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Please fill out the Sign In Sheet
I'll also have a macros sheet for you to add your skills and such to. Not gonna worry about it now, got plenty of time.

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Filled out Sign-In Sheet, Statline though a bit belatedly. Sorry about the delay.

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@Sal, could you please build yourself a tagline?
I have tagline template that I prefer.
Also, if you all don't mind, I do prefer the stat blocks not hidden behind a spoiler... mostly because I often have to flip between many characters. Thanks!

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Please take time to fill out PBP Macros Spreadsheet
This will help me run a smoother game. Thank you!

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"Should be in full compliance with the updated format guidelines. Please do advise if there are any concerns."
I was going to leave it for after work, but Sal is too Lawful to let something like that linger overlong...
"Hey, who said the 'help' could talk?"

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Just a warning... as i am currently traveling (at the in-laws) there is a likelihood I won't be starting this promptly at the start time.
Not worried, myself, just wanted to let you all know.

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I'm trying my best to get the character up and running. I am, however, having big troubles understanding the Pathfinder Society specific rules, since the OPF's guide page is absolute shit.

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What are the specific questions you have?
PFS2 character generation is pretty much straightforward PF2.
As for training, you can just take Pathfinder Society Lore, and call it good,
The other choices based on schools are optional.
I am sure the good folks in this game can help with anything else.

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I've played one game of PFS2 back in 2019 with a pregen, and I applied the scenario to this character. I'm trying to wrap around me head with how downtime really works, earn income etc.
I think I've got it right, since I chose to have Drante be a field commissioned bloke, so he gets to roll twice per 4xp (whee).
You might expect me to be a little confused at times, but I pick up these issues really quick.

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"You may speak, help."
I've noticed that downtime is generally 'make money' and the money you make at earlier levels doesn't even pay for expenses. Folks who craft things generally don't start until L2-3 (or later) when their chances of not blowing the roll catastrophically are not s great.
Also, as you have until just before your first game at L2 to rebuild/change anything about your character that you find 'off', it's a great opportunity to try things out. Sal's benefited from this rule, as there were a couple of options that weren't there when he first started adventuring that really made him 'click'.
"Your... consideration of my well-being is... appreciated. You may go back to whatever it was that you were doing."

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I'm grateful the free rebuild rule before reaching 2nd level has stayed from 1st edition. That's very crucial to new players. Are you, however, allowed to sell your belongings at full price in case you alter your character from a wizard to a barbarian?
I noticed there are actually very little option what to do with your downtime. Money, craft, retrain. Here I'm hoping some scenarios have a 'task' where you get some sort of a thing like a noble title, a plot of land or something.
Currently I'm perplexed by the wizard's arcane thesis, Staff Nexus. It appears staves are a lot more common in PFS2e than they were in 1e. Also, at early levels it seems the makeshift staff does practically nothing. You extend a spell to get a charge, which you can use to cast a spell. Whoopdy-effing-doo.

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"Help, there are more Questions."
EXCEPT any consumables that one may have consumed, yes, one may resell at full price in that instance. There are Boons that one may acquire either through playing Scenarios or through ACP purchase that can alter/increase the number of Downtime options. Haven't seen any noble titles or land plots YET but that doesn't mean they don't exist or won't exist in the future.
As far as staves go, the benefit is flexibility to my understanding. If one has 'this spell list prepared for the day' but the staff doesn't have one of those spells but other ones on the casters spell list then the caster can use that spell instead of the prepared spell.
"Thank you."

