Adventures in the Grand Duchy of Karameikos (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

Sword and Sorcery adventures in the Grand Duchy.

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I recently got a hard copy of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos in the mail. It's a short book, but it details the Grand Duchy for the D&D game. You can also download it from Drivethru, which is what I did.

Anyhow, I'd like to gauge interest in a campaign. Using PF1 of course.

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If I remember correctly Karameikos had a feudal vibe to it. What sort of campaign are you thinking about?

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Isn't that part of the Mystara setting? Could be interesting.

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I have good memories of Mystara

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Athrehon wrote:
Isn't that part of the Mystara setting? Could be interesting.

Yes, it is.

Big dot.

Smiles-a-lot wrote:
If I remember correctly Karameikos had a feudal vibe to it. What sort of campaign are you thinking about?

Just a swords and sorcery type of campaign.

I think I have started in a couple of adventures set there that didn't go far. I'd be up again.

love the Known World!


Sounds good.

Silver Crusade

If you'd be up to allowing psychic casters, I'd be interested.

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rorek55 wrote:
If you'd be up to allowing psychic casters, I'd be interested.

You mean, people throwing psychics? That'd be cool. * chuckles *

rorek55 wrote:
If you'd be up to allowing psychic casters, I'd be interested.

Not really.

Silver Crusade

well if psychic classes are out... what about a kineticist?

The kineticist inspired by the XPH? Or the Kineticist inspired by Avatar - the Last Airbender?

EltonJ wrote:
Smiles-a-lot wrote:
If I remember correctly Karameikos had a feudal vibe to it. What sort of campaign are you thinking about?
Just a swords and sorcery type of campaign.

Sounds good. Definitely interested.

Silver Crusade

the occult classes from pathfinder are the ones I'm referencing. So avatar.

Ah. Maybe. Depends on my mood.

I know that this is just an interest check, but any idea what you might require for character builds?


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Athrehon wrote:
I know that this is just an interest check, but any idea what you might require for character builds?

25 points, 2 traits, races from the core rulebook (and yes, ARG is also helpful); still deciding on classes.


Scarab Sages

Color me curious. Any thoughts on downtime flavor as well?

dfsearles wrote:
Color me curious. Any thoughts on downtime flavor as well?

No, not really.

Scarab Sages

No worries

Spent all day yesterday searching the many boxes in my basement for my copy of this. It turned out to be fruitless :( (But I found a couple of other treasures in the basement)

However, I wound up buying a copy online from drivethrou…. Looking through the pdf brought back many good memories.

I hope you get enough interest to start a recruitment!

I'm wondering if enough people would be interested to. So far, ten people, but that's not enough. ;)

Scarab Sages

10 isn't enough?

Hmmm. That comment surprised me too.

hmmm. Would any of you be adverse as to be restricted to the classes of the Core Rulebook and Player's Guide, but be allowed any archetype?

EltonJ wrote:
hmmm. Would any of you be adverse as to be restricted to the classes of the Core Rulebook and Player's Guide, but be allowed any archetype?

No complaints here :)

Unchained versions okay?

Dark Archive

I know nothing about Mystara but I like to learn something new, so I am interested. I'm fine with being restricted to Core and APG for classes. When you say Core and ARG for races, do you mean only the core races and their alternatives in the ARG or core and ARG races?

EltonJ wrote:
hmmm. Would any of you be adverse as to be restricted to the classes of the Core Rulebook and Player's Guide, but be allowed any archetype?

Fine by me.

Silver Crusade

why not only core? haha. Most of what i play comes from core/APG anyway.

drayen wrote:
I know nothing about Mystara but I like to learn something new, so I am interested. I'm fine with being restricted to Core and APG for classes. When you say Core and ARG for races, do you mean only the core races and their alternatives in the ARG or core and ARG races?

Only the core races and their alternatives in the ARG.

drayen wrote:
I know nothing about Mystara but I like to learn something new, so I am interested. I'm fine with being restricted to Core and APG for classes. When you say Core and ARG for races, do you mean only the core races and their alternatives in the ARG or core and ARG races? is a great resource on the Known World

I don't know anything Mystara but. It could be fun to explore a new world. I was looking to play a Bloodrage if that works for you?

