Winter Guard Falconer

qwerty1971's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 412 posts (12,663 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 63 Organized Play characters. 15 aliases.

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Grand Archive

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Player Name: Qwerty1971
Character: Wyndalyn
Class/Level: Wizarad 1
PFS ID: 114768-2003
Faction: Grand Archive
Downtime: Academia Lore@DC16: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Radiant Oath

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Many thanks for the invite.

Player Name: Qwerty1971
Character: Dardax
PFS #: 114768-2001
Class: Warpriest of Iomedae

still learning about Modes and how perception is dealt with.

Grand Lodge

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HP: 78/78 ; AC:23 (25 w/shield) //F+12/R+11/W+10
Human; Perception +10
Acro +9; Craft +10; Ath +13; Dip +8; Intim +13; Occult+9; Stlth +2; Survival +1Farm/War +8;
Fighter 5/ "Exploration Mode: Defend"
atk=Longsword +16; 2d8+4

apologies, i got called in to work all weekend due to folks being sick.

Valeros waits with the others and just watches the banter between the group and Miro. He is mostly sniffing the air around them for some good food. As a soldier he is always hungry. When told by Miro about others in the market that may know a thing or two Valeros goes over to them in turn and tries to get to the bottom of things.

Valeros Diplomacy with Orin: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Valeros walks with Kyra and inject flattering comments about his stall and his goods as Kyra does the main talking.

He then rushes over to help Bia with moving the timber...Athletics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

Grand Lodge

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HP: 78/78 ; AC:23 (25 w/shield) //F+12/R+11/W+10
Human; Perception +10
Acro +9; Craft +10; Ath +13; Dip +8; Intim +13; Occult+9; Stlth +2; Survival +1Farm/War +8;
Fighter 5/ "Exploration Mode: Defend"
atk=Longsword +16; 2d8+4

A boisterous human male walks in, slaps the elf wizard on the shoulder and tells him "Out rookie. This here mission is too important for the likes of you to mess it up." The war-prepped human shoves the elf out of the room and then announces to the others "Seems I got lost in a tavern for a bit. I am here and I am Valeros. We may properly begin." He then eyes up the others in attendance.

apologies for the confusion. I thought the Quest was like the 1E quests and all entry level. I shall be playing the lvl 5 Valeros. New to 2e so any tips won't be refused. Also where did initiative go?

Radiant Oath

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I am new to PFS 2E and would a spot at an entry level table. Many thanks.

Radiant Oath

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Male | HP 18/18| | AC 18 (20 w/ shield) | Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 | Perc: +6 | Speed 25ft | Hero Points 1/3 | Active conditions: None.

Greetings folks.

Scarab Sages

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Male Elf
Wizard- Conjurer CORE 3 (HP:12/12)(AC:(17)13 FF:13 T:10)(F:+1 R:+5 W:+4)(Init:+5)(Perception:+11)(CMD:14)

Laeowynne uses pasts of his sealing wax and fashions crude ear plugs out of them to drown out the wee folks attempt at conversation. He nods occasionally as he reads his tome as if listening to the hairfoot.

Grand Lodge

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Melee: +1 adamantine flambard +10/+5 | 1d10+14
Half Orc
Druid 6 | Ranger2 (HP:61/61)(AC: 24 FF: 22 T: 14)(F: +14/ R: +11 W: +12)(Init: +5)(Perception: +9)

"I am not that kind of druid" Luralee says to the ratfolk.

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it is enticing but I would not be able to commit until the end of the summer with kids and camp and vacations coming up. ill check back to see if you still need folks.

Liberty's Edge

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Ranged +5, Melee +6
Diplomacy+9, Religion+6, Sense Motive +10, Heal +8
Warpriest 7 [HP:45/45][AC:19/T:12/FF: 18][F:+8;R:+4;W:+10][INIT:+2][Perc:+11]

Turzyk listens to the mans sudden outburst and after a long silence from the crowd the assimar stands up and begins to speak "I am sure Sir Bedard spoke from his heart and with passion and I do not fault him for what he said, even in his rush, for some things do drive men to act with the rashness of the bold as he displayed and I think we all owe him thanks for speaking his mind. It may be true that this is a mere political marriage, it may be well that these two do indeed love each other as ought to by the bounds of marriage. I know not, and truthfully I care not. These two individuals here today saw fit to join in a matrimony either for love, or for benefit and I for one have no voice in their decision as it is not my life nor choice to make. They enter into this union of their own free will and volition. I think all of us can respect their decisions as we have all faced situations that have tested our resolve. If they marry for political gain and find love of each other in the aftermath then I say good for them. If they marry for love and find political gain in the aftermath then I say good for them as well. Regardless of the situation this is a time for celebration and yes we should celebrate." and with that the assimar sits down.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34

The Exchange

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//Acrobatics: +3; Survival: +5;
Human (Ulfen) Male
CG Fighter 1 (HP:12/12)(AC:19 T:13 FF:16)(F:+4 R:+2 W:+1)(Init:+2)(Per:+6)(CMD: 18)
Perrin wrote:
”Can any of you tell if this liquid is poison?”

