Oxnard Kettlebeak |
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This recruitment is for an incredibly ambitious game I am preparing to run.
It will be a modified Kingdom Builder game, set in the Fairlands of my world (Kesperex)-- I will be simplifying the actual Kingdom Builder rules and the army rules, I know these subsystems don't always play the best on here which is why they will be pared back to some degree-- I'll work up the final rules before the actual game starts and publish them to the folder.
Character Creation: Will be PF1 rules, moderate house rules (especially for races). The races of Kesperex can be found
Gnomes are unchanged from PF1 rules, but closer to AD&D 2nd Edition in Lore.
Halflings are unchanged in rules, but all Halflings are ebony skinned (in lore they descend from an ancient empire akin to Carthage).
Humans are unchanged; other races exist and there are some changes, but those are the most likely races for Kingdoms.
The twist with this game is that I am recruiting currently for the Kings (or Queens) of three Kingdoms, so I am asking not for a completed character sheet or character background, but for a pitch for YOUR KINGDOM.
Once I've selected Kings, we will run another round of recruitment to staff your councils/adventuring parties-- and each Kingdom will represent a separate table that have simultaneous/overlapping adventures in the same region-- potentially even coming to blows/war with one another!
Submission: What do I actually want to see in this round to select the Kings/Kingdoms?
1. Kingdom Name (does not have to be Kingdom- can be Duchy/Baronetcy/Principality, ect- however you want to style it).
2. King/Ruler Name, Race, Intended Class, and alignment
3. Racial Makeup of Kingdom (in %'s) and which of those races have noble families in the Kingdom
4. Kingdom Alignment (both general population and the ruling elite if there is a mismatch)
6. How You Came To Power: This should be relatively recently and covered in about one paragraph (did you beloved father just die? Did you execute a coup? Were you chosen at a Witten?)
7. Three Power Players in your Kingdom who will NOT be represented by player characters (A rival duke? A troublesome uncle/nephew? A banker? A respected lord?)- these don't need to be rivals, but they should have their own agenda that should not be in lockstep with your own, even if their goals overlap to varying degrees; cover each in about a paragraph (3 sentences perhaps)
8. What Does Your Character Want? Are you trying to regain a lost county? To avenge a slain family member? To find true love? This should be a personal goal for your King.
9. What Does Your KINGDOM Want? A goal that is a desire in the Kingdom at large- or at least a substantial subset of it
10. What is the traditional "elite" unit of your kingdom? Viking Reavers? Mounted Knights? Dwarven Sappers? What's the Order/unit/THING that young noblemen aspire to earn glory and join when they grow up.
I think that's enough for now-- we will undoubtedly fill in more about your Kingdoms as we go, but from that I will choose the Kings (who will also serve as team captains for recruitment).
If you're reading this, and interested in playing, but would rather be not the King- worry not, once Kingdoms have been selected we will be looking for about 12 more player's to join the Three Kings/Kingdoms.
For reference: Map of the World the Fair Lands where you are playing are in the upper left of the map-- they are roughly equivalent to the British Isles.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

What kind of details are you looking for?
The world is a fairly high magic world, divided in large regions which are all unique to differing degrees (The King Lands are two massive Kingdoms locked in a 100 years style mega war, the Old Empire is roughly equivalent to Renaissance Italy, the Plateau Lands are the Asian setting).
The Fair Lands are supposed to be like Iron Age Britain- lots of small, sometimes very quickly changing Kingdoms warring, growing, ect against each other.
The BIG thing about the world is that there are (in this time frame, the 3rd Age) two "major" Monsters are missing- Dragons and Ogres do not exist in the world.
The world has four moons- one which is Full every week, one that's full every month, one that's full every other year (these three set the calendar for the world), and the "Chaos Moon" which has a non-standard cycle.

Robert Henry |

Amazing idea Oxnard, always fun to RP a different setting, especially when you get to help create it. Let me see if I can put together a kingdom for you.
Do you have a rough date that your looking to have this first waive of applicants done by?
edit: Before I get too far into the development, what kind of terrain are in the fair lands?

JonGarrett |

Fascinating concept. Would a nation with a recent slave rebellion where the ex-slaves won but aren't in a position to remove the former nobility since it would destroy what little relationship they have with other, nearby nations be possible? All the inter-marriage means killing off the duke that owned you means killing off your trade partners cousin.
If that'll fit the world you have I'll see what I can whip up.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

I don't plan to start the actual game play until Outpost IV (which I'm running one and playing two games in) winds down, so I figured I'd see how much interest I had and set a deadline in about 5 days, or at least a time to lock to "new" submissions with time for everyone to finish.
(obviously, after that we will have to do another recruitment thread to get the other PCs which will take another couple weeks.)

Robert Henry |

So this is a basic idea, please let me know what you think. Are the length of elvish lives the same as PF 1?
Ok, I thought the map looked familiar. I remember reading your elves of Kesperex before for a previous recruitment. So I want to mix an Idea for a 'people group' that I've been toying with, with your elven races.
My idea is two large elvish people groups that have been joined by marriage. My king would be the son or grandson of that initial union. One tribe would be insular forest elves that live in the central northern mountainous part of the land think Scottish Highlands with more forest.
The second would be Plains elves Hundreds (possibly thousands) of years ago these were elves who were exiled. Who lived in the south, becoming a buffer between the southern human? kingdom. Eventually building towns and cities along the riverway and in time up the coast line. So the Plains elves city-states would actually encircle the interior forest elves.
The king would have to work with the traditionally conservative forest elves who live in small self supporting communities. While keeping trade between the city-states, the southern human? kingdom and the mainland. While unifying the two contrasting military styles to protect the countries coastline from raiders and marauders.
I would love to figure out how to work both mongrel elves and pixie elves into this, but I'm not sure how much 'leeway' you want to give on those two races.
I apologize I keep editing this:

Simeon |

In a similar vein to JonGarret’s question, I’ve got an idea for a mercenary band/holy order of the Church of the Three who were hired to take over a kingdom for a neighboring king but realized they could just take it for themselves.
They’ve manifested as a martial theocracy, though quite meritocratic as a result of venerating Jarett most highly.
Would that fit with your idea?

Robert Henry |

For the nation I’m combining two ideas. The first idea is a rough picture of the history of the british isles, themselves. In broad brush strokes: The Pixie Elves are like the Picts, original people of the highlands, Forest Elves are like the Celts, previously widespread, but pushed here by the expanding human race. Plains elves are like the Saxons, traveled here as warriors making a home, having now been pushed to the northern half of the Island by the southern human kingdom. Mongrel elves, like the vikings, flexible opertunists who built ports to trade with their xenophobic kin.
The second Idea is a storyline I’ve been toying with: A zenophobic people group who has split into two cultures, one very insular and wanting no interaction with the outside world. The second, more willing to work with the outside world on it’s own terms. The Forest Elves and Pixie elves will live in the highlands, not wanting the outside world to affect their communities but have come to appreciate the opportunity of limited trade provided by the ‘lowlanders’. The plains elves live in the southern lowlands. As a buffer stopping the expanse of the humans and also providing mercenary cavalry to the highest bidders on this Island or the main continent. The Mongrel elves built port towns around the coast. Providing an opportunity to make a profit trading with the xenophobic highlanders.
1. Kingdom Name (does not have to be Kingdom- can be Duchy/Baronetcy/Principality, ect- however you want to style it).
The name of the land is Vedui Bardór. The Highlands are called "Ardór." The lowlands are called "Tovondór." The lowlands are split into two parts, the southern flatland “Duindór” and the coastal regions “Aeardór”
2. King/Ruler Name, Race, Intended Class, and alignment
I don’t have a name yet. His title will be Dagr-aran {basically “war chief”, Race: Plains elf, Class: probably Cavalier (possibly bloodrager or ranger with the archetype 'griffin rider'), Alignment: Neutral Good
3. Racial Makeup of Kingdom (in %'s) and which of those races have noble families in the Kingdom
The Highlands: 65% Forest Elves, 25% Pixie Elves, 5% Dwarves and 5% gnomes. The highlands are broken up into nine tribes, Forest Tribes, each has a chief. The Pixie Elves have elders and small communities throughout the upper portions. Dwarves and gnomes, unknown.
The Lowlands: in the southern flatlands: 60% Plains Elves, 20% Forest Elves and 20% Mongrel Elves. In the coastal towns: 60% Mongrel Elves, 20% Humans, 10% Plains Elves, 5% Forest Elves and 5% others. The southern flatlands are split into two large areas, east and west, each having a large fortification near primary rivers. These fortifications are led by military captains considered the “first of equals.” The coastal towns have Mayors who are influenced by town ‘elders’ ie: rich merchants.
4. Kingdom Alignment (both general population and the ruling elite if there is a mismatch)
The highlands lean toward Chaotic good, The lowlands lean toward neutral. Though my character will push towards neutral good.
6. How You Came To Power: This should be relatively recently and covered in about one paragraph (did you beloved father just die? Did you execute a coup? Were you chosen at a Witten?) His father and uncle are two brothers who captain the lowland fortifications. His mother is the daughter of the chief of the largest Forest tribe. He grew up familiar with both cultures. He rose to fame fighting as a mercenary captain for humans. Having seen the changes on the main continent and the southern nation, he does not believe that the three elements of the country (highlands, southern flatlands and the coastal towns) can remain free of Human control without banding together. So he has approached his Father, uncle and father in law for their support.
7. Three Power Players in your Kingdom who will NOT be represented by player characters (A rival duke? A troublesome uncle/nephew? A banker? A respected lord?)- these don't need to be rivals, but they should have their own agenda that should not be in lockstep with your own, even if their goals overlap to varying degrees; cover each in about a paragraph (3 sentences perhaps)
I’ll need to work on this more, But the characters that come to mind:
First, His uncle, who is captain of the Western fortification. He loves his brother and nephew but balks at the idea of putting the troops under his command under a ‘council’. He feels uniting the three separate groups is a good idea, but they, the plains elves should be in charge, over the other elements, not equal.
Second: the chief of the second largest Forest tribe. An extreme traditionalist, who feels this is a plot by the main character's father-in-law to give his tribe ultimate control. He plays it politically pointing to the trade and the Mongrel Elves, as the first step to 'humanization.'
Third: A powerful mongrel elf merchant in the largest coastal town, who is against unification for reasons of profit and wanting to push for looser restrictions and more human influence in the coastal towns and eventually the nation.
8. What Does Your Character Want? Are you trying to regain a lost county? To avenge a slain family member? To find true love? This should be a personal goal for your King.
He is trying to unify the ‘country.’ For years young archers from the highlands (Forest elves) and from the coastal cities and human cities to the south (Mongrel elves) have served as archers for the lowland mercenaries. (this is how his parents met) With the reasonably recent (decades) influx of goods from the Coastal towns, it has become apparent that if the three diverse groups do not unite. It would be easy for all of them to lose their way of life. He desires to unify all groups equally each separate group having members on a council and the present leaders or nobility having limited control, letting each different group rule themselves as they have, but each group supporting the others, both in trade, taxation and military.
9. What Does Your KINGDOM Want? A goal that is a desire in the Kingdom at large- or at least a substantial subset of it
The people of the kingdom want their lives to be better, for themselves and their children, while maintaining their culture. To each group this means something different. To some extent, all want the new or exotic products that the trade with other nations brings through the coastal towns and trading posts that have sprung up on the other side of the Border-line rivers in the flatlands.
10. What is the traditional "elite" unit of your kingdom? Viking Reavers? Mounted Knights? Dwarven Sappers? What's the Order/unit/THING that young noblemen aspire to earn glory and join when they grow up.
Again this is different for each group. The traditional elite group of the plains elves is heavy cavalry. The nobles espire to military greatness and leadership. Eventually becoming captain of one of the two fortifications. editThe plains elves would also provide sorcerers for combat support.
The highlands have broad social groups that progress in prestige; villagers, hunters and warriors. You have to ‘pass the test’ to be a ‘hunter’ before you can ‘pass the test’ to be a Warrior. The primary weapon of the hunter is bow and axe, the warriors are trained with the flail (and other weapons) to honor Nera. Many of these ‘warriors’ then head south and earn money and prestige fighting alongside the ‘plains elves’ cavalry. The ‘warrior class’ espires to earn prestige. Edit: The highlands would also provide druids and animal companions to compliment the units.
The Coastal cities provide individual Mongrel elves who are more diverse fighters most are light cavalry, but some are archers in units with the Forest ‘elves or sailors in river patrols for the Lowlanders or ocean patrols guarding the port cities (which are patterned after Human cities.)edit the mongrel elves would provide multiple diverse types of casters for different needs.
Edit It would be possible to see pixie casters as combat casters as well.

