![]() Hey there. Djack gave me a nudge, so I thought I'd pop in and say hi! I definitely would be interested and would be cool to play an arcane caster. I have a couple questions, though: 1. 1e, 4th level with a 20 pt build, yes? I saw the other rules. Human, Gnoll, or Wild Elf only. What sort of setting are you in beyond borderland area? Where are you guys now? 2. I'll likely go with a sorcerer, which I've never played before, but always wanted to, so...are you looking for a support caster or a blaster? Or a mix of both? 3. Storywise, what are you guys up to? What's the alignment of the group, thematically? Good, Bad, or F-around-and-find-out? 4. Any other special restrictions or rules I should be aware of? Oh, starting equipment...average for 4th level? I'll try to do some reading through the gameplay, if that's cool? ![]()
![]() drbuzzard wrote:
Pretty sure new characters are coming in at 3rd level. I could be wrong. And I'll probably go archery-combat style Ranger. ![]()
![]() Djack Nymball wrote:
Awesome. I missed that. Attribute: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 6) = 11 = 4+6+6 = 16
![]() Ok. Sounds interesting. Let's see what the dice say. Attribute: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 1) = 6
Ouch. 4 + 1 + 6 = 11
It's workable. Gonna need to think on this.
![]() DM-Salsa wrote:
Awesome Sauce. :) Also, a question: I am trying to avoid spoilers online, but I read a comment on a review that said we stat with no equipment? Should we forego buying anything? ![]()
![]() Might as well try my hand (or dice) at some random rolls to compare with the 20 pt build, right? Ability Score: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 3) = 14 = 11
Can definitely work with this. :D
![]() Ok, so I've decided to go with Dwarf as well * short hi-five *, but a Fighter. Character Name: 1d20 ⇒ 8 Darvin! Ancestry: Dwarf Class Talent Roll: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12 Choose Talent or +2 to Stats
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Background: 1d20 ⇒ 17
![]() * Waves * "Hello?" *echoes come back in the empty chamber*
Ok, question. I took the reroll for no 14s, but can I just keep the first roll as my character anyway? And then use the reroll for my backup character? First Character Rolls
Reroll/Backup Character
Feels more old school. LOL ![]()
![]() DeJoker wrote:
On it. Just didn't want to step on anyone's toes, y'know. EDIT:
Rules to Shadowdark RPG Character Creation Rules from GM Tribute's post - GM Tribute wrote:
Haven't found more, yet, but I'm looking. ![]()
EDIT: AGAIN no 14s
Well. Obviously an adventurer with acute asthma? LOL (Does the game allow for any stat increases as you level?) ![]()
![]() So, an adventuring party, "grown" organically rather than assembled, and venturing off into adventures unknown, in an almost open world environment just sitting there to be explored? Count me in. I'll work up a character over the next day or so. Not sure what yet, but I see that you have a Dwarven Paladin already... so probably a Wizard type. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the kind words, Straug. I miss you guys already. If somehow, you guys don't find a replacement, or are somehow in need of another player when I'm feeling better I'd be more than happy to return to this game. Of all the pbp stuff I've done around here, this is my favorite. It feels almost like a tabletop game, and that's the highest compliment I can give it. You rock, Dread. That being said, I'm not egotistical enough to want you guys to wait around on me, either, and I'd hate to hold your game up any more than I already have. I already feel bad enough for that. ![]()
![]() I'm very sorry to have to do this, but effective immediately, I am pulling out of all my games. I don't want to, but to put it simply, I have been out of action for awhile anyway, primarily because I caught Covid from a guy at work and it very nearly landed me in the hospital. I'm technically on the mend, but I have no energy, have body aches, and have trouble concentrating. As it is, even as I'm starting to recover, I also have walking pneumonia, and while I'm taking antibiotics for that as well, I am utterly exhausted all the time. I know eventually I'll recover and will probably want to come back to this site, but for now, I'm not reliable for pretty much anything on any given day considering my physical state goes up and down so much. I know you guys are cool enough to understand, but I still feel guilty, so let me once again apologize, and say it was a blast roleplaying with you. Robbidon/PD ![]()
