Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Omega Team (Tier 8-9) the other two will follow shortly :)
"Welcome Pathfinders," a clerk says and removes a large pirate hat with a long frond of seaweed where the feather should be. "Please come in and introduce yourself. Your Venture Captain is on a schedule and will be here shortly."
The room is typical of a Pathfinder lodge: a large wooden table with a pewter bowl of fruit, small windows unshuttered to let the light in, several chairs, perches, and rugs for comfortable seating of all kinds.
Please give us a description of your character and introduce yourself. This will dot the thread so it shows up in your Campaigns tag even though we won't go much farther before the 27th. Welcome :)

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Tavarious is a tall, gaunt, pale skinned Chelixian dressed in iron gray and red robes, with the latest and most fashionable trim. He enunciates exceptionally clearly although has upperclass snobbery in his voice.
"Yes Tancred Desimire is my cousin, but the things he has done to our house... The corruption of the great might of Cheliax and the betrayal of our house's glorious history in the Service of Dispater. His behavior disgusted me, and I ended his life. Let us speak no more of the traitor."
He carries a large and obvious holy symbol of Dispater, an iron spike driven into a goldn ring with a red and purple crown.
Pathfinder Wiki: Dispater (In case anybody is unfamiliar with the diety and wants to read more.)

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The long, thin elf quietly entered the room, looking for the dark corners, if there was any available. His eyes nervously glanced around the room, clearly more comfortable being out of everyone's line of vision. He was pale, clearly not having seen much sun recently, preferring the comfort of a dungeon or tomb to investigate. He made a soft clinking when he sat down as two of his many potion bottle rubbed against each other.
He looked at up at haughty human and nodded. "Ruprecht," he said quietly.

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A quiet blond haired man sits by the corner alone wearing fine chain mail and with a masterly crafted dueling sword at his hip. He gazes at the two newcomers, looks them over and then dismisses them. He goes back to his cup of wine. He looks of Ulfen stock, but more civilized than the northern barbarians. He watches much and says little.

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A tiefling woman in wizard's robes shuffles into the room, mutters a barely-audible greeting, and takes a chair in the corner. She carries only a single, small blade.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Discussion thread now active. Please check in. Also my GM Avatar has some useful PbP links in the profile.

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Without looking up from the book he is reading, the slender human navigates right up to the clerk to check-in. "Fendel Meniska, Liberty's Edge. Good day everyone, well met I'm sure." He moves to a seat as he scribbles notes into the margin of the text. He briefly scans the room, giving each occupant a moment of focused attention. Afterwards, he nods to himself as if he has confirmed something and returns to the latest Gazetteer. Speaking quietly to himself,"No, no. they got that wrong too. I simply cannot understand how they can release these publications with so many errors. Don't they believe in accuracy?"

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A matronly redheaded dwarf with her hair pulled back into a bun nod to the her assembled collegesAlistina Keeva.She turns to Ruprecht I'm sure it will be fine. Can't help who our family is, besides, she eyes his unholy symbol good things can sometimes grow in questionable ground.

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Walking into the meeting Alfred takes a look around before finding himself a seat, his very obvious affliation to be seen on his fullplate. Hellknight, several medals and other awards had been affixed to his armor, all of it over a clawed exteriour. He moves with much more grace and with a gate that belies the fullplates heft, as if he were simply faster than others. Taking the seat he pulls out various holy books and begins reading from the.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

