanseath. When he went to the clerics of Hanseath, and beseeched them to allow him to wield the axe, they thought him mad. The clerics of any God besides Hanseath would have scoffed at the idea of using a holy relic as such, but Hanseath is not like most Gods, and his followers tend not to be exactly right in the head. Bharaz's proclamation was met with bellowing laugher, and he was given the axe with the hopes that he would at least kill a single orc with it before he accidently cut himself down.

And the clerics would have been right...but for the grace of Hanseath. For in Bharaz's hands, the monstrous weapon is actually usable. And when he calls upon the divine might of his God, he can actually swing it as if though it were a normal greataxe. Many an orc fell before the monstrous weapon and the laughing dwarf who wielded it.

Mechanically, Anvilbreaker is a Butchering Axe. This would usually mean a -6 penalty to hit, as he lacked proficiency. Which is why I bought a Wayfinder with Cracked Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone, which takes away the -4 penalty for lacking proficiency. It still holds a further -2 to hit, as Str19 is needed to remove that. I figured that running around with an axe far too large for a rationale person to use was very fitting for Hanseath.

That was the idea at least. My mistake was that I confused Sacred Weapon for Warpriests with Favored Weapon for weapon of the chosen feat line.

Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17

Really, quite cool.

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Just logged in from work and it looks like my post earlier never went through. it is sitting in a notepad file on my desktop, I will repost it when I get home. Responses incoming...

Human Female Arcanist LVL 6 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 23 (T17, FF16) | Init: +5 | Perception: +7 Normal Vision | Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +6 | CMB: +5 | CMD: 17 | Speed: 60 | SKILLS | Appraise +11 | Artistry +16/+17 | Craft: +17 | Diplomacy +8 | KR +11 | KA, KD, KNa, KP +10 | KG, KH +8 | KE, KNo +7 | Linguistics +7 | Perform +3 | Ride +4 | Spellcraft +10 | UMD +9 | Arcane Pool 5/9

I always hit refresh until I see it posted, and always keep my post on a notepad until I do. This site is horrible for eating posts.

Bhaerlon, glad you liked it. :)

And wanderer, glad you have it saved. Hate it when long posts get eaten

Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17
Pelipe Lightdriver wrote:
I always hit refresh until I see it posted, and always keep my post on a notepad until I do. This site is horrible for eating posts.

Same here.

I've lost posts here before and it's terribly frustrating.

Funnily enough, given how Sacred Weapon scales damage, you could easily get away with using an actual mug for the entire campaign without much issue.

I wonder if the GM would allow you to use the Cayden Cailean "Divine Fighting Technique" for Bharaz if you wanted to?

Blade and Tankard Style wrote:

Your god is famous for wading into battle with a tankard in his off-hand.

Optional Replacement: A chaotic good fighter or swashbuckler who worships such a god (Cayden Cailean) can replace proficiency with shields or bucklers with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefit(s): You can wield a tankard (or mug) as a weapon, treating it in all ways as a light mace appropriate for your size. If you engage in two-weapon fighting with a rapier or light weapon in one hand and a tankard in the other, you can drink a potion or other liquid from the tankard or attempt to toss liquid from the tankard as a dirty trick combat maneuver (such as to blind a foe) in place of attacking with it. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for attempting a dirty trick maneuver with a tankard.

Advanced Prerequisite(s): Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +10.

Optional Replacement: A chaotic good fighter or swashbuckler of at least 10th level who worships such a god can replace a bonus feat or deed with the following advanced benefit, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefit(s): You can refill your tankard with a beverage, potion, or other liquid from a bottle or vial as a swift action. You gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to perform dirty tricks with tankards. The effects of such a dirty trick lasts for 1d4 rounds + 1 round for every 5 points by which the result of your combat maneuver check exceeds the target’s CMD; a standard action is required for the target to remove this penalty.

Male Half Elf Druid (Nature Priest) 4 HP: 36/36| AC: 18/14/15| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +9| Init: +3| Perc: +13| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Sling: +6;1d4| Scythe: +6;2d4+4| Hero:3
Acro:+3| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Althe:+2| Diplo:+1|Disg:+0|E.A:+0|H.A:+4|Heal:+19|Inti:+0|K.Nat:+11|K.Reli:+11|K.Geo+ 11|K.Pla:+7|Ling:+7|Ride:+0|SM:+5|Sleight:+0|Spell:+8|Stealth:+2|Sur:+10|UM D:+0|Prof:Farm:+8|

Weapon Focus (improvised Weapons)
Catch Off guard/throw anything.
Get access to Sacred Weapon progression.

Watch everybody's face as you pick up random stuff and it does 2d8 points of damage.

That was the main schtick of one of my Spheres of Might characters for a while, but we found a cool legacy weapon longsword and it was the perfect time to do some retraining, so...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Turmish bard 1 Urogue 3 HPs:25/25, AC:20*|15|15 (*+1 vs traps, cold/electric/fire resist 5), Fort+3, Ref+12 (Evasion), Will+5 - Per:+10 (+5 traps, +4 conversation/hidden, +1 surprise,darkvision 120',low-light vision)Init:+5,CMD:18

What a great story, Bharaz!

Also: XD XD XD I'll have to try that feat tree someday, Dalgar.

Roguishness 2: The Roguening:

After some thought, I'm inclined to put the extra 2 points into Dexterity after all, to open up some feats later on down the line.