"Drink it... we will find out soon enough."

The Exchange

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//Disable: +7 (+9); Survival: +5;
CORE Fighter 2 (HP:22/22)(AC:18 T:14 FF:15)(F:+6 R:+4 W:+2)(Init:+7)(Per:+2)(CMD: 17)

Motioning over to Harmony, Xanko tells his little friend "You know, that isn't a real horse. Just saying." After a little banter with the man Xanko gets a tad serious and asks bluntly "Say, are you and Arisira a couple? Just curious with you both being half-folk. OK if you are. No need to hide it. Lots of Pathfinders shack up. I've had to refuse a few myself. I don't want to get too attached at an early age." he says and then takes a big gulp from his tankard. "I think the Pirate Queen likes me. She keeps looking over in my direction. The flirt." he adds and then finishes his drink and stands up to get another. "A word to the wise if you are making a play for Arisira, I notice some things of mine get moved around when she is near. That one has light fingers, she may steal your heart." he winks at Antal and then walks over to the bar to refill his cup.

The Exchange

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//Disable: +7 (+9); Survival: +5;
CORE Fighter 2 (HP:22/22)(AC:18 T:14 FF:15)(F:+6 R:+4 W:+2)(Init:+7)(Per:+2)(CMD: 17)

A few weeks ago Xanko had just finished his confirmation mission for joining the Society and was out celebrating, maybe a tad too much. He spent his monies on wine and women and slept throughout the days. One particular night at a bawdy tavern Xanko came across an acquaintance of his, a rough Ulfen man named Einarr. The two drank and feasted and gambled. Einarr had a mission to go south, but being an Ulfen, the man detested the heat. He bet Xanko the mission letter against 50 gold that Xanko could not in his inebriated state balance a chair on one leg and drink a tankard of ale while standing on it. Not one to back down from a friendly challenge such as that Xanko tried the challenge... and lost. But he did manage to finish the tankard in one gulp.The Varisian awoke the next morning with the letter in his hands down by the docks as the ship was getting ready to leave port. Xanko grabbed his gear and boarded the vessel to do the job. At least Einarr had restocked the Varisians flask and waterskin. It was a long journey that Xanko spent talking to the ladies, and drinking, and losing at cards, and dancing, and eating a bit, and drinking, and being rejected by some of the ladies and generally making quite a fool of himself at times. Soon the vessel arrived at its destination and the young man is eager to get the job done as best he can, and then return home to his favorite tavern in Absalom- The Wicked Wench (named after a sweet ale that leaves you with a killer headache in the morrow). He may have read the letter... maybe.. actually probably forgot to. Whatever- the other Pathfinders will tell him what to do and who to do it to.

The Exchange

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//Disable: +7 (+9); Survival: +5;
CORE Fighter 2 (HP:22/22)(AC:18 T:14 FF:15)(F:+6 R:+4 W:+2)(Init:+7)(Per:+2)(CMD: 17)

"My lady... Absalom is surrounded by seas... or water... or a big lake... dont know for sure... I do know that particular water is wet... tested it myself one night after drinking and was dared to walk some oars.... ah good times... she was a looker."

Grand Lodge

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GG:+31/+22/+17// DMG +32
Half Orc Fighter 12 /Urban Barbarian 3 (HP:172/172)(AC:40 T:20 FF:35)(F:+21 R:+15 W:+14)(Init:+8)(Perception:+20)

Beckett... once you get to your final destination PM your APO and I will send you a care package if you like. Someone here did that for me on my last trip to Kabul and it was most appreciated... paying it forward...

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GoM//Glass WotW Maps//WOGH Map //

If I misstated that in the beginning then I was in error and I sincerely apologize. Taking 1 xp in lieu of 1 pp would make no sense since you would not get credit for playing the scenario and if you decide to not pay for the buff then you would not go to the asteroid. The cost of the buff was 1 pp out of the 2 you could get. I do not agree with that part since it makes no sense for the scenario to do that especially with the lower levels but that is how it is stated.

