The Cinderlander

Jayne Munny's page

327 posts. Organized Play character for Silbeg.

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Fury's Toll | MotD

Discuss your character choices here!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD
Foundation's Price wrote:

Following their recent successes in aiding the government of Qadira with apprehending an errant genie-binder, the Pathfinder Society earned the right to establish a new lodge in the port city of Sedeq! With the construction of the site complete, the Society sent a group to formally begin operations from the new edifice.

They never arrived.

With city officials threatening to auction off the new building should the Pathfinder Society neglect to occupy it, the Society sends a backup group of Pathfinders to investigate the lodge. Finding the brand new structure in a state of alarming disrepair, the Pathfinders have little time to search for answers before a booming voice greets them. If they wish to have their lodge, they'll have to complete three tasks...

Foundation's Price is part of the ongoing story of the Year of Shattered Sanctuaries. It is the first scenario in a two-part arc detailing the events befalling a Pathfinder Society lodge in the nation of Qadira. Other arcs explore other locations across the Inner Sea. While the arcs can be played in any order, it is recommended that players experience the scenarios within each individual arc in order.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Creating a discussion thread, cause you know

Let’s move the discussion about stuff here instead of the recruitment thread.

Please do set up your tagline, doesn’t have to be exactly per my preferred template, but if you have any questions, I’ll link it when I get back from GenCon.

Dark Archive

Please post your character's application to join this game, in character.

Note: I am not taking first come, first serve... and I may limit to 5 players.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Discussion thread... TBD

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Centuries ago, the massive Shining Crusade destroyed the Whispering Tyrant Tar-Baphon, an incredibly powerful lich. Knowing he might someday return, the Whispering Tyrant’s foes sealed his remains away under his old tower, Gallowspire, and formed the nation of Lastwall to guard his crumbling edifice for centuries… until three years ago, when the Tyrant was reborn. In a matter of weeks, the furious lich laid waste to Lastwall. The lost nation, now known as the Gravelands, is a haunted and desolate place overrun with undead while the Tyrant’s cult, the Whispering Way, operates freely. Not far outside the Gravelands, the tiny village of Fiorna’s Faith has recently fallen, another victim of this ancient conflict.

Dark Archive

This is the recruitment thread

Please post your characters "application" to play (note: I do not typically do "First Come, First Server")

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

In the nation of Qadira, Esmayl ibn Qaradi calls for Pathfinders to assist in what should be a simple genealogy verification. Multiple parties are heavily invested in the results that might be revealed by this family tree, however, and things won't be as simple as sifting through some old family records. As thieves and nobles vie to control history itself, the PCs will need to fend off violence and deceptions as they follow the branches of an ancient family tree.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

SkålCon 2022 is a 3-day Charity gaming convention with proceeds to support Tubman, an organization that helps people of all ages, genders, and cultural backgrounds who have experienced relationship violence, elder abuse, addiction, sexual exploitation or other forms of trauma.

SkålCon 2022 will be held at:
Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West
3131 Campus Dr.
Plymouth, MN 55441

Please reserve your SkålCon block hotel rooms by September 1, before the rate goes up!

SkålCon 2022 will be featuring a variety of PFS2 Season 4 scenarios, SFS Season 5 scenarios, as well as some PFS1 scenarios. We will be featuring the Starfinder Society special 4-99: A Time of Crisis on Friday night, and on Saturday night the Pathfinder Society special 3-98 Expedition Into Pallid Peril!

As of now, you can register for SkålCon 2022 and GMs can select the games that they would like to run. Player event selection will happen in mid-August.

Hope to see you all there!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

SkålCon 2022 is a 3-day Charity gaming convention with proceeds to support Tubman, an organization that helps people of all ages, genders, and cultural backgrounds who have experienced relationship violence, elder abuse, addiction, sexual exploitation or other forms of trauma.

SkålCon 2022 will be held at:
Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West
3131 Campus Dr.
Plymouth, MN 55441

Please reserve your SkålCon block hotel rooms by September 1, before the rate goes up!

SkålCon 2022 will be featuring a variety of PFS2 Season 4 scenarios, SFS Season 5 scenarios, as well as some PFS1 scenarios. We will be featuring the Starfinder Society special 4-99: A Time of Crisis on Friday night, and on Saturday night the Pathfinder Society special 3-98 Expedition Into Pallid Peril!