Grumbaki |

Alright. I have an idea...that revolves around liquid glass. Anyways, I'll explain.
1. Kingdom Name (does not have to be Kingdom- can be Duchy/Baronetcy/Principality, ect- however you want to style it): Thrindaerin
Thrindaerin, the hidden kingdom. So known because what is available to see for the outside world is said to be 'just for foreigners.' The kingdom began with the humblest of beginnings. A mine. Struck by a clan of Stone Dwarves, they came across something in the depths of the earth that was to change their fortunes. They named it "liquid glass."
This heatstone-derived glass is warm to the touch and slightly malleable, as if it were still liquid. A pliable nature allows this otherwise razor-sharp crystal to repair itself when it takes damage. Having found it, the clan-lord, Thrindron, cut off all communication to the outside world and forbade his kin from leaving their delvings. While in this self-imposed exile, Thrindron sent out trusted emissaries to bring in experts who might assist the dwarves in bringing out the true potential of their find. Of those who were brought in, it was the Tower Elf Aerin who discovered the process for working the liquid glass and truly bringing it to life. A deal was struck, and over the years both Thrindron and Aerin called upon friends, family and various contacts. The mines grew around the original find, and as the years went by, the fruits of their labor eventually were known.
The kingdom itself is a strange conglomeration of cultures, with authority divided between the sky and earth. The capital of the kingdom is the city of Tor Aerin.
Tor Aerin: The City of the Tower
In the center of the city sits the Tower of Aerin, which the city is named after. It is here that Lord Aerin holds court, and within the tower only his kin and members of the city council may walk. Around it lies the city proper, which began as a trading post and grew in size and influence as the wealth of the kingdom attracted disparate settlers. Mostly inhabited by humans, the day-to-day operations are run by a guild council, run by the wealthiest and most influential citizens within the city.
Thrindrongol: The Hidden Kingdom
[i]The gates to Thringrongol are located at the base of Tor Aerin, tucked away and hidden by the natural formations of the earth upon which Tor Aerin was built. The gates themselves are unassuming, only looking out of place given the distinctly dwarven design of them. None aside from a select few Tower Elves and members of Thrindron's clan may pass beyond these gates. For it is there that the true wealth of the kingdom lies. The Liquid Glass. The deposits are whispered to never run dry, for it holds the ability to repair itself. Here the Stone Dwarves live, mine and work their craft, oft-times with the assistance of powerful elven mages. What they are working on is a secret that has brought the two races together, and speaking of it to outsiders is a crime punishable by death.
2. King/Ruler Name, Race, Intended Class, and alignment
There are two rulers. Lord Aerin (Lawful Good) / Lord Thrindon (Lawful Neutral)
First there is Lord Aerin, the Master of the Tower. It is he who performs the day-to-day operations of running the kingdom. Beneath the surface, there is Lord Thrindron, now an ancient dwarf who is consumed with achieving what he believes will be the secret to immortality.
3. Racial Makeup of Kingdom (in %'s) and which of those races have noble families in the Kingdom
The vast majority of the kingdom are human, mongrel elf and hill dwarf settlers, making upwards to 85% of the population, though this includes other races as well, though to a lesser extent than the main three. The kingdom itself is centered around the city of Tor Aerin, but includes many a surrounding town and village. Originally composed of prospectors, refugees and adventurous travelers, the kingdom has slowly but surely expanded it's borders and welcomes newcomers with open arms. It is said that Thrindaerin is a Kingdom where the past does not follow and a new life can be had. While none of these people may rise to the rank of nobility, there is a social ladder to climb, as the best, brightest and most fortunate may become guild lords. And it is said among the common-folk that it is the Guilds which hold true power. The House of Guilds is a raucous place, where the leaders (and their followers) debate and legislate to keep the day-to-day affairs of the kingdom in line. Traditionally, there is an elf of the tower who has an official role in observing the House. It is a role oft given to a young elf as a way of seeing the world, or as a punishment for failing to meet the standards of their people.
Roughly 5% of the population are tower elves, nearly all of whom live with the Tower itself. To be allowed to join the tower is thought to be a great honor, for it is a place of learning where the accumulation of power is thought to be the highest virtue.
The last 10% of the population are stone dwarves, most of whom live below ground. It is they who work the "deep mines", though a fair few do live on the surface. Those who do decide to go top side are bound by the strictest oaths to Gods and Ancestors to not speak of their hidden kingdom.
4. Kingdom Alignment (both general population and the ruling elite if there is a mismatch)
General Population: Chaotic Good. The populace of the kingdom were founded by the most adventurous of settlers, and that culture remains strong to this day. It is a land where one is expected to make their own way and to care for themselves, with entrepreneurship being held in higher regard that tradition.
Ruling Elite: Lawful Neutral. To the elves of the tower and the stone dwarves of the deep, oaths, loyalty and tradition are binding. A word, once given, may not be broken, and those who turn traitor are punished to the full extent of the law.
5. How You Came To Power: This should be relatively recently and covered in about one paragraph (did you beloved father just die? Did you execute a coup? Were you chosen at a Witten?)
Lord Aerin was one of the two founding lords of the Kingdom. Before the mines that led to the kingdom were founded, Aerin and Thrindrol were adventurers, who traveled together looking for fame and fortune. The dwarf retired from that life and used the proceeds of their adventures to fund his mining expedition, while Aerin had continued on, hoping to gather enough coin to retake his birthright. As fate would have it, the dwarf's mining project killed two goblins with one arrow.
6. Three Power Players in your Kingdom who will NOT be represented by player characters (A rival duke? A troublesome uncle/nephew? A banker? A respected lord?)- these don't need to be rivals, but they should have their own agenda that should not be in lockstep with your own, even if their goals overlap to varying degrees; cover each in about a paragraph (3 sentences perhaps)
Thrindrol Whitebrow The Lord of the Deeps. The Alchemist King. The true founder of the kingdom, though he has no interest in the day to day operations of the kingdom as a whole. He believes that true immortality is within his grasp. In this, he might be right, for he has already lived far longer than any dwarf has a right to live. But while his age has been drastically slowed down, it has not stopped, a fact which drives him ever onward. He is a life-long friend of Aerin. While Aerin is supportive of Thrindrol's quest, he wonders what the dwarf might do should his quest actually prove successful...
(Dwarven Royal Alchemist, seeking the grand discovery "Eternal Youth")
Fredemund the Guildlord The most powerful of the guild-lords of the city of Tor Aerin. The guild council elects one amongst their number to hold the title of "Paragon of the Equals." It is he who represents the interests of the people and is the most likely to interact with Lord Aerin within the tower. He sees himself as being the true power within the kingdom, for while he does not have the actual authority to rule, he holds far more connections with the average man than Lord Aerin ever could. It is the guild's task, after all, to see to it that Lord Aerin's orders are implemented. And how an order is implemented often holds just as much power, if not more, than making the order in the first place. Fredemund is a shrewd man who knows not to overstep his authority, but who is jealously guarded about protecting the power that he has accumulated. He fears the machinations of the Guilds far more than he does the aloof rulership of his elven and dwarven lords.[/i]
(Human Unchained Phantom Thief Rogue)
Lady Isolde This is Lord Aerin's wife, she is an elf who is also of a regal bloodline. She is a wizard of immense power, far outstripping what Aerin is capable of. She is haughty, aloof, and utterly obsessed with expanding her personal power so that she might rise above what even her forefathers were capable of. In this, she has dedicated herself to creating 'the perfect golem' as a means of showing her eternal skill so that all future generations will know of her power. Much of the Tower itself are guarded by her creations, that provide constant vigil and security. Aerin is fortunate that she truly loves him, for there are few mortals able to stand before her power. Likewise, it is fortunate for the world that she seeks power for the sake of power itself, seeing it as something of a religious quest. For if she were to turn her wrath upon the world, then it would take mighty adventurers indeed to stop her.[/i]
(Elven Clocksmith Wizard)
7. What Does Your Character Want? Are you trying to regain a lost county? To avenge a slain family member? To find true love? This should be a personal goal for your King.
Lord Aerin is an elf who comes from lost nobility, from when his family ruled a kingdom of elves long ago. He sees his current position as being a reclamation of what is his by birthright, though he recognizes that his people are now so few in number that it would impractical to have a 'pure-blooded' kingdom. He seeks to maintain power and to bring a measure of culture to a land which is still not fully settled. He truly believes that he is making the world a better place through his actions, and that his divine right to rule was ordained for the good of his people.
8. What Does Your KINGDOM Want? A goal that is a desire in the Kingdom at large- or at least a substantial subset of it
The kingdom at large looks for stability and recognition on the world stage. What this looks like often depends on who is asked, for Thrindaerin is a mixture of cultures, ethnicities and races from around the world. This has been it's strength in expanding as quickly as it has, but also is a source of derision from more established powers.
9. What is the traditional "elite" unit of your kingdom? Viking Reavers? Mounted Knights? Dwarven Sappers? What's the Order/unit/THING that young noblemen aspire to earn glory and join when they grow up.
Cyber Soldier Fighter
Cyber tech rules are used for the kingdom, but only if it is made from liquid glass and is powered by enchantment
Unchained Monks with possessed hand feat. Their hands are made from liquid glass
The elite of the kingdom inevitably make use of Liquid Glass in modifications to their own bodies. It is a mark of great honor to have an arm replaced with an 'improved' liquid glass limb. While Tower Elves and Stone Dwarves make ready use of this, it is possible for other races to join these elite ranks. Some of the greatest heroes of the kingdom have come from those who have worked their way up through the Kingdom's military. To reach such a level is to bring everlasting pride to one's family.
For the not-so-elite, the Tower Elves tend to produce wizards and sorcerers among their ranks. The Stone Dwarves hold those who follower the path of the alchemist in very high regard, and it is very common to see mutation warriors and mutagenic maulers within their ranks. As for military at large, Thrindaerin produces a disproportionate amount of rangers, for outside of it's one city, the kingdom is made up out of much wilderness and isolated settlements. The people take great pride in being self reliant, a fact which has led to death by attrition for many an invading force. The military itself is not large by any stretch of the imagination, having within itself a core of elite soldiers backed up my militia. To increase their battlefield prowess, the kingdom makes heavy use of golems, with elven mages controlling them on the battlefield.

Grumbaki |
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That was alot of fun to write. Even if not chosen, glad to have had the opportunity to make that. :)
Also for Lord Aerin, the build path would look like this:
* Magical Knack (+2 wizard CL)
* Student of Philosophy (Int to bluff and diplomacy)
VMC Wizard (to get the wizard school abilities that he otherwise wouldn't get, along with a familiar!)
Lvls 1-4: Elven Paragon (Because how could an elf character not do that?)
Lvls 5:Unchained Master of Many Styles Monk (for getting Kirin Style)
Lvl 6: Unarmed Fighter (for getting all martial weapon proficiency and Kirin Strike)
Lvls 7-9: Wizard (For lvl3 spellcasting)
vlsl 10-20: Eldrich Knight (not the best prestige class, but never tried one before)
What this all means? Dex to hit and Damage, with swift action for 2x Int in bonus damage.
At lvl20, would have: 18 BaB, 15 wizard levels of spellcasting (with 17CL), 2 druid levels of spellcasting.
Not the best fighter. Not the best spellcaster. But good enough at both! Would certainly take Breadth of Experience. I like the idea of a kingdom ruler who has lived long enough to understand his subjects in what they do, be they an artist, a baker, a wizard, a druid or a warrior. That's the idea at least, in the build path.

Andostre |

I will be simplifying the actual Kingdom Builder rules and the army rules, I know these subsystems don't always play the best on here which is why they will be pared back to some degree-- I'll work up the final rules before the actual game starts and publish them to the folder.
Recognizing that you don't have your modifications finalized, can you talk a bit more about how you're changing the Kingdom Building rules? When you say "on here," I'm assuming you mean in a play-by-post format, which I fully agree with.
Will Kingdom Building decisions be solely the domain of the three rulers selected, or will all leaders in each kingdom be expected to collaborate on this?

