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Every year the Acadamae—Korvosa’s prestigious school of the arcane arts—opens its gates to the city to host the Breaching Festival, where the most skilled infiltrators are invited to enter the magically guarded Hall of Wards or die trying. Testing their luck against the university’s strongest defenses, the competitors pull out all the stops as they vie for a chance at a fortune in gold and magical treasure. This year, the school’s headmaster has invited the heroes to participate, against the contest’s longstanding traditions. While the Breaching Festival has not seen a champion in over a century and a half, this year’s festival promises to be the deadliest trial the school has ever known. Should the heroes reign victorious, the secrets they may uncover promise more than gold and glory—they may rock the very foundation of the Acadamae, and even the entire city!

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The five of you,
- Balik Ulfenssen
- Molly the Lost
- Huritt Two-Hoof
- Emberwik
- Chak
Are called into the office of Sorina Westyr, the Master of Spells for the Pathfinder Society.
Seekers, I have received an interesting proposal for you. A courier of House Ornelos has brought an invitation from Headmaster Toff Ornelos of the Acadamae of Korvosa specifically naming you five to participate in the Breaching Festival that is held at the Acadamae every year. This is a chance to not only participate in one of the most talked about events in Varisia, but to do so as guests of honor. The courier is waiting nearby, ready to teleport the five of you Korvosa, to meet with the Headmaster.
The only catch is that the festival is to start tomorrow, so you will need to leave immediately.
kn:arcana or local to know something about the Breaching Festival. +10 on the roll if you have a chronicle that takes place in Varisia, +20 if you are from Korvosa
In the next day or so I will get things running... there will be some stuff set up to help with macros... which will be part of the "maps" google slides I am setting up.

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Sorina Westyr says, "So, Seekers, before we go any further, why don't you introduce yourselves to each other?"

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A completely shaven man of ashen gray skin and covered in very thick black robes that cling to him like a shadowy cloud stands with a staff of crackling flame. His dead expression shows that a fire that may have once been in his eyes is now but a dull coal of emotionless expression.
"Greetings by the name of Zon-Kuthon; Lord of Shadows. I am his servant, Emberwik. By the will of my Lord I come to you all a vessel of his powers. As is such, I am sworn to protect you by his will."
"Fear not of pain so commonly associated with my master. Yes, it is true that he indulges in it, but no dead ally benefits he who harvests pain. By his will and powers through me, I will make my best efforts to keep you alive..." Then he offers a quick scowl. "Granted, you don't force yourself into a position of undeniable death."

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Dressed in modest green colored clothes and brown leathers, a young human woman in her late 20's stands confidently and scans the room. Her blonde hair that is tied into a thick, loose ponytail and her light skin tone shows her Andoran heritage, but those with knowledge of the Arcadian cultures would notice distinctive Mahwekan features along her slender but athletic frame. A hornbow is strapped to her back and her head is covered with a coonskin cap, its wagging tail betraying the fact that it is a Cassisian angel.
Ahh, it is good to be amongst peers again. And to be tested by the Acadamae? Now that sounds like an amazing challenge. What's that Bubbles? Watch out for the Kuthite? Oh I'm sure he's fine. He said so himself and I trust him.
Putting her hands on her hips and nodding towards Sorina, she greets her new companions, speaking warmly and excitedly.
"Hi. My name is Molly and this is Bubbles. I'll try to keep all the bad stuff away from all of the smart people so you can do important stuff. I can see trouble coming and I am amazing at getting out of it or making it go away. Its great to meet all of you."