As of now, you can register for SkålCon 2022 and GMs can select the games that they would like to run. Player event selection will happen in mid-August.

Hope to see you all there!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Discussion thread!


sign in sheet

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th to 9th level characters (Tiers: 5-6 and 8-9).

The Pathfinder Society sends you into the undead-ruled nation of Geb for an undercover mission, not disguised as undead, but temporarily transformed into a shambling, zombie version of yourself. Can you survive the ordeal to return to the land of the living, or will your final grave be among Geb’s bones?

Written by Hyrum Savage.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Discussions here!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-4.

Dacilane Academy, located near the Grand Lodge, is a storied institution that sees to the education of many children of Pathfinders. However, the academy’s benefactor, J Dacilane, has recently heard rumors from his students of seven strange phenomena manifesting on campus. Despite his doubts that these are simply the imaginings of students raised on Pathfinder tales, J has called in a favor with the Pathfinder Society to investigate—both to put his students’ minds at ease and for the good learning opportunity a Society report about the school would provide. But are there more to these urban legends than meets the eye?

Written by: Rigby Bendele

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Discussion Thread!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-8 (subtiers 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, & 7-8) 3-4!

Delve deep into frozen ruins on the planet Akiton as part of a major Starfinder Society expedition to chart the area and investigate its temporal anomalies. Encounter strange creatures, powerful artifacts, and help two time-lost companions reunite! Content in this interactive special ties in to Pathfinder Society Special #3-99: Fate in the Future.

Written by Kendra Leigh Speedling

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

This is our Discussion thread!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

The Pathfinder Society dispatches its best agents when it receives word from the Woodsedge Lodge of a mysterious anomaly in the magical pathway known as the Maze of the Open Road. Travelling through the maze, the agents find themselves a world away from home. Only by learning the source of the anomaly can the Pathfinder Society hope to regain full use of one of its most important tools for transportation. However, a secret that spans an unfathomable amount of time rests at the heart of the dangerous expedition.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear SkålCon attendees,

We owe you, our attendees, an apology. This year we implemented an expanded fundraising option, the Goblin Grenade/Skitter Shot, that placed inappropriate and unacceptable pressure on our players to "pay to survive" at tables of Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society Organized Play. This is unacceptable. We are sorry.

SkålCon was originally organized as a way for us to play the games we love while also raising money for an organization and cause we care about. The SkålCon 2021 organizers lost sight of our mission and failed to uphold standards worthy of the organizations we represent - 10,000 Lakes Gaming, the Organized Play Foundation, and Tubman. Going forward, we will implement new standards to ensure that our fundraising maintains the spirit of fun, fair, and equitable play for all participants while reflecting the values that our contributing organizations expect from us.

- Any fundraising mechanics that affect gameplay (such as by adding/removing enemies, altering die rolls, granting new die rolls, or any other mechanical effects) will conform to defined rules for the Organized Play association that presents the game, and will be pre-cleared by the appropriate Organized Play administrators.

- Fundraising mechanics that allow mechanical changes to a game before, during, or after gameplay will only apply to tables that are clearly marked in all convention materials and registration forms as being subject to game-altering mechanics.

- Any fundraising mechanics that affect gameplay will have a clearly-defined list of effects that must be selected from when the alteration is chosen by the donor; effects that are not on the predefined list will be rejected. All effects on the list will have been pre-approved by the GM and published in convention materials prior to the start of the convention.

We look forward to the opportunity to regain the trust of our community, our volunteers, our donors, and the organizations we represent. If any attendees of SkålCon would like to discuss this with us further, we welcome questions via our Discord channel, through our social media feeds, or by reaching out through

Additionally, if any players who experienced such events would like to discuss removing the sessions from their record, they can email Organized Play Coordinator Alex Speidel at

Thank you!
The SkålCon Organizers

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

5 people marked this as a favorite.

SkålCon 2021 will be held in-person at the Crown Plaza Minneapolis West on October 29th – 31st 2021! Prepare for some spooktacular games!