![]() I'm very sorry to have to do this, but effective immediately, I am pulling out of all my games. I don't want to, but to put it simply, I have been out of action for awhile anyway, primarily because I caught Covid from a guy at work and it very nearly landed me in the hospital. I'm technically on the mend, but I have no energy, have body aches, and have trouble concentrating. As it is, even as I'm starting to recover, I also have walking pneumonia, and while I'm taking antibiotics for that as well, I am utterly exhausted all the time. I know eventually I'll recover and will probably want to come back to this site, but for now, I'm not reliable for pretty much anything on any given day considering my physical state goes up and down so much. I know you guys are cool enough to understand, but I still feel guilty, so let me once again apologize, and say it was a blast roleplaying with you. Falkwyn/PD ![]()
![]() I'm very sorry to have to do this, but effective immediately, I am pulling out of all my games. I don't want to, but to put it simply, I have been out of action for awhile anyway, primarily because I caught Covid from a guy at work and it very nearly landed me in the hospital. I'm technically on the mend, but I have no energy, have body aches, and have trouble concentrating. As it is, even as I'm starting to recover, I also have walking pneumonia, and while I'm taking antibiotics for that as well, I am utterly exhausted all the time. I know eventually I'll recover and will probably want to come back to this site, but for now, I'm not reliable for pretty much anything on any given day considering my physical state goes up and down so much. I know you guys are cool enough to understand, but I still feel guilty, so let me once again apologize, and say it was a blast roleplaying with you. Grael/PD ![]()
![]() I'm very sorry to have to do this, but effective immediately, I am pulling out of all my games. I don't want to, but to put it simply, I have been out of action for awhile anyway, primarily because I caught Covid from a guy at work and it very nearly landed me in the hospital. I'm technically on the mend, but I have no energy, have body aches, and have trouble concentrating. As it is, even as I'm starting to recover, I also have walking pneumonia, and while I'm taking antibiotics for that as well, I am utterly exhausted all the time. I know eventually I'll recover and will probably want to come back to this site, but for now, I'm not reliable for pretty much anything on any given day considering my physical state goes up and down so much. I know you guys are cool enough to understand, but I still feel guilty, so let me once again apologize, and say it was a blast roleplaying with you. PD ![]()
![]() To Boram: "Who are Rufus and Burne?? Well. You shertainly ARE new around here. They are semi-retired adventurersh, somewhat like yourselves, I shuppose. They've taken it upon themselves to protect Hommlet from, well, just about everything. As such, with the blessings of the townsfolk and the Church, they've building a tower up there on the hill, on the other side of town." he pauses. "Burne's quite a talented wizard, and Rufus is a fierce warrior...or so I've been told. They do their best to organize the local militia and whatnot." To Dain and Horek: "The bandits stick mainly to the roads these days, mosty due to the aforementioned militia. They haven't tried to raid the village in several years." Another pause, then "Though there's been some rumors that they've been sighted traveling with orcs and hobgoblins in their bands." Calmert makes a face, then finishes his mug and gives a nod to no one in particular. "Come morning, you should probably see Burne and Rufus. They can tell you more, if you're interested...'specially about the Moathoushe." he purses his lip and adds, "Though I suppose if you were to hold off on that and run down a few bandits on your own before that, they might find you more interesting..." ![]()
![]() Calmert nods at the invitation and sits, "The moathoushe you shay? The Temple. That curshed placesh of Elemental Evil? It hash been quite shome time shinsh that curshed shrine wash shealed up for good! And a fine day that wash!" Ok. Enough of that. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Much better for tabletop, and not so friendly in PbP. Unless anyone WANTS to keep deciphering Calmert's way of speaking, I'm gonna go back to normal speech with a few sh's tossed in for good measure. The priest of St. Cuthbert coughs quietly and takes a swig of ale, before continuing. "The Temple has been shealed up for going on ten years now. Sealed up tight by the forces of light. Ain't much more to shay than that." The middle-aged cleric leans back and pauses, then says, "Now the moathouse...that's what folks here about call it...that'sh a different tale. It's not much more than a ruined keep about half-way between here and Nulb. Maybe three or four miles from here. There's some say it was built by dwarves. Can't say if that's true or not." "It's been many things in it's day. A place for young people to sneak away from the prying eyes of their parents. Maybe fall in love. Was even once used as a lookout for servants of the Temple...but that was some time ago..." Calmert pauses, lost in thought. "More recently, though it's been more of a hideaway for various groups of thieves and bandits. Nothing really noteworthy. Although..." He frowns, "Why were you asking, again?" ![]()
