GM Silbeg's 1-05 Trailblazer's Bounty (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

Maps and Handouts

Challenge Points: 13

Dark Archive

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

The powerful nation of Cheliax has posted a public bounty that would richly reward the first team of explorers to chart a viable route across the Menador Mountains, linking the nations of Isger and Molthune (all to bypass the economic powerhouse of Druma, which has recently imposed higher taxes on key goods crossing its borders). Yet the Menador Mountains are an imposing obstacle, replete with steep slopes, snowy peaks, and territorial orcs. Even so, there are no finer explorers than the Pathfinders, and the Society has dispatched a team to collect the prize. Are the PCs ready to not only explore the foreboding mountains but also to compete with the rival teams and local inhabitants?

Written by Tineke Bolleman.

Scenario Tags: Faction (Horizon Hunters)

There are 2 seats already taken, and I'd probably prefer to go 4-5 instead of 6.

Horizon Hunters

Is this open to new 2E lvl 1’s? If so I am available.

Envoy's Alliance

Nina Jaribu is a level 2 divine sorcerer with a focus on healing and social skills.

She is admittedly a terrible combatant and bad with physical skills, so if you think she's going to end up being a liability on a small team (she crit-failed two of four physical challenges in #1-10, and didn't attempt one out of fear of crit-failing), I'm going to withdraw her application.

I have a few lvl ones I could send

Dark Archive

This is a level 1-4, so yes.

Note: it is not repeatable. In fact, it only has the Horizon Hunters tag.

When applying for the game, please give a quick description of your character (abilites, etc), and talk a little bit about your PFS2 experiences!


Horizon Hunters

Still fleshing him out-but he will be martial, ranged, half elf. Still learning how to build characters in 2e. Experience with 1e though. Some things are different.

“Some call me Ror, some call me Ryk. Doesn’t really matter to me. I am a warrior skilled in the ways of the woods. I have a bow and the required gear for scouting and war. I won’t be a bother. “

Dark Archive

As a subtle hint, you will help your cause by having your tagline set up for all to see!

Grand Archive

I've got a decent few characters I could chip in with. The reserved seats are for a 3 and a 1, it looks like? I'd like to play one of my higher-ups, but I'll more likely use this alchemist at 2 to keep things level.

Horizon Hunters

If you get a bunch of apps with 3-4s then I'll happily step aside so you can play up. No worries on my end.

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have the Vigilant Seal mentor boon, JR, if we ended up in high tier. Surely there'd be another factions mentor boon if we had enough to push it up to help out further.

Envoy's Alliance

GM Silbeg wrote:
When applying for the game, please give a quick description of your character (abilites, etc), and talk a little bit about your PFS2 experiences!

About Nina: Nina Jaribu is a level 2 divine sorcerer with a focus on healing and social skills.

She is admittedly a terrible combatant and bad with physical skills, so if you think she's going to end up being a liability on a small team (she crit-failed two of four physical challenges in #1-10, and didn't attempt one out of fear of crit-failing), I'm going to withdraw her application.

About Watery Soup: I'm relatively new to Pathfinder. I played D&D (red box) as a kid and loved it, but didn't play for 25-30 years due to just never having anyone to play with. I was vaguely aware that D&D went through major revisions and that some game called Pathfinder existed, mostly from browsing the books at book stores.

One day, at work, I used the word "icosahedral" to describe something, and the person I was talking to replied, "Like a d20?" He was into D&D (5e), and the guy in the cube across from him was into PF (1e). The three of us pulled in a few randos and started playing D&D/PF at lunch. I joined PFS at a convention last year just to broaden my horizons, but at this point, I've probably played more Society than non-Society and more Pathfinder than D&D.

Grand Archive

About Yaegren: Yaegren is a level 2 alchemist with a lot of knowledge. He tries to rely on that to solve problems, but when it inevitably fails, he can fly into a mutagen-enhanced rage with his barbarian dedication. Not very social and he knows it, which is an issue in his attempts at detective work.

About Crunch: I've been playing Pathfinder for going on a decade now. It started when I went in the wrong classroom and came out with some new friends and a hobby. Something similar eventually led me to Society play, in that it was a happy accident. In terms of PF2, I did a lot of playtesting as both a player and GM. I'm currently part of two home games of it and am working on one of my own. I've been more active in PFS for this edition, probably because there isn't an intimidating backlog of scenarios.

Dark Archive

I am going to close recruitment.

Nina, Ror'Ryk, and Yeargren, you are ll in.

Thank you all!

I will open the discussion thread pretty quickly, and will have my slides up pretty quickly after that.

Dark Archive

Discussion board and slides are up and ready!

Horizon Hunters

Many thanks. I will post in discussion thread tonight after I get out of work in a few hours. Many thanks.

Dark Archive

Ror'Ryk, also introduce yourself in the gameplay.

Posting there, discussion, and noting your skills, etc., are all that I need to start!

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