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Having recently returned from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Chak was finally ready to settle down to his Ilsurian farmstead. Having finally been promoted to the ranks of the Seekers, his field service to the Society was all but through and it would afford him some time to reconnect with the people of his adopted home town.
He walked into the farmhouse early one morning. A human woman was standing before a stove preparing a breakfast of eggs and smoked sausage. A human girl was seated at the kitchen table reading an old tome allowed.
Upon hearing the farmstead door open, the woman states without turning around.
Woman: "What is it you forgot this time, Perron."
Chak: "Perron, works, labors, and toils in the fields, Maya."
Upon hearing the familiar voice the woman spins around with a smile.
Maya: "Master Chak, you've returned. Here to pick up a few supplies before your next expedition for the Society?"
Chak: "My duties in the field to the Society are finished, completed and fulfilled. I will be staying, remaining, and sticking here for the forseeable future."
The child, at hearing the news runs up and gives Chak a hug. If a tengu blushing could be seen under his feathers he'd be bright red.
Chak: "Krissy! I see you have been keeping up with your studies, learning, and education. Soon you'll be a better reader than your mother."
Maya: "We've had the best teacher."
Chak: "But a child's mind is keen, ready, and equipped to pick up new things."
Maya: "Speaking of the Society, a letter arrived for you a few days ago."
Chak: "A letter?"
Maya: "A wonder what that could be about?"
Chak: "A missive?"
Krissy: "Perhaps they want to give you a medal!"
Chak: "A dispatch... for me?"
Chak opens the letter carefully as if performing delicate surgery on the envelope.
Chak reads the letter. He looks at the excited young girl and his heart sinks a bit. He turns to the girl's mother to address her instead.
Chak: "Looks like the Society needs, requires, and desires my services one more time. No time to lose, waste, or squander."
A human man standing in the doorway of the farmhouse inquires...
Man: "Not even time for a cup of tea to catch us up on what you've been up to. We do have some business to attend to."
Chak: "An hour or so, but not much more, in addition to, or greater than that, Perron. Time is of the essessnce, essential, and of utmost importance. Maya, I will need you to look after, tend to, and manage the business for a while longer."
Maya: "Can you spare a few minutes to examine the invoices? I think the accounts are settled, but I want to have them checked out by a keen eye."
Chak: "I will leave you some coin, money, and scratch. Take the books to Agnes Walder, she can review, inspect and audit them."
Maya pours some tea and she, Perron and Chak get down to business.
A tengu strides into the room dressed in a motley assortment of clothing as if he'd purchased one piece from every merchant in the markets of Goka. From the black and red trimmed jeonrip atop is feathered head, to the similarly colored aristocrat's Áo giao lĩnh he wears over his red lacquered breastplate to the common waraji on his feet that let his talons hang over the front edge. He is armed with a composite longbow and a quiver of arrows, along with a nodachi made of adamantine. He caries a haversack over his shoulder. But the most rediculous accessory of all is the (obviously fake) fu manchu mustache affixed to the sides of his face near where his beak joins the rest of his head.
The tengu pauses for a moment looking over those assembled for some sort of ovation at his entrance or at the very least, a hint of recognition.
"Greetings, salutations, and hello! It indeed, verily, and for cetain is I, the one, the only, the unique... GENERAL CHAK and when I say general I do not mean, ordinary, everyday, or plain general Chak, for I am the illustrious, legendary, and celebrated General Chak!"
The strange bird hand each of you a card.
General Chak
Scribe, Scrivener, and Copyist
Collector of Rare Books, Scrolls, and Tomes
Yondabakari Road, Ilsurian
"I am a slayer of dragons (and many other terrible beasts, monsters, and nightmarish creatures), a logophile, and dabbler in the esoteric. I have keen eyes and a sharp blade. Neither enemy nor trap escapes, evades, and avoids my notice."
Kn. Local: 1d20 + 11 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 11 + 10 = 27

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At first, you could easily think the man is a homeless vagrant who wandered into the Lodge. He's bald, smelly and covered in dirty clothes that look like they were scavenged from a battlefield. A dirty raven sits on one shoulder, and he mutters to it periodically. "Well now! It's been an age since the Society thought I'd be useful for 'em! Still waitin' on my lodge, Westyr! No assign'ents yet, eh? Funny how that works..." He speaks in a deep brogue and his breath could kill flies.
"I'm Venture Cap'n Balik Ulfenssen! Ye may ha' heard o' me but most of it's prob'ly lies and slander! Or mayhap not. I did a bunch o' it, ye ken. So, we off to fix another Society error, eh?"