We begin the tale in the Heidmarch Lodge in Magnimar.
Rain patters outside the windows of Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch’s study in Magnimar. Zarta Dralneen, leader of the Dark Archive, also waits nearby with a glass of red wine in her hand and a thoughtful look on her face.
“Greetings, Pathfinders,” the venture-captain begins. “We have an important mission for you inside Cheliax. Several days ago, we received word that the Hellknights of the Order of the Gate issued a call for aid at the Menador Gap. Apparently Chelish forces are spread thin these days. Imagine their surprise when we volunteered to help.”
“As I’m sure you know,” Zarta cuts in, “the Society has enjoyed few opportunities to explore Cheliax since the shuttering of the Delvehaven lodge in Westcrown decades ago. Luckily, we still had a Pathfinder agent in the country, an eccentric man by the name of Olandil. He has been gathering and protecting Pathfinder Society records and creating a journal of historically valuable sites within Cheliax that remain unexplored. For years, an embargo trapped Olandil in the port town of Pezzack, but a group of your fellow agents recently arranged for his escape. As it happens, one of the sites in Olandil’s journal lies close to the Menador Gap. Called The Temple of the Sky, this site supposedly contains a host of magical pillars that hold ancient knowledge. I’m sure you’ll agree that such knowledge is best kept safe within the Dark Archives, which is why we would like you to obtain a transcription of each pillar."
“Equally important to recovering these tablets,” Zarta continues, “is your mission to aid the Hellknights in securing the Menador Mountains. The details are vague, but we are told that the diviners of their order determined that a chaotic catastrophe is brewing somewhere in the peaks, and we suspect orcs are involved. Pathfinders, myself included, have come into conflict with Hellknights in the past, but they are still useful allies who share a number of our goals. Helping eliminate the threat will strengthen our alliance and ensure Hellknight aid in the future.”
The venture-captain adds, “I have arranged for a teleport spell to take you directly to the Hellknight expedition. Hellknights are not known for their patience. Please make your necessary preparations and return here as soon as possible.”

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Knowledge (local)
Knowledge (geography) a second Kn (local) can also be used

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Tavarius nods at the explination.
untrained local, max 10: 1d20 ⇒ 13
"Ahhh, it will be nice to return to Cheliax, perhaps this represents a thawing in relations between the Society and Cheliax."

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Ruprecht looked around expectantly at the others. His knowledge was mostly contained to dungeon lore and how to bypass tricky locks. He waited for the others to figure out any relevant details.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
"I've had some run ins with Hellknights before so listen up as I will only say this once.
Hellknights are members of goofy knightly orders that value law above all else. Many of their citadels are in Cheliax. While Hellknights look to Hell as an example of perfect order, which is weird I know, Hellknight orders are not inherently evil organizations. Within an order, there is a strict hierarchy, with the Lictor at the top and the trainees, known as Armigers, at the bottom. Most Hellknights simply use the title Hellknight, though their spellcasters instead use the title Signifer, I guess to signify their lack of martial skill. Each order of Hellknights has its own focus, but they all follow a strict set of laws called the Measure and a philosophy of merciless self-discipline called the Chain, which teaches the three virtues of order, discipline, and mercilessness. Hellknights must undergo many painful trials and defeat a devil in combat to earn a place within their order. Ya'll get that?"
he drinks some more wine and then continues
Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
" Now the Menador Gap is the only passage between the Menador Mountains and the Ravounel Forest. At its narrowest point is a fortress called Menador Keep, where Chelish authorities heavily tax all traffic through the mountains. Chelish patrols work hard to keep the mountain passage safe, but hazards still abound. Landslides are common and dangerous monsters occasionally prey on travelers. Manticore, wyvern, or chimera attacks are frequent. Bow out now if you are squeamish."

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Taking a long look at the Ulfen man, smiles behind his helms visor.
"We know paracountess, we also know that one day the Hellknights will of course decide you have out lived your usefulness and will then take you bodily , willing or not, to Hell. As of now however I have no orders to do such, though the Fop by the doorway, the one drinking himself senseless, I think he will most likely not make it through this. If you would be so kind as to provide a coffin for him," turning he looks directly at Fenrik, "or do your people still burn thier dead and sacrifice the living to gain favor with the gods?

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"Buddy we aint here going up north to fix stuff because the Ulfens need help, or haven't you been listening to well... we are going to save the Hellknights from chaos. For all their might they still need some pathfinders to pull their armored butts out of the fire. Maybe if you had stayed there there wouldn't be a problem there now..." Fenrik retorts and then goes back to drinking his wine.

