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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-4.
The Pathfinder Society sends the PCs to the Thuvian city of Aspenthar, where they learn that div-worshipping cultists have taken violent measures to secure the ancient keys to a mysterious site out in the desert. With one of the keys in their possession, the Pathfinders travel deep into the desert to find this site and stop the cultists from bringing their destructive plan to fruition.
Written by Matt Duval
Scenario tags: None

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The streets of Aspenthar are a comfortable place for the former merchant known as Jaware Sahat Alttajir. He peruses the local market with an eye for a deal, but makes no moves to buy or sell. He's here at the behest of the Pathfinder Society, and indirectly the will of Pharasma.
An older man with grey dominating his hair, he wears a long white robe and a red headwrap that protect him from the heat while keeping him comfortable. A symbol to Pharasma hangs from a cord around his neck which, outside of sheathed dagger at his hip, is Jaware's true weapon.
Lady of Mysteries, please guide me as I step into this task, he thinks to himself as he readies himself for the mission.

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Khagra is a very big big, very green, very muscular, very shirtless Orc. He's got quite a few pointy objects hanging from his belt and strapped to his back.
Grunting he introduces himself in a gravely voice. "Urhnh, Khagra here."

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The deep blue ocean stretching farther the eye can see, and on the opposite direction endless dunes roll to the scorching desert. This looks like an amazing vacation destination, the man thinks to himself as he arrives to the port of Aspenthar, and carries his light luggage around town, getting familiar with the local customs, rules, and laws.
This peculiar man doesn't look like he is a pathfinder, or acknowledges himself as a pathfinder. He most definitely is new to the task, for he is an older gentleman seeking for excitement in his pensioner years. Getting stuck in a small house in Cheliax wasn't to his liking, so he decided to use his connections—namely his son—to sweet talk the pathfinder recruiters to pick him from the field. And his first task was to be in Thuvia? I've always wanted to know more about the land of the sun orchid elixir. During his working years as a prosecutor for the Cheliax empire he never smiled as much as he does now.
He dawdles a few hours in the city before eventually arriving to the lodge. "Dʀante Nevantes, pleased to meet you all," he says with a strongly rolling R as he lowers his backpack to the floor. He is an old, pale man from Cheliax, with white, well kept hair reaching to his shoulders. Dʀrante's clothes are a bit posh and unfitting to Thuvia, marking his origin clearly from Cheliax.
"Fascinating to meet you, Khagra!" Dʀrante exclaims, almost bona fide, "I do say your choice of wardrobe must defeat mine if we are to travel to the desert! I haven't had the opportunity to properly acquaint myself to Thuvia, and seek clothing better suited to the environmental conditions!" He turns to the cleric, and nods as a greeting. "And good biddings to you too! Judging solely on your apparel, I can see you know the ways of the desert than me!

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A shorter, more draconic entity -- only the most coarse would refer to him as a 'trueblood' or whatever other affectation of increased self-worth and grandeur is en vogue for the 'Sewer Dragons' this week -- strides through the markets and moneylenders of Aspenthar.
While reminiscent of The Gold-Fisted's clergy, his garb is eminently more practical for an arid clime. The outfit has a bit more gold trim such that might even put one into the mindset of a follower of the ways of Kalistrade.
While largely leather, the plates are held together with loose cloth, cleverly designed to allow a maximum of cooling whilst maintaining some protective qualities.
This is quite possibly the least formal 'meeting' he's had to attend for the Society, and the casual nature of the whole affair would raise his hackles -- if he had any, being as those are for silly furred mammals.
"The best part of the desert is the warmth. The worst part, as I'm sure most would agree, is the sand. Even with scales, it can become quite uncomfortable if not brushed out regularly. Keeping the sand off and the heat at arm's length is a bit of a challenge, and it's good to finally see some human-esque adventurers have figured it out."
The kobold pauses for a moment before pulling out professionally detailed pieces of thick paper and handing them to the others present.
"Sal, though one might hear reference to 'The Salesbold' as a note of an earlier time in my life. We will go with... yes... 'archaeologist'... for now. Greetings."