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Bask in the magnificence that is Drante's complete character sheet!
And tell me about all the errors I've made.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

During your daily preparations, you can prepare a staff to add charges to it for free. When you do so, that staff gains a number of charges equal to the level of your highest-level spell slot. You don't need to expend any spells to add charges in this way.
Staff Nexus doesn't get those free changes at 1st level but it is giving you another cantrip prepared which is of non-0 value but not spectacular.
Lets say you craft it into a Staff of Fire around level 3.
Now you've got 2 extra cantrips, and 2 extra level 1 spell slots that are flexible between Burning Hands and whatever spell you choose. If you want even more of those flexible slots, you can sacrifice a 1st or second level slot for that many of these slots.
At 8th level you upgrade to the Greater Staff of Fire.
Now it comes 2 cantrips and 4 flexible spell levels of casting in any combination of your 1st level spell, 1: burning hands, 2 burning hands/flaming sphere/ 3: flaming sphere/fire ball. And you can sacrifice up to 2 spells for additional flexible spell levels.
All that said, I don't think it's particularly strong but I hope that helps explain how it does something useful/interesting

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drante: I didn't look with a fine-tooth comb but nothing jumped out at me as an error but did have a couple thoughts.
Your AC is basically as low as it possibly could be. With the 2e system of critting on +10 you're extremely susceptible to damage from attacks, unlike 1e where it was reasonable to either go all in or completely ignore armor, every point counts in 2e. (That said, I also have a low AC PFS2 wizard, so I understand, just be aware of the weakness)
Undead are a pretty common enemy in PFS and you have no reasonable way to harm them. (Daze does non-lethal so can't harm undead) Electric Arc is generally the most popular option but there are several other good options as well (Telekinetic projectile is a nice flexible option that solves your skeleton problem is a way nothing else does.)
All that said, build your character how you want them, it's just nice to have weaknesses be conscious decisions, not just unhappy accidents from lack of system familarity.

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I've put the slides up, so if you could fill out slides 2&3 (mostly tokens, glyphs, marching order), that'd be great!

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Drante: I didn't look with a fine-tooth comb but nothing jumped out at me as an error but did have a couple thoughts.
Your AC is basically as low as it possibly could be. With the 2e system of critting on +10 you're extremely susceptible to damage from attacks, unlike 1e where it was reasonable to either go all in or completely ignore armor, every point counts in 2e. (That said, I also have a low AC PFS2 wizard, so I understand, just be aware of the weakness)
Undead are a pretty common enemy in PFS and you have no reasonable way to harm them. (Daze does non-lethal so can't harm undead) Electric Arc is generally the most popular option but there are several other good options as well (Telekinetic projectile is a nice flexible option that solves your skeleton problem is a way nothing else does.)
All that said, build your character how you want them, it's just nice to have weaknesses be conscious decisions, not just unhappy accidents from lack of system familarity.
This is exactly what I was after, thank you!
I took a quick look and it seems there aren't many viable choices for wizards to get their AC up. I'd imagine having the Shield cantrip on as often as possible is a way to go.

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Mage Armor at level 1 uses up a valuable slot, in a few levels that slot isn't as important or you can get a wand of mage armor around level 3.
At higher levels your answer get more complicated with choosing between casting mage armor with higher level slots, enchanting explorer's clothing or wearing bracers of armor.
Mage Armor (No Talismans, no Property Runes)
1st level slot/3rd level wand(60gp) : 1 AC
4th level slot/9th level wand (700gp) : 1 AC / +1 Saves
6th level slot/13th level wand (3,000gp) : 2 AC / +1 Saves
8th level slot/17th level wand (6,500gp) : 2 AC / +2 Saves
10th level slot: 3 AC/ +3 Saves
Bracers of Armor (Light Armor Talismans, no Property Runes)
Lvl 8 Item (450gp) : 1AC / +1 Saves
Lvl 14 Item (4,000gp) : 2 AC / +2 Saves
Lvl 20 Item (60,000gp) : 3 AC / +3 Saves
Explorer’s Clothing (No Talismans, Property Runes that don’t require an armor type)
Lvl 5 Rune (160gp) : 1 AC
Lvl 8 Rune (500gp) : 1 AC / +1 Saves
Lvl 11 Rune (1,060gp): 2 AC / +1 Saves
Lvl 14 Rune (3,440gp) 2 AC / +2 Saves
Lvl 18 Rune (20,560gp) 3 AC / +2 Saves
Lvl 20 Rune (49,440gp) 3 AC / +3 Saves
If you’re willing to use one of your highest level spell slots Mage Armor gets you the best armor equivalent a level earlier than Bracers of Armor or Explorer’s Clothing until level 14 (And costs you no gold). When it’s down to your second highest level you could get a wand but the pricing of this path isn’t too favorable and doesn’t allow for talismans or property runes. Probably the biggest factor that you should consider for Bracers of Armor vs Explorer’s Clothing is your interest in talismans vs property runes. After that Explorer’s Clothing gets the edge for more incremental upgrades and cheaper higher level items. Since you can generally upgrade inside the chain of identically named items it’s probably best to pick a category and stick to it. For a wizard with extra spell slots from the Spell Blending thesis I’m very tempted to keep mage armor maxed, otherwise Explorer’s Clothing with Runes is my preference but there are plenty of reasons for other choices as well.

