L'vanna Saltspray |

Sounds good. I'll download the updated Lavanna and get her into my alias. I do wish Paizo were quicker on updating avatars so I could use the real Lavanna's image. Instead, I'll go with another halfling sailor/boat captain.

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Yeah... avatars. Let's not talk about the avatar I was supposed to get 9 months ago :P

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Sorry, it's such a habit ingrained into me to do rolls in PBP that I tend to forget about secret rolls. Feel free to just ignore mine when I do that and reroll if you want.
Not surprisingly, I have been known to do this.

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You all have personal handouts on roll20
And the clues are on a handout as well

L'vanna Saltspray |

I just checked Roll20 (hurrah for getting my new computer set up!) and I have another line on my altar clue: The stars come out right before the moon rises.
So I think I'm right about the order on this second guess: sun, then stars, then moon and comet.
My map has the following message: Pay homage to the lost, take not their blade or spear if you want to win the pirate king's treasure.
So I'm thinking I probably want to take a different weapon: Can I swap my spear out for the gaff?
And does anyone else have any clues? (I don't know if we want to retcon our actions, or have a sudden recollection of it and play it out. I'm happy either way.)

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Lavanna can run back and switch weapons. That is fine.
Though you should state this in character if you want to give a reason why you're doing that!

L'vanna Saltspray |

Just an FYI, I'm going to be out of town this coming Monday-Thursday, and don't think I'll be posting at all.
If you need to bot me, I think the plan is to use ray of enfeeblement next round and move next to whoever's most injured (Jadren/Elsir), so I can Battle Medicine them then following round. Then move to next person for more Battle Medicine.

Pirate Pregen |

Happy to add to chronicle sheet myself later, going to roll downtime here though so I don't forget.
Lvl 6 (lvl 4 task DC 19)
8 days lore undead: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
field agent 4 days lore undead: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Double crit (expert) = 12gp.

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remember, your downtime is your reporting character, not the pregen.
I think