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Turning the card over in her hands and after having Bubbles commit it to memory, Molly places the card in a pouch.
A fellow book lover, wait, no. Logo means words. Close enough. This is shaping up to be a fun mission and I’ll have someone to talk to. What’s that Bubbles? That’s so mean! Balik deserves respect as a Captain and he does not smell like how an Otyugh looks. Maybe he’s hydrophobic. No you can’t ask him.
“There’s nothing like a good book by firelight on the road. Do you have anything with you that I could page through for a while if the time allows? “

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"Certainly, assuredly and of course I do."
The tengu reaches into his pack and pulls out a leather-bound tome with a flowing script burned into the cover that has been filled with gold leaf. The title of the volume reads "The Convoluted Chronicles of the Ignominious General Chak, Vol. I"
"Now you might be wondering why "ignominious" is appears in the title as it is a word meaning, shameful, disgraceful, and undignified. As you will see the beginnings of the protagonist here were quite lowly, ignoble and poor. Quite a contrast, dissimilarity and contradistinction compared to his later exploits"

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The strange bird hand each of you a card.***************************************************
General Chak
Scribe, Scrivener, and Copyist
Collector of Rare Books, Scrolls, and TomesYondabakari Road, Ilsurian
"I know of your exploits, Chak. I have read your chronicles after my friends Momoko and Kal'Agari have told how you have rescued them in the Fangwood. I have high expectations of you."
At first, you could easily think the man is a homeless vagrant who wandered into the Lodge. He's bald, smelly and covered in dirty clothes that look like they were scavenged from a battlefield. A dirty raven sits on one shoulder, and he mutters to it periodically.
"And here I was beginning to think you were just another Drendle Dreng. It appears I may be halfway correct."
"There’s nothing like a good book by firelight on the road."
"Something we both may like, but for different reasons it seems."

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"Dreng?!? That sonuvagun owes me money! Ye seen 'im, have ye?!?" The old man looks cantankerous. "But, aye, Dreng's got some style, I'll grant ye that!"
He looks at the raven on his shoulder and back to Chak. "Humph. Ye related to me pal, Munin here? Mayhap he'll tell ye where he left me keys."

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One of the Acadamae’s greatest traditions is the yearly Breaching festival in which eager adventurers and students alike are given a chance to prove their skill by breaking into the supposedly impregnable Hall of Wards on campus. Interstingly, invitations to the Breaching Festival normally come from the Dean of Abjuration, not the Acadamae’s headmaster.
Headmaster Toff Ornelos himself is a highly regarded wizard whose reputation as headmaster of the Acadamae has secured his fame among arcanists throughout the Inner Sea. The chance to take part in the Breaching Festival is not only a great honor, it’s an opportunity to secure a huge payout if you can win. In fact, with the ever-growing purse having been unclaimed for over 100 years, the payout is over 153,000gp!

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Molly takes the book and cracks the spine to get a look at it’s penmanship.
On that is nice. If he uses his sword even half as well, this will be a short trip. But how is he with that bow I wonder? Maybe I can interest him in a little trick shot competition later and find out.
Putting the book into an empty spell book holster at her side, Molly gives a sly wink to Chak.
“Well I do like a long running series, I’ll have to pick the later volumes sometime. Thanks. “

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Molly finds that the tome was penned by the hand of an artist when it comes to the quality of the writing. The book she holds appears to be Chak's personal journal, or at least the beginning of it.
However, she quickly notices one thing peculiar about it. Each entry appears to be written in whatever language struck Chak's fancy at the moment he sat down to write it. With her rudimentary skills in Linguistics, she estimates that the front of the volume might contain as many as six languages and the later sections as many as ten.

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10 languages? That might be a short read then. That might be a tough roll to make but Molly can dare herself to read it and the fact that the book is difficult to get though would make it even more interesting to her. Also, take a Band of Unbreakable Camaraderie.
Bubble twitches his tail again and after a moment of thought, Molly pulls off one of her bracers and offers it to Chak.
"Tell you what, how about while I hold onto your book you can take this band. If you wear one while I wear the other it will allow us to keep a semblance of civility should some malevolent force leave us without our wits."

