GM Silbeg's: 2-09: The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

Handouts and Tactical | PBP Macros
RPG Chronicles Sign In Sheet

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Discussions here!

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Fury's Toll | MotD

Please sign in on the RPG Chronicles Sheet

I'll be putting more up later tonight.

Male Human Consultant/21

I have... a lot of PC choices. Do we want to play in the low or high subtier?

Dark Archive

Dude human Slacker 20

I have a level 3 cleric-wizard dedication or it’s level 1 action, baby!

Male Human Consultant/21

I have:
- Level 4 Shoony Wizard (Transmuter)
- Level 4 Changeling Wizard (Necromancer)
- Level 3 Iruxi Fighter
- Level 3 Human Rogue
- Level 1 Halfling Wizard (Illusionist)

If it wasn't obvious, wizards are my jam.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Once you have decided on your characters, please fill out both the sign in sheet and the PBP Macros

The first is for reporting, the latter will be how we all more quickly do rolls, both secret and otherwise. You will need to opt-in on skills you wish to use, for secret checks and the like, but please do make sure you've filled things out as completely as possible.

Also, the Handouts and Tactical Maps are ready for you to add your name and and avatar image. I'll use marching order when needed, and we'll use this to track hero points.

All of these links are at the top of the page as well.

Male Human Consultant/21

If I have to state a preference, it'd be for me to play Domwurd (my Shoony Wizard). Silbeg has seen him in action, and he's a sorta Absalom-centric character.

But I'm flexible to the needs of the table.

Dark Archive

Dude human Slacker 20

no biggie

I can play the cleric, which Jack has also seen in action.

Also, "strange phenomena"? Right up the ol' Pharasmin cleric's alley.

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2
J. A. Chapman wrote:

I have:

- Level 4 Shoony Wizard (Transmuter)
- Level 4 Changeling Wizard (Necromancer)
- Level 3 Iruxi Fighter
- Level 3 Human Rogue
- Level 1 Halfling Wizard (Illusionist)

If it wasn't obvious, wizards are my jam.

My options are:

* Level 3 ratfolk Rogue pirate
* Level 3 iruxi Sorcerer
* Level 2 chronicle-baby Gunslinger who uses a crossbow at any table where someone doesn't dig on gunz
* Level 2 chronicle-baby Witch that Chapman talked me into building

Vigilant Seal

N Male human cleric of Pharasma 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 16 | Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +11| Perc: +9 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Search| Active conditions:.


Vigilant Seal

N Male human cleric of Pharasma 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 16 | Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +11| Perc: +9 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Search| Active conditions:.

Rogue is a good option.

Male Human Consultant/21

I like the Ratfolk, but admit that I might want to swap to a different wizard then :)

I might not though, but regardless... that gets my vote

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

If I don't hear from our other two soon, I will open it up

Horizon Hunters

Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

Two-Eye it is, then. I'll update the profile and post in the game thread later today.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

So, recapping from what I have seen:

Domwurd: Wizard 4
Bela: Cleric 3
Two-Eye: Rogue 1

I am hearing Cheryl may be doing a Monk 1 and Paul a Fighter 2.

Hopefully they post tonight.

If so
CP: 6+4+2+2+3 = 17

So, technically still low tier, but max adjustment.

Horizon Hunters

Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

Rog 3, with the updated profile.

Male Human Consultant/21

Which bumps us to high tier (19 challenge points). I'm OK with this, but I like things extra hard.

If needed, I can swap in a:
- Fighter 3
- Rogue 3
- Wizard 1 (which I can build quickly)
Any of those will get us back to low tier I think.

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2

Yeah, I can go a different, lower-level route as well.

Dark Archive

Dude human Slacker 20

Low level also weeks here

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

4,3,3,2,1 is:
6+4+4+3+2 = 19

Yes, dropping to a level 3 from the 4 would do it.

Dark Archive

I can do a Fighter 2

Horizon Hunters

NG Female Sensate Gnome Monk 1 of Cayden Cailean | HP 20/20 | AC 19 | Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +9| Perc: +4 | Speed 25ft| [ooc] Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Avoid Notice | Active conditions:.

I believe I'll be playing Casey Montgomery, a level 1 gnomish (?) monk. The other option would be my level 1 elven cleric, but she's very poorly written.

Horizon Hunters

NG Female Sensate Gnome Monk 1 of Cayden Cailean | HP 20/20 | AC 19 | Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +9| Perc: +4 | Speed 25ft| [ooc] Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Avoid Notice | Active conditions:.