Finally, a PC may purchase planetary adaptation (CL 11th) as a spellcasting service for 1 Prestige Point, with its duration beginning at the start of Part 2.

Liberty's Edge

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Botting instructions:
Korvan would attack the closest enemy or whoever is attacking a companion, ranged first// [dice=CLB+PBS]1d20+7[/dice]...[dice=DMG]1d8+4[/dice] [dice=Falchion]1d20+7[/dice]...[dice=DMG]2d4+7[/dice]
Half Elf
Acrobatics:+7;Climb+6;Handle Animal:+3;Survival:+7:Track:+8; Stealth:+6;K(Nature):+7
Fighter 4/Ranger 2 CORE[HP:54/54][AC:21/13/19][F:+10;R:+7;W:+4][INIT:+8][Perc:+15]

GMG also said if we use a standard action to mean-mug the foes we auto crit and confirm... does that still apply with you taking over?

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[dice=CLB+PBS+RS]1d20+6[/dice]...[dice=DMG]1d8+4[/dice] [dice=Scimitar]1d20+5[/dice]...[dice=DMG]1d6+2[/dice]
Inquisitor 5 Preacher/Sin Eater NG (Half Elf) [Init: +7][Perception: +12] [AC: 19 FF: 13, T:16] [HP: 43/43] [Fort: +6, Ref: +4, Will: +8]

"Tough tough as some of the food Mord prepares for us..."

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GoM//Glass WotW Maps//WOGH Map //

Winds of Restoration:
The Society has nearly uncovered
the Untouchable Opal, and Ranginori unleashes a refreshing
breeze that restores the Pathfinders’ fighting spirits. Each PC
heals 1d8+APL hit points, heals 1d2 points of ability damage
to each ability score, and regains one daily use of a class
feature. In addition, each PC recovers one or more spells that
has total levels equal to his character level (minimum 3). the way i am rolling i dont think any of you need the healing at this moment.

Scarab Sages

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Diplomacy +12, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nature) +11, Knowledge (planes) +11, Knowledge (religion) +11, Spellcraft +10 (+12 to identify magic item properties), Survival +9, SM +11
Elf Druid 9 (HP:52/52)(AC:18 (w/MA) FF:14 T:17//AC:22 with DW shield)(F:+8 R:+7 W:+12)(Init:+5)(Perception:+16)(CMD:20)

Locked in. I thought about switching to a bolt ace with DD or my Bard Dervish with DD but took the ifrits suggestion and bought 2 scrolls of False Life.

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the difference is the capital 'Q' in the first quality.. says it all right there. Quality is better than quality.

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GoM//Glass WotW Maps//WOGH Map //

Happy 4th! Post if you can but go have a bbq. More to follow on the 5th.

Fentar and Ree both miss with their attacks.

Jogun is up!

Grand Lodge

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GG:+31/+22/+17// DMG +32
Half Orc Fighter 12 /Urban Barbarian 3 (HP:172/172)(AC:40 T:20 FF:35)(F:+21 R:+15 W:+14)(Init:+8)(Perception:+20)

Jaggar is amenable to Frags suggestion

Jaggar slaps Frag on the shoulder before the barbarian begins his stretching to loosen up his big barbarian muscles. Jaggar wonders if Frag does that new thing called Pilates all the Taldans are in awe of nowadays.

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@GM DevilDoc- I played #2-25 already, fun times. I will wait for your Quest arc when you do it in the future.

Scarab Sages

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Female Human Shoanti
//Handle Animal +8/ Diplomacy +19/K-Nature, Planes, Religion+22/Spellcraft+19/Heal+14/SM+11/Survival+12; Arcana +19*/Geo+12*/History +15*/Local +15*
Lore Shaman 13 (HP:107/107)(AC:25/FF:22/T:16)(F:+14 R:+13 W:+21)(Init:+5)(Perception:+26)

Inkita- next feat, selective channeling...seems a waste for a wandering spirit but c'est la vie.

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GoM//Glass WotW Maps//WOGH Map //

A tall elven man approaches your group. He is followed by a youngster dragging a small cart in which you see stacks of small rucksacks. You notice other people moving around the group that are also followed by an adolescent with a cart.

”Well met, I have been tasked by the Venture officers to provide magical assistance on your trip outside of Golarion’s atmosphere and into a low-gravity environment."

He waits for a moment to let the news sink in.

