
Feldspar Flanderdash's page

7 posts. Alias of Plastic Dragon.


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I pretty much have to go with RPing being the primary, but that wouldn't need to mean it can't be a kick-ass Dungeon Crawl anyway, right?

Less Diablo and more Baldur's Gate. (The video games, that is.)

1. Thank you.
2. I'm still in. Absolutely.

Smiles-a-lot wrote:
You might want to PM the person who stared the thread and see if they are still interested.

* grin * Good idea.

* gasp *

Core is fine with me. :) So it would be a society game? Or just using those rules? (Just for clarification)

I can have a Wizard ready for this, this weekend.

And Aldizog, thanks for considering it.

Hmmm. Anyone have a spare dozen of cookies, some Doritos, or some brownies so we can bribe a GM to run this?

Crisischild wrote:
Frodo the rogue: Thanks but I'm not proficient in longbows, two-handed swords, or two-handed axes.

Necromancer: You can have one of my skeletons...once I skin these goblins we killed earlier and raise them...

Should you find yourself with a GM to run this, I would also be available...

Aragorn : [to Frodo] If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword...
Legolas : And you have my bow.
Gimli : And *my* axe.