Zolan Ulivestra

Athrehon's page

12 posts. Alias of Plastic Dragon.


Dotting for interest as well. Thinking Wizard, most likely. If no one else wants to play one, I'd consider Cleric as well. Oooh. Or quite possibly a multiclass Wizard/Cleric. Need to think on it.

I have a wizard from the Universal school of magic more or less ready to go, but now I'm considering a melee type since I've only seen one person suggest playing one...

I'm thinking human wizard, either exploiter archetype (if allowed), or otherwise, a member of the Universalist school.

EltonJ wrote:
hmmm. Would any of you be adverse as to be restricted to the classes of the Core Rulebook and Player's Guide, but be allowed any archetype?

Fine by me.

Hmmm. That comment surprised me too.

I know that this is just an interest check, but any idea what you might require for character builds?

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rorek55 wrote:
If you'd be up to allowing psychic casters, I'd be interested.

You mean, people throwing psychics? That'd be cool. * chuckles *

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Isn't that part of the Mystara setting? Could be interesting.

GMMichael wrote:

I was more wondering Universalist/evoker/etc...

on and question marks next to Human indicate that mild curiousity over sub ethnicity....Varisian, Kellid, Taldan, Shoanti, etc...

After a bit of searching through the avatars and looking up the different ethnicities, I believe I'll go with him being from Garund, a Garundi, Exploiter Wizard.

Obviously he wouldn't be native to Phaendar, but will have moved to the area with his mentor when he was a much younger apprentice.

Just saw the question marks for my char in the summary...going with Exploiter Wizard, I think, as the former apprentice, scrambling to make do, and flying by the seat of his educated pants. ;)

A. Name: Athrehon
B. Race: Human
C. Class: Wizard (Universalist)
D. Trait: Unbreakable Survivor
E. Recently relieved of his assistant position with a reputable wizard for his "overzealous" defense of the wizard's tower when a rival mage sought to break into the tower's vault, and his master was away.

Or perhaps this is the secret mission that the Fey Queen sent my other character, Falkwyn on in the Hollows game? LOL. Just kidding

Dotting. Just spotted this, and want to give a character some thought.
Very interested.