"Yes, the comet! I won't be joining you there. But I can protect you from environmental temperature extremes, the vacuum of space, and damage dealt by radioactivity. I wouldn't plan on leaving Golarion without it!"

"It lasts for the better part of the day and I can cast it on each of you. The faction leaders have agreed that together they will pay for the costs. Of course they will find a way to make you pay for it in the end, but you first need to survive on the comet...”

He reaches into his spell component pouch "So, what do you say? Who wants it?"

I strongly advise you to make use of the spell. This special spell will cost you 1 prestige point and lasts 11 hours in-game time, starting in act 2 (which starts soon)

Later the elf takes one of the small sacks from the youngster ”In addition, the Society has put together caches of supplies to help Pathfinders trapped in hostile conditions make it back in one piece.” He hands over the rucksack.

Each PC receives two pouches of air crystals, a potion of endure elements, and one snapleaf.

SUBTIER 1-2 Your party also receives one wand of cure light wounds (10 charges)

Air crystals:
These unpleasant-tasting, alchemically grown crystals release breathable air when chewed. A pouch of air crystals provides 1 minute of breathable air. Placing air crystals in your mouth takes a standard action; chewing them each round is a free action. Any attempt to speak while chewing air crystals negates any remaining duration.

This crystalline carving looks like a hand-sized tree leaf. It is usually worn around the neck on a strap so it is within easy reach, but can be affixed to a belt or clothing just like a badge. Activating a snapleaf is an immediate action and gives the bearer the benefits of feather fall and invisibility. The duration of the two effects work independently; ending one early does not affect the other. The item cannot be activated to provide just one of these two effects; they are always activated simultaneously.

Scarab Sages

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Female Human Shoanti
//Handle Animal +8/ Diplomacy +19/K-Nature, Planes, Religion+22/Spellcraft+19/Heal+14/SM+11/Survival+12; Arcana +19*/Geo+12*/History +15*/Local +15*
Lore Shaman 13 (HP:107/107)(AC:25/FF:22/T:16)(F:+14 R:+13 W:+21)(Init:+5)(Perception:+26)

Inkita runs up and heals Theodric with a cure spell...
CSW: 3d8 + 9 ⇒ (4, 3, 7) + 9 = 23

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i am sure right after the special starts Paizo will drop the pdf into my downloads.

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GoM//Glass WotW Maps//WOGH Map //

You all arise to the sounds of bustling activity in the morning. When you come outside of the barn you see the camp-fort-town beginning its normal day of activities. A child stationed just outside the barn door runs off when you exit, most likely a lookout for when you rise. Soon some women-folk bring warm breakfast of porridge and bread. Jarl Bori sends Einar, one of the warriors who fought alongside you all, to brief you on the local environment.


Highfrost started out as an outpost and then a fort. Eventually it coalesced into a hodge-podge of an armed town. It is responsible for patrolling the mountain passes to stop any incoming raids from the Bone March and to protect the trade routes to Ratikhill. There appears to be roughly 800 people living in the town on average. The town is divided up into nine different sections.

Ulfensson Family:

The Ulfensson's are the ruling family here in Highfrost. The original patriarch came from Frutzii lands after being banished in a bloodfued. He married into a wealthy merchant family and was given control over security in this part of Ratik. He spent vast sums of money trying to protect the land using Ratik men but that proved inadequate so he sent word to recruit warriors from the north who had no other fortunes in the cold barbarian lands and his fortunes slowly improved. Jarl Worrik Ulfensson is the current family leader and leader here in Highfrost. He family resides in the central fort in the town- remnants of the original fort when the town was built.
The Ulfenssons number 100 including guards. The family is politically savvy and have the the most powerful wizard ('Aerdy Conrad') in their employ which makes the other barbarians uneasy.

Snowfox Tribe:

Ice Barbarian (Cruskii) warriors recruited for work here in Ratik. They number some 75 pax- the smallest of the groups here in Highfrost. They remain neutral in the rivalries and are the Ulfessons most trusted allies, but not the most powerful. They are led by a Shaman named Old Garram.

Clan Bearclaw:

Frost Barbarians (Frutzii) also contracted to work in this area. Most of the families came from Bearclaw lands in the Frost Barbarian mountain lands and thus are called Clan Bearclaw here. There are some 120 pax in this group with Karl Oskar, a renowned fighter, as their leader. They are opposed to the Iron-Boars from old Fruztii rivalries and the Bloody Fists over a recent blood spilling.