For his feat, I'll change it to Two-Weapon Fighting.

Adding a section with class abilities now! (Let me know if you'd like me to copy the text of the ability to the profile, so it's all in one place without having to open the Urogue page.)

Male Half Elf Druid (Nature Priest) 4 HP: 36/36| AC: 18/14/15| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +9| Init: +3| Perc: +13| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Sling: +6;1d4| Scythe: +6;2d4+4| Hero:3
Acro:+3| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Althe:+2| Diplo:+1|Disg:+0|E.A:+0|H.A:+4|Heal:+19|Inti:+0|K.Nat:+11|K.Reli:+11|K.Geo+ 11|K.Pla:+7|Ling:+7|Ride:+0|SM:+5|Sleight:+0|Spell:+8|Stealth:+2|Sur:+10|UM D:+0|Prof:Farm:+8|

Do run that by the GM first. lol

When I pulled that off, It was as an NPC aide to a GM whose players were close to just power gaming everything.

The premise was a duel where everything would be be stripped off and Participants were allowed 3 items to be brought in, chosen by a common selection.

The Party of 5 confident PCs, got their behinds kicked very badly.

Oh, something else to meme that up; try the Shikigami Style line of Feats. With all three you get a +3 size category increase to your Improvised Weapon damage.

Male Half Elf Druid (Nature Priest) 4 HP: 36/36| AC: 18/14/15| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +9| Init: +3| Perc: +13| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Sling: +6;1d4| Scythe: +6;2d4+4| Hero:3
Acro:+3| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Althe:+2| Diplo:+1|Disg:+0|E.A:+0|H.A:+4|Heal:+19|Inti:+0|K.Nat:+11|K.Reli:+11|K.Geo+ 11|K.Pla:+7|Ling:+7|Ride:+0|SM:+5|Sleight:+0|Spell:+8|Stealth:+2|Sur:+10|UM D:+0|Prof:Farm:+8|

Oh that is a good line.

Doesn’t fit this character, but sounds like *alot* of fun! Would probably be a Deurgar hinyasi brawler. Enlarge person as SLA and scaling base improvised damage.

Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17

So, do any of the characters know each other before this begins?

Human Female Arcanist LVL 6 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 23 (T17, FF16) | Init: +5 | Perception: +7 Normal Vision | Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +6 | CMB: +5 | CMD: 17 | Speed: 60 | SKILLS | Appraise +11 | Artistry +16/+17 | Craft: +17 | Diplomacy +8 | KR +11 | KA, KD, KNa, KP +10 | KG, KH +8 | KE, KNo +7 | Linguistics +7 | Perform +3 | Ride +4 | Spellcraft +10 | UMD +9 | Arcane Pool 5/9

If you know stoneworking *looks to the dwarf* you may have experienced her at some point. If you are from the same region as her you maybe saw her in a bar or know of her small shop. She also may have come to your city in search of rare stone for statue-crafting. Pelipe enjoys spending time at taverns, smoking pipe-tobacco with elderly men (most often), and is often found wandering about various cities--drawing up ideas in her book for her inspirations.

While she is mostly at home-base, she will likely make a few trips each year to various locations. It is possible you saw her on one of these trips at some point. Perhaps she caught your eye because of her youthful beauty or because she was smoking? Perhaps it was how she was dressed in man-like clothing and yet seemed so feminine? Perhaps it was just the sun illuminating her bright clothing to reveal that is covered with mud, dirt, and marble? Any of these work for me if you want to have seen her. She likely wouldn't "know" anyone.

Very flavorful. She’ll be someone that Bharaz feels like he saw somewhere, but can’t quite put his finger on.

Human Cavalier (Inspired Commander) 4 | HP: 47 / 47 | AC: 22 (T: 20, FF: 12) | Perc +7 | Init: +7| Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB: +6, CMD: 17

Likewise. I like that idea.

Male Half Elf Druid (Nature Priest) 4 HP: 36/36| AC: 18/14/15| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +9| Init: +3| Perc: +13| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Sling: +6;1d4| Scythe: +6;2d4+4| Hero:3
Acro:+3| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Althe:+2| Diplo:+1|Disg:+0|E.A:+0|H.A:+4|Heal:+19|Inti:+0|K.Nat:+11|K.Reli:+11|K.Geo+ 11|K.Pla:+7|Ling:+7|Ride:+0|SM:+5|Sleight:+0|Spell:+8|Stealth:+2|Sur:+10|UM D:+0|Prof:Farm:+8|

Dalgar on the other hand is the faerun delivery boy.
Travels with Caravans along sword coast.

Notably caravans delivering livestock or harvested crops. He has also lent a hand as farmhand tilling the fields.

Turmish bard 1 Urogue 3 HPs:25/25, AC:20*|15|15 (*+1 vs traps, cold/electric/fire resist 5), Fort+3, Ref+12 (Evasion), Will+5 - Per:+10 (+5 traps, +4 conversation/hidden, +1 surprise,darkvision 120',low-light vision)Init:+5,CMD:18

If Pelipe has spent time in the vicinity of Westgate (I'm not sure how long?), she and Rajiv might know each other? Maybe they had a small encounter? Or maybe he's just heard of her?

Or heard of her father? :D If Adaele isn't too fleshed out, maybe that's the covert Harper Rajiv knew?

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