Tsadok Goldtooth

Jaggar Greycloak's page

338 posts. Organized Play character for qwerty1971.

Full Name

Jaggar Greycloak


Half Orc


Fighter 12 /Urban Barbarian 3 (HP:172/172)(AC:40 T:20 FF:35)(F:+21 R:+15 W:+14)(Init:+8)(Perception:+20)



GG:+31/+22/+17// DMG +32





Special Abilities

Character Sheet






Common, Orc, Giant, Skald, Varisian, Goblinoid, Azlanti, Osiriani- Ancient


Caravan: Intimidate +20 for day job

Strength 23
Dexterity 18
Constitution 18
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Jaggar Greycloak

Jagger Greycloak
Fighter 12 /Urban Barbarian 3 114768-3
CG Medium humanoid (Half Orc)
Init: +8; Perception: +20


AC:40 T:20 FF:35 (+12 Armor, +3 Deflection, +4 DEX, +1 Dodge, +1 Insight, +1 Natural, +5 Shield, +1 Trait)
HP: 172
Fort: +21, Ref: +15, Will: +14
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged: Composite (STR +5) Longbow (MW) +19/+14/+9 (1d8 +5)
Melee: +2 Adm. Ghost Touch Glaive-Guisarme +29/+20/+15 (1d10+31/20x3)





Str: 23 (19), Dex: 18 (14), Con: 18 (14), Int: 14 (12), Wis: 16 (14), Cha: 10 (8)
BAB: +15; CMB: +17; CMD: 40
Languages: Common, Orc, Giant, Skald, Varisian, Goblinoid, Azlanti, Osiriani-Ancient


* Additional Traits:
* Combat Reflexes:
* Dodge:
* Endurance:
* Furious Focus:
* GWF: Glaive-Guisarme
* GWS: Glaive-Guisarme
* Improved Initiative:
* Phalanx Formation:
* Power Attack: -4/+8 // -4/+12
* Shield Brace:
* Shield Focus:
* Toughness:
* WF: Glaive-Guisarme
* WS: Glaive-Guisarme
* Weapon Trick: Polearms

Traits and Drawbacks:

*Social-Seeker: +1 to perception, class skill
*Combat Trait- Defender of the Society:+1 AC wearing medium or heavy armor.
*Faction- Observant- +1 to sense motive, class skill
*Faith- Fate's Favored: +1 luck bonus when under luck bonus
FCB: +12 skill ranks

Special /Class Abilities:

*Bravery (Ex):+3 bonus on Will saves against fear
*Armor Training (Ex): +3 max armor dex/-3 ACP/move normal speed
*Weapon Training 1 (Ex): +4 atk/dmg with Pole-arms
*Weapon Training 2 (Ex): +3 atk/dmg with Flails

Racial Abilities:

*Intimidating: Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks
*Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions
*Darkvision: 60ft
*Sacred Tattoo: +1 luck bonus on all saving throws


Acrobatics: 10/ +17
Climb: 1/ +10
Diplomacy: 15/+18
Handle Animal: 1/ +4
Heal: +0
Intimidate: 15/ +20
Linguistics: 4/+9
Perception: 13/ +20
Ride: 1/ +8
Sense Motive: 11/ +18
Stealth: +4
Survival: 1/ +7
Track: +0
Swim: 1/ +10
Knowledge: Dungeoneering: 1/ +6
Knowledge: Engineering: 1/ +6
Knowledge: Nobility: 1/ +6
Knowledge: Local: 1/ +6
Craft: Weaponsmaking: 1/ +6


+3 Adm Ghost Touch Glaive-Guisarme, +1 CI Morningstar, DW MW Composite LongBow (+5 STR), +3 Mithral Full Plate (stanching), +3 Mithral Lt Shield, Dagger, Cloak of Resistance +4, Belt of Physical Perfection +4 (Str, Dex, Con), Headband of Mental Superiority +2 (INT/WIS/CHA, Diplomacy), Ring of Feather Falling, Ring of Protection +3, Ioun Stone +1 Sacred Bonus, CLW Wand (42), Swarmbane Clasp, Boots of Striding and Springing, Oil of Bless Weapon x1, Potion of Fly, Potion of Enlarge Person, Amulet of NA +3
Coin (platinum) (x0)
Coin (gold) (x28,450)
Coin (silver) (x19)

Backpack, MW [
Flint and Steel
Trail Rations (x5)
Rope (Hemp/50 ft.)
Waterskin (Filled) (x1)
Belt Pouch
Hot/Cold Weather Gear
Map Case
Tanglefoot bag (x1)
Bandolier 1[
Anti Toxin (x1)
Anti Plague (x1)
Alchemist Fire (x1)
Vermin Repellent (x1)
Flask (x1)
Smoked Goggles (x1)
Earplugs (x1)
Holy Water (x1)
Bandolier 2[
Anti Toxin (x1)
Anti Plague (x1)
Alchemist Fire (x1)
Vermin Repellent (x1)
Flask (x1)
Alkili Flask (x1)
Acid (x1)
Holy Water (x1)


Magical Items Placement:


(Belt Slot) Belt of Physical Perfection +4
(Body Slot) ------------------------
(Chest Slot) ------------------------
(Eyes Slot) ------------------------
(Feet Slot) Boots of Striding and Springing
(Hands Slot) ------------------------
(Head Slot) ------------------------
(Headband Slot) Headband of Mental Superiority
(Neck Slot) Swarmbane Clasp OR Amulet of NA +3
(Shoulder Slot) Cloak of Resistance +4
(Wrist Slot) ------------------------
(Ring Slot 1) Ring of Protection +3
(Ring Slot 2) Ring of Feather Falling

Backstory :

Jagger is a brutish looking Half Orc. He was raised by Ulfens and joined the Grand Lodge to escape the misery of the North and for drinking coin. He carries a glaive-guisarme and other weapons. Jagger likes to drink... a lot. He respects skilled elves but dislikes their frailness and will make fun of them regardless, although he is a loyal team member. While he is a melee combatant, Jagger prefers to let another melee combatant engage first and then attack from distance with his reach. Not that he is a coward, he just tries to be a little bit smarter.


Jagger is loud, oftentimes obnoxious, and usually with drink in hand. He is smarter and wiser than other Half Orcs and will use that to his advantage.


1-Voice in the Void
5-Destiny of Sands Pt1
5-Library of Lion
5-Destiny of Sands Pt2
City of Strangers Pt 1
4-Severing Ties
5-Destiny of Sands Pt3
4-In Wraths Shadow
1- Pallid Plague
5-You have what you Hold
5-Assault on the Wound
2-Dalsine Affair-
3-Among the Gods-
5-Vengeance at Sundered Crag
The Harrowing-
2-Rebels Ransom-
0-Fingerprints of the Fiend
02-10 Fury Of The Fiend pbp
Fate of the Fiend
Returned from the Sky
Shadows Fall on Absolom
Vaults of Madness*
CotCT *
ROTRL 5 * (not applicable yet)
ROTRL 6 * (not applicable yet)

Prestige Points 5 spent:

Caravan purchased