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The odor of hay and horsesh-t enters the room first, announcing its owner like a herald--who is actually a herald. The man bows deeply, then speaks in a deep, booming voice, "His immortal majesty, Lord of the Fangtooth Forest and Master of the Seventeen Rivers, Riddywipple the Spectacular!"
Knowledge (arcana) (T10): 10 + 21 = 31

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A tiny, purple and pink dragon zips into the room and lands on the man's shoulder. "Please, please. Do not bow, mortals. I have found that servants serve their master best when he is familiar with them."
Riddywipple tilts his head back and up slightly, "And you will find that the master treats his servants best when they keep his belly full. A hungry dragon is likely to sate his appetite on the nearest mortal. Sweetie's Menagerie on Frister Street has the best cinnamon rolls in the city."
Knowledge (arcana) (T10): 10 + 22 = 32

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Sorina Westyr says, "So, if you are ready." She picks up a small bell on her desk, and rings it. A moment later, a harried looking gnome opens the door to her office, leading in a lean Chelaxian man in Academae robes.
"Are you ready?" he asks. "Please, gather close, and join hands as I read this scroll."
He pulls out a scroll, and casts greater teleport from it.
Instantly, you are teleported from the Master of Spell's office to the courtyard of the Academae. A student stands up and dusts herself off, and then escorts you to Ornelos Hall to meet with the Headmaster.
Toff’s office is an austere, well-organized chamber with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and a large oaken desk. The wizened headmaster stands to welcome his guests, his long beard wagging slightly as he moves to shake their hands. “Welcome, and thank you for answering my invitation. As I’m sure you well know, the Breaching Festival is a longstanding Acadamae tradition, with prizes both material and magical. You might also know that entry in the contest is traditionally reserved for only the best and bravest of our students and a select few representatives of other Korvosan institutions. This year, though, we’re changing tradition and expanding the invitations further than ever—we want the most powerful, qualified individuals to compete, in other words. It has been a century and a half since the last—the only—winner of the Breaching Festival won the prize! One of you surely must bring glory to yourself and the Acadamae by enduring the traps and tricks in the Hall of Wards. I’m even willing to bend the rules to allow a team of allied competitors like yourselves to cooperate as a single unit—whatever it takes to get a winner tomorrow.”
The headmaster smiles, waiting for your response.
The map of the Acadamae grounds has been posted... I will be filling in the building locations as I have time.

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"Great flamin' puppies! Teleportin' makes me stomach lurch! So, ye want me t'be a professor at yer school, eh. I accept. I ken teach them youngin's all about the gentle art of fisticuffs and the slappin' o' heads. Aye, I'll need fourteen hams and a trencher o'mead. Aye, and one o' 'em fancy wigs like ye got there. Powdered, izzit? Aye, that'll do, Headmuncher." Balik nods sagely, before picking his nose and clearing his throat loudly.

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Between this guy and the horse man my nose feels like it might crawl back inside my skull. Bathing is not hard, its like falling into water. But with soap. Yes Bubbles I know, I'll ask him.
Straightening up and moving over to get a better look at the Headmaster's book collection, Molly pipes up.
"Ummm, yes...so you say you are bending the rules a bit to allow us to compete in this gauntlet of sorts which tests your security. If you don't mind me asking, why the big push now? 'Whatever it takes' sounds urgent."

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The headmaster twiddles his fingers a little, and a stench flees from the room, albeit probably temporarily. He ignores Balik, and turns to Molly.
"It has just been too long since we have had a winner. Over the last few years the quality of candidates just has not been what is expected, and the contest has been over before it starts.
"I've discussed your capabilities in my correspondences with your Master of Spells. She tells me that you are a quite capable group," he glances at Balik, and shakes his head, "but I wonder if she isn't playing some sort of joke on us all. But in the end, you’re better judges of your own capabilities than I. If you feel that you Master of Spells and her estimation of your chances are overly generous, then I’ll simply have to find a more capable team to make history tomorrow."