![]() My apologies on the slow pace. Work has been nuts. We're shorthanded due to two different cases of Covid that popped up. Only two people actually HAVE it, but a total of 12 others got put out on quarantine while they test for it. I work at a semi-truck building facility on a Transmission line. Being THAT short handed means doing double duty on jobs. In any event, not seeking pity, just letting you know that I am fully aware that the game pace is slow and will be picking it up shortly. ![]()
![]() The priest glances around the table, smiling and nodding, then pausing just a moment too long at Horek, before nodding at him as well. He does better when the half-orc offers him a seat and he gathers the hem of his robe and sits heavily down. {b]"Brother Calmert. Well met, and be blessed by St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel."[/b] "So...you mentioned a drink?" the middle aged man strokes his beard and asks again for their names as they wait for an ale to be brought to the table. When it arrives, he draws a long sip from his mug before asking, "Ostler's boy said only that I should '...come quick 'cause there were 'venturing types, asking questions.'" "So, here I am." Calmert raises his hands grandly, in a flourish worthy of a stage magician. "The followers of St. Cuthbert live in service to Him, and to the cause of ridding the world of evil and the unworthy." ![]()
![]() As the group discusses battle strategies, a broad, robed figure enters the inn, and strides over to the bar to speak with the tavern owner. They share a quick moment, and Ostler nods a head towards your table, then leads the man over. The newcomer is obviously a priest of some sort, as he wears the livery of St. Cuthbert, with the 'standard' morningstar favored by his sect hanging from his belt. "Folks, here's the fella I was telling you about. I've only told him you were seeking background on some of the 'interesting' local sites. He might be able to answer your questions far better than a humble innkeeper like myself." With that, Ostler makes himself scarce. The priest, human with bushy, brown eyebrows and a matching beard (sans mustache) stands next to your table and crosses his his arms. Doing so reveals that he's obviously wearing chainmail beneath his robes. "Well. Good evening. How is it that this humble servant of St. Cuthbert might assist you?" For future reference, each time the cleric speaks, all the 's' sounds are accompanied by a quiet whistling sound. Hence, what he actually says is: "Well. Good evening. How ish it that thish humble shervant of Shaint Cuthbert might ashshisht you?" ![]()
![]() Ostler's eyes twinkle with amusement as he steps back from the group of adventurers as they drink and carry on at the bar. The large man continues to clean and dry glass mugs with a cotton towel, during which he pretends he cannot hear the loud conversation going on right in front of him. After a few minutes, he says, "I believe a table is opening up for you all, if ye want it. Right over there." The balding proprietor of the Welcome Wench motions to a long table with benches just to the left of the bar, which makes it a bit more secluded than the bartop where the tavernmaids and servers, along with a few other patrons, are currently gathering just behind the adventurers. "There ya can talk openly...and I might be inclined to send a fellow I know your way that might be of some assistance to you..." ![]()
![]() Boram the Burglar wrote:
Ostler smiles warmly at Boram and says, "A room with a single bed, if I had one available, would be 5 ep. The double bedded rooms I mentioned are 1 gp a night. Both include breakfast in the morning." He pauses, then shrugs, "If that's a bit rich for your likin, there IS space to sleep on the floor or benches in the common room, once we shut down for the night. That's 2 sp a night, but you can only stay from when we shut down til dawn when we start setting the place up for tomorrow's breakfast." He makes his first frown at the mention of the Temple, thinking, Well now, do you mean the Church of St. Cuthbert here in town, or the Druid's Grove? Or possibly...the Temple of Elemental Eeeeevviiil?" This last he says in a typical, mockingly scary voice, and then chuckles. Diplomacy roll, please, Boram ![]()
![]() Meals are served on pottery, pewter, or copper services, according to the order. Various leather jacks, pottery mugs. wooden tankards, pewter steins, glass flagons, crystal goblets, or silver chalices are used for potables around the room. A sign hangs at the back of the bar listing the menu for the establishment. It is obvious to the group that the prices are steep, but from the looks of the food going out to tables, and the really quite decent ale, it might be worth it...Might. Meals