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Alfred nods his head, "That could be, as Baron Darkmask Vicarious of the Blasted Citadel, my Commander, could have routed the entire group with his cadre of hellknights if he wasn't busy Killing and Destroying the Consortium.
Alfred throws a Consortium badge over to the ulfen as proof, it is indeed real, and is one of the VERY top leaders of the Consortium's personal badge. You look upon one of the Patrons personal badges, proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that the whichever member this is Not giving names as that spoils the scenario personal badge and would have died before handing it over.
"Any other questions?"

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Ru rolled his eyes at the humans sniping at each other. Short lived humans always thinking they matter oh so much. In reality their lives are over and done in an instant. Why do they waste them arguing so?

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"Nice trinket... if it had been something more useful for this mission I would have been impressed. But alas you came up short..."

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Fatima mumbles something about being ready, but makes little effort to be heard over the argument.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

"Enough bickering," Zarta snaps.
VC Heidmarch puts down her wine and signals to a servant. "Agreed. We do not have much time so if you do not need any other provisions. We will send you on your way." Food & water is ready for you. Any other purchases you would like state them now.
The servant returns with a robed man who instructs everyone to take his hand. He starts to cant and suddenly the world is spinning. With a small pop the rainy day of Magnimar is replaced by clear mountain air. The party now stands in a small clearing in the midst of a field of boulders and hoary trees. To the north, the ground slants sharply upward and leads into mountainous peaks of jagged rocks. Roiling black clouds are gathered behind the peaks and the region is filled with a hushed quiet.
Ten men and woman all wearing red robes and identical steal masks engraved with a swirling vortex pattern stand about. The Hellknight expedition waits in the clearing, oiling swords and reviewing spellbooks. The eleventh stands up and moves to he pathfinders. She is slightly shorter than the others and a hint of dark hair is visible from under her steel masks.
She stops in front of you as if expecting something, but then a commanding voice pierces the quiet.
“Pathfinders. My name is Signifer Karva and I am in charge of this expedition. The Order of the Gate doesn’t often work with your organization. Under different circumstances, we could have even been enemies. But today that is not so—we share the common purpose of restoring order to this region. Know that at my command, my Hellknights will sacrifice their lives to accomplish this mission, and I expect no less from you. If you truly wish to return home safely, obey my commands and heed your duties.“
Again she stops as if waiting for something, but interrupts with a commanding voice, "Any questions?"

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Ruprecht nodded. He was anxious to see what the group would be tasked with.

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Tavarius stands proudly, his holy symbol of Dispater proudly showing, waiting for a more through briefing.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

She doesn't actually have the ability to co-opt me was that speech not meant for me then?
?? Who can't do what to whom? (please clarify :)
The signifier responds to Fatima in a matter of fact tone. "Our diviners received troubling visions of scarred orcs covered with strange runes, piles of heaped skulls, and swarms of wriggling worms. Worse still, the diviners sense that the chaotic taint is growing stronger. They sent us to investigate.” As she speaks the others begin packing their things away.
"We are to restore order to an area increasing chaos. “The source of the chaos is unknown, but we suspect it’s an incursion of planar beasts or undead working in league with a tribe of orcs called the Severed Hand."
She points toward some peaks where dark clouds roil. “The Severed Hand tribe lives deep in the mountains, roughly a two-day march from here. Our patrols seldom come out this far, so we will be in untamed wilderness for most of the expedition. There is a small peak called Gozreh’s Fork near the edge of the tribe’s territory that offers a good view of the region. We will head there first to get a grasp of where things stand in the mountains.“ The others are ready to go as she finishes. "We march. Step in where you may." She offers to answer any other questions while walking however.
The map is active, please add your avatar to it. Instructions are in my GM profile if you need, but to feel free to ask questions.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alfred has the Hellknight Prestige Class. My understanding of Hellknight hierarchy is that Hellknights and Signifiers are the same rank (Hellknights being martial and Signifiers being magical.) There could potentially be an issue of rank between between them, but I suspect the Signifier has been placed in charge here by somebody higher ranking. I suspect Alfred's player is quite surprised by her derision rather than respect. Alfred may also have access to boons or other material increasing his rank that I'm not familiar with.