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Jaware gives a polite nod to Kralga, a knowing smile to Drante, and raised eyebrow to the kobold. "An accountant, you say? Not a service I ever needed. If you don't know what you have, what it's worth, and what you paid then... you should not be in business."

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"Exquisite to meet you, Sal," Dʀante says as he takes the piece of paper and reads it thoroughly, "do say, I'm intrigued what has made you pursue this particular endeavor? To become a pathfinder? Dare I say this is the most unlikely change in vocation for an accountant."
He turns to the Pharasman priest, "an accountant is a record keeper, and as far as I have been informed, pathfinders are about keeping records of various magical items, fantastic locations, and historically remarkable events. I, for one, am thrilled to have a skilled bookkeeper in our crew!"

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"As you say, so it is true," Jaware replies. To Sal he adds, "Please accept my apology if my words seemed unwelcoming. I am certain you will be a boon to whatever task the Pathfinders set before us."

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The kobold reaches up and touches the brim of his hat in greeting, almost as if to remove it before remembering just how hot and bright the sun is.
"When one's wealth exceeds what one can readily calculate, the insurance of having someone verify one's worth is worth the modest fee paid for such. It's a combination of peace of mind and security -- can't have the help making off with the silverware, after all."
He'll glance to the Chellish man. "Much like you've indicated, the keeping of records is an incredible lure -- but what inspired me to join the Pathfinders was boredom. Certainly, it's rare to hear of accountants taking up adventuring, but that's usually because they've either fallen in love with the numbers so much that it owns their lives -- or they're doing a... shall we say... 'secondary business'. Based on my personal experiences, at least, I'd say it's more the former than the latter, but the latter give us all a certain... reputation"
As Jaware comments, the kobold shakes his head with a toothy smile. "That was far from unwelcoming -- you should see the sort of reaction the announcement of the profession raises in some sections of the Coins in Absalom, or the flesh-markets of Katapesh. I'm reasonably certain if I cannot perform a task that I can rely on fellow Pathfinders to be able to help cover the gaps."

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Dʀante places his palm on his clean-shaven chin to contemplate Sal's words. "Pardon my habitual curiosity, but when an accountant underlines boredom as the main reason for a change in profession, it begs the question of your competence. I'm not judging—not my forté—merely pointing out how innocently made declarations can reshape the image you wish to portray yourself as. I'd expect nothing but immaculate application of numbers from accountants. Too often have I witnessed a grievous error cost a nobleman their fortune."
"But I digress and make hasty deductions of your abilities, thus I withdraw my assessments until further evidence has been presented."

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"Let me assure you, there was... exceptional motivation to be competent, and to excel in such a profession. Recognizing when one is not being mentally stimulated by the tasks at hand is important to ensure direct and diligent compliance without deviation. BEFORE it becomes an issue. For some, toling an acceptable way to live. Others like to take risks with sloppiness and haphazard math. Or even 'creative math'. I have a solid work-ethic, and prefer to be orderly." the kobold offers with a flat tone.
That tone changes, however, to something a bit more energetic. "As I am relatively new to the Society, it remains to be seen if that work experience carries fully to the field. I'm curious to see how our team will work, and what social dynamics we'll be exploring on this run."

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DRante (I'm lazy now) looks at Sal with intrigue. He tries to evaluate the golden kobold, hand still firmly scrubbing his own chin.
"This is actually my first assignment, pretty well for a 67-year-old!" he chortles, "have you already been on dazzling adventures? What were they like? Any tips for an old rookie like me?"
"Oh but how can you base your advice if you have no foreknowledge of my capabilities? I did study some wizardry back in Corentyn, focusing my studies on Divination. Those studies did prove to be very useful to me in my vocation as a prosecutor!"

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"I've been to Tian Xia to help rescue lost and to the great frozen wilderness that is the land of the Linnorm Kings to participate in an epic race.
The Accountants -- of which I was a part of -- won it convincingly despite the many challenges along the frozen trail. The rescue mission was a bit more frustrating -- be sure to always have someone along with some method of communicating with the people one is going to be dealing with."
The kobold tilts his head and considers. "Wizardry is no small education. It takes a great deal of focus to pursue the school of Divination when the temptations of Evocation, Abjuration, and Transmutation linger there in the shadows. And a prosecutor? That should clearly lend you the capability and capacity for 'attention to detail', at the very least."