I filled in your quick sheet for Casey.

Tiger Monk.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

If you can also:

1. Put your statblock (from Hero Lab) in your character profile
2. Create your tagline as described in this template (it is easier than it looks)

If you have time, I would also build some of your attacks as macros such as I used with Fafrd the Grey Mouse

I'll get started as soon as everyone has signed in at RPG Chronicles, has filled out the macro page, and has filled out the slides.

This was a shorter game when I played it at Paizo Con, as I recall

Male Human Consultant/21

I think I should be the one to switch, as I have the 4th level PC.

Right now I see:
Cleric 3
Rogue 3
Monk 1
Fighter 2

This just tells me that another wizard won't go amiss. But I think I'll hold off on that and instead add my own tanky Fighter.

Uthkosh it is.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

So, who has glyphs?

Horizon Hunters

Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

One glyph here.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

So, only one glyph?

Who do you want to give it to, Two-Eyes?

Horizon Hunters

Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

It makes sense to me to give it to the level 1 PC, if they want it.

Casey, you get an extra hero point.

Vigilant Seal

N Male human cleric of Pharasma 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 16 | Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +11| Perc: +9 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Search| Active conditions:.

I don't think my gameplay posts are showing...

Edit: Never mind

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Still looking for tokens and marching order on slide #3

Slide #2 has your hero points, please remove them as you use them

I have added tokens on slide #3 for now, but in no particular order -- so if you want a different order, please update.

Also, you are welcome to replace the image from your avatar, if you have a better one. Just please make it a round token of about the same size.

Vigilant Seal

N Male human cleric of Pharasma 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 16 | Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +11| Perc: +9 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Search| Active conditions:.

I don't really care what my roundness looks like. You could put Miss Piggy for all I care.

Vigilant Seal

N Male human cleric of Pharasma 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 16 | Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +11| Perc: +9 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Search| Active conditions:.

Will we enter?


I am waiting for Nigel to roll up and make things worse because “We can always make things worse.”

thanks, Thursty

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Nope. No Nigel.

Just J watching you, shaking his head.

Vigilant Seal

N Male human cleric of Pharasma 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 16 | Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +11| Perc: +9 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Search| Active conditions:.

Bela will take a scroll of burning hands as we have a decided lack of AoE spells...

Vigilant Seal

N Male human cleric of Pharasma 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 16 | Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +11| Perc: +9 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Search| Active conditions:.

is the GM rolling saves for players a thing in 2e?

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD
Bela Enixry wrote:
is the GM rolling saves for players a thing in 2e?

No, it is a thing that some PBP GMs do, myself included (see the profile on this avatar).

It has been my experience that this saves A LOT of time over the course of a single game. This goes for initiative as well.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Just so that you know, hero points are being tracked on slide #2. When you use a hero point, please delete the token. There's also a place to note how many you have used, and I will also note when I hand them out.

Speaking of which, Hero Point to Two-Eye!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

FYI the statues are technically are hazards with specific disable checks.
So, the check takes 2 actions and you must be adjacent

Horizon Hunters

NG Female Sensate Gnome Monk 1 of Cayden Cailean | HP 20/20 | AC 19 | Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +9| Perc: +4 | Speed 25ft| [ooc] Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Avoid Notice | Active conditions:.

So, other than one person, no one has posted since Saturday. Is the game dead?

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Not at all

Vigilant Seal

N Male human cleric of Pharasma 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 16 | Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +11| Perc: +9 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Search| Active conditions:.

Is there a way to use academia lore with the halfling? Maybe to emulate being a teacher?

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

see my last post

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

We are getting very close here.

If you'd like to have downtime listed on your chronicle, please go ahead and roll or notate in this thread.

Vigilant Seal

N Male human cleric of Pharasma 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 16 | Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +11| Perc: +9 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 3*/3 | Exploration Mode: Search| Active conditions:.

Bela will keep the student made clay necklace.

Radiant Oath

NG Male Iruxi Fighter 3 | HP 37/47 | 1 Hero Point(s) | Perc +9 | Speed 20 ft. (Swim 10ft) | AC 21 (23 w/Shield Raised) | Fort +10 ; Ref +8 ; Will +9 | Default Exploration: Defend | Active conditions: None

Farming Lore: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Earn Income: 0.16gp

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

The game has been reported!

Chronicles are here

Let me know if anything is amiss.


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