Bloody Fists:

Mercenaries mostly from Hold of Stonefist lands, but pretty much have men from everywhere. Fisters, renegades, outlaws, criminals, bandits and the like make up their numbers. They owe no allegiance to anyone save for coin. As long as they get paid they perform work, although not to the best of their ability- that will cost extra. Their Hetman is a vicious killer named Jorgo Blackhand cause he keeps a severed and black-burned hand tied to his belt he claims is a wizards hand he slew which now brings him luck. They number some 100 pax including Kargol Giantbane, a rabid half orc champion of the Bloody Fists.

Clan Dragonfang:

Snow Barbarian tribe (Schnai) who are known for being hardy bezerkers and brawlers. Their current leader is Halfdan Fenriksson who wields a magical Dragon-Axe. The Dragonfangs almost always limit their security work to the easy route patrolling which they use to increase their wealth by charging extra for personal security to merchants along the road- welcomed or not. Of course those are just rumors since no one will speak against them in the annual Thing. The Dragonfangs dislike the Snowfox tribe but are wary of Old Garram. They are one of the largest groups with 125 pax.

Clan Gustavsson:

It is said Harik Gustavsson fled Schnai lands after being a kinslayer and made his way to Ratik. He married into a prominent Ratik family but was banished to Highfrost because of actions he did in court (namely illegal dueling). He attracted folks to his banner and aims to make a name for himself here in these lands to get a charter from the Ratik crown to establish a similar operation somewhere else in the mountains. There are some 100 pax in the Clan and they have easy relations with most of the other groups.

Iron-Boar Clan:

These Frutzii warriors come mostly from Djekul. Jarl Borg is the youngest son of a Jarl in his home lands but with 3 older brothers, Borg won't inherit anything. He moved here with some families and became a Jarl here in Ratik. Some of the other leaders kid him about it but after Jarl Borg struck down a Dragonfang warrior and a Bloody Fist swordsman at the same time, people stopped inquiring about his claims of nobility. There are 85 pax in the Iron-Boars and they mostly patrol the mountain passes.

Ratik Section:

This section is where most unaligned, non-humans and Ratik citizens live. Many are tradesmen and crafters while a few others work nearby farming lands and tend to herds fleeing to the safety of the fort when times call for it. Most foreigners and passerby-ers stay in this area as it has a nice inn- The Mountain Hearth Inn run by a dwarven brewmeister.

Merchant Section:

This is the actual center of town and houses the merchants of the town. Most of the merchants tend to cheat the barbarians in prices, but just slightly. Jarl Worrik cannot defend the area he is charged with defending without the merchants help and hates their practices but is almost hamstrung by the reality of their importance. The main merchant, Larko Snivens, is slowly buying up debt from the other merchants and from the hired mercenaries. He keeps himself protected at all times buy a retinue of warriors outfitted with the best that money can provide.

Einar tells you that Jark Borg would like to speak with you all at lunch so you have some time to kill.

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As the leaders are talking some of the surviving human warriors join in on the pilfering of the dead. They allow the party to pilfer half of the fallen orcs as they pilfer the others.

Ork Loot:

6 sets of Hide Armor, 3 Falchions, 3 glaives, 33 gp, 1 crude map of mountain passes and settlements not labeled in Ork.

One of the younger warriors brings the fallen lead orks falchion to Borg who accepts it, looks it over as Tanariel is talking and then hands it to the Kord follower who then hands it back to the younger warrior nodding his head.

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After spending a few days purchasing what you need and resting the covered monk Kolwyk calls you all down to the central hostel room for a meeting.

"The orbs are still silent. I fear the worst. As I said they have gone silent before, but never for this long and never so many at once." he tells you solemnly.

"As you know there is war in the air. The Pomarj has spilled over into its neighboring lands, Celene has closed their borders to outsiders but a few elves under their Prince defy those orders and are forlorn but hunting down orc raiding parties. The few renegade Knights of Luna and the rangers of the Gnarley woods also keep the humanoids at bay. It may not be enough though. The Ulek states have been slow to act but when they do confront the humanoids it should stem the tide in the south. Some say Iuz has returned and seeks to bring demons into his armies. Devils have appeared near Rauxes which worries Nyrond. Oerth needs no more planar invasions." Kolwyk drinks some honeyed water and offers the jug to others.

