Heroes of the Heartlands

Game Master wanderer82

more to come shortly....

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Calm before the storm.

I want to thank you all for submitting a character for this recruitment, it is definitely inspiring to have so motivated a following for the game to start off! I will be continuing my review of characters, including the board activity of their creators, over the next couple days. Hopefully, I will have a final group selected by Wednesday evening.

Good luck all!

Captain Generica Toblacane Alemardo, Half-Orc Swashbuckler (whirling dervish) 4
Grumbaki Bharaz Silverhelm, Dwarf Warpriest (arsenal champion) 4
HustonJ Larry, son of Barry, Human Fighter 4
Jereru Nioku, Half-Orc Warpriest (arsenal champion) 4
Laird_Thorne Gerrosk, Human Cavalier (daring champion) 4
Plastic Dragon Baerlon Greymantle, Human Cavalier (inspiring commander) 4
SqueezeMeNow Tern Besmeth, Half-Elf Barbarian (armored hulk) 4
TheNine Cerian Screamingtrees, Elf Ranger 2, Rogue (unchained) 2

Cuan Sylph Rogue (unchained, phantom thief) 4
GM Fuzzfoot Selia D'Averam, Aasimar Bard 2, Monk (unchained) 2
Jovich Cerilis Silvertree, Elf Rogue (unchained) 4
Kamaloo Rajiv Rao, Tiefling Rogue (unchained) 4
Pad300 'Gram of Marsember', Half-Orc Skald (red tongue, urban) 4
Storm Dragon Irving Skriven, Skinwalker Investigator (empiricist, forensic physician) 4
The Archlich Fayn, Elf Investigator (empiricist) 4

FangDragon Angelica, Tiefling Magus (puppetmaster) 4
Herkymr the Silly T'zirik, Tiefling Shaman 4
Nathanael Love Malinda Marne, Halfling Sorcerer (unicorn; VMC cleric) 4
Nightdeath Dalgar Carver, Half-Elf Druid 4
SmooshieBanana Pelipe, Human Blood Arcanist 4
Thedmstrikes Harsk, Dwarf Cleric of Dumathion 4
Trawets71 Trawets Aarock, Human Wizard (admixture evoker) 4

Phntm888 Human Cleric of Kelemvor
Profession Smith 6 Ranks
Zahir ibn Mahmoud

Thank you for taking the time.

Indeed, something to look forward to seeing

You've definitely got your work cut out for you, Wanderer.
Again, good luck, everyone!

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Thank you Wanderer82 for putting on your GM hat and starting a game. Good luck to everyone getting in... Should be a good one!

Out of curiosity, anyone else make use of the FCB from any race rule for this campaign? Found when planning out future levels that the extra feats would really come in handy using human warpriest FCB.

I did, ended up going with the 1/6th of a rogue talent one that many races get, though Sylph normally don't.

And good luck to all, especially the GM

Looking forward to it!

Obviously the best Favored Class benefit for sorcerer's is the Human "Add one spell known" but since it has to be a level lower than you can cast (i.e. only 0th level at 1st) it only really comes online starting at 4th level where it gets a 1st level spell.

Bharaz Silverhelm wrote:
Out of curiosity, anyone else make use of the FCB from any race rule for this campaign? Found when planning out future levels that the extra feats would really come in handy using human warpriest FCB.

I kicked around building Gram as a planetouched of some sort, and if I had, I would have used the rule to get the 1/2 orc skald FCB.

Nah, the optional FCBs always seem like too much work for too little reward to me. Doesn't mean I'm right, but the mechanic of replacing a simple per level benefit with a benefit every so many levels just annoys me, really.

<shrug> Strokes and folks.

I myself will be counting on that extra hit point a level.

8 martial characters, and I submitted the most basic and probably the least interesting looking of the set.

Won't be the hardest to hit, normally, though the build does at least compete on that point.

Won't hit the hardest, either. I would have to spend more time looking to compare, but he might have trouble being competitive on that point. <shrug>

Forgot to buy a reach polearm. Still has the funds to add one. Need it to expand the versatility a notch. Didn't get Cold Iron or Alchemical Silver, either. Also fixable within his remaining budget.

