Malaz Bourreau
Aphorite Occultist ~7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 17 (f:17, t: 11) | F:+10|R:+4|W:+7 |Perception: +18 | Initiative: +2 | Active Conditions/Buffs:
Fendel, CSI: Absalom
HP:16+ 108/108 | AC: 25 (19T/19FF) | Fort +14, Ref +16, Will +10 | Initiative: +11 | CMB: 11 | Perception +38 +1d6 (+2 vs traps) Trap Spotter 10' | Sense Motive +30 +1d6 | BUFFS: Clear Ear, Bloodboil Pill | Re-Roll: 1/1
Spackle McGapfiller
Perform Rounds: 18/22 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Gnome Bard/7 | Fighter/1 AC 19 {T 13, FF 17} HP: 57/57 | Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +8;( +4) | Init +7; Darkvision 60'; Perception +12
Osten Grimhelm
Male Barbarian 3/ Bloodrager 1~ HP: 51/ 55 | AC: 18 (16 raging) {11T/17FF} | F:+9 R +2 W: +2 ; Init +3; Perception +10; Speed 50 ft. (35 ft. in armor)
Wisp Emberflake
Male Wayang Aerokineticist 4 | 34/39 HP {8 NL}; AC 18(T:15/ F:15) F+8/R+7/W+1 ; Init +5; Perception +9 (darkvision 60 ft.) | 20% (or better) miss chance from physical ranged attacks
Caduceus Via
Paladin 4 / Oracle 8 AC 27 {T:13/FF:27} HP 116/116 Init+0, Perception +2 | Fort +15, Reflex +9, Will +19 | Tracked Resources: Oracle Channel 7d6 (DC 20) 6/7 | Paladin Channel 3d6 (DC 16) 9/9 | LoH 4d6+2 {+1d6 or Mercy} 11/12 | Reroll 1/1
Korum of the Silver-Eyed Wolf
Male Half Orc Paladin 5 AC 21 {T:11/FF:19} HP 49/49 Init+1, Perception -1 / Fort +10, Reflex +6, Will +7
Sathos Dawnscale
Nagaji Bloodrager/ 2 HP: 20/20 | AC 17 (11 FF/16 T) | F:+4/ R: +1/ W: -3 | Init: +6 | Perc: +5 | CMB: +6 | CMD: 17 |
Bo Goh Twang
HP: 82/82 | AC 30 (t: 23/ff: 26) |F:+16, R:+13, W:+20 | Init: +17 | Perception: +37| Sense Motive: +36 Ki Pool: 10/10 | Bane: 8/8 Rounds | Perfect Strike 7/7 CMB +10; CMD 32 (29 FF) | Speed: 60' | Reroll: 1/1
Female Ifrit Oracle/3 hp 27/27 AC 17 Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 Init +7; Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
Krennel Halfstool
Male Half -Orc Alchemist (Energist, Preservationist) 5 HP: 28 | AC: 18 (T13/FF15) | F: +5/R: +8/ W: +2 | Init: +2 | Percep: +5 | Negative Energy Bombs Remaining (DC 17): 12/12
Fethril Support
Male Elf Cleric 3 / Transmuter 3 | AC: 13 (17 w/ Mage Armor) | HP: 42/42 | Fort:+8 | Ref:+7 | Will:+12 | Perception: +16 | Init: +7 | Sense Motive: +13
Fiata Oe
Human Evangelist 3 | MYTHIC AC 15 (T:11/ FF14) HP:12+22/22 | F:+4/ R:+2/ W:+7+1 | Init: +3 | Perception: +10 +1 Channel 1d6 5/5 | Sermonic Performance: 7/10 rounds | Reroll: 1/1
Dimple McSweetness
Female | HP 46/46 | AC 19, T 14, FF 16 | CMD 16 (13FF)| F +6 R +9 W +9; +2 vs. fear | Init +9 | Perc +13 | Speed 30ft | Bard Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 4/4 | Bardic Performance 24/24 | Cleric Spells 2/2+1 | Channel 1d6 7/7 | Active Conditions: |Agile Feet 4/4 | Bit of Luck: 4/4 | Reroll 1/1
Kivuli Greyfeather
Amazing Inspiration (1d8): 8/8 | Disolution's Child: 1/1 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Wayang Unchained Rogue 3/ Investigator 7 | ~HP: 60/60 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 17 Flat), CMD:23, Fort:+4, Ref:+13, Will:+7, Init:+5, Perception:+22 (+23 for traps) / Trap Spotter 10'
"Fate" {Mkono wa Hatima}
Human Shaman~5 | HP: 34/34 | AC:17 (T:17/ff:10) | {F:+2|R:+1|W:+9} | Perception: +12 | Initiative: +10
Kord Shatterspine
half orc Paladin / 4 | AC 20 {T:11/ FF:19} | HP: 40/40 [ F:+9 / R:+6 / W:+7] Perception:+0 | Initiative: +1
Korum of the Silver Eyed Wolf
Male Half-orc Ranger 1 / Rogue 2 AC 15 {T:11/FF:14} HP 17/27 Init+5, Perception +6 {Trap Spotter 10'} | Fort +3, Reflex +6, Will +0
Izlin Greymantle{Toku Kara Shi}
Tiefling Magus 6 | Far Strike Monk 2 | Occultist 1 AC 21 (T:16/ FF:16) | HP: 80/ 80 | Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +9 | Perception: +12 | Initiative: +5 | Reroll 1/1 | CMD: 21 |Resist Cold / Electricity / Fire: 10