Our original dates for this year would have been one week after the newly scheduled GenCon, which wouldn’t work for a lot of our player base. The new October dates were what the hotel had available (due to a lot of other events moving to this fall for obvious reasons).

And if you’re unsure if you want to attend a physical event? No problem! SkålCon 2021 will have an online component as well, so you can game from the safety of your home!

Paizo's Director of Community Tonya Woldridge and Organized Play Coordinator Alex Speidel will be attending, and running premium charity tables! Additionally, we will have several authors running adventures they have written, both in person and online!

To sign up to GM or play, please go to SkålCon 2021!

As of today, GMs will be able to sign up for tables up to the number of tables that they have volunteered to GM!

Unlimited player signups will start at noon on September 15, 2021

We are implementing a COVID-19 policy, which includes:
- Attendees must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
- Masks will be required at the convention.
- Attendees are asked not to eat food while in the convention space, due to masking. Drinks are allowed.
- Attendees are asked not to attend if they are ill.
- Attendees are asked to respect social distancing when not at their tables.
- Attendees can wear provided wristbands to represent their comfort level when it comes to physical contact.

Looking forward to gaming with all of you this year!

Dark Archive

Recruitment thread.

This is not FCFS, I reserve the right to choose whomever I want for the game.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Discussion thread.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-4.

The Pathfinder Society sends the PCs to the Thuvian city of Aspenthar, where they learn that div-worshipping cultists have taken violent measures to secure the ancient keys to a mysterious site out in the desert. With one of the keys in their possession, the Pathfinders travel deep into the desert to find this site and stop the cultists from bringing their destructive plan to fruition.

Written by Matt Duval

Scenario tags: None

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Please post your character selections here.

I'll be creating the sign in sheet, macros sheet, and other stuff soon.

Also, please feel free to post in the game play introducing your character!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD
Letter from Venture‑Captain Brackett wrote:

To my illustrious associates,

I hope this missive finds you in good health. Recent news from out of the River Kingdoms has made the Society aware of important histories that may have been resting directly under our noses for the past several centuries. One of the founding Pathfinders, a woman named Kerinha Napsunar, whose exploits in the Chronicles have often had curious gaps and omissions, appears to have once had a temporary lodge in or near what is today the town of Sauerton. I implore you to travel there and speak to the locals. See if you can track down any documents or records of Napsunar’s time in the area or the purpose of her lodge.

You should find an ally in Sauerton in the form of the town’s mayor, Thalia Andares. Several years ago, the Society assisted Thalia in navigating a difficult situation with her father, and she has remained a trusted and reliable ally ever since. Her knowledge of the town and its families should quicken your investigations immensely.

If you discover that the lodge still stands or any of its contents have been preserved, please do your best to obtain any documents or possessions of the Society that remain. Once you have obtained whatever evidence there is to obtain, please report back to me hear in Almas.

Yours most sincerely,
Venture-Captain Brackett

You begin the adventure in Sauerton during the late morning, after a long trek north from the Andoran coast.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

This is a Paizo Con Online 2021 event.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

On an island off the coast of Jalmeray, the Pathfinders are called to action! The Society's friends at the Monastery of Unbreaking Waves are faced with a horde of sea devils seeking to level their recently-rebuilt temple and claim it for themselves. The Pathfinders arrive just as the invasion reaches a crescendo and must fight for their lives if they hope to protect themselves and their allies!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

this is the discussion thread.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

For years, the pirate Captain Renlock sailed the coast of the Arcadian Ocean from the Shackles to the south to the waters of Varisia to the north searching for plunder and adventure—until one day his luck ran out. The ship was captured by a navy and the captain and his crew were apprehended and imprisoned. Years later, after the captain's death in prison, the four released crewmembers receive a message from the deceased captain pointing them to treasure he hid for them.

This short Pathfinder 2nd edition adventure written by Jason Bulmahn is intended to be completed in a single session and includes four 5th-level pregenerated characters whose backstories and motivations tie closely into the plot of the adventure. This adventure can be easily incorporated into various virtual tabletops, run off of digital devices, or printed out and played at a table.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

NOTE: This is a closed game. You already know if you are invited!