Dark Archive

EltonJ wrote:
drayen wrote:
I know nothing about Mystara but I like to learn something new, so I am interested. I'm fine with being restricted to Core and APG for classes. When you say Core and ARG for races, do you mean only the core races and their alternatives in the ARG or core and ARG races?
Only the core races and their alternatives in the ARG.

That's fine by me.

@Sebecloki - Thanks for the tip.

Core and APG works for me too. I think most of us just want to get back Mystara.

I'm thinking human wizard, either exploiter archetype (if allowed), or otherwise, a member of the Universalist school.

Smiles-a-lot wrote:
Core and APG works for me too. I think most of us just want to get back Mystara.



Interested, for sure

Scarab Sages

I have no issues with core and APG. If needing a healer, I can build an Oracle of Life simple enough. For survival and wildness I like Alchemist above Ranger, but either would do. If I went caster though, I’d try my hand at a Magus.

I'm actually tempted to try for a fighter or cavalier myself. It's bee a while since I've played a melee front liner.

Core + APG + Archetypes = OK with me!

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Hmm. Yep, it's true, there are more people eager to game with PF than with Rolemaster.

Okay, you may choose from a normal human (Traladaran, see page 4) and an Imperious Human (Thayatian), or a half-breed (which is a normal human). You may also choose elf (though I think there are three tribes of elves with in the Grand Duchy). The elves that had the most contact with humans are the Callarii clan.

The gnomes are of Highforge, And finally you can choose to be of dwarf stock (Stronghollow clan), or as Halflings from the Five Shires.

See pages 4-5 for what race you can choose. Half-elves and Half-orcs are also possibilities. But very rare possibilities (even Tieflings and Aasimar would be very rare). Characters of Traladaran stock may take names inspired by Slavic, Russian, or Gypsy names. Thayatian names have Roman influence.

Classes are restricted to the Core rulebook and the APG. To be true to the medieval feel of the Grand Duchy. Unchained classes are also a possibility.

Again, you may have 25 points which to distribute among your attributes. May choose 2 traits, and have to roll for your starting gold. You may also use Ultimate Campaign to help figure your background. Whether serf or Noble. If you want to go into more detail, the Central Casting: Heroes of Legend book from Task Force Games may be of help. You have to download Central Casting though.

We are using background skills.

I'm looking for players who can post everyday, and one post on weekends. No Anti-hero builds, go for the heroic. The DM wants to play all the evil guys.

Sounds great!


Starting Gold: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 x10gp = 50gp

Bavros Tilyanakovicz
Male Human Storm Druid 1
N Medium Humanoid (human)
+8; Senses Perception +8
Languages: Common, Druidic

AC 18 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 16 (Dex +2, Armor +4, Shield +2)
HP: 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +6

Speed: 30
Melee: scimitar +2 (1d6+2 18-20/x2)
Ranged: sling +2 (1d4+2; range 50, ammo: 10)

Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 18 Cha 12
Base Atk 0; CMB +2; CMD 14
SQ: Favored Class (druid; HP), Nature Bond (Weather Domain), nature sense, wild empathy (+2)
Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Initiative
Traits Reactionary, Beast of the Society
Skills Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (Geography) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Perception +8, Spellcraft +4, Survival +7 +1 bkgd
Gear: hide armor, wooden shield, scimitar, sling, bullets (10), dagger, animal feed (5days), backpack, belt pouch, blanket, flint & steel, holly, mistletoe, iron pot, mess kit, soap, spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin
Coin 9sp

Spells Prepared (Caster Level 1 // Concentration +5 // Ranged Touch +2)
Save DC = 14 + Spell Level, Domain: Weather
0th: Create Water, Detect Magic, Spark
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Entangle

Description: Bavros is a prototypical “mountain man” in style. He wears a heavy leather vest, lined with wool, over a stout suit of hand-tanned hide armor. A well-worn steel scmitar hangs from his belt, opposite a wide-bladed dagger. His bags and pouches are hand-stitched and patched from soft leather, strapped and tied with natural cordage. His hair is long and wild, strewn with bits of twig and his face is streaked with dirt and dust. He speaks with a low gravely voice, quiet and taciturn in most cases.

Background: TBD

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