Wraith {Gōsutoha ~Ghost Lotus}
"Wraith” | Fighter 1 / Rogue 3 / Monk 1 |HP:33/33 | AC:20 {15T/15 FF}| CMD: 20 (15 FF) | F: +5/ R: +9/ W: +3 | Init +6 | Perception: +8 (+9 for traps) {Trap Spotter 10'} | Sense Motive: +4 | Speed 30ft | Sneak Attack +2d6 | Active Conditions: None
Theld Miasma
HP 17/17 | AC 16, T 10, FF 16 | CMD 12| F +4 R +0 W +5 | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Speed 30ft / 20 in armor | Active Conditions: None
Sionnach 'Onna' Brummagem
Kitsune Bard 5 / Ranger 1 | 43/43 Hp | AC 17 {T 13, FF 14} | Fort: +4 Ref: +9 Will: +4 | Init +3 | Perception +8| Bardic Performance 16/17 rounds | Reroll 1/1
Cillian Subtiliter
Elf ~ Investigator 2 AC 15, touch 11, ff 14 | HP: 15 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +5; +2 vs. enchantments | Perception +10 |
Kelleran Storm
| Reroll 1/1 AC Mage Armor {17}14 (T:14/ FF10) HP:17/17 | F:+2/ R:+5/ W:+3 | Init: +11 (Forewarned* ) | Perception: +8 | Darkvision 30' |Low Light 60'
Demm tad-draguni
AC 17 {T:12/FF:16} HP 25/25 Init+2, Perception +7 | Fort +2, Reflex +3, Will +3 | Darkvision 90' | Tracked Resources: Versatile Evocation 6/6 | Dancing Light 3/3 | Reroll 1/1
The Magi
Dwarven Vigilante 1 / Brawler 1 | AC 16 (T:13/ FF:13) | HP: 22/22 | Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +3 | Perception: +7 | Initiative: +3 | Spells 1st: 2/2 | Reroll: 1/1
Sciath Bhuan
Paladin/1 AC 20 {T 12, FF 18} | HP: 7/13 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +2 | Init +2; Darkvision 60'; Perception +0
Dia Bolique
Demon spawn Tiefling Warpriest 1 | AC 17 {T:11/FF: 16} | HP: 11/11
Kiv {Ilsia Kivulia}
Female Lashunta ~ Damaya Operative {Ghost}/ 6 | Stamina: 36/36 | Hp: 40/40 | Resolve:6/9 | EAC: 22 | KAC: 22 KAC: 30 | F:+2 | R: +11 | W: +6 | Init: +8 | Perception: +14
Captain Quentin Dexter Hawthorn
Male Human Icon / Envoy 2 | Stamina: 12 | HP 16 | Resolve: 4 | EAC: 13 KAC: 15 | F:+0/ R:+5/ W:+3 | Initiative: +6 | Perception: +5
Archaius Maelstrom
MALE Winterborn Ryphorian Mystic 1/ Technomancer 1 | Stamina: 13 | HP 15 | Resolve: 3 | EAC: 14 KAC: 15 | F:+1/ R:+2/ W:+6 | Initiative: +6 | Perception: +9
Devereaux, The Crescent Moon
"Dev"| Male CN Medium Magus 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | F +9 R +10 W +8 | Perc +8| Default Exploration ( Avoid Notice) | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None
Brialla, for Highdelve
”Brialla” Female NG human ranger 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | CMB +3, CMD 15 | F +4, R +4, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None
Dojen, the Bloodmoon
Human Warpriest 12/Hierophant 5 / HP:153 F:12 R:7 W:15 , Perception: +10, Initiative: +10
Fallon Mathis
Fenlin Dell
Investigator 2 | Alchemist 2 AC 16 | HP 27/27 | Fort 4/ Ref 9/ Will 3/ Init +2 | Darkvision 60' | Perception +17 |Stealth +9 |
GM Doom 'n Gloom
| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |
Irion Oleaceae
M Elf Slay 9/Sorc 1/A. Arch 3, F: 16 R: 19 W: 11 / Perception +25, Init, +17
Kessa 'Kestrel' Trelain
RETA Bestest Fighter 4 | HP: 38 | AC 21, {T:14, FF:18} F: +6, R: +4, W: +2 (+1 vs. fear) | Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
AC:17 {t:14/ff:15} | HP: 28/28 | Perception: +11 | F: +5 R: +7 W: +6
Oduim Ira, The Surging Storm
60' Darkvision | 30' swim speed AC 16 (T:12/ FF14) HP:27/27 | F:+5/ R:+2/ W:+6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8 | SLA's: Obscuring Mist 0/1 | Storm Burst (1d6+1 NL) 6/6
Risquelyn "Risk" Virisix
F Drow Bard 2/Cleric 2 Hp 13/18, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5 Init +3, Perception +8
Shadow the Dawn Hunter
Valeria Brightsoul
Zephyr of the Forgotten Sun
Male sylph | Sky Druid 6 | CN | HP: 36/51 | AC: 17 (T:14/FF:14) | F:+7/R:+8/W:+11 | Init:+3 | Percep:+5 | CMB: +3 | CMD: 17 | Darkvision 60' | Resist Electric 5 pdf