GM Silbeg's 2-25 You Only Die Twice [closed] (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

Slide Deck | sign in sheet

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Discussion thread!


sign in sheet

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inq8 HP44/61 AC19(24) TC12(17) FF17(22) CMD23 F+9 R+5 W+10 Init+5 Spd40 Bane 3/8 Judgement1/3 Chronicles.

Time for new horizons!

Scarab Sages

M Garuda-Blooded Aasimar Zen Archer 4 / Cleric 5 | HP 59 | AC 29 | T 23 | FF 26 | CMD 30 | Fort +12 | Ref +9 | Will +17 | Init +4 | Perc +18

Howdy gang! Excited to see if I can remember PF1 in general and how to play this character in particular. I have a bit of shopping to do and will then update the alias. I have 6700 gp to spend if anyone has useful suggestions (though I just bought 8800 gp worth of stuff that I could return, since it was mostly random Hero Lab messing about, so could spend up to 15.5k gp).

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Take your time.
Let's not plan on starting until at least Monday, June 25.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Also, once you've got your character picked out, do please introduce yourself on the gameplay thread (in character)

Liberty's Edge

The Fly (CN Halfl. Oppo. 4/ Unch. Rogue 4 / Swash 1) | AC 26 (FF 19), Touch 20 | Fort +10, Ref +20, Will +9 | CMD 26 | Perc 20 | Init +6 | Speed 20 | HP 67/67 Panache: 3/3 | Conditions: x

Here is the Fly. I need to remember how to play this character. Let me know if you have any questions.

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Man, it's been a while.

This is Karasuma Tazou, Attorney-At-Law. Ultimate Cart-chasing Lawyer from the Puddles! Likewise need to remember how to play... and update sheet.

Karasuma also has a Shadow companion, which I'll be adding 'soon'. :>

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

I'll be adding in the slides and such after tonight. I am running an AP tonight, so will not have time.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Question: Would you like to do the faction missions?

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

I am neutral on Faction missions, and still need to update stat bar -- works been kinda a thing, hope to get tomorrow.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Ok, the slide deck is ready to go.

Please go ahead and add in your characters, etc to slides 2 & 3

Slide Deck

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD
GM Silbeg wrote:
sign in sheet

Could everyone please sign in here, so that we can get an APL?


Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

FYI - slide #4 now has the handout for undead anatomy, so that you have the time to update your character sheets.

It also mentions how healing happens.

FYI - you could pick up a wand of inflict light wounds for 2PP If you see the need.

When adding your tokens, it would be fun to choose tokens that are undead representations of your characters. For in person games, I typically would have a set of undead minis for folks to choose from.

Shadow|HP: 19/26|AC: 15/T:15/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+8*/W: +4|CMB:+7|CMD: 20/19FF|BAB: +5|Init:+2|Drkv.60'|Per:+8|Stlth:+8*|Fly: +11 (40', Good)

Question about Darkvision interactions....

Karasuma has Darkvision 60' normally, or adds 30' to pre-existing Darkvision. How does that interact with the Darkvision from the undead anatomy?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inq8 HP44/61 AC19(24) TC12(17) FF17(22) CMD23 F+9 R+5 W+10 Init+5 Spd40 Bane 3/8 Judgement1/3 Chronicles.

I'd guess they do not stack, he just has it twice from two sources.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fury's Toll | MotD

I am going to go with that…. That it grants exactly what it states.

Scarab Sages

M Garuda-Blooded Aasimar Zen Archer 4 / Cleric 5 | HP 59 | AC 29 | T 23 | FF 26 | CMD 30 | Fort +12 | Ref +9 | Will +17 | Init +4 | Perc +18

That's what I figured also - my Darkvision stays as it was before drinking from the chalice.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inq8 HP44/61 AC19(24) TC12(17) FF17(22) CMD23 F+9 R+5 W+10 Init+5 Spd40 Bane 3/8 Judgement1/3 Chronicles.

Sarma has castings of invisibility if the party wants to try hiding. If he can cast twice, that should give the entire party comparable Stealth bonuses.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Reminder that

crb wrote:
To cast a spell with a verbal (V) component, your character must speak in a firm voice

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inq8 HP44/61 AC19(24) TC12(17) FF17(22) CMD23 F+9 R+5 W+10 Init+5 Spd40 Bane 3/8 Judgement1/3 Chronicles.

That's why he cast it on Zin first.

Slack wrote:
If we want to hide, Sarma can try to cast invisibility on himself and Zinkyudo if there is time.

Liberty's Edge

The Fly (CN Halfl. Oppo. 4/ Unch. Rogue 4 / Swash 1) | AC 26 (FF 19), Touch 20 | Fort +10, Ref +20, Will +9 | CMD 26 | Perc 20 | Init +6 | Speed 20 | HP 67/67 Panache: 3/3 | Conditions: x

UMD: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20

Would have used LS again, but want to keep gameplay clean.

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Kinda drawing a blank on things to buy, Karasuma being ninja-lawyer and not talking too much

Liberty's Edge

The Fly (CN Halfl. Oppo. 4/ Unch. Rogue 4 / Swash 1) | AC 26 (FF 19), Touch 20 | Fort +10, Ref +20, Will +9 | CMD 26 | Perc 20 | Init +6 | Speed 20 | HP 67/67 Panache: 3/3 | Conditions: x

Antiplague? Urgathoa == disease right?

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Would that bring unwanted attention to our mission?

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Buying stuff?
Should t be an issue per the scenario.

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Modem/router is *dying*.

Internet service has gone from reliable to utter cluster.

No guarantees on being able to get on.

Apologies in advance.

Hope to be back soon but no promises.

Liberty's Edge

The Fly (CN Halfl. Oppo. 4/ Unch. Rogue 4 / Swash 1) | AC 26 (FF 19), Touch 20 | Fort +10, Ref +20, Will +9 | CMD 26 | Perc 20 | Init +6 | Speed 20 | HP 67/67 Panache: 3/3 | Conditions: x

No worries. Happy to bot and not in a huge rush here.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inq8 HP44/61 AC19(24) TC12(17) FF17(22) CMD23 F+9 R+5 W+10 Init+5 Spd40 Bane 3/8 Judgement1/3 Chronicles.

Long term buffs before entering the spooky scary temple:
Shield of Faith
Clay Skin
See Invisibility (if previous casting has expired)

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Fingers crossed it looks like my Internet is back and solid. This is a test post to ensure that is accurate.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fury's Toll | MotD

looks good so far

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

I'll be closing this down in a day... please let me know if you need anything from it!

Liberty's Edge

The Fly (CN Halfl. Oppo. 4/ Unch. Rogue 4 / Swash 1) | AC 26 (FF 19), Touch 20 | Fort +10, Ref +20, Will +9 | CMD 26 | Perc 20 | Init +6 | Speed 20 | HP 67/67 Panache: 3/3 | Conditions: x

Thanks for running! One to remember.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Inq8 HP44/61 AC19(24) TC12(17) FF17(22) CMD23 F+9 R+5 W+10 Init+5 Spd40 Bane 3/8 Judgement1/3 Chronicles.

All good here!

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