"Up in the cold north the barbarians invaded Stonefist lands and now rumors abound that all four barbarian armies are massed on Tenha's borders. We fear Ratik may be next. We cannot let Ratik fall. That is where you will go. There is an object rumored to be in Ratik, a relic actually, from ancient times. It is supposed to help ease the bridging between Oerth and other planes. It is called the Oviaukko in the ancient Suloise tongue. Find the scholar Ragmas, an Oeridian living among the Suel, he wears green colors, exclusively. Some religious dogma I believe. Find Ragmas and ask him about the relic, he may know- he researches items like that. Follow the clues and retrieve the relic before evil forces do. Do what you can to help Ratik navigate the wars."

Scarab Sages

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Female Human Shoanti
//Handle Animal +8/ Diplomacy +19/K-Nature, Planes, Religion+22/Spellcraft+19/Heal+14/SM+11/Survival+12; Arcana +19*/Geo+12*/History +15*/Local +15*
Lore Shaman 13 (HP:107/107)(AC:25/FF:22/T:16)(F:+14 R:+13 W:+21)(Init:+5)(Perception:+26)

this is what happens when you are mostly GM credit and learning how to play your character at higher levels on the acid or alchy fire nor AOE spells so she is fairly useless in this part of the fight...

"Krunch! Get out of there!"

Scarab Sages

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Female Human Shoanti
//Handle Animal +8/ Diplomacy +19/K-Nature, Planes, Religion+22/Spellcraft+19/Heal+14/SM+11/Survival+12; Arcana +19*/Geo+12*/History +15*/Local +15*
Lore Shaman 13 (HP:107/107)(AC:25/FF:22/T:16)(F:+14 R:+13 W:+21)(Init:+5)(Perception:+26)

Inkita gives Theodric the evil eye... non hex type...

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i want starfinder to have dralasites, yazirians, vrusks and vibra-swords...

Scarab Sages

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Female Human Shoanti
//Handle Animal +8/ Diplomacy +19/K-Nature, Planes, Religion+22/Spellcraft+19/Heal+14/SM+11/Survival+12; Arcana +19*/Geo+12*/History +15*/Local +15*
Lore Shaman 13 (HP:107/107)(AC:25/FF:22/T:16)(F:+14 R:+13 W:+21)(Init:+5)(Perception:+26)

Inkita scowls at Theodric...

"Let us hire one of these Tallow Boys and get on with the mission."

lol tallow girls

Scarab Sages

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Female Human Shoanti
//Handle Animal +8/ Diplomacy +19/K-Nature, Planes, Religion+22/Spellcraft+19/Heal+14/SM+11/Survival+12; Arcana +19*/Geo+12*/History +15*/Local +15*
Lore Shaman 13 (HP:107/107)(AC:25/FF:22/T:16)(F:+14 R:+13 W:+21)(Init:+5)(Perception:+26)

"My dear Krunch.... close your is far too obvious and you are drooling."

Scarab Sages

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Female Human Shoanti
//Handle Animal +8/ Diplomacy +19/K-Nature, Planes, Religion+22/Spellcraft+19/Heal+14/SM+11/Survival+12; Arcana +19*/Geo+12*/History +15*/Local +15*
Lore Shaman 13 (HP:107/107)(AC:25/FF:22/T:16)(F:+14 R:+13 W:+21)(Init:+5)(Perception:+26)

"Go and prep your gear" she calls out to him and then wonders how this mission will go remembering a different mission where a rather high brow long tusked half orc tried to to the sweet talking once the group was surrounded and how it did not go so well for her and her mates. She shudders at the thought of that happening again.

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GoM//Glass WotW Maps//WOGH Map //

I believe some of those rolls were 'aid' rolls so you all would know enough with success in appraise, heal and both perceptions without going to the nearest town... in a barren and desolate location...

The party gleans enough information about the ritual to purify the site and restore the ward. The conduct the ritual take any last notes regarding the crypt and begin the 6 day journey back to report to VC Besnik in Lastwall.

Besnik listens to the retelling of the adventure and says, “I knew you would triumph! Just goes to show I picked the right pathfinders to seek out adventure while unknown dangers lurked. There could have been almost anything there! Go and rest while I put our report together for the Ten. Surely, this addition to the Chronicles will put Uscalin Lodge on the map."

“Though I may joke about the crusaders, they play a vital part in the service of good. You, too, have done important work today. You have removed a pressing danger and helped the spirit of an ancient hero find rest. Well done, Pathfinders. I hope you are as proud of yourselves as I am of you.”

