About Dak Kandru
Template: Human Brash Pilot
Dexterity: 3D
- Blaster 4D (+1D Skill) / Blaster (Pistol) 5D (+1D Spec)
- Brawling Parry
- Dodge 4D (+1D Skill) / Dodge(Energy Weapons) 5D (+1D Spec)
- Melee Combat
- Vehicle Blasters
Knowledge: 2D
- Intimidation
- Planetary Systems 3D (+1D Skill)
- Survival
- Value
- Willpower
Mechanical: 4D
- Astrogation 5D (+1D Skill)
- Communication
- Sensors
- Space Transports 5D (+1D Skill)
- Starfighters 5D (+1D Skill) / 6D V-Wing (+1D Spec)
- Starship Gunnery
Perception: 3D
- Command
- Con
- Gambling
- Persuasion
- Search
Strength: 3D
- Brawling
- Stamina
- Swimming
Technical: 3D
- Blaster Repair
- Droid Repair
- Repulsor Lift Repair
- Starship Repair
Template Equipment:
Blaster pistol (4D), Rebel uniform, medpac, vaccuum suit
1,000 credits
Appearance: Head-shaven and tan with a lean build, Dak stands decently above average height and walks with a pilot's stride. Ruggedly handsome, Dak has a short, white scar that stands out against his sun-darkened skin, and cuts sharply down through the middle of his left eyebrow.
Personality: Dak Kandru seems to be a rather determined young man, quick witted, and accidentally charming. He is impulsive at times, and is just as quick to laugh or smile.
Move: 10
Force Sensitive: ?
(1 Specialization Point Left)