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Ru took a spot in the front of the crew, not trusting the others to carefully watch out on the path.
Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29 +4 more for traps.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

The hellknight at the front watches Ruprecht move to the lead. As they march she notices the elf's skill in watching the road. When she catches his eye, she nods in appreciation. Without breaking formation, takes a moment to introduce herself. "Rulla," she says. "The watchful eye is much less surprised by chaos." It sounds as if she is quoting something, and she follows it up with, "Thank you."

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"Ruprecht. Pleasure to meet you, Rulla. Let's keep everyone safe up here."

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I assume the map is of Gozreh's Fork, after 2 days of marching. Do we have any in-character reason to suspect danger here in particular?

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A'course. It could na just be Orcs, or undead, or demons or some such, we get some lovely mix of the three. Signafier, has anyone had an actual contact with these beasties? Or are the divination the only information about this new threat? I've faced my share of chaos in the World wound and any additional information you can provide would help me make best use of my skills.
Once the conversation ends Allistina takes a position just forward of the the center of the group so she can move into the action as needed, but also affect as many allies with her magic as possible.

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Fenrik prepares his gear to depart muttering under his breath 'friggan lawful bullies'
"I am ready and I will play nice." he mentions to the others before moving out.
Fenrik will stay in the back if possible, watching the others.
"One thing I would like to know... how accurate are these divinations? Any chance of it being wrong?" Fenrik asks Rulla.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

It is a rugged place and as the march continues it grows even more wild. "So no, nothing specifically dangerous Fatima," a short hellknight answers.
Rulla, the Hellknight on point, says, "Negative, Alistina. The folks who have met the tribe did so almost a decade ago. It was during some invasion. They were not rune covered at that time."
A heavily armored Hellknight answers the question about the divinations, stating they are as vague as always. "But we have not sought the orcs, instead we seek a source of the chaos." The diviner Aspexia pauses for a moment. "The orcs are not revealed to us all the time, but they show up often enough to be worthy of investigation."
An hour of the march began Karva calls for a halt. "Take five knights," she pauses a moment. "And pathfinders. The hellknights find a place to sit, or to stretch or to read from the Asmodean pamphlet. The terrain has grown even more wild than before and the sky darkens.
Five minutes later Karva orders the march to resume. If anyone was counting, it is quite precicesly four minutes and 37 seconds. later. A testament to the ordered sense of the Hellknight's personality.

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survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Tavarius seems comfortable with the strict timetable and general sense of order. He will make a mental note of which Hellknights are pious enough to read the Asmodean pamphlet during their break.
As they travel Tavarius gives brisk, yet helpful commands to any who struggle with small climbs or other terrain difficulties.
At-will I can give 3 allies +2 to skill checks (and ac/atk) for 1 round by spending my standard action.

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Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 18
"From what I know of weather, which I admit is rudimentary and may be incorrect, I believe that we will see a storm within the next 24 hours. Are there places to take shelter along the way?"

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Survival 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Ru nods at Fatima's advice. "She's right. That storm is going to be a problem, and it looks as if it will be upon us before the next day is over. A cave or some other shelter would be very helpful to keep us all from drowning. Rulla, do you know of any such place on the road here?"

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

"That storm is a concern, Karva agrees. She considers her Hellknight's, the Pathfinder's views, the terrain about them and a map she has of the area. "Make whatever preparations you want, but for now we continue."
Untrained if you want:
After the next hour the Signifier calls for another break. The Hellknights adjust their packs, clean their boots, and one even pulls a spare set of bracers from her backpack and engraves runic swirls into the metal. Many discussions of the esoteric laws and codes of the Order of the Gate grow to a lively banter during the break. After a five minute break, the march continues.
After the rest Karva looks to the storm and to their path ahead, but she deems it safe enough to continue for at least another hour. At the end of every hour she calls another break and soon four hours have passed.
The Hellknights are gracious hosts and cautious travelers. Even for all their strait forwardness they are approachable and introduce themselves when asked.
I am struggling to keep three tables with 10 individual Hellknights all having interesting and unique personalities and keeping the thread moving. Please go to the Campaign info thread and choose a Hellknight that your character might interact with, then place a little of that interaction here. Five people adding a little bit of background will be easier than one and I do not want to bog down an already slow medium. If that sort of writing doesn't interest you, please don't feel pressured. If you do like to: Thanks! :)

