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7 posts. Alias of Plastic Dragon.
Search Feldspar Flanderdash's posts:
I pretty much have to go with RPing being the primary, but that wouldn't need to mean it can't be a kick-ass Dungeon Crawl anyway, right?
Less Diablo and more Baldur's Gate. (The video games, that is.)
1. Thank you. 2. I'm still in. Absolutely.
You might want to PM the person who stared the thread and see if they are still interested.
* grin * Good idea.
* gasp *
Core is fine with me. :) So it would be a society game? Or just using those rules? (Just for clarification)
I can have a Wizard ready for this, this weekend.
And Aldizog, thanks for considering it.
Hmmm. Anyone have a spare dozen of cookies, some Doritos, or some brownies so we can bribe a GM to run this?
Frodo the rogue: Thanks but I'm not proficient in longbows, two-handed swords, or two-handed axes.
Necromancer: You can have one of my skeletons...once I skin these goblins we killed earlier and raise them...
Should you find yourself with a GM to run this, I would also be available...
Aragorn : [to Frodo] If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword... Legolas : And you have my bow. Gimli : And *my* axe.