GM Silbeg 1-11 Flames of Rebellion [CLOSED] (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

Maps and Handouts | Skill Macros | Sign In Sheet
Challenge Points: 23

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Please post your character selections here.

I'll be creating the sign in sheet, macros sheet, and other stuff soon.

Also, please feel free to post in the game play introducing your character!

Vigilant Seal

Male Hobgoblin Duskwalker Investigator 4 | hp 48/48, hero 3/3 | AC 21, F+8 R+11 W+7 | Speed 25ft | Perception +7, Arcana +10, Crafting +12, Occultism +11, Society +12, Stealth +9 | Current Conditions:

Reporting for duty.

Vigilant Seal

CN Human Charlatan Sorcerer 4(Hag bloodline) | HP 36/36 | AC 18 | Class DC 20 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +9 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Ranged: +8, Melee: +6 1d6+4 Active conditions: None

Dotting in

Radiant Oath

Male halfling street urchin rogue (thief) 3 | HP 33/33, Hero 3 2 1/3 | AC 20/21; Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +9 (+1 vs. Traps) | Speed 30ft | Perc. +9 (+10 vs traps), keen eyes | Exploration Mode: Avoid Notice (Trapfinder) | Stealth +11 | Current Conditions: | Battle Medicine Used: Nat | ◆◇↺

Here, though I need to update his profile to 3rd (I'll try to get that done today).

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Sign In Sheet

PBP Macros

Maps and Handouts

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

Will update late PST tonight or tomorrow AM.

Horizon Hunters

LG Female dwarf (rock) champion 2 | HP 36 | AC 19/21 | F +9 R +7 W +6 | Perc +8 | Stealth +1 | Speed: 15 ft. |

Grams is here, so everyone behave.

Female Bard 4 | Languages: Common | Perc. +8 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 20(22; react. shield) | Fort: +8 (+1 v disea./pois.) Ref: +10 Will: +8 | Spells: 1: 3/3; 2: 3/3 | Hero Points: 2 | Status: —

Reporting in with a promise to misbehave!

- Permissions on the macros sheet needs to be updated so we can fill it out.
- Happy to march in font if no one else wants to tank.
- There are plentiful hero points for everyone to start with 2 each.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD
Thecla wrote:

Reporting in with a promise to misbehave!

- Permissions on the macros sheet needs to be updated so we can fill it out.
- Happy to march in font if no one else wants to tank.
- There are plentiful hero points for everyone to start with 2 each.

Macros sheet should be updated now. Apologies.

All good w/ 2 per.

I assume that that Glen is at 3, being a campaign coin holder?

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Please do introduce yourself in the gameplay!

Female Bard 4 | Languages: Common | Perc. +8 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 20(22; react. shield) | Fort: +8 (+1 v disea./pois.) Ref: +10 Will: +8 | Spells: 1: 3/3; 2: 3/3 | Hero Points: 2 | Status: —

Farzin as a sorcerer probably doesn't want to be in front in marching order. I'll move up.

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN Human Charlatan Sorcerer 4(Hag bloodline) | HP 36/36 | AC 18 | Class DC 20 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +9 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Ranged: +8, Melee: +6 1d6+4 Active conditions: None

The only time Farzin really likes going first is when someone is holding the tavern door open for him.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

I'll be visiting my wife's family in WI this weekend, so I won't be posting until Sunday evening, likely.

Horizon Hunters

LG Female dwarf (rock) champion 2 | HP 36 | AC 19/21 | F +9 R +7 W +6 | Perc +8 | Stealth +1 | Speed: 15 ft. |

Grams' sheet is updated now on this site (it was correct in the macros). Sorry about that!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD
Brynsil "Grams" Lustershale wrote:
Grams' sheet is updated now on this site (it was correct in the macros). Sorry about that!

Still need to updated your tagline, I think.

Horizon Hunters

LG Female dwarf (rock) champion 2 | HP 36 | AC 19/21 | F +9 R +7 W +6 | Perc +8 | Stealth +1 | Speed: 15 ft. |

As a heads-up, I'm getting a tooth extracted Wednesday. I'll presumably be on some sort of pain killer for a few days afterward, so not sure how that will affect my posting. I'll post tomorrow (Tuesday), but I'd say feel free to bot me after that if I'm ever holding things up.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

I apologize for my sporadic posting this week.

I've had a particular difficult month... on Sept 8 I was rear-ended and my car was totaled. I am doing ok, with only minor whiplash symptoms.

Then, last Tuesday, Sept 21, after a heavy rain, the sump pump in our house failed, and our basement flooded. We got it under control pretty early, with only a couple square yards of drywall being lost, as well as the carpet. Nonetheless, it is going to be a significant cost, and a major bother.

I'll keep doing my best, but just wanted you all to know.

Horizon Hunters

LG Female dwarf (rock) champion 2 | HP 36 | AC 19/21 | F +9 R +7 W +6 | Perc +8 | Stealth +1 | Speed: 15 ft. |

Ugh. Sorry to hear. Totally understood, and glad you're physically OK.

Female Bard 4 | Languages: Common | Perc. +8 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 20(22; react. shield) | Fort: +8 (+1 v disea./pois.) Ref: +10 Will: +8 | Spells: 1: 3/3; 2: 3/3 | Hero Points: 2 | Status: —

Yeah, really sorry to hear that! Our car was totaled earlier this year and my partner is still dealing with neck injury from it. Glad to hear you are ok.

One thing I definitely do not miss from living in the Chicagoland area is flooding.

Vigilant Seal

CN Human Charlatan Sorcerer 4(Hag bloodline) | HP 36/36 | AC 18 | Class DC 20 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +9 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Ranged: +8, Melee: +6 1d6+4 Active conditions: None

I'm sorry to hear that Silbeg. Hope you get through it soon!

Sovereign Court

Oh wow that is brutal. Real life comes first.

Horizon Hunters

LG Female dwarf (rock) champion 2 | HP 36 | AC 19/21 | F +9 R +7 W +6 | Perc +8 | Stealth +1 | Speed: 15 ft. |

I'm on vacation this week, so not sure how much time I'll have for posting. I may still have time to post today and Tuesday, but definitely don't expect to be posting Wednesday-Friday. I'm hoping to get going again Saturday evening.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD
Brynsil "Grams" Lustershale wrote:
I'm on vacation this week, so not sure how much time I'll have for posting. I may still have time to post today and Tuesday, but definitely don't expect to be posting Wednesday-Friday. I'm hoping to get going again Saturday evening.

All good. We'll bot as needed.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Fury's Toll | MotD

I'll be closing this thread down by the end of the day.

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