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"Joke? I know a good 'un! A Taldan, an Osirian and an Ulfen walk inta a bar! Bartender says 'Git out, we don't serve punchlines here!' ...Wait, that's not it. B@llocks."
He scratches somewhere best left unsaid.
"More capable'n us? Bah! Yer lookin' at the Pathfinder Society's finest bunch o' boyos ye ever seen, Headmuncher! We'll do ye test and make ye shake yer head in 'mazement, see here! Unless yer too chick'n to enter us? Eh, I understand if yer a wee bit... chicken, Headmuncher." He smiles in a reassuring way. It's not reassuring.
Sense Motive... Is this guys not telling us something?: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (12) + 26 = 38

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Bubbles, can you help me out here?
“Headmaster Ornelos, we are indeed some of the finest boyos and...girlos the Society has to offer. The eccentric aspects of our group is a testament to our skill, not a detractor. Mr Ulfenssen is a Venture Captain and to get to that point he would have needed to have been on several missions, all of them dangerous. If he was able to do this without being able to figure out how to have a simple conversation, well, he has to be amazing. Now, tell us what exactly is involved in this test. How much can you tell us, how much can we prepare ahead of time?

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"Well, if you are keen on bending, twisting and flexing the rules... then perhaps it would be no trouble at all for you to divulge, disclose and leak the record of the past attempts? It would be wise to discover where others have erred, made mistakes and gone awry."

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"Please forgive our companion, his behavior is actually a finely trained and long practiced defense mechanism." Huritt pauses and looks at Molly, "Now, I know you think I'm making a joke about his fear of commitment, but I'm not. Balik Ulfenssen is not his real name. He is actually a King of the Ulfen!"
"He was the youngest king ever, some say the king. He slew his linnorm at only 11 years old. But he was betrayed by his kin, hunted by both the witches of Irrisen and his own countryman. For his own safety, he had to adopt a new identity, as ignoble as his true identity was noble."
Huritt turns to Balik before continuing, "But with this prize, you may finally reclaim your throne, my king. The time for hiding and deceit is past, show us all your true and noble self!"
Bluff: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (10) + 31 = 41

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"What in the name of Aram Zey's unnerpants is that man talkin' bout?!?" Balik looks baffled. "What damnfool would make me a King?!? Mind ye, I was a pretty good god once fer a few days, but that Test o'the Starstone nonsense is tirin'! Wait... Am I a King? Consarnit, man. Is this why I hae such a noble profile? Does explain a bit..." Balik looks even more confused now. But he does stand up a little straighter.

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Well, I believe it.
A look of shock crosses Molly’s face followed by a flash of curiosity.
A king? Well that’s not really what I expected but it’s not the strangest thing I’ve heard today. Killing a linnorm is not easy and at 11 years old? 11?!? He must be incredibly strong. I’ll have to arm wrestle him later. Kurgess demands it.

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Emberwik also seems confused, before giving a dark smile. "A king? Well then. I suppose you will pay me most handsomely if I do not permit you to perish."

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Toff starts off, "The rules are simple. First, there can be but one winner—although you are welcome to work together to help one of their team win and then split the money. The winning prize, split five ways, is still be a significant payout!
"Second, while contestants are free to work together if they wish, they are not allowed to directly interfere with other contestants. Third, the contestant who first emerges from the front doors of the Hall of Wards is the winner. Finally, all contestants must sign forms that release the Acadamae of any liability for any misfortune suffered as a result of the contest."
He then considers the other questions. "The Breaching Festival, which grew out of the Hall of Wards’ claim that their traps and defenses were so great that no thief could breach them, is for real—the dangers contestants face are lethal. Each year, the dean of the Hall of Wards, with the aid of a handpicked group of talented spellcasters (most of whom are final-year students or graduates of the Acadamae), crafts a new series of traps and dangers. No one else knows what these wards are until the festival is underway. In previous years, all manner of magical traps, particularly those that summon monsters or use glyphs and wards, have been used."
He scratches his head on the final question. "It is safe to say that in previous years most of the contestants never made it in to the hall. Of those that have, none have made it out since Dyson Fordyce won
the prize in 4551. None know how he made it out, and he never talked about it."