Oxnard Kettlebeak |
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Yes, I mean "in play by post format"- tends to happen where there is too much going on so suddenly you realize you hadn't done the subsystem for 6 months of real life time and everyone has forgotten everything about how it works.
I think the general "goal" of the simplification will be shifting it from a kind of brand new Kingdom to something that's a more settled Kingdom- so rather than focusing on each individual building/settlement level, I will adjust to taking just the "more important" Kingdom level buildings--
i.e. rather than building a tenement in this particular square, ect. it will focus on things like Churches/schools/ect. and assume that private parties are building the tenements and their own noble palaces and so forth.
I'm really not sure on the specifics yet- I'm going to have to take a deep dive back into the rules (it's been a few years since I used them) and pare them back.
But no- each of the rulers/Kings will then have their own councils/adventuring parties and everyone will have a role in the system.

Robert Henry |

Thank you for that general direction. I have a lot of questions about population sizes, how many cities, towns and villages. Size of Standing army, Navy and in a high magic setting air force, (looking at you Sable Company Marine.) As well as the possible existing trade allies, imports, exports and natural resources. Along with possible universities, seminaries, magic schools and libraries.
My original idea was fairly 'low magic' applying the PF1 rules will allow for a lot more interesting 'mounts' and magic users as combatants.

The Lobster |
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Not to submit to all of your games, but I did just have a slot open as my Return game just ended. Trying to decide between, A, a Druid circle that elects a monarch that rules as service (effectively a landed arbiter or magistrate with a rotating title) or B, a cruel and vicious leader entirely disconnected with their subjects who are actively and openly fomenting insurrection, but their court is hiding this fact from the monarch while trying to deal with this behind their back.
Probably will go with B.

Zorin Blitz |

1: Great Sinew
2. Dr. Zorin Blitz. Human Vivisectionist Alchemist Chaotic Neutral.
3. Races of all kinds are allowed in with a thin majority of them being humans, and then gnomes with a mix of the rest. Noble families are made up of high positioned research and scientists given familial grants.
4. Kingdom alignment Chaotic neutral.
5. The kingdom itself was born after a plague nearly wiped out the old one, essentially killing the majority of the leadership. Zorin was a alchemist who had discovered a cure for the disease and used it to overthrow the monarchy with the majority of the recovering populace behind him.
6: Bishop Adrian Thorp. A proud cleric of Hapi, he often is pushing against the kingdom's research into advanced medicine and life extension alchemy, viewing it as a meddling with natural life. In addition, he bawks at the nation’s atheistic doctrine.
Dr. Layton Bright. A researcher using his alchemical knowledge to secretly fuel an underground drug trade. While many suspect that he is using his position to hoard wealth and power, none and prove his connection to the underground.
Count Lewis Vanderbull. One of the few nobles who managed to retain his status. Did so by funneling his wealth to intelligent inventors and researchers but then stealing their ideas to pass for his own. Growing increasing desperate as his schemes slowly come to light and his own discoveries are thrown into doubt. Has a vested interest in the country returning to a monarchy.
7: Zorin’s main drive is to create the ultimate life form. A species that can adapt to any situation and thrive in its location. To do so he is actively searching for life-extending alchemy and magic to ensure he can see his ambition to its end.
8. The kingdom’s goal is to become the medical and alchemical capital of the world. Using its many doctors to maintain its country and generate income while using it’s many flesh crafts and oozes to expand and protect its borders.
9. The elite unit of the country is the flesh blessed. These are citizens who trained to survive the rigors of the flesh crafting process to better serve in the country’s military. These are often divided into units depending on the nature of their training. These can range in divisions granted wings for aerial combat, others granted gills for sea battles, to natural camouflage for the stealth unit.
These elites are often granted divisions of alchemical creatures such as ooze’s, chimera, or homunculi to command as well.
In essence, this is a country made up of survivors of a great plague and immigrants wishing to further study alchemy and medicine. The infrastructure was left mostly intact thanks to the plague helping the newly formed country to develop. The structure itself is built more around a corporation, with its various citizenry moving up the ranks as they exhibit more talent while the rank and file citizens are left to live normal lives. The nation itself has no formal religion and many citizens are atheists after feeling abandoned during the great plague. People can be raised to nobles with great deeds such as breeding a new species or curing an ailment and others can have their titles stripped due to evidence of fraud or poor research results. One of the biggest draws to the country is free health care to all citizens with the expectations that they are obligated to take part in none of which can be life-threatening by decree from Zorin

ArendK |

My entry depends on a major assumption, which is that the Kings/Queens are of high level (12+). My thanks to the infamous Astoshan story and Kyöpelinvuori for inspiration and a template to build from combined with a character of my own.
Note that in section 8 there is a Trigger Warning as it mentions a sensitive topic for some (self deletion); it can be ignored or adjusted as necessary. I just kept it here as it was the original way the character concept "spoke" to me.
1. Kingdom Name (does not have to be Kingdom- can be Duchy/Baronecy/Principality, ect- however you want to style it).
In terms of size, Reinos Mortos and its surrounding areas only takes up a relatively small area. A central city buried in the mountains (Vuoren Hauta) surrounded by many smaller villages and towns.
2. King/Ruler Name, Race, Intended Class, and alignment
The effective Queen (I haven’t decided an alternate title yet) is Marissa Grimsdottir -- a halfling arcanist (Twilight sage archetype likely, could also do Juju or Bones Oracle) who balances between Neutral and Neutral Evil (depending on your interpretation of necromancy in the world and negative energy/evil relationship). The Juju oracle will likely require the pre-errata’d add-on of undead spells not having the evil descriptor.
3. Racial Makeup of Kingdom (in %'s) and which of those races have noble families in the Kingdom.
The outer villages in Reinos Mortos are predominantly human (70% with other races mixed in as the other 30%).
Vuoren Hauta, however, is approximately 90% of the city is undead in some form. The remaining 10% are living traders, unlife cultists, and relatives of the undead that remain. Those are of course, citizens. Bandits, murderers, etc. are kept and imported as chattel from neighboring countries in exchange for the goods produced in the kingdom. Unsurprisingly, dhampirs have a much higher percentage and acceptance within Reinos Mortos than the rest of the world.
4. Kingdom Alignment (both general population and the ruling elite if there is a mismatch)
Alignments cover a wide range of spectrum in Reinos Mortos; while most are isolationists and thereby neutral, there are some in the upper echelons of society (such as Baron Narstein) who believes that Reinos Mortos should be focused on expanding instead of being and getting by in the world.
6. How You Came To Power: This should be relatively recently and covered in about one paragraph (did you beloved father just die? Did you execute a coup? Were you chosen at a Witten?)
Reinos Mortos was formed when Merissa, an adventurer at one point, helped clear what would become Vuoren Hauta from a large force of raiders from the surrounding mountainside. In her efforts, her leadership was acknowledged through her vision and efforts towards a functioning paradise for those cursed into unlife or who chose it. Merissa has a strict code she adheres to with her own necromancy and the ways it be utilized including the raising of intelligent and non-intelligent undead.
Non-intelligent undead tend to come from murderers, bandits, monsters, and others of evil intent. Merissa will never raise the corpse of an innocent as a mindless undead, preferring proper burial. The hordes of undead are kept in underground catacombs guarded by other undead who keep the hordes within for the safety of the living populace. Unintelligent undead are used as much for foot soldiers as menial or risky labor. Clerics and necromancers will be commissioned by citizens to retrieve a set amount of extra hands to be used whether for mining, farming, etc), who oversee the tasks and return the horde to the catacombs.
Intelligent undead Merissa supports and provides a haven for tend to be those who have been able to keep their darker undead urges under control, accidental or victimized by undead. Vampire spawn after their creator has been staked, liches who simply want to pursue their studies (closely monitored by the various clerics and mages from the religions in the area), ghouls who have managed to keep their sanity (they feed on the imported murderers, bandits, and animals when necessary), incorporeals, etc.
7. Three Power Players in your Kingdom who will NOT be represented by player characters (A rival duke? A troublesome uncle/nephew? A banker? A respected lord?)- these don't need to be rivals, but they should have their own agenda that should not be in lockstep with your own, even if their goals overlap to varying degrees; cover each in about a paragraph (3 sentences perhaps)
Baron Narstein, a prominent warrior (skeletal champion, formerly human), is a major power player within the kingdoms internal politics. General of the White Hand Brigade, Narstein leads one of the most prominent military forces to the protection of Reinos Mortos; he is more than vocal on the Counsel of the Grave (prominent leaders who handle various aspects of running Reinos Mortos) about his belief that Reinos Mortos would do well to expand its borders. Merissa respects his military prowess, but remains unconvinced that expanding is in the best interest of the populace.
Lady Sheray, a Human priestess of Hapi, is a representative of the church of Hapi. Hapi’s stance against undead is well established, and it is only through the careful management of the undead themselves that the church has not launched more crusades against the city. Sheray and Merissa have a begrudging friendship and respect; Merissas efforts to keep rampaging undead in the area to a minimum (murderous vampires are staked without mercy, as are those who turn people unwillingly) has done much to earn and keep Sherays respect. Sheray is granted a position on the Counsel of the Grave as both a show of transparency and as an advocate for the rights and safety of the living within Reinos Mortos. [If Merissa is an Oracle and draws her power off Hapi, she doesn’t acknowledge it as such].
Loric Syrus, a Tower Elf mage “priest” of Ge’Shanai, also serves as an advisor to the Counsel of the Grave. His official position is that of an arcane advisor to the Counsel, and he provides magical assistance when requested within the scope of his abilities.
8. What Does Your Character Want? Are you trying to regain a lost county? To avenge a slain family member? To find true love? This should be a personal goal for your King.
Years later when Merissa was a teen, raiders from the Fair Lands burned the city to the ground, slaughtering the gravekeeper, his family, and hers as well. Her mother hid Merissa in a grave outside before the raiders slaughtered her. Merissa saw the raiders and their attack had burned the images into her mind. After burying her family and adopted families, Merissa gathered what few supplies her small frame could carry and set out towards the nearest town.
It was many weeks of traveling and scavenging before Merissa finally came to a settlement that wasn’t ravaged by raiders. Using her past experience with the gravekeeper and his family, she began working alongside the local gravekeeper for food and shelter.
Merissa noticed many groups sneaking into the tombs and mausoleums after dark; she snuck within and followed and listened to them. Some were teenagers sneaking off for a few moments of privacy, while others were scholars and cultists seeking to practice or pray in private. [If a mage, Merissa stole a spellbook and some notes to study to begin learning as a mage; if she’s an Oracle, she began hearing the calls of her Mystery).
As she studied, she facilitated a particular funeral attended by a druid who tended the seas, the forest elf druid Vallas. She was entranced by the tanned and sea-worn druids disposition and frame. Vallas saw through the pleasant facade that Merissa presented to most everyone else, and the two began a tempestuous relationship. Merissa pined that her short life expectancy would be but a blip on Vallas’ long lifespan; madly in love, she began researching means of extending her lifespan to match her loves.
Over time, Merissa became a competent mage after swiping many amateurs spellbooks (or competent at channeling her divine magic, whichever is accepted). Merissa signed on with a small group of adventurers, and even the simple task of wiping out some bandits brought forth more gold then she had ever seen. Merissa left the city to travel with various adventuring groups, never staying too long with any one group as most groups were uncomfortable with necromancers. As she traveled, she met with other mages, learning to look for the signs other necromancers were in the area and she often would track them down and consult with them, sharing knowledge of magic and items.
Merissa built a solid contact of necromancers and death-associated priests. Through discussions, Merissa settled on the position that necromancy was nothing more than a tool, and it mattered more what the intent of the person wielding it was. The same applied to those whom were powered by negative energy, just as a sword was less guilty than the swordsman who used it to commit atrocities against the innocent.
Eventually, Merissa and her adventuring party arrived at what would become Vuoren Hauta, chasing an unnaturally large group of raiders through the region. As they purged the fort, Merissa found the face of the raider who had killed her family so many years ago. Merissa took no small amount of joy in using her magic to slaughter the raider. Clearing the catacombs, the party uncovered a vampire, along with a young girl (not even in her teens) who had been turned.
Trigger warning in place- skip to next paragraph
They staked the senior vampire, and through a heart-breaking discussion with the necromancer, the now-free-willed young girl decided to stake herself since through no fault of her own, her innocence was taken away irrevocably, leaving her in a world that would forever see her as a monster and a hunger for blood she could not escape. The event rattled Merissa in ways she wasn't prepared for.
While immortality to spend with Vallas (whom she kept in regular contact with, with occasional visits to wherever he may be) was still a goal, she wanted to provide a haven for those innocents like the young girl; like herself before the raiders.
Given her skillset, she resolved that likely the answers to both were going to be a result of necromancy, something anathema to most druids. Vallas was understanding as best he could; his own research into the relationship between druidic magic, unlife, death, and nature was proof he still wanted to find a way to remain with Merissa. Merissa, in turn, left her adventuring party her share of the loot, in exchange for the fortress (which they had no interest in anyways).
Merissa sent word to every contact she had, explaining her plans for Vuoren Hauta. Those sympathetic to the cause came, along with the intelligent undead that had managed to make the journey. Collectively, they rebuilt the fortress. As more came, they worked through the logistics of maintaining food and such for the living by forming an alliance with the nearby villages. Merissa, who changed her surname to “Grimsdottir” (a necromancer with Sun in their name? Seriously?) after her encounter with the vampiric child, facilitated protection and extra labor for the outlying villages. The mountain turned out to be a treasure trove of precious metals and stones, including much valued onyx.
Many undead who had accepted undeath to continue their passions (so long as those passions didn’t harm the innocent) came to the lands known as Reinos Mortos; Realm of the Dead. Vuoren Hauta, being situated right at the base of a mountain, proved to have precious little sunlight on the side it was built as a result of the constant fog clouds above it.
Merissa, using the wealth of the mountain itself, helped raise many of the undead (sentient undead citizens tend to take the form of skeletal champions and zombie lords, occasionally a juju zombie if Merissa is an Oracle). Merissa and the necromancers used speak with dead to communicate with the souls of the dead to determine if they were willing to come back (as in the case of Baron Narstein, who had died initially trying to provide the best life he could for his family; he and his entire company were raised over the course of many months, with their families travel arranged to inhabit Vuoren Hauta). As constant warfare has likely led to the rise of many mercenary companies, The Counsel of the Grave employs them, offering them the same deal offered to the undead soldiers; families are welcome to stay within the safety of Vuoren Hauta.
Merissa as a “Queen” wants to provide a haven for those hunted for misunderstandings like her undead allies. With the constant warfare in the neighboring areas, she believes Reinos Mortos can be a bastion for those who want to escape the conflicts. Without the backing of the church of Hapi on their side, other nations have been hesitant to challenge Reinos Mortos.
Personally, she wants to get Reinos Mortos established well enough to "retire" to a life of comfort without worry with Vallas to enjoy the centuries together. While she could retire physically comfortably now, she doesn't feel Reinos Mortos is ready to stand on its own, and wants to continue her research into the relationships between druidic magic, nature, undeath, and necromancy so that she could remain with Vallas. Necromancy has become such a core part of her that to abandon its practice would feel like cutting off a limb.
9. What Does Your KINGDOM Want? A goal that is a desire in the Kingdom at large- or at least a substantial subset of it.
Much of Reinos Mortos wants the same thing; to be left in peace to live their lives (or unlives). While some claim expansionism (like Baron Narstein) is the ideal goal, Merissa and the majority of the rest of the Counsel of the Grave believe simply being a bastion of peace to be the best course of action.
10. What is the traditional "elite" unit of your kingdom? Viking Reavers? Mounted Knights? Dwarven Sappers? What's the Order/unit/THING that young noblemen aspire to earn glory and join when they grow up.
For those that desire military glory, raiders and smaller kingdoms have found out the hard way that Reinos Mortos is well-prepared. Because of the nature of their populace, they have a large amount of spellcasters on hand, which is a massive detriment to most enemies on the field. However, even beyond the endless hordes of mindless undead and the spellcasters, Reinos Mortos has a variety of specialty units.
Sisters of the Golden Moon - Monks and ninjas who are attempting to seek their own enlightenment whether undead or alive. It does not escape Merissas attention that many monk powers are similar to druid powers despite the differences in theory and are achieved regardless of undeath status. This observation has led Merissa to note that there may be connection to internal harmony and druidic magic, and as such studies them as a curiosity. As a monastery, they focus on one of three philosophical styles- the Way of the Deep Grave (Grapple based combat and controlling your opponent), the Way of the Shadow (stealth and speed based based, primarily ninjas), and the Way of the Bone Fist (traditional monk style focusing on heavy hits, especially from the hands).
While Merissa shares her lovers view that animals are special, much of the rest of the leadership of Reino Mortos does not have that taboo, especially when it comes to the defense of Reinos Mortos. The Dread Cavalry’s undead horses are the stuff of nightmares as they can be pushed to their hardest continuously without rest, food, or water. Combined with the heavily armored warriors on them, the Dread Cavalry, especially that of the First Cavalry Regiment (nicknamed “The Endless Riders”), are capable of covering massive ground in short order.
Conversely, for those that don’t ride, the ability to train tirelessly results in excellent infantry. Of particular fear from the mindless hordes of the “Bloody Wave” - a unit of nothing but bloody skeletons (who are constantly regenerating and repairing themselves). For the more sentient minded undead, an annual tournament is held (more for the entertainment of the crowds) in which aspiring warriors and combatants can earn the title of “the Ethereal”- a title awarded by the Counsel of the Grave to the winner (which is a combination of jousting, one on one and group combat, and archery). The Counsel also withholds the right to award the title to anyone whom has sufficiently impressed with their performance. Winning the Ethereal title tends to come with gifts of magic items, command of a unit of undead soldiers, and typically another luxury chosen by the winner.
The Counsel keeps one special unit in reserve; Merissa has been hesitant to use it for its intended purpose since it was made by some of her magically inclined subjects as a tribute to the Counsel. A purple worm of significant size had entered the catacombs, doing considerable damage before being brought down. While the damage was repaired, the necromancers animated the beast as a fast zombie, using magic, spices, and herbs to preserve the hide and internal strength of the worm itself. The animators (a group known as the “Corpse Collectors” who tended to just animate the mindless hordes when bandits and the like were brought in) intended the worm to be filled with the hordes and tunnel under city walls, loosing the hordes on the sieged city. To date, Merissa has not used it for that purpose; instead, the Queen used the worm to loosen the soil for farming in the surrounding areas.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