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Drante shrugs as he takes a comfortable position on the seat. "I took on wizardry at a late age, I admit, so I might never become a great old wizard," he admits, "studying law and order was always the priority for me. I figured divination magic might be crucial in investigating some of the most heinous crimes committed. Little did I know then how the useful spells are attainable only at a high level."

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"Experience being the teacher that it is, one could reasonably expect that more advanced techniques require a firm understanding of fundamentals first. Not the sort of thing easily pursued whilst holding down an occupation." Sal offers thoughtfully.
"After all, cities aren't built in a day."

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Khagra listens politely to the ongoing conversation, clearly more interested in their magical background chatter than his appearance would suggest.

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”Cities are not built in a day, true. But a bazaar can be stood up within hours, allowing trade to prosper. It is the city that grows around the commerce, that can only exist with trade as its core,” Jaware chuckles, raising his hands in mock surrender. ”Apologies if I digress. Too long did I abide in Abadar’s world. Were it not for my calling to Pharasma, I probably still would.”

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You have reached the Thuvian city-state Aspenthar to meet with Gol Amri, who serves as the representative of Prince Zinlo, Aspenthar’s ruler. You carry a cloth-wrapped scarab shell with an inset jewel from Venture-Captain Diya Akan, with a note instructing you to touch the gem upon their arrival in Aspenthar. When you do, the gem imparts a memory magically stored inside it, and each of you “experiences” a brief message from the venture-captain.
See slide #4
Touching the gem imparts someone else’s memory of a shaded pavilion at the center of a maze-like garden. Venture-Captain Diya Akan is there, a sand-colored dog resting at her side. She wears a red and white head scarf affixed at her shoulder with a scarab pin, and her elven eyes are clouded. “I regret not being able to join you in Aspenthar, Pathfinders, but events have transpired which force me to remain at my lodge in Merab.” The venture-captain idly pats her dog. “Do not worry about me, though. You should focus on the mission at hand: you’ll be traveling deep into Thuvia’s deserts to explore an ancient ruin. Prince Zinlo’s representative, Gol Amri, waits for you at Aspenthar’s public palace to provide details. The prince has promised provisions for this journey; remind Gol Amri if she forgets. Impress the prince if you can—with his approval, we may be able to explore even more ruins near Aspenthar—but be careful, Pathfinders. The hot sands and ancient memories of Thuvia are equally unforgiving.”
The memory passes, and the opulence of Aspenthar lies ahead once more. The prince’s battalions march along a mosaic lining the main road through the city’s center, carrying banners of orange, blue, and black. A palace at the city’s heart gleams in the dawn light reflected from its enormous glass windows and doors. The central palace serves as a place for public announcements, events, and government functions.
As you approach the palace entrance, you are stopped by guards demanding to know what your business is!

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Jaware bows. "Greetings. We are here to see Gol Amri, who is Prince Zinlo's representative. We are Pathfinders sent by Venture-Captain Diya Akan, and our arrival was expected. If you would be so kind as to see us in or give us directions, I would appreciate that kindness."
Diplomacy (if needed): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

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Khagra stands tall, his shirtless green physique almost seeming small in the grandness of Thuvia as he awaits the response to Jaware's statement and question.