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“That long without a winner? That certainly is an astounding obstacle. When does this start?”

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Huritt frowns at Balik's response, "Your head shaman warned us that this might happen, but all is not lost." Huritt's smile returns. "He used a strong abjuration to hide you from divination magic, but said that long exposure to it might even hide parts of you from yourself. Fortunately, there is a way to recall your memories and original personality.
"You must cast off your disguise. Act like the king you are, and the lost memories will gradually return. Or, in more humble words, fake it 'til you make it."
Bluff: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (8) + 31 = 39
"How will the winner identify himself? Must he bring back a certain object? And those three rules are the only ones?"

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Balik nods slowly and stands up straighter. A lot of bones creak more than is normal.
"Ach, then. We are might'ly intrigued by yer offer, Headmuncher. We accept yer terms and will sign yer papers wit' our royal hand. Ye ken bet yer britches 'hat we'll walk outta yer wards fer the win!"

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"Indeed. This sounds both dangerous and intriguing. To do what so many have failed at, and have some riches to share.." Emberwik muses.

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"Indeed, definitely and without dispute. But I might have one of the keenest eyes in the land and a few tricks up my large, voluminous, and puffy sleeves."
"Now let read, examine, and inspect these contracts."

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"It is simple." the headmaster explains. "The winner is the first person to exit the Hall of Wards. Nothing more, nothing less. But no one has exited that door during the contest since 4551."
He thinks a monent. "Of course, back in 4551, a man named Dyson Fordyce—who is the only winner to date—managed to step into the Hall of Wards and just as quickly step back out, winning on a technicality. Since then, the Breaching Festival has required entry into the Hall of Wards by one door and exit from one on the opposite side of the building.
"So, if you don't have any more questions... which would be good because I am all out of answers, I shall bid you good evening."
As you leave the headmaster's office, you are met by a tall, lanky Chelaxian man in wizard's robes. "Good evening, Pathfinders!" he says, introducing himself. "I am Jandar Lilswin, and I have been assigned to you as your guide before your entry into the Breaching Festival. I just graduated from the Acadamae, and I am hoping to take a position as a teaching assistant soon.
"I am overwhelmed to meet such a group as you, that are willing to risk your very lives for this contest! Is there anything that I can do for you?"

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"Please to meet you Jandar, I'm Molly. Is it possible to get a campus map of the Hall of Wards? Also what time does the festival begin?"
Pass this on to the team please.
The tail on Molly's coonskin cap twitches slightly as Bubbles telepathically communicates to the group.

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"Congratulations, Jandar! That is quite an achievement. If there's time, I'd love to hear about the Acadamae. What's the best coffee house in this neighborhood? You know, the one that all the professors and best students go to."
Huritt pats Jandar on the back of the shoulder, "Coffee's on me, stories on you?"
Seconding Molly's idea, though I can only aid on Diplomacy.

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Balik looks annoyed suddenly and looks around, his eyes darting. "Consarnit! Wenton, that ye, boy? I had ye res'rected like them Decemvirate types said t', if ye're still hauntin' me laddy, I have no idea why! And why would ye be callin' yerself Molly? Does death make ye change genders? That could explain a bit..."

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"Hello Jandar, perhaps you can enlighten me with some information. This Academae has certainly hosted a wide array of talented students. As the contest was made by some, I would like to inquire a bit about them. Is it known what they studied in?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (18) + 21 = 39

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"All that I know is that the Acadamae specializes in conjuration." says Jander. "I was not one of those chosen to set up the Festival, and those that are cannot speak about it."
FYI - no line of questioning will reveal more than the headmaster already has.
You hear a scream and a crash coming from a classroom in Ornelos Hall's first floor! When you investigate, you find the door open.
Checkpoint on setup. I need to see Balik's macros set up, and tokens for Balik and Bubbles as well.
Additionally, I need the reporting information in the discussion thread for Emberwik and Balik
Once these are done, I will get things started for real!