Update!!!: Deadline:
I said last night probably about 5 days, so I am going to put out/formalize that now- Submission deadline to have at least an Intent to Submit in is going to be Super Bowl Kickoff Sunday, at that point we will close to new interest.
Will have two additional days past that for people who have already announced interest to complete submissions before I select our three rulers.
Submission Status:
Completed/Near completed:
(Placeholder name) of Vedui Bardór (Robert Henry)
Lord Aerin of Thrindaerin (Grumbaki)
Dr. Zorin of Great Sinew (Zorin Blitz)
Marissa Grimsdottir of Reinos Mortos (Arenk)
Plastic Dragon
Jon Garrett
The Lobster
Captain Generica
Edit: Update: I see varying concepts of what level- assume LOW starting level (1-3) rather than high- if you need to adjust stories that you are a second generation, ect. but plan for rulers to start there so that most of your stories are still ahead of you rather than behind

ArendK |

I see varying concepts of what level- assume LOW starting level (1-3) rather than high- if you need to adjust stories that you are a second generation, ect. but plan for rulers to start there so that most of your stories are still ahead of you rather than behind
Ouch. Much ouch! :D Sounds like I need to do either a complete re-write with a new idea (dreading that idea after the length of time it took me to get all that put together) or being a descendent of Merissa. I've got an idea brewing to make it work, but warrants 2 questions.
1- any issues with mine (Reinos Mortos) as presented for an origin of the nation? Not looking for favorable/unfavorable preview, just any issues with it fitting overall.
2- Had an idea for a summoner (unchained) to be the descendent with a specific image in my mind. How strict would you be with the base forms of the eidolons with the subtypes? I'm think a quadruped with the void subtype, but if that gets shot down, then I have a RAW compatible version in mind no problem that still fits that mental image concept.

Grumbaki |

Kingmaker is a game of politics no? I'll make you a deal, I get a kingdom, you can be a PC, and visa versa! Nepotism at it's finest. :) Now the only fear is that both of us get in! (Or neither)
Ha! Well then, that sounds good. :D
As for low level PCs...that throws a wrench in things! Rather than playing as Lord Aerin, I’ll adjust to play the role of his son, Aethis. He’ll have inherited the throne after his father passed away. A low level elf paragon! With his mother still alive (and far more powerful than himself).

Sebecloki |

I'm not going to apply since I definitely don't have time to do this, but I'm really into world-building, so consider this a 'dot' so I can follow the discussion thread.
Some questions if you have time or inclination to answer:
You indicated that the 'fair lands' are, at least in part, an analog to the British isles. What tech level are we imagining for this setting?
Do you have any scale on these regions on your map (like is this all basically western Europe sized?).
Are there any other major land masses on this world? (on a related note, how far does the continent extend to the east and south)
What is the Asian area like?