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”Very well, please follow me then.” You are led to a large sitting room to wait for Gol Amri.
A well-dressed Garundi woman enters the room, hands wide in greeting. An older woman follows close behind, clutching an agate key on a broken chain. The younger woman speaks: “Greetings, Pathfinders! I am Gol Amri, and I welcome you to Aspenthar in the great Prince Zinlo's name.” She helps her companion to a seat before continuing. “This is Kida Ameen, the victim of a terrible crime. The prince in his inestimable wisdom and incomparable justice has sought your Society to address her plight. Kida, please explain.”
Kida sips from a glass of water and speaks in a ragged voice. “They came for Husha first. Our families knew each other, and I thought thieves killed him when they found him home. I kept a knife close at night afterward, and when the murderers attacked eight nights later, I escaped.” Her hand moves to the bandage at her throat. “My husband was not so fortunate. They didn't seek money, speaking only of a key. This key. My family has held it for generations. My grandmother told me it unlocked a treasure buried deep in the desert. There were three keys, and three families. Nana Surna said our ancestors watched over the greatest wealth in the sands, but they fled when monsters came.”
Gol Amri continues as Kida takes another drink. “The Prince's soldiers slew several of these assassins when they brazenly pursued Kida into the streets. The priests interrogated the fallen, discovering they are Usij—cultists bent on the world's destruction. They've found a ruin in the desert which they believe is linked to the keys. We fear they possess at least one key already. Our wise prince does not tolerate these cultists. He requests you find this ruin, purge it of Usij, and put an end to whatever vile scheme they've dared insult him with.”

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Sal is impressed at the briefing method, though a bit disappointed at the lack of a 'personal touch'. Despite the disappointment, he moves along with the party and when Jaware does the introductions Does Not Interrupt.
When someone is in the moment, you let them have the moment, bolster them if they need it. Attempting to manage well-honed actions and reactions is a recipe for failure. he thinks as the party travels.
"Greetings, Gol Amri. May Prince Zinlo's and your city's hospitality never fade. I would be Sal -- I'll spare you the Draconic iterative for it is quite harsh for some to speak." Sal will offer politely with a slight bow before turning to listen to the tale of Kida Ameen.
"You mentioned that there are three keys and three families. Have you heard of/from the third of the families of late? And have you heard of any curses or other safeguards beyond the keys that guard this 'wealth' of legend?"
"What sort of techniques do these 'Usij' employ, that we might be better prepared to face them? Are they a known quantity, or will we likewise be gathering information on them for the Prince to better eliminate any other groupings of them in the future?"

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Drante is intrigued by the mission briefing, and silently watches and listens to the conversation. Once Kida has presented her story, he straightens his jacket. "Drante Nevantes, a new recruit of the Society, enforcer in law and order", he presents himself in a formal fashion, and gives a deep bow.
"Kida, are you still in possession of the key you speak of? Is the wealth you mention perhaps inheritance to you and your family if it is to be found? Had Nana Surna ever tell tales of the treasure, its whereabouts, landmarks, the like?"
He turns to Gol Amri, "Are you basing the Usij's possession of one such key solely on Kida's testimony of the assassination of Husha?"
"Nothing more to ask before answers are provided. Thank you." He tries to find a chair to sit on to signify he does not have the floor. Old habits die hard.

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"You mentioned that there are three keys and three families. Have you heard of/from the third of the families of late? And have you heard of any curses or other safeguards beyond the keys that guard this 'wealth' of legend?"
“The priests interrogating the dead learned several assassins already fled with Husha’s key, wisely fearing the Prince’s wrath.
"Where the third key is, we do not know.”"What sort of techniques do these 'Usij' employ, that we might be better prepared to face them? Are they a known quantity, or will we likewise be gathering information on them for the Prince to better eliminate any other groupings of them in the future?"
“They serve Ahriman, lord of all divs, a demon lord who is determined to corrupt and destroy the world.”

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"Kida, are you still in possession of the key you speak of?"
"Yes, this key, which I mentioned." she once more holds out the key she mentioned earlier. ith a mix of reluctance and relief, offers the key to you.
With this, Gol Amri says, with a decidedly annoyed tone, "She has given you every thing she can. Kida, you may leave."
"Is the wealth you mention perhaps inheritance to you and your family if it is to be found? Had Nana Surna ever tell tales of the treasure, its whereabouts, landmarks, the like?"
“We don’t know the nature of this site, but we believe it was a place of great importance hundreds or perhaps thousands of years ago. The Usij must seek to corrupt it or claim its treasures—or perhaps it is a site of some significance to Ahriman. The priests told me a competent group should be able to reach it in five or six days, traveling south across the desert. I’m sure a group of Pathfinders can manage that.”
He turns to Gol Amri, "Are you basing the Usij's possession of one such key solely on Kida's testimony of the assassination of Husha?"
"Nothing more to ask before answers are provided. Thank you." He tries to find a chair to sit on to signify he does not have the floor. Old habits die hard.
"Are Pathfinders always so rude? Are you questioning the wisdom of the Prince, or that of his priests?"