Common Drink(per pint)
Wines(per pint)
Brandies(per gill)
![]() Dain, Kilain, Boram and Sorika make themselves comfortable at the bar, and the innkeeper seems far from nonplussed at their company. Grinning as only a man happy with his chosen career can be, the large, slightly rotund barkeep sets four heavy, glass mugs down on the bartop. Then, one by one he fills them from the tap, one after another. "Good evenin' good sirs. Ostler Gundigoot, at your service." He nods and the silver pieces disappear into his hand with practiced ease, and he places each mug out for the newcomers. "That'll do to open a tab, gents...though the first drink is on the house, seeing as you're new here." "I'm sure that we can find you a place to lay your heads, this eve. I've a few rooms available...will that be one room or more? Each bed holds two..." He pauses, looks at Boram and the dwarves, then shrugs, "Possibly three. An there's two beds in each room." Another pause, then chuckles and adds, "And if you can find yourselves a table, we'll see about some food and what rumors we can dig up!" Letting his gaze roam across the crowd, Sorika Zan identifies a couple of young serving women, obviously working hard, and an older woman who just might be the innkeeper's wife. And then he spots a very attractive half-elven woman by one of the tables, taking food orders and giggling at some joke. She has dark blond hair, and she blows a strand of it out of her face just as Sorika sees her. ----- Outside, the young man attending the mounts nods seriously to Melenthe, as if tryin to desperately prove how mature he is, though he can't possibly be more than 14 yrs old. "Spark is a good...er, noble name, mistress. She'll be well treated. On my honor." "Adventurers? Here?" The teen shoos his sister forward with the mounts into the main area of the stable when she giggles and signals for a quick brush down for the animals while he speaks, "Sometimes. Word is they used to come along far more often...Back when the Temple was still open, and even after the fall." The word temple is spoken ominously and with respect, though his manner is casual, as if relaying something well known to all. "Sometimes we get a few now, lookin' into the moathouse or on their way to Nulb, but mostly we just get mercenaries and farmers these days. Not like you folk...' ![]()
![]() "Aye, sir. More'n enough for a day or two." The boy grins, then stands at attention and gives another respectful nod before taking the reins of three of the mounts and encouraging the young girl to do the same with the other two. Making their way to the entrance, the party finds that the common room to be a bright and cheerful affair. It contains several roughhewn tables and chairs, boards, and benches. Natural tree trunk pillars support the ceiling overhead, all dark with smoke and age. First Floor Layout
A motley group of people is already here, mostly human, and none of them have the obvious look of adventurer or soldier. More likely farmers and common folk. Several barmaids and potboys circulate, bringing drinks and food, taking away the empty plates and flagons, stoking the fire if the day is chill, and so forth. The innkeeper is a large, heavy-set man, with a shaved head and an impressively large mustache, curled at the ends. His demeanor is friendly and jolly, though his eyes show a spark of wariness that is easy to miss. Still, the current clientele of the Welcome Wench all seem well mannered folk who enjoy fine food and drink. A plaque behind the bar reads: 'Drunkards and Louts are Not Welcome'?. ![]()
![]() To Sorika, the old man shrugs and says, "Food's decent enough, I suppose. My missus makes better stew. The ale's good, though." A pause, then he adds, "Tis down that way. Three stories. Can't miss it..." The group trudges forward in the fading light, as sundown nears. As the party passes through, and lamps are lit in windows and doorways, the village seems no more remarkable than many others they have passed through. Finally, the five adventurers reach the large structure, and the sounds of drinking and conversation fill the night air. Out front is a square sign which shows a buxom, smiling girl holding a flagon of beer. This must indeed be the Inn of the Welcome Wench. A human stable-boy shuffles up when they approach, along with a girl, maybe a year or two younger than he, and they each offer a small nod of greeting. "Good even'n good sirs...and lady. Welcome. May we take care of your mounts in the stable? If not, there's a tie-post on the other side o' the inn..." The party sees a reasonably large stable to the rear of the inn, well-lit, and obviously housing several mounts already. The other side of the inn, from what can be seen from this point, lies in the shadow of the inn itself, and is getting more lost into the dark as night approaches.