That is it. Both Primary and Secondary conditions met. Please ensure you provided all the right info and day job rolls in the discussion tab and I will crank out the chronicles. Many thanks.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Arcane Pool: 6/6
K.Arcana +14; K. Planes +14; Stealth +6; Acro+12; Spellcraft +12
Elf Magus (Kensai/Blackblade) 7 (HP:52/52)(AC:28/26 FF:17 T:21)(F:+9 R:+9 W:+7)(Init:+13)(Perception: +11)

it is so funny when he miss-speaks and says non-lethal...

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Acro+14/Climb+8/Religion, Planes, Arcana, Nature +12/Disable Device +14
Elf Fighter 8 [Lore Warden] Rogue 2 [Eldritch Scoundrel] [HP: 102/102][AC: 28 FF: 23 T: 18][Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +4] [Initiative:+7][Perception;+13]

thanks for the reminder Jeb

WIL vs DC 21: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

ECB1+PA: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14...DMG: 1d10 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

ECB2+PA: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16...DMG: 1d10 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16

39/60 health

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[dice=CLB+PBS+RS]1d20+6[/dice]...[dice=DMG]1d8+4[/dice] [dice=Scimitar]1d20+5[/dice]...[dice=DMG]1d6+2[/dice]
Inquisitor 5 Preacher/Sin Eater NG (Half Elf) [Init: +7][Perception: +12] [AC: 19 FF: 13, T:16] [HP: 43/43] [Fort: +6, Ref: +4, Will: +8]

Valgrim moves into the room to watch over Mord in case he dies or is attacked and then dies... he can drag his body out if possible...

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[dice=CLB+PBS+RS]1d20+6[/dice]...[dice=DMG]1d8+4[/dice] [dice=Scimitar]1d20+5[/dice]...[dice=DMG]1d6+2[/dice]
Inquisitor 5 Preacher/Sin Eater NG (Half Elf) [Init: +7][Perception: +12] [AC: 19 FF: 13, T:16] [HP: 43/43] [Fort: +6, Ref: +4, Will: +8]

i believe Endar wrote that he would sacrifice himself for the greater good and set off the trap even if it kills him so that the rest of us are safe...or something like that.

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[dice=CLB+PBS+RS]1d20+6[/dice]...[dice=DMG]1d8+4[/dice] [dice=Scimitar]1d20+5[/dice]...[dice=DMG]1d6+2[/dice]
Inquisitor 5 Preacher/Sin Eater NG (Half Elf) [Init: +7][Perception: +12] [AC: 19 FF: 13, T:16] [HP: 43/43] [Fort: +6, Ref: +4, Will: +8]

you fool! he baited you!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ranged +17 / Melee +14/+7// +6 vs Evil Outsiders or +2 vs Humans and Undead (Favored Enemy)
Aasimar (Garuda-Plumekith) CL 15
Ranger 15 (HP:112/112)(AC:25 FF:20 T:17)(Init:+7)(Perception:+17)(F:+13, R:+15, W:+10)

added companion wolf to map

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GoM//Glass WotW Maps//WOGH Map //

“Your mission is war, my children. You will bring war to Talingarde." He pause to let that sink in before continuing.

"You have two objectives. First, you will see a shipment of munitions delivered to a bugbear chieftain named Sakkarot Fire-Axe. He makes his camp on the northern coast of Lake Tarik beyond the Watch Wall. With this shipment, the Fire-Axe will have resources enough to unite the barbarous humanoid tribes of the north and light the fire of war. Sitting on the dock as we speak is the longship Frosthamar captained by Kargeld Odenkirk. Tomorrow when the ship is resupplied it will be your transport. The captain is a ruthless mercenary and not to be trusted. He knows nothing of the specifics of our mission and you should keep it that way. He knows he is smuggling cargo to the north beyond the Watch Wall. That is all he need know." and the Cardinal rings a bell for a servant to enter.
“Once the cargo is safely delivered, he will take you just south across the lake under cover of darkness and land you near the town of Aldencross. There our contract with Captain Odenkirk will be concluded. It is shame how greedy he has proven. I had hoped to let the captain serve me again but it seems he is too much of a liability. Kill him. Kill his crew. Burn his ship and leave no survivors. It is crucial that no one suspects our involvement and that loose ends are taken care of. Be sure to reclaim the coin I gave him. Best not to be wasteful." he tells you in a dead and unemotional voice.

“That done, you will begin your second task. We will do more still to aid our ally the Fire-axe. The bugbears are mighty warriors but poor siege engineers. You will infiltrate the tower Balentyne, keystone of the Watch Wall, kill its commander and open the gate for Sakkarot’s horde. Once the shaggy monstrosities pierce the Watch Wall, the bugbears will pillage and lay waste to the townships of the north and the local garrisons will have no choice but to meet the Fire-Axe in the open field. Sakkarot is the most brilliant, gifted and murderous bugbear of his generation. I expect these battles will go poorly for the knights and yeoman of fair Talingarde." he smile slightly.