The Lobster |

The Queendom of Codladh is a matrilineal society ruled by the descendants of the Daughters of Siúrtáin, a Wizard King that shaped the land and built Castle Dreaming out of naught more but a mote in his eye and a pinch of sand.
Siúrtáin established Codladh as a center of education, high magic and idealism, believing that all who came deserved to not just live but live well. But that was 300 years ago. Today, Codladh stands a nation that has thoroughly betrayed its basest principles, the Daughters of Siúrtáin deeply corrupted by the wealth and excess of their station.
While it was once true that any could come to the nation and expect basic rights, free education and a chance to better themselves, those that have came before have sought to cement their position by closing the doors behind them. As a result, magic is now exclusively a noble hobby and a lost art throughout the lower classes, most of the citizenry (common and noble alike) are illiterate, and with a few notable exceptions, the Churches have almost entirely ceased service to the masses, instead chasing after donations, indulgences and stipends from the nobility.
Codladh speaks a regional language (idk the name yet, but we'll be using a poorly translated Irish/Gaelic, thank you online translation services), but in the common tongue, Codladh is better known as the nation of Sleep and its citizenry, known in the language of Codladh as Aislings, as Dreams.
2. King/Ruler Name, Race, Intended Class, and alignment
Finchoem Nic Siúrtáin, First of Her Name, Queen of Codladh and the Valley of Rest, Duchess of the Forest of Nightmare, Waking Angel, Shield and Spear of the Castle Dreaming. Human Fighter/Sanguine Angel*, Chaotic Evil
3. Racial Makeup of Kingdom (in %'s) and which of those races have noble families in the Kingdom
Total Pop: Humans 60%, Elves 15%, Gnomes 15%, Halflings 5%, Dwarves 5%.
Nobility Representation: Humans 75%, Elves 20%, Gnomes 5%.
Despite being established as an immigrant state, the bulk of Codladh is human. Elves and gnomes immediately took Siúrtáin's invitation, and are the only nonhuman races to have noble lines, but halflings and dwarves first came to Codladh in the last 50-100 years, and though some of those first families enjoy a petit bourgeoisie status above the dirt and grime of the lowest, there presently exists no new path to nobility beyond Knighthood (and few dwarves or halflings have ever sought such honor).
4. Kingdom Alignment (both general population and the ruling elite if there is a mismatch)
General Population: Neutral Good
Ruling Elite: True Neutral
The nobility are, at best, out of touch. Few can truly be described as Good and decent people, even the best among them actively exploit their subjects or otherwise exist upon the suffering of the masses. More can be described as Evil, taking delight in cruelty or the awareness of the separation between the classes, and how far above the bottom rung they sit. But most are simply complacent with the system and desperate to curry favor with their betters. Think of Castle Dreaming and its inhabitants as Versailles in the days preceding the French Revolution, or the excess of pre-Bolshevik Russia (or, better, the court of Peter III as portrayed in The Great).
On the flipside, many of even the most disadvantaged Aislings buy in wholeheartedly with Siúrtáin's ideals, dreaming of a better life for their children, but one they can never expect to enjoy themselves. But recently, the disparity has grown to be too much, and the common folk are approaching (or have indeed begun) open rebellion.
6. How You Came To Power:
Queen Finchoem was never supposed to be Queen. While her elder three sisters all followed family tradition and studied a path of magic, she had no such innate talent or skill, no interest in studying or doing anything beyond remaining the pampered and perfect youngest child. She instead became a Waking Angel, one of the Shield-Maidens dedicated to the protection of the royal family, enjoying dueling and murder far more than a princess should, even the last of the line. Her sisters each proved to be popular Queens, taking steps to improve things and return Codladh to Siúrtáin's ideals, and each died shortly on in their reign, on their fifth anniversary of leadership. The first two were taken by illness (although some believe poison), and the last (and most popular) suffered a nasty fall (although many directly blame the new Queen herself). Though the convenient timing may suggest a coup or outside threat, the reality is only the last Queen (Queen Saoirse Nic Siúrtáin) fell unnaturally, killed by a coalition of nobles that worried she threatened the status quo. Finchoem's only crime was not intervening in time to save her sister.
7. Three Power Players in your Kingdom who will NOT be represented by player characters
Duke Fabian of the Rivers Calm, LG elf medium, spiritual advisor to the Throne, and the man who has raised generations of Queens and Princesses over the past 200 years. Though many view him as the power behind the throne, there is no truth to this, as he lacks any interest in ruling. He loved each Daughter of Siúrtáin as though they were his own blood, and carries their spirits with him always- not to mourn, but to use the breadth of their experience to advise whoever sits upon the Throne. Despite being on opposite ends of morality, he is unflinchingly loyal to Queen Finchoem, viewing her not as a wayward child that must be gently eased back home, but as a woman grown who is still learning what it means to be an adult, and needs open space to test the bounds and a safe place to return when she has nowhere else to run. One of the few truly Good souls that abide in the Castle Dreaming, full of hope and optimism.
Lady Caitrín Nic Gy, NE gnome brown fur transmuter, best friend of Queen Finchoem from childhood on, and leader of the coup against Queen Saoirse. Intensely invested in the strength of the nation and her own position by the Queen's side, she is the one that decided that a hedonist would better suit the nobility than an idealist. Desperately trying to disguise her actions and protect herself, the nobles she plotted with, the Queen, and the status quo.
Prince Aodh Mac Siúrtáin, TN human karmic monk, the Queen's older brother. Unable to inherit the Throne of Codladh, as a young boy, Prince Aodh was given by his parents to the Church of Three, but rather than raising a cleric or even a ranger, they simply raised a man. Whether he can inherit by the law or not, as a rogue member of the royal family, Aodh seems the ideal target for recruitment by the Awakened revolutionaries, but, incredibly unusually for a devotee of the Three, is unburdened by desire or material possession and would refuse the chance to rule should it be forced upon him. Heretically, he wants not conflict or profit, but balance in all things, believing in mediation and compromise.
These are the only three people (aside from perhaps PCs) that still call the Queen her childhood nickname of Finch.
8. What Does Your Character Want?
In her entire life, Finch has never wanted anything that she has not had provided for her. Except the Crown, as she never wanted to be Queen. Presently, her only existing goals are to maintain power and opulence, and find and brutally murder the cabal of nobles responsible for killing her beloved sister and forcing her on the throne.
As a player, my goal for Finch is for her to either grow and develop inside Chaotic Evil while remaining an asset to the party (never becoming someone unfun to play alongside), for her to be ruthlessly executed in a peasant revolt, or for her to become a Queen-in-Exile who must find some way to retake her throne (only path where I think she could legitimately grow out of Evil and become #somethingelse).
9. What Does Your KINGDOM Want?
The common folk desperately want reform, change, revolution, and the clamoring of war grows by the day, with several minor lords and ladies in active combat against their citizens. These rebel Aislings (often calling themselves the Awakened, though other factions exist) have not yet turned their sights on the Castle Dreaming, but know that real change is impossible without the dissolution of the monarchy. Good Queens die in Codladh.
The nobility, however, desperately want to maintain power in the face of growing dissent and revolution, and having watched Queen Finchoem's violent crusade against those discovered to have plotted against her beloved sister Queen Saoirse, desire to do so without upsetting the Queen.
10. What is the traditional "elite" unit of your kingdom?
The BIG THING in Codladh is magic. Many nobles are wizards or arcanists, typically focusing on conjuration or enchantment, especially the firstborn children or declared heirs (that the Queen has no magic to speak of is an obscene sight to courtier and commoner alike).
Other nobles with class levels will follow many other build paths, many ending up as Rangers, Fighters, Noble Scions, or Neutral Clerics to Good gods, but rarely if ever are there Paladins, Antipaladins, Inquisitors (except Heretics), or Warpriests in the queendom.
Like the Queen, noblewomen unlikely to inherit might join the Waking Angels (fighters building towards the Sanguine Angel PrC with some changes, to be discussed), an elite and hyper loyal cadre of bodyguards for the royal family.
Post Script
The goal of this kingdom is to offer a possibility for not necessarily an Evil campaign, but the opposite of a Good one. Selfish people desperately trying to consolidate power and hold onto it.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

Submission Status:
Completed/Near completed:
(Placeholder name) of Vedui Bardór (Robert Henry)
Lord Aerin of Thrindaerin (Grumbaki)
Dr. Zorin of Great Sinew (Zorin Blitz)
Marissa Grimsdottir of Reinos Mortos (Arendk) (Pending rewrites)
Finchoem Nic Siúrtáin of Codladh (The Lobster)
Plastic Dragon
Jon Garrett
Dr. Kekyll
Captain Generica
Questions & Answers!
@Arendk-- no issues with it- the "undead" nation is definitely an acceptable possibility
Summoner: While I haven't laid out my specific PC creation rules, my current stance on summoner is- Unchained Summoner allowed, non-unchained Summoner tentatively allowed with the caveats that 1. Haste is a 3rd level spell for them rather than 2nd, and 2. the "POUNCE BEAST!!" is banned-- so if you are thinking of playing a summoner, the greater flexibility of the non-Unchained version is available so long as you don't use it to do the specific thing that got it banned from PFS and polite society
@CaptainGenerica/Grumbaki-- I am not sure how I am going to do character recruitment after selecting the Kingdoms, but yes, I was considering doing a "draft" format where the three kings would make picks from the submissions in some format
tech level-- Tech level in the Fair Lands is standard core PF/DND- i.e. no native guns (gunslingers would have to have guns imported from other lands) but standard steel weapons
Continent Size-- this is something I'm not great at; I envision that the Fair Lands themselves are the size roughly of Britain + Ireland, and that makes the "main" continental area (the regions labelled "The Fertile North", "The King Lands", and "The Old Empire" + that volcanic island area in the Inland Ocean roughly the size of continental Europe.
I have not fully explored how far to the east from the Plateau Lands the continent goes, nor what is south of the "North Africa" setting that is shown there as "the Burned Lands"
As for other continents- if there are any, their existence has not yet been revealed in any games that I've run on the forums so they remain campaign mysteries as of now until the time is right to reveal them.
The "asian" setting is the Plateau Lands on the map-- it's a large plains area at a higher elevation (hence plateau lands), that is characterized by small, walled city states, and massive hordes of nomadic barbarian tribes (think the Golden Horde). The Shining Seat is the largest of the city states, where the "immortal" Elven Emperor rules on the Gold Lake (which is a vortex to the plane of water, and the source for the rivers that feed the world). The "Plateau's Plateau" is a kind of in between area on the border of the Plateau Lands that's inhabited by Lizardfolk and other reptilian/amphibious people, whose society is a caste system and who worship the "Five"- the four nature gods + the god of prophecy.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

The Five worshipped in that configuration is almost exclusively tied to the Lizardfolk and their castes-- though if you had some sort of "seeking enlightenment in the East" type backstory, could theoretically be possible.
In the Fair Lands and the Fertile North, the Four are worshipped together (similar to Green Faith).
Monks of the Three are a tough sell since the Three are all chaotic war deities, but Pacifa, the LG God of Prophecy is probably a common Monk deity, or Ge'Shenai the LN Goddess of Magic.

Andostre |
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Just FYI, I won't be submitting a submission for a kingdom, but I'll be watching to submit a PC for one of those kingdoms.
I'm pretty familiar with the Kingdom Building rules, and managing them in a PbP isn't appealing, but I'm always up for someone's homebrew, and this ambitious project you've talked about sounds like a lot of fun.

The Lobster |
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The whole goal of Aodh is to not follow the tenets of whatever religion he was raised in.
I initially chose the Three explicitly because they were CG-CE, and as a TN Karmic Monk, the thought was he's tempering those thoughts with his own personal beliefs and goals. The whole schtick with the archetype is your unarmed strikes eventually count as being aligned as whatever they need to be in re alignment, so I wanted this strong Chaotic driving force in how he was raised and a very Lawful, minimalist personal code.
I wanted someone the entire opposite of Finch's hedonism

Cuàn |

Are there Aasimar in your setting?
The reason I'm asking is I have an idea that goes hard on the whole "Divine right of kings" thing in that the entire royal line consists of Aasimar with there also being a fairly high incidence of Aasimar among the nobility.
Aasimar among the commoners on the other hand would be looked down upon and would go to great lengths to hide their celestial heritage. The idea there being that the only way they could have the celestial blood is if they are the bastard children of royalty/nobility.

ArendK |

Summoner notes
Nah, nothing like that. I want to do a quadruped on either a Shadow subtype (which is RAW legal) or the slightly more thematic Void subtype (which only has a flying biped as a shape option RAW as opposed to the quadruped I'd prefer). I'm not even worried about optimizing for this character so pounce shenanigans hadn't even crossed my mind honestly. Bite/Claw/Claw is about as far as I was going to go down that route.
Nor was I looking at the synthesist. We're undead, not uncivilized after all. :D
Do you want me to create an all new post or just edit the initial submission entry Oxnard?

JonGarrett |

Kingdom Name: Republic of Barmeli
King/Ruler Name, Race, Intended Class, and alignment: Archoness Alkariani - Halfling - Water Dancer Bard - Lawful Neutral
Racial Makeup of Kingdom (in %'s): Human (55%), Halfling (24%), Gnomes (9%), Dwarfs (8%), Other (4%) - The nation's significant number of former slaves is seen in it high percentage of Halfling, Gnomes and Dwarfs. Dwarfs were excellent craftsman while the smaller races are easier to control. More physically impressive races tended to be seen in gladiatorial arenas and in much smaller numbers.
Kingdom Alignment; Neutral - The nation is still in a state of flux, and while people crave law and order personal freedoms are also high on there list of priorities.
Nobility Alignment; Neutral Evil - The Nobility is still in the mindset of slaves owners, and simply don't care about the suffering they've caused - they care about the suffering they've been through, and how they can take advantage of it. Some of them are changing as the Revolution continues to not implode.
How You Came To Power: During an especially brutal winter after a poor autumn crop slaves like Alkariani, a simple dancer for entertainment, saw luxuries like heat and food vanish. In desperation the starving slaves overthrew there rich master who sat upon what food remained in the nation, killing many of the slave owners. As word spread more and more slaves, and servants, serfs and others had seen there food vanish into the storehouses of the rich, also rose up. The House guards were swarmed by sheer numbers and the Duke died. As one of the original slaves to revolt and a charismatic woman Alkariani was put on the throne in there place, forced to weld the now free but directionless and enraged slaves and a nation designed entirely to prosper on there labour to a noble class she couldn't afford to overthrow.
Three Power Players in your Kingdom who will NOT be represented by player characters:
Shaleshti of the Bankers Guild: The nations terrible conditions and lack of food could only be solved by one thing, the magic of gold coin. Given the risk involved these loans were guaranteed against some of the nations resources. Shaleshti is the Banker's Guild representative in the nation, pressing there interest in return for reducing repayment costs or debts, or even returning important assets - but always at a price. The Guild favours the Nobles, and there ancestral ability to pay of there debts, but Shaleshti themselves seems more favourable to the new Republic.
Baron Vorka Amelesti: One of the nobles who managed to successfully survive the Revolution and a figure of some notable hatred, the Amelesti family sees no way that this blip can't be consigned to the history books in short order. Once the slaves fall back into order...well, most of there old opponents are already dead, and Vorka himself can see himself with a crown quite easily, but can also see some potential in the new order.
Khalan: One of the more infamous members of the Revolution. Cunning and clever but lacking foresight he was responsible for several major victories that were probably more gruesome than they needed to be. His desperate need for revenge blinds him to any but revenge, and he constantly pushes to destroy the remaining nobility - and doesn't care about the chaos it will bring.
What Does Your Character Want: To weld the disparate fragments of the nation together, get it out of debt, and make sure that neighbouring nations don't pick off the most vital parts of the nation's industry and resources while they're still too weak to do anything but complain.
What Does Your KINGDOM Want: The hunger of the Revolution is still fresh in the mind of most people. It is recorded that more died to starvation and sickness from lack of food than did in the fighting, even after the Revolution. The people want food. Many slaves want revenge. And the Nobility want control back.
What is the traditional "elite" unit of your kingdom: Formerly the bulk of the military of Barmeli were the professional guards of the noble houses with peasant levees for bulk. Those House Guards were decimated in the rebellion.
The Rebellion's main fighting 'units' were Gladiators and other slaves with fighting experience, supported by Huntsman who knew how to use a bow effectively. These informal, mostly irregular units still make up what little of the nation's military still exists.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

Submission Status:
Completed/Near completed:
(Placeholder name) of Vedui Bardór (Robert Henry)
Lord Aerin of Thrindaerin (Grumbaki)
Dr. Zorin of Great Sinew (Zorin Blitz)
Marissa Grimsdottir of Reinos Mortos (Arendk) (Pending rewrites)
Finchoem Nic Siúrtáin of Codladh (The Lobster)
Archoness Alkariani of Barmeli (Jon Garrett)
Plastic Dragon
Dr. Kekyll
Captain Generica
Watching for following round/characters submission:
Oh man! These are all looking good- this is going to be a tough choice for me for sure!