For ease in reporting later, please use this sign in sheet

In this thread, please note the following:

Character Name:
Player Name:
Pathfinder Training Affiliation:
Downtime Activity with Roll:

If you cannot get in to the sign in sheet
Character #
THIS chronicle number
Starting XP
Starting Faction Rep:
Starting Gold

I'll be creating out handouts/tactical spreadsheet soon.

I should think about stealing the "macro spreadsheet" that Doug Henderson uses...

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Every year, the Pathfinder Society inducts new classes of recruits into their ranks. The three deans of the Society's schools, the Spells, Scrolls, and Swords, are responsible for ensuring that the new recruits have the basic skills and experience necessary to thrive in the field. PCs participating in this adventure will get to meet all three of the Society's deans and undergo their unique challenges, proving their worth and fitness to join the Pathfinder Society!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It’s happening - SkalCon Online Registration is open!

Just log onto the site to register for the event, taking place October 9th - 11th 2020! SkalCon Online has a suggested donation of $10.00, but you can choose your donation amount to be what you are comfortable with. As always, proceeds from SkalCon will go directly to Tubman.

At this time, only people volunteering to GM can sign up for events on the schedule. Remember, GMs choose the Virtual Table Top system they would prefer to use - so don’t be afraid to GM! SkalCon organizers will offer support for setting up your games, as well.

After GMs have some time to get signed up for their tables, we announce when player sign-ups will be turned on. However, you don’t have to wait until then to get registered for the convention and plan your schedule.

Keep an eye out for our special guest tables! Our special guests this year include Organized Play Manager Tonya Wondridge, Starfinder Society Developer Thurston Hillman, Organized Play Associate Alex Speidel, and authors Kate Baker, Dennis Muldoon, Jenny Jarzabski, and Vanessa Hoskins.

SkalCon Online will be coordinating using Discord, so be sure to join the 10,000 Lakes Gaming Discord before the convention (and watch us build out our channel functionality in real time!)

We look forward to virtual games with all of you!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

If you are accepted into this game, please post the following:

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS #:
This Chronicle #:
Slotted Faction:
Starting Rep w/ faction:
Starting XP:
Starting Gold:
Starting Fame:
Downtime Activity (with roll):
Slotted Boons: (subject to change)

I think that should be it!

Dark Archive

This is a mostly closed game, if you are invited, you know.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

On the border between Isger and Andoran, the Pathfinder Society is called to action! Venture-Captain Brackett's allies in the Eagle Knights of Andoran have requested aid with defeating a group of duergar slavers. Before these duergar can cause any more pain and suffering, Brackett hopes that the PCs and Lieutenant Evanno Pratt of the Eagle Knights' Steel Falcons division can mount a pincer attack that will defeat the villains without allowing them to escape into the Darklands with their victims.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

This is our discussion thread.

Dark Archive

Recruitment for this

This is for Game Day IX

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

Decades ago, witnesses reported a fearsome cryptid outside of the quiet River Kingdoms town of Shimmerford. Dubbed the Mosquito Witch, it was rarely seen since and quickly became a beloved local legend that the town celebrates and promotes to attract visitors. But when recent attacks began savaging livestock and townsfolk alike, many have started believing the Mosquito Witch was real all along. The PCs travel to Shimmerford to unravel the cryptid mystery, but might they just become the witch's next victim?

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Please post your discussion ideas here.
Also, please add in the following:

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS# of (default) character to apply this to:

* Note, I say default, as the way chronicles will be applied is that they can be put on any character, regardless of level of the character or the book. You can change book to book which one you apply to, but I will try and ask at the end of each book who you'd like it applied to.

Thank you.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

This is a closed game, the players have already been chosen.

When mysterious fires begin to burn atop the towers of a nearby citadel long ago abandoned by an order of Hellknights, a group of local heroes heads out to investigate. What they discover within the ruined castle and in the dungeons below its foundation will not only reveal an unexpected invasion and a long-forgotten magical wonder, but will propel the heroes forward into a continent-spanning conflict against cultists, slavers, and a fiery draconic devastation that could unleash an Age of Ashes upon the world!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Welcome to the game!