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Khagra grunts "Better to ask rude questions and get rude responses than not ask questions and get rude stabbings later. That said I think we know enough."

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Drante chuckles as he realizes he asked an unnecessary question. "Yes, of course you have the key. Thank you. If we'd find all the keys in addition to the ruin, are we to explore the treasure or return here first?"
"On the contrary, esteemed Gol Amri," Drante deflects, and appears to take a more sour, stern pose. He takes a professional take on the issue, "I merely wish to know how the wise Prince has come to a conclusion for I too wish to some day attain the level of clarity myself. In my profession I've always learned to question given observations, and in case this has been deemed insulting, I deeply apologize. It is merely vital for our mission to succeed to know all possible details. After all, a painting's judged by its minute details."

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While Drante takes more of a sour pose, Sal goes for a crisp yet conciliatory stance...
"While my compatriots are a bit rough about this, the concern of a 'false flag' that was cunning enough to fool the experts cannot be overlooked. And as pointed out, it's much better to ensure all known facts of a given situation first before walking into said situation."
"As you say, though, we ARE Pathfinders, so we also need to discover the unknown aspects of this equation that it might add up correctly in the end. Hopefully our jaded experience has not ruined future interactions with the esteemed Gol Amri nor the august personage of Prince Zinlo."
"Speaking of, are there any cultural touchstones we should be aware of locally lest we step on toes while gearing up for this expedition?"

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Gol Amri nods at the responses of the Pathfinders. To Sal, she responds, "Where you are going we do not expect you to encounter anyone, save perhaps the cultists, and Prince Zinlo is not concerned about insulting this plague upon our land.
"As for gearing up, the Prince’s generosity is boundless! I have arranged the finest travel fare, sufficient water to reach your destination, and the sturdiest of camels to bear it all. Should you require more, the markets are plentiful!
"Be aware that in the markets, your final price may very well be dictated by your negotiation skills."
Gol Amri provides you with two camels to carry the additional supplies from Prince Zinlo. These supplies include more than enough provisions (water and rations) for you to travel to the Inspiriting Wellspring and back, two four-person tents, and luxurious bedrolls. The camels are far from burdened by these provisions (can carry an additional 8 Bulk worth of equipment without slowing down). They are sated and healthy and can easily survive long enough without food or water. You also receive the royal cartographer’s directions on a vellum scroll, and, if they require it, sets of clothes suitable for travel beneath the harsh desert sun.
I still need Jaware Sahat Alttajir and Grisaia Rose to fill out the skill macros, both for initiative and secret checks. I will assume if you didn't enter a TEML that it is untrained?

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Khagra checks over the supplies and camels. Trust, but verify... thinks Khagra to himself, hoping such actions will not overly insult their hosts.

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The gear looks to be in fine working order. It is clear that the Prince did not skimp on supplies.

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Sal, being a kobold AND a Pathfinder as well as an archaeologist picks up a few more items for... 'insurance'.
"These two are useful for dealing with undead Ghost Charge, Lesser. These other two may be recognizable from the flame on their label Alchemist Fire, Lesser.
It never hurts to have a little bit of extra water just in case, and I've also acquired another fifty feet of rope to round my personal stash of rope to one hundred feet."
His 'traveling clothes' are now covered in a loosely flowing series of cloths Hot weather gear.

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"Those purchases seem well reasoned, I shall get myself the same batch of those! The hot weather outfit, however, must be a few sizes larger."