ArendK |

Since the original entry was a bit too high in terms of the Queens power, We’ve got some adjustment. My thanks remain to the infamous Astoshan story and Kyöpelinvuori for inspiration.
1. Kingdom Name (does not have to be Kingdom- can be Duchy/Baronetcy/Principality, ect- however you want to style it).
In terms of size, Reinos Mortos and its surrounding areas only takes up a relatively small area. A central city buried in the mountains (Vuoren Hauta) surrounded by many smaller villages and towns.
2. King/Ruler Name, Race, Intended Class, and alignment
The current Undying King is Alosrin Grimsdottir. He is a half-elf, a neutral unchained summoner. If the GM is generous with archetypes and the base forms, it would likely be a Shadow Caller using a quadruped Void subtyped eidolon (no shenanigans for power gaming, it just fits the concept).
3. Racial Makeup of Kingdom (in %'s) and which of those races have noble families in the Kingdom.
The outer villages in Reinos Mortos are predominantly human (70% with other races mixed in as the other 30%).
Vuoren Hauta, however, is approximately 90% of the city is undead in some form. The remaining 10% are living traders, unlife cultists, and relatives of the undead that remain. Those are of course, citizens. Bandits, murderers, etc. are kept and imported as chattel from neighboring countries in exchange for the goods produced in the kingdom. Unsurprisingly, dhampirs have a much higher percentage and acceptance within Reinos Mortos than the rest of the world.
4. Kingdom Alignment (both general population and the ruling elite if there is a mismatch)
Alignments cover a wide range of spectrum in Reinos Mortos; while most are isolationists and thereby neutral, there are some in the upper echelons of society (such as Baron Cadell) who believes that Reinos Mortos should be focused on expanding instead of being and getting by in the world.
6. How You Came To Power: This should be relatively recently and covered in about one paragraph (did you beloved father just die? Did you execute a coup? Were you chosen at a Witten?)
Non-intelligent undead tend to come from murderers, bandits, monsters, and others of evil intent. Merissa will never raise the corpse of an innocent as a mindless undead, preferring proper burial. The hordes of undead are kept in underground catacombs guarded by other undead who keep the hordes within for the safety of the living populace. Unintelligent undead are used as much for foot soldiers as menial or risky labor. Clerics and necromancers will be commissioned by citizens to retrieve a set amount of extra hands to be used whether for mining, farming, etc), who oversee the tasks and return the horde to the catacombs.
Intelligent undead Merissa supports and provides a haven for tend to be those who have been able to keep their darker undead urges under control, accidental or victimized by undead. Vampire spawn after their creator has been staked, liches who simply want to pursue their studies (closely monitored by the various clerics and mages from the religions in the area), ghouls who have managed to keep their sanity (they feed on the imported murderers, bandits, and animals when necessary), incorporeals, etc.
The Undying King Alosrin came to power when the original Undying Queen, Merissa Grimsdottir, announced she was stepping down and left the Counsel of the Grave to choose her successor. The Counsel, hoping to curry her favor even in retirement, named her son as the Undying King. The half-elf was considered too young and inexperienced to take the throne, so initially Baron Narceus Cadell was appointed as the Regent until the boy came of age.
As the son of the Undying Queen, Alosrin was given the best of opportunities growing up in the Undying City; however, he showed no inclination towards the military service, the magical arts, the divine, politics, nor particularly anything else for that matter. The introverted young man was capable of a few cantrips, and could functionally defend himself, but he was no mage or warrior.
When the Counsel named him the soon to be Undying King, Baron Cadell expected that the boy would remain as uninterested in politics, and eventually the Baron would be able to seize the full-title of Undying King for himself. In the years that Cadell led Reinos Mortos, they did claim some surrounding territories and expand their borders and influence. As long as Alosrin lacked the power and confidence to make his claim to the throne that he was ready, the Baron Cadell would hold it indefinitely.
A few years after her “retirement” Merissa had left with Alosrins father, the druid Vallas without telling anyone where they were going. Overnight, a magnificent forest appeared in the southern reaches of Reinos Mortos, but it was seemingly a cursed land. Skeletons and zombies walked the land, tending to the trees; some undead, others animated by fungi and other plants. The trees seemed to go through their seasonal changes in the course of a single day, having lost all their leaves by nightfall only to have them growing again by dawn. Stories of Fey dancing on the edges during the day circulated, whereas travelers who camped in the forest reported an unnatural fog that seemed to teem with the smell of rot and decay.
Alosrin would occasionally ride from Vuoren Hauta to this forest in the evenings. While he never encountered any fey, he was comfortable in the fog having grown up amongst the undead. A place of solitude and peace for the young lad, Alosrin would talk to the tree as though it was his mother. Alosrin regretted not being a powerful mage or warrior like was expected of him; she never embraced undeath herself as far as Alosrin knew, and never argued for or against the Counsels decision to make him the Undying King. Alosrin would occasionally sleep at the base of a weeping willow in the center of the forest. One morning, the lad awoke to the face of a gigantic black panther-like cat staring in his face; he recognized Karnaco as the animal companion of his father. However, the big cats fur was replaced with magical shadow, and he could make out the sentience in the beasts eyes.
Alosrin felt the connection with Karnaco, and now felt much more “whole” and powerful than he’d ever had. Much to his surprise, Karnaco spoke to him. Began to teach him magic in ways he’d never been able to grasp before, or understand. Also taught him how to call Karnaco to his side, for as long as Alosrin desired. Karnaco would not answer any questions related to his parents or what has become of them, but would gladly serve in any other way he could.
Alosrin returned to the Castle of Bone, and summoned Karnaco. That evening he shocked all of Vuoren Hauta by staking his claim that he was ready to serve as the Undying King.
7. Three Power Players in your Kingdom who will NOT be represented by player characters (A rival duke? A troublesome uncle/nephew? A banker? A respected lord?)- these don't need to be rivals, but they should have their own agenda that should not be in lockstep with your own, even if their goals overlap to varying degrees; cover each in about a paragraph (3 sentences perhaps)
Baron Cadell, a prominent warrior (skeletal champion, formerly human), is a major power player within the kingdoms internal politics. General of the White Hand Brigade, Cadell leads one of the most prominent military forces to the protection of Reinos Mortos; he is more than vocal on the Counsel of the Grave (prominent leaders who handle various aspects of running Reinos Mortos) about his belief that Reinos Mortos would do well to expand its borders. Now the former Regent, Cadell is resentful of Alosrins sudden boost in power and confidence, and is suspicious of other members of the Counsel of the Grave as to them potentially attempting to overthrow his position on the Counsel as he thinks someone else is supporting the half-elf secretly.
Lady Sheray, a Human priestess of Hapi, is a representative of the church of Hapi. Hapi’s stance against undead is well established, and it is only through the careful management of the undead themselves that the church has not launched more crusades against the city. Sheray and Merissa have a begrudging friendship and respect; Merissas efforts to keep rampaging undead in the area to a minimum (murderous vampires are staked without mercy, as are those who turn people unwillingly) has done much to earn and keep Sherays respect. Sheray is granted a position on the Counsel of the Grave as both a show of transparency and as an advocate for the rights and safety of the living within Reinos Mortos. She was actively against Baron Cadells expansionism during his time as Regent, but was able to help restrain the worst of the warriors bloodlust, minimizing the potential backlash.
Lady Sheray, since Merissa had left, has served as somewhat of a grandmother to Alosrin. As such, he trusts her wisdom (even if he sides with his mother regarding the undead) and counsel.
Loric Syrus, a Tower Elf mage “priest” of Ge’Shanai, also serves as an advisor to the Counsel of the Grave. His official position is that of an arcane advisor to the Counsel, and he provides magical assistance when requested within the scope of his abilities. Alosrin had tried to learn magic from Loric, but while Alosrin was reasonably intelligent, he lacked the drive to pursue magic from an academic standpoint. Nonetheless, Alosrin considers Loric a valuable resource of knowledge and history.
8. What Does Your Character Want? Are you trying to regain a lost county? To avenge a slain family member? To find true love? This should be a personal goal for your King.
Years later when Merissa was a teen, raiders from the Fair Lands burned the city to the ground, slaughtering the gravekeeper, his family, and hers as well. Her mother hid Merissa in a grave outside before the raiders slaughtered her. Merissa saw the raiders and their attack had burned the images into her mind. After burying her family and adopted families, Merissa gathered what few supplies her small frame could carry and set out towards the nearest town.
It was many weeks of traveling and scavenging before Merissa finally came to a settlement that wasn’t ravaged by raiders. Using her past experience with the gravekeeper and his family, she began working alongside the local gravekeeper for food and shelter.
Merissa noticed many groups sneaking into the tombs and mausoleums after dark; she snuck within and followed and listened to them. Some were teenagers sneaking off for a few moments of privacy, while others were scholars and cultists seeking to practice or pray in private. [If a mage, Merissa stole a spellbook and some notes to study to begin learning as a mage; if she’s an Oracle, she began hearing the calls of her Mystery).
As she studied, she facilitated a particular funeral attended by a druid who tended the seas, the forest elf druid Vallas. She was entranced by the tanned and sea-worn druids disposition and frame. Vallas saw through the pleasant facade that Merissa presented to most everyone else, and the two began a tempestuous relationship. Merissa pined that her short life expectancy would be but a blip on Vallas’ long lifespan; madly in love, she began researching means of extending her lifespan to match her loves.
Over time, Merissa became a competent mage after swiping many amateurs spellbooks (or competent at channeling her divine magic, whichever is accepted). Merissa signed on with a small group of adventurers, and even the simple task of wiping out some bandits brought forth more gold then she had ever seen. Merissa left the city to travel with various adventuring groups, never staying too long with any one group as most groups were uncomfortable with necromancers. As she traveled, she met with other mages, learning to look for the signs other necromancers were in the area and she often would track them down and consult with them, sharing knowledge of magic and items.
Merissa built a solid contact of necromancers and death-associated priests. Through discussions, Merissa settled on the position that necromancy was nothing more than a tool, and it mattered more what the intent of the person wielding it was. The same applied to those whom were powered by negative energy, just as a sword was less guilty than the swordsman who used it to commit atrocities against the innocent.
Eventually, Merissa and her adventuring party arrived at what would become Vuoren Hauta, chasing an unnaturally large group of raiders through the region. As they purged the fort, Merissa found the face of the raider who had killed her family so many years ago. Merissa took no small amount of joy in using her magic to slaughter the raider. Clearing the catacombs, the party uncovered a vampire, along with a young girl (not even in her teens) who had been turned. They staked the senior vampire, and through a heart-breaking discussion with the necromancer, the now-free-willed young girl decided to stake herself since through no fault of her own, her innocence was taken away irrevocably, leaving her in a world that would forever see her as a monster and a hunger for blood.
While immortality to spend with Vallas (whom she kept in regular contact with, with occasional visits to wherever he may be) was still a goal, she wanted to provide a haven for those innocents like the young girl; like herself before the raiders.
Given her skillset, she resolved that likely the answers to both were going to be a result of necromancy, something anathema to most druids. Vallas was understanding as best he could; his own research into the relationship between druidic magic, unlife, death, and nature was proof he still wanted to find a way to remain with Merissa. Merissa, in turn, left her adventuring party her share of the loot, in exchange for the fortress (which they had no interest in anyways).
Merissa sent word to every contact she had, explaining her plans for Vuoren Hauta. Those sympathetic to the cause came, along with the intelligent undead that had managed to make the journey. Collectively, they rebuilt the fortress. As more came, they worked through the logistics of maintaining food and such for the living by forming an alliance with the nearby villages. Merissa, who changed her surname to “Grimsdottir” (a necromancer with Sun in their name? Seriously?) after her encounter with the vampiric child, facilitated protection and extra labor for the outlying villages. The mountain turned out to be a treasure trove of precious metals and stones, including much valued onyx.
Many undead who had accepted undeath to continue their passions (so long as those passions didn’t harm the innocent) came to the lands known as Reinos Mortos; Realm of the Dead. Vuoren Hauta, being situated right at the base of a mountain, proved to have precious little sunlight on the side it was built as a result of the constant fog clouds above it.
Merissa, using the wealth of the mountain itself, helped raise many of the undead (sentient undead citizens tend to take the form of skeletal champions and zombie lords, occasionally a juju zombie if Merissa is an Oracle). Merissa and the necromancers used speak with dead to communicate with the souls of the dead to determine if they were willing to come back (as in the case of Baron Cadell, who had died initially trying to provide the best life he could for his family; he and his entire company were raised over the course of many months, with their families travel arranged to inhabit Vuoren Hauta). As constant warfare has likely led to the rise of many mercenary companies, The Counsel of the Grave employs them, offering them the same deal offered to the undead soldiers; families are welcome to stay within the safety of Vuoren Hauta.
Alosrin wants the same goal his mother did; to provide that haven for those avoiding death through undeath and innocents. Alosrin wants to explore more of the world, and potentially find a wife that he adores in the same way his parents adored each other over the decades. Despite him having largely the same goals as his mother, he lacks the experiences that formed them and as such is less committed to them.
However, since the arrival of Karnaco as his eidolon, Alosrin has become ever more curious what has become of his parents. The magical assistance of Sheray and Loric proved fruitless in getting any substantive answers. Alosrin suspects the cursed forest is part of the answer, but doesn’t have substantial proof beyond the arrival of Karnaco.
9. What Does Your KINGDOM Want? A goal that is a desire in the Kingdom at large- or at least a substantial subset of it.
Much of Reinos Mortos wants the same thing; to be left in peace to live their lives (or unlives). While some claim expansionism (like Baron Cadell) is the ideal goal, Alosrin and the majority of the rest of the Counsel of the Grave believe simply being a bastion of peace to be the best course of action; however, Alosrin lacks the encounter that his mother did with the vampires that formed her outlook, and also lacks the forethought his mother held.
10. What is the traditional "elite" unit of your kingdom? Viking Reavers? Mounted Knights? Dwarven Sappers? What's the Order/unit/THING that young noblemen aspire to earn glory and join when they grow up.
For those that desire military glory, raiders and smaller kingdoms have found out the hard way that Reinos Mortos is well-prepared. Because of the nature of their populace, they have a large amount of spellcasters on hand, which is a massive detriment to most enemies on the field. However, even beyond the endless hordes of mindless undead and the spellcasters, Reinos Mortos has a variety of specialty units.
Sisters of the Golden Moon - Monks and ninjas who are attempting to seek their own enlightenment whether undead or alive. It does not escape Merissas attention that many monk powers are similar to druid powers despite the differences in theory and are achieved regardless of undeath status. This observation has led Merissa to note that there may be connection to internal harmony and druidic magic, and as such studies them as a curiosity. As a monastery, they focus on one of three philosophical styles- the Way of the Deep Grave (Grapple based combat and controlling your opponent), the Way of the Shadow (stealth and speed based based, primarily ninjas), and the Way of the Bone Fist (traditional monk style focusing on heavy hits, especially from the hands).
While Merissa shares her lovers view that animals are special, much of the rest of the leadership of Reino Mortos does not have that taboo, especially when it comes to the defense of Reinos Mortos. The Dread Cavalry’s undead horses are the stuff of nightmares as they can be pushed to their hardest continuously without rest, food, or water. Combined with the heavily armored warriors on them, the Dread Cavalry, especially that of the First Cavalry Regiment (nicknamed “The Endless Riders”), are capable of covering massive ground in short order.
Conversely, for those that don’t ride, the ability to train tirelessly results in excellent infantry. Of particular fear is the mindless hordes of the “Bloody Wave” - a unit of nothing but bloody skeletons (who are constantly regenerating and repairing themselves). For the more sentient minded undead, an annual tournament is held (more for the entertainment of the crowds) in which aspiring warriors and combatants can earn the title of “the Ethereal”- a title awarded by the Counsel of the Grave to the winner (which is a combination of jousting, one on one and group combat, and archery). The Counsel also withholds the right to award the title to anyone whom has sufficiently impressed with their performance. Winning the Ethereal title tends to come with gifts of magic items, command of a unit of undead soldiers, and typically another luxury chosen by the winner.
The Counsel keeps one special unit in reserve; Merissa had been hesitant to use it for its intended purpose since it was made by some of her magically inclined subjects as a tribute to the Counsel. A purple worm of significant size had entered the catacombs, doing considerable damage before being brought down. While the damage was repaired, the necromancers animated the beast as a fast zombie, using magic, spices, and herbs to preserve the hide and internal strength of the worm itself. The animators (a group known as the “Corpse Collectors” whose job tend to be animating the mindless hordes when bandits and the like were brought in) intended the worm to be filled with the hordes and tunnel under city walls, loosing the hordes on the sieged city. To date, Merissa has not used it for that purpose; instead, the Queen used the worm to loosen the soil for farming in the surrounding areas. Alosrin has not seen a need for it, but Cadell did make use of it for a siege while he was Regent. It was terrifyingly effective.