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Survival 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
While taking their frequent breaks, their position led Ru and Rulla to have a bit of conversation. "How long have you been with the Hellknights? Have you been stationed here the whole time? Have you heard rumors of any old, decrepit dungeons or tombs in the area? That's sort of my specialty. I'd much rather be down there than walking around up here. Seems like that's more my element, strangely enough."

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Fatima is shy, and sits by herself during the breaks unless approached. She does, however, try to catch glimpses under the Hellknight's helmets to see if there are any other Tieflings in the group, having heard they are not well-regarded in Cheliax.

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Alistina Peaks at the map, then at the gathering storm. And prays for guidance.
survival: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 1 = 22
Alistina takes a few of the more well insulated items from her pack and puts them on. She looks a little warm, but they look like they will keep moisture away better.
Knowledge(Nobility): 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 1 = 20
Rutilia is it? So what sort of thing is your orders baliwik? Is it just chaos you be fightin' or is there some other guiding principle. This isn't my first dealing with hellknight, I know the orders are all a bit different, sometimes more than a bit. Why one time I had to go to Citidal Vraid to see about the release of a prisoner who was wrongly accused. Not the usual "oh it wasn't me, I'm innocent bit, there was a fair mound of evidence that someone swept under the rug. Needless to say when we showed it to the Lictor there he was livid that such a thing occurred under his watch, but he was more than reasonable when we got things sorted out.

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Fenrik makes a bee line for the best looking female Hellknight will let you decide GM
"Excuse me... do I know you..? Have we crossed swords before...? what was your name again?"

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I am infact higher rank than an amangier so yeah. Name Dropping my Level 16 Hellknight Signifier whos this guys mentor, and kinda of a big deal being level 16 and finshed the second Seeker arc.
Alfred stand and looks down upon the female hellknight. "Perhaps you aren't aware but I am on loan to the pathfinders from my Lord, Baron Darkmask.
The Baron Darkmask,Vicarious of the Blasted Citadel, Baron of the Isle of Dread,Venture Captain of the Izzak Lodge ,Offical Member of the Ice Mammoth Tribe, Risen and Constant of the Scarab Sages, Holder of the Flame of Gaston, Mentor to the Paldin Ik-ha-thruun,Mentor to myself, High Cleric of Torag, High Cleric of Iomeade, High Cleric of Abadar, High Cleric of Irori, and High Cleric of Asmodius. You would do well to respect rank Signfier Karva."
Are there any Hellknights who are of different factions or are they all of the Gate
Alfred will while on the road, see to the spiritual needs of all of the Hellknights as best he can. "Aspexia, how long have you been a hellknight if I may be so bold to ask?

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Shortly before the end of the fourth hour the first signs of corruption appear. This area is marked by strange deformations. Large boulders and rocky outcroppings droop and sag on the side of the mountain, as if they were made of putty instead of stone. Moreover, the trees are twisted and warped into loathsome shapes. Each tree is covered with wooden growths shaped like writhing tentacles, grasping claws, and toothy mouths. The ground squishes underfoot and thousands of earthworms wriggle atop the soil.
Signafier Karva expresses a deep concern over this strange change in the terrain. [b]"We will stop early. See what we can find out about that place. I am sure it is a sign of the chaos,"[b] she says.
Clumps of earthworms wriggle up from the ground and crawl all over the feet of the explorers.

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arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
I don't like the look o' them worms. Sumthin unnatural about the way they're behavin'. I mean except after a hard rain they should na be above ground like this and I don't think I've ever seen so many.

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Know. Arcana 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
"The strange land formations aren't natural. It took a powerful spellcaster to achieve such means."