Hopefully I managed to describe him well enough that his inability to stand out mechanically compared to a couple of others will be meaningless. Maybe not.

Just mumbling aloud while we wait.

Sovereign Court

Good luck to all.

The FCB is useful no matter what you take. Some might take some time to kick in while others might take even longer.

A human's ability to take more spells for spontaneous casters is great. I usually do that for my casters and just take toughness and cunning if I really want those extra hp and skill points.

Half elven master race, usually either the elf, half elf, or human option is pretty solid! Also half elven summoners get more evolution points. I'm a big fan of Tiefling Paladin option as well. Unfortunately, the class I chose, swashbuckler doesn't really have any particularly snazzy choices. :(

Toblacane Alemardo wrote:
Half elven master race, usually either the elf, half elf, or human option is pretty solid! Also half elven summoners get more evolution points. I'm a big fan of Tiefling Paladin option as well. Unfortunately, the class I chose, swashbuckler doesn't really have any particularly snazzy choices. :(

In this campaign you can take the dwarven FCB

“ Add ¼ to the swashbuckler’s effective class level to determine the extra damage she deals because of the precise strike deed when wielding a light pick or a heavy pick. If the swashbuckler has the Slashing Grace feat or another similar effect, she can treat the battleaxe or handaxe as a one-handed piercing melee weapon, and she gains this benefit when wielding the appropriate weapon for the feat as well.”

That’s really solid! +1 damage at lvl4, +2 lvl8, +3 lvl12, +4 lvl16, +5 at lvl20! Stacks with weapon specialization and greater weapon specialization.

Would gladly take that when I can just grab toughness as a feat

I forgot that we could use any races fcb. Bummer I just used Skill I believe. I might have to reevaluate.

I agree! That would be an excellent option... if my entire build wasn't based around using a morningstar because I find it funny:(

The bonus panache for a swashbuckler is also pretty solid, especially with Toblacane opting for a weapon with only a 20 crit range.

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Well, how can I refuse an option recommended by the DM? :)

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Herkymr the Silly wrote:
I forgot that we could use any races fcb. Bummer I just used Skill I believe. I might have to reevaluate.

Skills good, though. =)

Sovereign Court

Changed Drums.

Continues Drum roll....

Just don't annoy the barbarian with your drumroll. :P

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I like drums. They make cool noises when you hit people with them. ANd some people deserve a high five in the face with a bongo drum

Well, that's, what, 41 and 1/2 hours since he posted the final submission list?

Anybody else anxious to see who he decides to put up with? As if I don't already know the answer to that question.

To quote a good song...."The tick tock of the clock is frightening all sane and logical I want to tear it from the wall."

Each hour before finding out I am tempted to marathon a rebuild of Tern into a dragonheir, so that distracts me from the wait.

edit: Thankfully I am really happy with Tern.

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I really need to stop checking this thread every 5 minutes...

...who am I kidding? No I don't. LOL

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I cannot thank you all enough for all the hard work you each put in to developing an exceptional character. I wish I had the time to take on two games, and if the future presents the means for me to do so, I will revisit this list and recruit from here. Likewise, any casualties (OOG, no IG) will be replaced with players from here as well.

The following six characters are the recipients of Aden Grimdawn's letter...

Bharaz Silverhelm Dwarf Warpriest 4 (grumbaki)
Baerlon Greymantle Human Cavalier 4 (plastic dragon)
Dalgar Carver Half-Elf Druid 4 (nightdeath)
Irving Skriven Skinwalker Investigator 4 (storm dragon)
Pelipe Lightdriver Human Arcanist 4 (smooshie banana)
Rajiv Rao Tiefling Rogue 4 (kamaloo)

If you would kindly all report to the discussion thread, we were can finalize some last details.

To everyone else, best of luck in all your gaming endeavors, and may the D20 fall ever in your favor!

Thank you kindly for the acceptance.

Likewise, I am humbled and happy to be accepted. Thank you.

Try to have fun, guys!

Have fun folks!

Thanks for giving me and Irving a shot!

aww shucks I wanted to play as well. Maybe next time best of wishes all.

hope you all have fun

Thank you, DM! I look forward to a game of adventure and derring-do!

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