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Nothing personal on that response, Drante. She appears to have little patience for you and your questions... which is probably 100% the truth.

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Tapping out, I don't have the bandwidth right now.
Be well.

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Sal's picking up some hot weather clothing; two extra canteens for water; 50' of rope (to bring his total rope to 100'); two lesser ghost charges; two lesser alchemist fires. He isn't going to try and haggle merchants down past 'accepted' prices (CRB) -- that's a good way to get watered down or ineffective items.

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Drante will most likely get the exact same equipment as Sal, since who's going to suspect an accountant of a bad deal?!
And I have absolutely no idea what lesser ghost charges are... before I read about them, of course.

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At least they removed the clause regarding being unconscious and being submerged in water. Those rules seem a lot more sensible.

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Drante, if you wouldn’t mind, please put the save DC and type in the post when you cast.
Thank you!

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just a warning, my posting rate will be down until Monday, as I am fully booked for Gen Con

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Drante, if you wouldn’t mind, please put the save DC and type in the post when you cast.
Thank you!
I will, sorry!

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I, likewise, will potentially be slowed down during Gen Con, as I'm doing a standby GM role Thursday and Sunday (and I'm RL-job working the other two days at odd hours).

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I just now noticed how there's an animation on the map! And to be sure, that's the campfire, right? Having a small, blazing sun on the map normally makes me cautious.

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Heading to work, will be able to post if action advances by 1500 CDT.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I apologize for my sporadic posting this week.
I've had a particular difficult month... on Sept 8 I was rear-ended and my car was totaled. I am doing ok, with only minor whiplash symptoms.
Then, last Tuesday, Sept 21, after a heavy rain, the sump pump in our house failed, and our basement flooded. We got it under control pretty early, with only a couple square yards of drywall being lost, as well as the carpet. Nonetheless, it is going to be a significant cost, and a major bother.
I'll keep doing my best, but just wanted you all to know.

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I apologize for my sporadic posting this week.
I've had a particular difficult month... on Sept 8 I was rear-ended and my car was totaled. I am doing ok, with only minor whiplash symptoms.
Then, last Tuesday, Sept 21, after a heavy rain, the sump pump in our house failed, and our basement flooded. We got it under control pretty early, with only a couple square yards of drywall being lost, as well as the carpet. Nonetheless, it is going to be a significant cost, and a major bother.
I'll keep doing my best, but just wanted you all to know.
Sneaks in while Sal is distracted...
My mom was rear-ended about two decades ago, and tried to soldier through thinking it was just some small aches and pains to one ankle and her upper back. She's been regretting that decision for at least a decade. Hope you heal up soon. Sump pump failure is horrible, too.

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"Should have sent a more experienced team."
Hopefully not the epitaph for us on the Wall.

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So we're in a desert so Sal is throwing some more shade to back up Drante's efforts :P

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"Want to Buy: A die roll with double digits. Lowest price requested, as I am a poor Pathfinder starting out."

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"Not quite sure what we're supposed to be doing here. Is this the sort of problem I have the help handle?"
Is this role-playing/puzzle or are we supposed to make rolls?

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"The help is going to be at some charity fundraiser this weekend -- my deity isn't quite sure how to parse that but it may hamper my response time a bit."
Going to be at a fundraising convention in the Twin Cities this weekend, won't have access to reliable internet and working from a five year old tablet at best.