Mr Clint's Duchy of Ashlar

Game Master Mr Clint

Loot Tracker

Interactive Battle Map

Deities & Demigods

Marching Order:

? - ?
Helgar -?
Nempura - ?

Single Row: ? - ? - Helgar - ? - Nempura - ?

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NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual

Just saw this. I wasn't trying to be a Diva or overly Re-reading my comment it kinda reads that way.

Ok, after some consideration, I'll give it shot and try to keep up. I really do like the characters and you folks are really quite talented, so it's worth giving it a go.

NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual

Ok, on a re-read...were we ever told specifically what items we're supposed to be retrieving? I see a comment about the owner of the Sprite wanting us to bring back a few items, but no details. LOL
Might be a problem, folks.

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Female Dwarf Barbarian | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / T 10 / FF 16 | Fort +7 / Ref +2 / Will +4 (+2 vs spell, spell like abilities, &poison| CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Perception +7 | Rage 8/8

Post # 105
Re: Mr Clint's Languard Game
...‘What are we retrieving?’ right?” He gives a little chuckle; “Nothing on that ship leaves until I have the Sea Sprite’s logbook and charts. Above anything else that is what you are to bring to me. Once I have those, whatever is on the ship is free for the taking. Is that clear?” ... “Good, I’m glad we all agree… As I said we will set sail shortly and have the better part of the day to...

Charts and the ships logs are what we be after.

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NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual

Thank ye. Somehow I missed that. Or rather, I remember reading it, but it didn't register. * yawn * Got up too early for a Saturday, methinks. lol

Aris, how did you find out what post number that was? Or did you count from the top of the page?

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a bunch of family stuff happening, sorry for the delay in posting. I will be posting daily again during the week.

Female Dwarf Barbarian | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / T 10 / FF 16 | Fort +7 / Ref +2 / Will +4 (+2 vs spell, spell like abilities, &poison| CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Perception +7 | Rage 8/8
Mr Clint wrote:

Aris, how did you find out what post number that was? Or did you count from the top of the page?

There might be more than one way to do it. But this is how I did it: I remembered we were looking for charts so I entered charts in the search engine for our gameplay thread. When you get the results it tells you what post number it was.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

If you click the time/date link, and look to your URL, the number of the post is also there:

In this case, your post was #55

oh very cool!

Female Dwarf Barbarian | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / T 10 / FF 16 | Fort +7 / Ref +2 / Will +4 (+2 vs spell, spell like abilities, &poison| CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Perception +7 | Rage 8/8

That is so much easier.

If I asked this previously, I apologize. What would the party like to use for a marching order?

Single File and Two by Twos

Female Dwarf Barbarian | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / T 10 / FF 16 | Fort +7 / Ref +2 / Will +4 (+2 vs spell, spell like abilities, &poison| CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Perception +7 | Rage 8/8

Marching order: Aris will be at the front either way. I’ll let others chime in with their preferences.

Forgemaster Cleric (2) Wounds (0) HP (19) AC (18/11/17, +2 vs Undead) Saves (5/1/6, +2 Hardy, +2 vs Undead Spells/SLAs) CMD (13, +4 Stability) Initiative (+1) RF (0/4) AT (6/6)

Arn - Aris (Dwarves in front. Slowest set the pace. Find traps and tank)
Helgar - Rhaeldaf (Keep the Wizard safe, let the slow dwarf not fall behind)
Nempura - Zalona (Tough enough to not die to an ambush, versatile and good at range)

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Sounds good to me.

So 2x2
Arn - Aris
Helgar - Rhaeldaf
Nempura - Zalona

Single file
Arn - Aris - Helgar - Rhaeldaf - Tempura - Zalona

Let me know if I should make any changes. I'll add these to our short description so we can all have them for a quick view.

Female Dwarf Barbarian | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / T 10 / FF 16 | Fort +7 / Ref +2 / Will +4 (+2 vs spell, spell like abilities, &poison| CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Perception +7 | Rage 8/8

Sounds good to me

Map CG Female Elf Brazen Deceiver / Sound Striker Bard 2 | HP 14/15 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +0 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 1 / CMD 13 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 7/8 (Inspire Courage +1) | Perception +8 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Special: -1 vs Fear / +2 vs Transmutation

Works... only impediment is having a human in front of me when I am trying to shoot, but I suppose it's more important that the wizard can see, since I can sing from anywhere. :)

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NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual

Just don't shoot ME. :)

I am cool with you all deciding on how you would like to divide loot. Keep in mind your carrying capacity and the physical properties of the items. So one person probably won't be walking around with all of the spears. lol.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Nempura will be at a medium load but can carry some of the gear. Perhaps a couple of the light crossbows on her back. She wouldn't want to hold much more though.