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Gonna assume you're all ready to go! If you need anything more, please post ASAP
I am assuming that Khaagra has a speed of 25?
You think that you can make it to the location on the map in about five days of travel, assuming nothing goes wrong. You can make about 20 miles per day. At this time of year, Thuvia’s deserts are relatively hot during the day and mild to cool at night, though if you wear appropriate clothing—such as the clothes Gol Amri gave you — you can travel normally in these temperatures.
I need one person to make a Desert Lore, Survival, or Perception check to find the steadiest path across the dunes

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Khagra I think is the only one of us trained in survival. There are a couple of higher perceptions although they are frequently a higher difficulty.
Khagra uses his Wayfinder to follow the map, making most of their progress during dawn and dusk, sheltering in their tents during the coolest and hottest parts of the day.
survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
heropoint reroll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

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You find your path, and the first day goes very well. You make the full 20 miles!
Describe watches, if any, and then who is making the check for the next day

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Khagra is happy to take second watch, would like to hear from others before rolling for next day (if somebody else wants to go ahead, otherwise I will again later)

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For Drante the journey through the shifting sands has been a new experience. Not necessarily a pleasurable one, but an experience nonetheless. Switching to the provided hot weather outfit from his fine lawyer's attire was a decision he now values.
"I have keen senses despite what you'd say about old men," Drante says with a chuckle, "so I can stand on guard duty when it's sufficiently bright. In a pitch black night I have to rely entirely on my hearing."
Drante prefers to have first or last watch. An old man needs his hours of uninterrupted sleep.

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"I rise early for my morning prayers, so the last watch suits me best."

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That puts Sal on 3rd watch.
Trusting his Wayfinder Khagra continues to lead their way through the desert.
survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

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Sal takes the mid-watch or third watch on most rotations, as that's the best time for his poor eyes to recover from the horrible brightness during the day. He was waiting to see what the others wanted first.
"It's a shame we have senses dependent on light on our team. If we had a complete team of individuals who could see at night we could do a hybrid of travel, half during the day and half at night, and use the cooler night for the back portion as we got tired. Will have to make a note of that idea should the optimal Pathfinder team ever arises for it."
During travel Sal keeps an eye out, and when the party is camped takes copious detailed notes on the travel of the day, along with any observations or witticisms that the party shares.

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Nothing happens on the first night, and for the most part the second day is much like the first, at least until you make it to an oasis.
he desert sun reflects off the still waters of an oasis. Smoke rises from a small fire beneath the surrounding acacia grove. A nearby stack of corpses crawling and buzzing with flies mars the scene. Shadows of moving figures flicker out from the campsite onto the sands. Faint whimpering follows a guttural, crackling voice.
How do you approach?

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In case not clear, Drante will always prepare Chilling Spray and Command as 1st level spells, and Approximate, Electric Arc, Mage Hand, Read Aura, and Shield. I will underscore them on my character sheet to signify this.
"Remote locations like these are often favored by criminals of the whole spectrum," Drante ponders, "considering the excess of corpses, all rotting, they've been out here in the Sun for too long. I can only assume some sort of a beast to lurk in the oasis, snacking on those unfortunate to travel this far out in the desert."
"But I hope my time spent on literature has not colored my speculation of the situation at hand. The truth is often something much more mundane."
"May I be so bold as to suggest Khagra to make a closer inspection?"

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Given that death is Pharasma's domain, Jaware takes a moment to study what they see from a distance.
Am I able to gain some insight of a religious nature? Or does this scene appear to be face value for him? Religion is +7. Perception is +7
When Drante suggests Khagra take the lead, Jaware speaks. "I will follow you, Khagra. To see those taken to the Boneyard early is a true sin. One I would defend you against if I can."

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Khagra nods and whispers "Something here is not right, follow close Khagra not blessed by the quietness of the night."
Drawing a pair of Tridents Khagra waits for Jaware's analysis at distance, before approaching once no more is to be learned from afar.

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"I'll keep my eyes open for you on the flanks... over here. Remember, if it looks like a trap, it probably has two other traps with it." Sal offers helpfully.while holding back just a smidgen so the more perceptive sorts can do whatever it is they're going to do.

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You are not close enough to be able to tell anything. You cannot see anything more than I stated... need to get closer for that.