Please fill out the following, and your page on slide 2-4 (see slide 4 to see an example)
Player Name: What name do you, as a person, want on your chronicle sheet?
Character Name: A.K.A.: What is the name of your character?
Class & Level: What is the class and level of your character?
Organized Play & Character Numbers: What is the PFS 2E # for your character?
Faction: What faction are you slotting?
Slow Track: Do you wish to earn Slow Track XP?

Buying / Selling: Do you wish to buy or sell any items, and have it noted on your chronicle? 

Conditions & Others: Any conditions needed to be cleared, or other things you need (resolved and) noted on your chronicle? 

Boons Slotted: What boons are you slotting, and what type are they. If they are chronicle boons, please spoiler the text. Assume I don't know the boon if on a chronicle.
Downtime: What will you be doing in your downtime (and please make your roll if one is needed)?
This is a 8 day Downtime adventure (12 for Field Commissioned agents) and go ahead and tell me how much you earn if you have the sheets handy.

Thank you for joining us! Have fun!

Dark Archive

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

The powerful nation of Cheliax has posted a public bounty that would richly reward the first team of explorers to chart a viable route across the Menador Mountains, linking the nations of Isger and Molthune (all to bypass the economic powerhouse of Druma, which has recently imposed higher taxes on key goods crossing its borders). Yet the Menador Mountains are an imposing obstacle, replete with steep slopes, snowy peaks, and territorial orcs. Even so, there are no finer explorers than the Pathfinders, and the Society has dispatched a team to collect the prize. Are the PCs ready to not only explore the foreboding mountains but also to compete with the rival teams and local inhabitants?

Written by Tineke Bolleman.

Scenario Tags: Faction (Horizon Hunters)

There are 2 seats already taken, and I'd probably prefer to go 4-5 instead of 6.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

The powerful nation of Cheliax has posted a public bounty that would richly reward the first team of explorers to chart a viable route across the Menador Mountains, linking the nations of Isger and Molthune (all to bypass the economic powerhouse of Druma, which has recently imposed higher taxes on key goods crossing its borders). Yet the Menador Mountains are an imposing obstacle, replete with steep slopes, snowy peaks, and territorial orcs. Even so, there are no finer explorers than the Pathfinders, and the Society has dispatched a team to collect the prize. Are the PCs ready to not only explore the foreboding mountains but also to compete with the rival teams and local inhabitants?

Written by Tineke Bolleman.

Scenario Tags: Faction (Horizon Hunters)

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Please reply or post the following:

Player Name:
Character Name:
OPF #:
Starting XP:
Starting Gold:

Starting Reputation by Faction:
Starting Fame:

Boons slotted: Text in spoiler if chronicle

Downtime Activity:

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Swindler, rogue, and occasional Pathfinder ally Guaril Karela has approached the Society with an opportunity that Valais Durant, the leader of the Society's Radiant Oath faction, can't refuse. Guaril has been charging refugees to sneak them out of Xin Edasseril, a city ruled by the Runelord of Envy, and now it looks like Guaril won't be able to fulfill his contracts. Society agents are charged with sneaking into the dangerous city and sneaking out with a handful of its citizens before their absence is noticed so that the Radiant Oath can help them find new lives beyond their current ruler's tyrannical reach.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Reporting Sheet

Based off of the ones used for PFS 1 and SFS, hopefully his will be helpful to folks.


Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

this is our discussion thread!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

By invite only... more details to come.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

This is our discussion thread.

Please answer the following:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Chronicle Number of this game
Starting XP:
Starting Fame/PP:
Starting Gold:
Day Job:

Thank you.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Every year the Acadamae—Korvosa’s prestigious school of the arcane arts—opens its gates to the city to host the Breaching Festival, where the most skilled infiltrators are invited to enter the magically guarded Hall of Wards or die trying. Testing their luck against the university’s strongest defenses, the competitors pull out all the stops as they vie for a chance at a fortune in gold and magical treasure. This year, the school’s headmaster has invited the heroes to participate, against the contest’s longstanding traditions. While the Breaching Festival has not seen a champion in over a century and a half, this year’s festival promises to be the deadliest trial the school has ever known. Should the heroes reign victorious, the secrets they may uncover promise more than gold and glory—they may rock the very foundation of the Acadamae, and even the entire city!

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