Female Dwarf Barbarian | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / T 10 / FF 16 | Fort +7 / Ref +2 / Will +4 (+2 vs spell, spell like abilities, &poison| CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Perception +7 | Rage 8/8

I suggest that if there is a weapon somebody needs they take it, but leave everything else here and come back for it later … on our way out. We can re-lock the door it we feel it’s necessary and if we want we can store other heavy/ unwieldy loot we find here too.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Sounds good to me. She’ll just leave them there for the time being

I am going to give Arn & Rhaedlaf an opportunity to snag any of the weapons/armor before moving forward with our next story post.

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Arís Ironeye wrote:
Ignoring everything else she focuses on Nempura’s words, ”Silver where?” She will wait until everyone decides what they want to do with the weapons and armor they found before trying to push the coins free to open the door that has been wedged shut.

Aris if you Go to post 165 there is a spoiler box there for you. Your character saw the coins, but I think you may have overlooked it.

DM Stuff, look the other way:

Arn Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Aris Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Helgar Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Nempura Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Rhaedlaf Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Zalona Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual

This from the spell description for Burning Hands: "A character can extinguish burning items as a full-round action."

Is that purely a mundane thing, or is it possible for Rhaed to "cancel-out" his magically summoned flame? The latter feels cooler, but probably not accurate. In any event, I don't want to post it that way, and then have to go back and write it out. Y'know? lol

I take the full round action as a person physically putting them out, using a blanket/water/foot/etc. If it was a magical extinguish I think it would say that the "caster" can put them out as a full round action.

Arís Ironeye wrote:
Without waiting she rushes down below to assess the situation and try to put the fires out.

Just to clarify, the smoke and light you see coming is from the same level that you are on. Looking at the map it is coming from the room with the 3 on it.

NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual
Mr Clint wrote:
I take the full round action as a person physically putting them out, using a blanket/water/foot/etc. If it was a magical extinguish I think it would say that the "caster" can put them out as a full round action.

Works for me. Thought it couldn't hurt to check. :)

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hey team! I humbly apologize for my tardiness in my last post. I started a new job yesterday and was mentally out for Sunday and Yesterday. The first day is past and now all is going.

Also, I wanted to do a check in. How is everyone doing with the game? What is going well and what isn't? Is there anything I could do help improve this play by post experience for you?

Don't worry about hurting my feelings, I am an adult and welcome constructive criticism. It will help me as a DM, and help this game last.

I am personally having fun. The one thing I will ask is that when you cast a spell or spell like ability, would you do a hyperlink to the spell so everyone can easily look it up. Also, along with spells or abilities, put the save DC of it if there is any need. That would help me a lot.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

I'm having fun as well. I have no issue with that request.

Map CG Female Elf Brazen Deceiver / Sound Striker Bard 2 | HP 14/15 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +0 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 1 / CMD 13 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 7/8 (Inspire Courage +1) | Perception +8 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Special: -1 vs Fear / +2 vs Transmutation

No worries DM... thanks for taking us on an adventure. I'm having fun, and that seems like a reasonable request. Do you want that even for super-common spells like Detect Magic and Cure Light Wounds?

If so, they are here:

Forgemaster Cleric (2) Wounds (0) HP (19) AC (18/11/17, +2 vs Undead) Saves (5/1/6, +2 Hardy, +2 vs Undead Spells/SLAs) CMD (13, +4 Stability) Initiative (+1) RF (0/4) AT (6/6)

Having a good time! Also very glad that you are running this. :)

For posting the links, I'll try to do that when possible. Sometimes I post by phone or am under some time crunch. So if that happens, please excuse my lapse.

Zalona, what I mean is if you use the url link and tie it into the postings, kind of like what I do with the maps or photos of people. There is a "How to format your text" spoiler box below where you can type that shows you how to do it.

Glad that you are having fun with it!

Map CG Female Elf Brazen Deceiver / Sound Striker Bard 2 | HP 14/15 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +0 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 1 / CMD 13 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 7/8 (Inspire Courage +1) | Perception +8 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Special: -1 vs Fear / +2 vs Transmutation

I know how to do an in-text URL. I just wasn't sure whether you needed that on basic spells. But I will assume that you do.