Aerith Lithanel |

A small update to the kingdom. Given that we are starting at lvl3...
The kingdom is in mourning, for Lord Aerin has passed away. The elf was beloved by his people, man and elf alike, for he was everything that a King was supposed to be. He was both wise and fair in his decisions, and knew when to get involved and when not to get involved in local affairs. On top of that, he was a renowned warrior, mage and poet. The kind of elf that the young men wanted to be and the women wanted to be with. And Aeirth grew up in that shadow.
Aerith never really knew his father, for Lord Aerin was far too busy to take an active role in parenting. He was always involved in affairs of state, out securing the kingdom's borders with blade and spell, or shut off in his tower experimenting. It would be fair to say that Aerin knew as much about his father as anyone else, which is to say, not very much. The fact that his mother was no different, being a savant when it came to her school of magic and completely uninterested in anything as trivial as the child she bore. Born to such illustrious parentage, Aerith has known nothing but the crushing burden of expectations. For how could the son of Lord Aerin and Lady Isolde be anything but a prodigy? He has done all that he could in his short few years (for an elf), but no matter how hard he has tried he has always felt that he has come up short. What drove him was to finally earn, not even the acceptance, but the attention, of his parents. And now? Now Aerin has died, making it an unattainable goal.
The death was sudden, for it was a magical experiment which went wrong. The exact details of what occurred are still unknown, and many whisper that it was actually an assassination, though no proof yet exists. What is known is that the King is dead, and the Queen has shut herself away in mourning and refuses all visitors. Whether she is still even in her tower is something that is unknown, for she certainly has the power to teleport herself to some other locale. Which means that all eyes have turned to Aerith.
Up until the sudden tragedy he had been training in the way of the Bladesinger, following in his father's footsteps to merge the art of magic and swordplay together. He was almost ready to take the next step in earning the title of a paragon...and then? Then he became King. Prince Aerith had become a Lord. A task which nobody expected of him until at least another century, maybe two. With no other choice, the young elf must assert his position and consolidate power from those who would seek to decentralize it. That, and to live up to the legacy of his father, the shadow of which looms over him.
I'll get the two posts put together in a bit, and perhaps modify some of the first to bring it down to the correct power level for this setting.
Stats in profile help me envision who he is and what he can do. It is of course subject to much change when actual build rules come out.

Captain Generica |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Very exciting! Finished my application, but even if I don't get in, I look forward to playing with you all if I get in there!
Kingdom Name
The Vault of Heaven
Addanc the Ruthless(Known as Addanc, avatar of Hapi to his people), LE Human Tyrant Anti-Paladin[oath against chaos] Note: Emphasis on the lawful part of lawful evil. Follower of Hapi?
Racial Makeup and Noble Families?
A primarily human nation, (60%) the vault accepts any who wish to serve, or to be part of something greater than themselves. The only caveat being that undead, or anyone seeking to create undead are banned from ever entering The Vault. Dwarves do particularly well here, due to rigid law and order, and almost slavish devotion is expected to king and country. Therefor, in recent years Addanc has granted titles of nobility to more dwarven houses, in an attempt to buy loyalty from the more rigidly minded race. This is a large change of form from his predecessor, who insisted on only having human nobility in the kingdom. As of yet, no other races have gained noble titles, although rumors abound about changing fortunes...
How did Addanc the Ruthless come to power?
Tests of strength are such a barbaric way for an ailing king to decide which child he will bestow his blessings upon. He was a despot by all means, and a pathetic old man in his final years, but his mind was sharp as his body failed, and his tongue pointed. He made his children fight for his amusement, and the strongest would be crowned king. Strange then, that any time someone had to fight against Addanc that they suffered some sort of mishap before the bout. Food poisoning, poor sleep, and unfortunate injuries while hunting... all completely coincidental of course. Addanc's tendency to maim his siblings in the course of their duels meant that many were unwilling or unable to face him. What a tragedy then, when the day after Addanc was named heir to the throne that his father, Hapi rest his soul, fell from his throne, cracking his skull against the floor.
Kingdom alignment?
Despite Addanc's ruthless nature, he takes pains to suppress it for the greater good of his kingdom. As such, the ruling elites are chosen for their lawful neutrality, and the general population is known for being lawful good. This pleases Addanc, although he does worry that by fostering a strong sense of community in his kingdom that one day someone will rise up to overthrow him. Paranoia and rationality wrestle for dominance within his psyche.
Three Power Players
Number 1: Addanc's Brother Alistar. Alistar is very similar to Addanc in many ways, both in appearance and temperment. Where Addanc is blonde, Alister is dark haired. Where Addanc has much darkness in his soul, Alister has light and compassion. Both brothers care deeply for each other, and Addanc was relieved when Alister removed himself from the duel of succession. Neither brother wanted to fight each other. Addanc in particular was glad, for although he possessed great talents for sniffing out dissenters, and inflicting pain, Alister specialized in the smiting of evil. Neither brother wanted to find out if Alister's particular set of skills would have worked well on Addanc. They live in a sense of unease at this time.
Number 2: Cranthy the Halfling rights activist. Addanc's well ordered mind finds it particularly irritating when something does not function as it was intended to. As such, the fact that the halflings are mobilizing for a noble house of their own within the kingdom, refusing to work until their demands are met, and uniting under the banner of one man, creates an issue for him. If he just kills them all, or has their leader jailed, it creates the impression that he is an uncaring and callous leader. Which he is, but the general public can't know that. What to do, what to do...
Number 3: Addanc's father had many wives, greatest of which was the Queen of The Vault. Unfortunately, Queen Serena was not Addanc and Alister's mother, and she harbors an intense hatred for both of the brothers. While technically no longer queen, her presence is a constant thorn in Addanc's side, as she constantly works to undermine him politically. Still, she commands the loyalty of the old guard of nobility, and until they can all be replaced, she must be humored...
What want?
Addanc desires everything. To upstage his father. To create a "perfect" kingdom. To protect Alister. To live his life to the fullest. All these things drive him, but recently he has become keenly aware of just how lonely he is. His father took many wives, and in his almost pathologcal need to distance himself from anything his father did, he remains almost entirely chaste. Still, he seeks a lover, a friend, a confidant, someone he can actually trust. But his status makes it almost impossible for him to ever be sure about anyone who attempts to get close to him. As the older brother between him and Alister, and his mother passing away while giving birth to Alister, love was something that was sorely missing in his entire life. Now he seeks to remedy that.
What does the Kingdom want?
Expansionism and loyalty. It is good to die for your country, as Addanc, chosen of Hapi will Shepard your soul to a better place if you die in his service. Members of the Vault (or Vaulties if you want to shorten it) are a closely knit group, taught that the pain of an individual is the pain of the society, and visa versa. Addanc finds them easy to manipulate in this way, but is begining to realize that keeping up the façade of tolerance is beginning to lead to social reform that he isn't entirely comfortable with. Still, Vaulties tend to be assured in their superiority, and perhaps Addanc can use a war as a diversionary tactic... Many Dwarves within the kingdom would like to seize parts of the homeland from other dwarven nations, but Addanc is loathe to give up the uneasy peace that he has brokered.
Traditional Elite UnitTM
Knights on horseback may be somewhat cliché, but it's cliché for a reason g#$%$$nit! Get a unit of charging lancers on the battlefield, and watch your enemies crumble! Gendarme Cavaliers with spirited charge at 1st level, is a classic, standard orders are in order; lion, flame, dragon, or cockatrice. However with the rise of the dwarven noble houses, another type of elite unit has risen, one that requires much more dedication to eventually pull off, but has tremendous power as an anti-caster. I speak of course of the dwarven fighter, with cut from the air, smash from the air, and spellcut, warriors unfazed by conventional magical attacks.