“Do all of this and then when your task is done, break this clay seal.” He hands them a delicately carved clay seal adorned with a tangled knot of thorns surrounding the holy symbol of Asmodeus. “I will have more instructions then. Succeed and I will see you rewarded handsomely. Fail or betray me and you will pray for the comfort of Hell before I am done with you." he says with dead eyes piercing through you.

“The mission you start upon today is a holy mission. The people of Talingarde think they have seen the last of the mighty Asmodeus. Soon enough we will remind them that there is no escaping the grasp of Hell. Let us toast our success.”

A servant then enters carrying a tray of glasses and a jug of wine. The Cardinal takes the tray, pours one glass of deep red wine for each of the you and then finally pours one for himself. He raises the glass and offers a toast.“To war.”

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GoM//Glass WotW Maps//WOGH Map //

OK everyone should be good to go by now.

Thorn is not always with you or visible and it soon becomes apparent that you are not the only ones being trained. Another small group is also sequestered on another part of the estate and you only catch fleeting glimpses of them during the day.

After the training is finished, Adrastus pronounces you ready and holds a great banquet in your honor. He awards you the title of the Nessian Knot in an infernal ritual involving blood and fire. During the ritual he summons forth a barbed devil and offers to it one of his slaves. The devil gleeful rips the slave apart and feasts on the blood. Adrastus then draws forth some of the devil’s blood with a silver athame. Adrastus traces the unholy symbol of Asmodeus on the forehead of each of you in the mingled blood of devil and sacrifice.

"Behold" he proclaims, “The Nessian Knot is forged. Just in time,” Cardinal Thorn remarks. “My ship has arrived.” On the river dock behind the manor under cover of darkness, a square-sailed longship sails into the slip. It sits heavily in the water, laden with a substantial cargo.

Sovereign Court

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Acrobatics:+17;Local:+5;Disable Device:+21;Intimidate:+12;Stealth:+11;Bluff:+14
Half Elf Slayer 4/Swashbuckler4/Aldori 1/ CL 9 (HP:76/76)(AC:27 FF:21 T:18)(F:+6/ R:+16/ W:+6)(Init:+12)(Perception:+13)

Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

"I've had some run ins with Hellknights before so listen up as I will only say this once.
Hellknights are members of goofy knightly orders that value law above all else. Many of their citadels are in Cheliax. While Hellknights look to Hell as an example of perfect order, which is weird I know, Hellknight orders are not inherently evil organizations. Within an order, there is a strict hierarchy, with the Lictor at the top and the trainees, known as Armigers, at the bottom. Most Hellknights simply use the title Hellknight, though their spellcasters instead use the title Signifer, I guess to signify their lack of martial skill. Each order of Hellknights has its own focus, but they all follow a strict set of laws called the Measure and a philosophy of merciless self-discipline called the Chain, which teaches the three virtues of order, discipline, and mercilessness. Hellknights must undergo many painful trials and defeat a devil in combat to earn a place within their order. Ya'll get that?"

he drinks some more wine and then continues
Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

" Now the Menador Gap is the only passage between the Menador Mountains and the Ravounel Forest. At its narrowest point is a fortress called Menador Keep, where Chelish authorities heavily tax all traffic through the mountains. Chelish patrols work hard to keep the mountain passage safe, but hazards still abound. Landslides are common and dangerous monsters occasionally prey on travelers. Manticore, wyvern, or chimera attacks are frequent. Bow out now if you are squeamish."

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i would love a seat at the table if possible.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Arcane Pool: 6/6
K.Arcana +14; K. Planes +14; Stealth +6; Acro+12; Spellcraft +12
Elf Magus (Kensai/Blackblade) 7 (HP:52/52)(AC:28/26 FF:17 T:21)(F:+9 R:+9 W:+7)(Init:+13)(Perception: +11)

just waiting for my turn to miss again

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blessings:11/11 | Fervor: 14/14 | Armor: 16/16 |Weapon: 2/2
Half Orc Warpriest 16 (HP:163/163)(AC:36 FF: 33 T: 19 [19])(F:+21R:+15W:+21)(Init:+14)(Perception:+15)

tackle one problem point at a time. I concur we resolve the vrock issue first as that may prove answers or leads to our other issues.

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