Female Dwarf Barbarian | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / T 10 / FF 16 | Fort +7 / Ref +2 / Will +4 (+2 vs spell, spell like abilities, &poison| CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Perception +7 | Rage 8/8

Having much fun. You are doing a great job!

NG Male Human / Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 12 (16) / T 10 / FF 12 | Fort +3 / Ref +2 / Will +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 12 | Initiative +6 | Wizard Spells | Perception +1 | Special: Conjuration School - Summoning spells last ½ Wizard level/rounds longer than usual

Definitely enjoying this. Feels very "Table Top" for a PbP and that's pretty much the highest compliment I can give it.

No problem adding links as needed, either. Good idea, actually.

HP: 6/13 AC: 18 (touch 11, FF 17) CMD: 15| F:+4 R:+1 W+3 | Int: +1 | Perception +6| Spd: 20ft

Is the hanging guy still hanging

Map CG Female Elf Brazen Deceiver / Sound Striker Bard 2 | HP 14/15 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +0 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 1 / CMD 13 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 7/8 (Inspire Courage +1) | Perception +8 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Special: -1 vs Fear / +2 vs Transmutation

So far, yes. Thought about saying I cut him down before searching, but just searched him that way... we didn't cut down the pilot yet either, but we should probably do something with all the bodies before we leave.

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Forgemaster Cleric (2) Wounds (0) HP (19) AC (18/11/17, +2 vs Undead) Saves (5/1/6, +2 Hardy, +2 vs Undead Spells/SLAs) CMD (13, +4 Stability) Initiative (+1) RF (0/4) AT (6/6)
Zalona wrote:
So far, yes. Thought about saying I cut him down before searching, but just searched him that way... we didn't cut down the pilot yet either, but we should probably do something with all the bodies before we leave.

But I didn’t put any ranks into profession cook...

Map CG Female Elf Brazen Deceiver / Sound Striker Bard 2 | HP 14/15 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +0 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 1 / CMD 13 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 7/8 (Inspire Courage +1) | Perception +8 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Special: -1 vs Fear / +2 vs Transmutation
Helgar Runetamer wrote:
But I didn’t put any ranks into profession cook...

Ha ha. ... Haven't really had to consider a cannibalistic storyline since Dark Sun. Could be interesting. :)

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Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Are you sure you aren't part Kuru?

Hey all!

I wanted to check in and make sure everyone was doing well. Things seemed to have slowed down these past few days. Might reach out to people via PM to check in if need be.


Map CG Female Elf Brazen Deceiver / Sound Striker Bard 2 | HP 14/15 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +0 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 1 / CMD 13 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 7/8 (Inspire Courage +1) | Perception +8 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Special: -1 vs Fear / +2 vs Transmutation

I'm still here, but didn't want to take over with no one else responding... I think some people don't post on weekends though, so I'd wait to panic until Monday is over. :)

Female Dwarf Barbarian | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / T 10 / FF 16 | Fort +7 / Ref +2 / Will +4 (+2 vs spell, spell like abilities, &poison| CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Perception +7 | Rage 8/8

Sorry been busy with my son’s H.S. graduation and open house.

Forgemaster Cleric (2) Wounds (0) HP (19) AC (18/11/17, +2 vs Undead) Saves (5/1/6, +2 Hardy, +2 vs Undead Spells/SLAs) CMD (13, +4 Stability) Initiative (+1) RF (0/4) AT (6/6)

My weekends are family time, don’t always find time to post

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Any hockey fans? Currently in the semifinals, I'm rooting for the Habs and the Islanders to move on to the Stanley Cup Finals.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

I'm fairly busy with my business and so I don't have time for sports, unfortunately. My business keeps me up at strange hours (international) so it can be hard to do normal hobby-like things. Posting on here is what I enjoy and I can do it in between work no matter the hour. I used to enjoy watching all kinds of sports though, hockey included.

@Nempura: very cool! What is your business? My wife is a photographer and we have our own photography business so I am familiar with running your own business.

Female Dwarf Barbarian | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / T 10 / FF 16 | Fort +7 / Ref +2 / Will +4 (+2 vs spell, spell like abilities, &poison| CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Perception +7 | Rage 8/8

I used to be an Islanders fan, during the 80’s, when I lived in New York. I stopped watching when I was stationed in Hawaii (Army). Never got back into it.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

An e-commerce business. :)

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