Elek Kardforgató |
Oh man! These are all looking good- this is going to be a tough choice for me for sure!
well, hopefully we can make it a little more difficult.
This is Robert Henry’s applicant: Elek Kardforgató, cavalier and Heir apparent.
Elek will be styled Chil -o i aran (heir apparent) or Rí cóon (crown prince) of Tovondór. It is his goal to convince the nine Forest elf chiefs of Ardó (the highlands) to join him into making Vedui Bardór one nation.
Elek’s father Lord Armindon Kardforgató is Hir-o Lanthir Mindon (lord of the eastern tower) and his uncle, Earl Dúrmindon Kardforgató is Hir-o Lanthir Mindon (Lord of the western tower) His uncle has no children and loves Elek dearly, though he does not believe that the chiefs of the Highlands should be equals to the lords of Tovondór, but treated more like the Mayors of the three port cities.
Elek’s mother, Faunra Calenglad Kardforgató is a griffon rider trained in the limestone tower and daughter to Caladrel Calenglad the chief of the most powerful tribe in the highlands and titled Erui-o limnur (first of equals). Grandfather Caladrel believes since the humans failed at taking their land by force they will try and do it through commerce. He believes that the Highlands being ruled by introspective xenophobic individuals has become unhealthy for them and that a more united leadership and view is necessary to survive.
Elek was named after his great grand father because of his silver hair. Though his features favor his mother. He, like his Great grandfather, grandfather, father, mother and uncle, learned to fight leading mercenary units, cavalry, light cavalry and mounted archers in the wars on the main continent. Hearing his grandfather was sick he has returned home to watch over his grandfather and to increase his support for unifying the two countries.
Millennia ago Ibeindór (the fair lands) belonged to the ancient races, especially the elves. As the human race expanded in the main continent it eventually landed on the fair lands south eastern shores. Breeding quickly and hungry for land, they began the long slow push of the Edhelen núr (elvish peoples) into the north.
The Dilthen Galadrim, the Pixie elves, were the first to disappear into the Ardór, the highlands. Soon followed by the Glad Galadrim. the Forest Elves. Who, due to their ancient wisdom saw the threat humans posed and refused to allow them to stay in their lands. Escorting them to the edge of their border anytime one 'accidently' entered their domain.
The Talath Galadrim the Plain Elves were not as wise. While they settled in the Tovondór, the lowlands, with many of the Nevfiren Galadrim, the Mongrel Elves. Unwisely they allowed the Humans to build towns near the bays and rivers. Forming an uneasy peace with the human nations until seven hundred and sixty-five years ago.
At that time Vedui Bardór was split into four distinct lands. The three lowland areas creating a loose Elven confederation and a seperate elvish nation in the highlands.
The most populated Lowland area was Rúnen Dalathdór, the western riverlands. Bordered on the west and north by the ocean, bringing in the warm weather causing the Island to be called the fair lands. On the east bordered by the mountainous highlands causing plenty of rain for the fertile land. On the south by the Lhúg Duin, the snake river, which wound its way down to the ocean and the city of Lhúgothrond, it’s southernmost port.
The least populated was Rúnen firndór the eastern plateau, bordered on the west by the Mountainous highlands it saw little rain. Most of the water coming from springs in the mountains forming the Bragol Duin. A raging, waterfall stricken river nearly impassable and unprofitable for transport. The Bragol Duin formed the southern border of the eastern plateau dumping off of the Dúrrammas, the black cliffs, into the eastern channel. It was those black cliffs and eastern channel that walled the eastern and northern coast of the plateau. Causing the area to be only good for hunting and raising the ancient beasts known to the land since prehistoric times.
The largest of the three flatlands, but not as populated as the western land is the Acharn dór, the southern plains. The Lhúg Duin running lazily on it’s northwest border. The Bragol Duin rushing dangerously on it’s north east border. The Nor-Thoronroch Fánmindon, the ancient limestone tower at the foot of the mountainous highlands forming it’s northern tip. The southern human country formed it’s ever changing southern border until the human nation built a ‘defensive castle’ that became the southern demarcation. The Plains Elves built two great towers on the western and eastern rivers. This triangular land formed a choke point if the humans ever decided to attack. Using the land for a few crops, but mostly herding horses and cattle, and training their young for war.
Three different human nations, their southern neighbor and two from the fertile north. seeing the wealth and resources of Vedui Bardór and knowing the nations were separate and only loosely organized, chose to break faith with the elves. From their great ‘defensive’ castle on the border the southern nation sent armies into Acharn dór, the southern flatlands. While the two other nations sent ships to the three ports. The largest port being the human city called “Profit” which sits on the Limbduin Baui the largest bay in the Annui duintalv, the western river basin. While also landing forces in the other two ports to control the shipping lanes.
The human caught the elves by surprise. Even as the Radag Rochben, beast riders, from Rúnen talath, the wild eastern plain and the Thoronroch Rochben, griffin riders from the Nor-Thoronroch Fánmindon the ancient limestone tower that rises from the southern tip of the mountains, rode to help their kin. The elves were still pushed back, fighting a defensive battle. In the south the Plains Elves were pushed back to Lanthir Mindon and Lhúgduin Mindon the two defensive towers set by the two great rivers that form the boundaries near the center of the plain, While the Plains elves and Mongrel elves living in the western plain were pushed back into the highlands where they were treated as refugees by the Forest Elves.
In that spring and summer into the fall, the humans had achieved their goal: The three port cities, the farmlands in the western wetlands and the rich southern plains. The three main elvish fortifications were under siege and the southern neighbor had decided to starve them out over the winter. The following spring they would push into the highlands and onto the western plateau to wipe out the last of 'the resistance.' Leaving the troops to maintain control. The war ships left the ports to return to the fertile north to resupply and transport more soldiers in the springtime.
What the humans did not realize was the number of elvish mercenary units that were fighting on the main continent in the “King Lands Wars.” Multiple bands, the smallest a hundred strong, the largest over two thousand. All with heavy cavalry from the southern land, supported by archers from the highlands and light cavalry from the riverlands, All of those bands found their way to the coast, selecting the captain of the largest band, a Plains elf named Elek Kardforgató, but called Dúrrochon because of his disposition and dark armor. Dúrrochon was son of Lord Kardforgató Duke of Lanthir Mindon The great eastern tower.
Dúrrochon organized the soldiers while hiring an armada. They sailed up the mainland coast to the north then crossed the channel to the northernmost port in the Baui-o elena, the bay of stars. A small port trading in fish and furs, used mostly as a waystation in the winter. When they landed in late fall, they decimated the few troops.
The army moved quickly, having secured mounts for the foot-archers, Ignoring the soldiers left along the highland border, they pushed quickly to the port city of profit. Wiping out the soldiers left there to ‘hold the city against the rabble.’ Having ‘interviewed’ enough of the officers before their demise to learn of the plans to return, by both land and sea in the spring.
He sent messengers to the chief of the nine Forest tribes, the Earl of the Rúnen Firndór the eastern plateau and the Arawenochben, the leader of the Nor-Thoronroch Fánmindon, the limestone tower where the griffin were hatched and trained. Knowing his fathers keep was under siege he asked them to meet at the limestone tower, partially because of its central location and partially because of its storied history.
Leaving his most trusted officer in charge at the port, he with thirteen others from his band rode to the tower. Those thirteen were; nine Forest archers, one from each tribe, his highest ranking druid, two Griffing riders, and a beast rider who was his best friend and the only son of the earl of the east. Having discussed his plan with the leaders of all the mercenary bands already, He Discussed his plan in great detail with his companions on the way. With the plan that they would help convince the other leaders to support his cause.
Being convinced that the three separate states of the lowland needed to be united under a king. He promised that he would push all the humans from the land holding to the same law as the highlands: that any human in the land would have a day to leave, then they would be put out. He promised he would drive the invading army into the southern human country. He promised he would take their northern ‘defensive’ castle (that the attack originated from) and make it his own defense against them. He promised that the Port Cities would no longer be owned or run by humans, that humans would only be allowed in the cities for trade, not owning land, and not taking up residence longer than a year. He promised the Earl of the east, Lhúgduin Mindon, his own families keep and that one of the earls descendants would rule there as long as his line existed. He also promised to marry the Earls' daughter and make her his queen. (Which was no hardship since he planned on proposing to her when he would have returned home.) To the Forest elves he promised a united Tovondór that would no longer allow humans with it it’s lands to be a threat to them. He promised that he had no inclination to conquer the highlands themselves. Only to remain friends and supporters to each other for their mutual benefit. After a week of negotiations documents were signed and Dúrrochon returned to the head of his growing army.
Dúrrochon did as he promised. Leaving a portion of his army in the newly named Lainothrond. He leads the remaining mercenary troops south to Free Lhúgothrond. While the Forest Elves, Plains Elves and Mongrel elves hiding in the High country, sweep the rest of spread out humans towards the southern flat lands. After freeing the port city of Lhúgothrond. Dúrrochon again leaves enough soldiers to defend against a sea attack and pushes towards Lhúgduin Mindon routing the siege troops left there, routing them south. Resupplying the Tower he pushed his army across the south lands to the western tower, where his father was leading the defense. After routing the army there, he learned that his father had died in the battle.
Enraged at the death of his father, he joined the forces moving south from the highlands and the beast riders gathered from the west and made his last push to the human castle called “Stalwart.” He did not siege but an air assault from the Griffon riders combined with a mastodon charge against the weak southern gate. His army broke into the castle. As revenge for his fathers death, he ordered the killing of all the soldiers in the fort, letting only the women, children and elderly leave. After the battle he claimed the castle as a war trophy naming it Dagr-manadh Cardhon, Then with the Earl of the west, the leader of the limestone tower and the nine Forest chiefs witness, and the support of the mercenary captains, he declared himself Aran-o Tovondór, King of the low country.
I am using the Sindarin translator for names, places and geographical location.
The country
The entire Island: Ibeindór (the fair lands)
The Elvish realm: Vedui Bardór
The Highlands:"Ardór."
The lowlands: "Tovondór."
Cities and Forts
City at the end of the snake river, (snake city) Lhúgothrond
City previously named by the humans ‘Profit’ (Free city): Lainothrond
Town on the north bay (Bay of stars city): Baui-oelena othrond
Towers and Castles
Tower on the east river (waterfall tower): Lanthir Mindon
The ancient limestone tower(ride eagle horse cloud tower): Nor-Thoronroch Fánmindon
Tower on the western river (Snake river tower): Lhúgduin Mindon
Castle ‘Stalwart” taken from the southern country renamed (war reward): Dagr-manadh Cardhon
geographical locations:
Eastern plain: Rúnen talath
also called the Eastern dead land: Rúnen firndór
and the eastern flat land: Rúnen dalathdór
western river basin: Annui duintalv
also called the western flat land or western river land: Annui dalathdór or annui duindór.
southern plain: haradren talath
Southern Planes (South land): Acharn dór
The black cliffs that wall the north eastern side to the island (Dark Wall): Dúrrammas
Rivers and Bays:
Bordering the southland
east river or Violent river: Rhûn duin or Bragol duin
south West river or Snake River: Acharnannui duin or Lhúg duin
In the north, running from the high country to the sea
Northern river: Forodren duin
Cold blue river: Echor lhun duin
These two rivers flow into the Bay of stars: Baui-o elena
In the western flat lands
Small west river: Aedún duin
north west river: Andún duin,
south west river: acharndún duin
these three rivers become the Great west river: Belegdún duin
The great west river: Belegdún duin
(flowing from the south) green river: Calen duin
(flowing from the north) little river: Dilthen duin
these three rivers flow into the large bay (Many river bay): Limbduin baui
Other names:
MIlitary units:
beast rider: Radag rochben,
Griffin rider (eagle horse rider): thoronroch rochben
the Pixie elves: The Dilthen Galadrim
the Forest Elves: The Glad Galadrim.
the Plain Elves: The Talath Galadrim
the Mongrel Elves: Nevfiren Galadrim,.
Other common terms
First of equals (many/brothers): Erui-o limnur
king of kings: Aran -o erein
lord: Hir
hand of the king: Bor -o i aran
crown prince: Rí cóon
heir (of the king) apparent: Chil -o i aran
Elvish Knight: Edhelen rochon
elvish warrior: Edhelen maethor
bear of the east: Bróg -oirhûn
There will be more information about the nine tribes, the three cities, how the lowlands are governed and the third person described; if not sooner, by Monday.