Full Name |
Gōsutohasu {Ghost Lotus} |
Race |
|HP:33/33 | AC:20 {15T/15 FF}| CMD: 20 (15 FF) | F: +5/ R: +9/ W: +3 | Init +6 | Perception: +8 (+9 for traps) {Trap Spotter 10'} | Sense Motive: +4 |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed 30ft | Sneak Attack +2d6 | Active Conditions: None |
Gender |
"Wraith” | Fighter 1 / Rogue 3 / Monk 1 |
Strength |
14 |
Dexterity |
18 |
Constitution |
10 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
10 |
Charisma |
14 |
About Wraith {Gōsutoha ~Ghost Lotus}
Fighter 1 / Rogue 2 / Monk 1| HP:27/27 | AC:20 {15T/15 FF}| CMD: 19 (14 FF) | F: +4/ R: +9/ W: +2 | Init +6 | Perception: +7 (+8 for traps) {Trap Spotter 10'} | Sense Motive: +0
Wraith Gōsutohasu {Ghost Lotus}
Human (Tian-Shu) Fighter 1 / Rogue 3 / Monk 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +8
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 Dodge)
hp 33 (1d10;3d8+3, 1d8)
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
+1 Cold Iron Elven Curve Blade +8 (1d10+4/18-20) or P.A. +7 1d10+7/18-20
Dagger +7 (1d4+1/19-20) or P.A. +4 1d4+3/19-20
Masterwork Kama +8 {+7/+7 Flurry} 1d6+1 or P.A.+6 {+5/+5 Flurry} 1d6+4
Masterwork Nunchaku +8 {+7/+7 Flurry} 1d6+1 or P.A.+6 {+5/+5 Flurry} 1d6+4
Masterwork Siangham +8 {+7/+7 Flurry} 1d6+1 or P.A.+6 {+5/+5 Flurry} 1d6+4
Unarmed Strike +6 {+5/+5 Flurry} 1d6+2 or P.A. +5 {+4/+4 Flurry} 1d6+4
Dagger +7 (1d4+2/19-20)
Sling +7 (1d4+2/20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 19 / 14ff
Deft Hands
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Elven Curve Blade
Power Attack
Weapon Finesse
Acrobatics +10
Appraise +5
Bluff +6 (+7 vs. characters who could be attracted to you)
Climb +6
Diplomacy +7 (+8 vs. characters who could be attracted to you)
Disable Device +17 (5 Ranks, 3 Class Skill, +4 Dex, +2 Feat, +1 Class Feature, +2 Masterwork Tools)
Disguise +6
Escape Artist +4
Fly +4
Heal +0
Intimidate +2
Knowledge (Dungeon) +5
Knowledge (Local) +8
Knowledge (Religion) +5
Linguistics +5
Perception +8
Perform (dance) +8
Ride +4
Sense Motive +4
Sleight of Hand +10
Stealth +10
Survival +4
Swim +2
Use Magic Device +10 (5 Rank, 3 Class Skill, 2 CHA)
Cold Weather Outfit
Flint & Steel
Grappling Hook
Silk Rope
Thieves' Tools (Masterwork)
Torch (x5)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (35/50) {Bought w/Prestige}
Combat Gear
Alchemist's Fire (x2)
Dagger (x2)
+1 Cold Iron Elven Curve Blade
Masterwork Nunchaku
Masterwork Kama
Masterwork Siangham
+1 Mithril Chain Shirt
Oil of Bless Weapon (x2)
Special Qualities Trapfinding +1
3267 gp
Special Abilities
Evasion If you succeed on a Reflex save for half damage, take none instead.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Stunning Fist Can apply different conditions when using unarmed attack.
{Stunning Fist} 1/day, DC 12 (Feat) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Trap Spotter Whenever you come within 10' of a trap, the GM secretly rolls for you to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret.
CORE Sessions
01 - 4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild {Tattoo added = Flaming full moon rising from within the earth. Location = Left Shoulder}
02 - MOD Master of the Fallen Fortress {Tattoo added = Crumbling tower at sunset. Location = Upper Left Arm}
03 - 8-99 Solstice Scar "Version A" {Tattoo added = Dagger hilt buried in a stone under a new moon. Location = Upper back}
04 - 7-01 Between the Lines {Tattoo added = An 'Escher-esque' stairwell with a eye hovering in the middle. Location = Right thigh}
05 - 1-33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible {Tattoo added = A vertical scepter sitting central between half of a bronze Aspis coin and half of the Sigil of the Open Road. Location = Right Shoulder}
06 - 0-13 The Prince of Augustana {Tattoo added = A metalic wyvren with a tail of chain hovering in front of a dark portal. Location = Right calf}
07 - 8-99 Solstice Scar "Version A" {Tattoo added = White dragon with wings wide breathing frost at the new moon below. Location = Nape of neck to upper back (merging with the tattoo from 'Part A'}
08 - 8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken {Tattoo added = An unwound scroll duplicating her honorable discharge. Location = Right shin}
09 - 10-01 Oathbreakers Die {Tattoo added = An unstoppered alchemist flask with smoke coalescing into a clawed hand. Location = Right waist to just under the armpit.
10 - 04-19 Night March of Kalkamedes
11 - 05-The Wardstone Patrol
12 - 00-01 Silent Tide
XP: 12 / FAME: 24 / PP: 22 / GP: 3267