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Bubbles, start scanning for evil stuff just in case.
I know it might be finals week but I don't think there should be that much screaming.
Molly goes into the room to see if anyone is in trouble.
It's probably nothing. Maybe a class project that went awry and spooked someone.

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Emberwik hears the scream and decides the best action is to follow Molly, ready to cast Invisibility upon himself should things go south quick.

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You all rush to the classroom to see a horrific scene! Standing over what appears to be a broken summoning circle is a huge spider the size of a bull elephant which rears up on its back four legs in a violent challenge, eyes shimmering with magical energy!
Laying on the ground next to it is a female human, with a smouldering scroll sitting on the floor next to her.
Balik Init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 5
Chak Init: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 1
Emberwik Init: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 3
Huritt Init: 1d20 ⇒ 18 2
Riddywipple Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 8
Molly Init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 4
Bubbles Init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11 6
spider thing: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 7
Chak, Hurrit, Emberwik, Molly, Balik, Bubbles is/are up.
Universal Adjustments:
Universal Conditions:
Knowledge: Planes!
- => Chak
- => Hurrit
- => Emberwik
- => Molly
- => Balik
- => Bubbles
- Spider
- Riddywipple
U = Unconscious
S = Surprised
D = Delay
R = Readied Action
Balik: 112/112
Bubbles: 48/48 (?)
Chak: 100/100
Emberwik: 111/111
Hurrit: 95/95
Molly: 96/96
Riddywhipple: 47/47
Round to progress: 30 April 2019, 20:00 CDT (UTC-5)
So, the first spoiler is obviously initiatives. Feel free to look?
Second spoiler is the tracker.. including inits and current statuses. Again, you are welcome to look.

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"Great beasties o' Beelzabub! That righ' there is a nasty critter! Ken one o' ye send it back where it came from?" Balik barks, then bolts around the room to get to the fallen woman! If he has any actions left, he hefts her over one shoulder! Swift action to enter snake style!
Acrobatics to bounce over obstacles: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26

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Knowledge Planes: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (8) + 30 = 38
What, Resistances, and if another question is available, Special Attacks? :D

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Using free actions I will take a 5 foot step into the room and Adrenaline Rush. As a swift action I will dare myself to hit this spider with my arrows then full attack, using my dare dice on my first attack. If my third attack roll of 27 hits but a 26 misses tell me, it gives me a sweet bonus.
Seeing Balik move into the room to get the summoner, Molly tried to give him some covering fire. A fire blazes behind her eyes as adrenaline surges through her body.
I love this rush! I bet I can’t hit that spider.
Attack 1: 1d20 + 1d8 + 20 ⇒ (6) + (1) + 20 = 27
damage 1: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (6, 4) + 12 = 22
Attack 2: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
damage 2: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (1, 5) + 12 = 18
Attack 3: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
damage 3: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 2) + 12 = 16
Attack 4: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 20 = 29
damage 4: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 2) + 12 = 16
I’ll try to cover you so you can move away Balik

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Chak decides he need to try to cover Balik. He studies the spider swiftly and then advances drawing his nodachi. Once he reaches the beast he takes a single powerful swing.
+1 Keen Adamantine Nodachi: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24 Damage: 1d10 + 25 ⇒ (4) + 25 = 29Sneak Attack: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 2, 4, 1) = 19

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Balik tumbles his way to the woman, and enters snake style. He is lucky that the creature does not strike out at him! He then picks up the charred and bleeding woman.
Balik, could you please add speed to your tagline? Thank you.
Even better would be the full tagline per my template on the campaign info page.
As for Snake Style, please spoiler your sense motive checks, and what will trigger them like below. Sorry, wanted this nested, but isn't working...
Add die roll here
Sorry - was fighting with nested spoilers. Still cannot get them to work properly. As in, works unless the inner spoiler has a spoiler description