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Swindler, rogue, and occasional Pathfinder ally Guaril Karela has approached the Society with an opportunity that Valais Durant, the leader of the Society's Radiant Oath faction, can't refuse. Guaril has been charging refugees to sneak them out of Xin Edasseril, a city ruled by the Runelord of Envy, and now it looks like Guaril won't be able to fulfill his contracts. Society agents are charged with sneaking into the dangerous city and sneaking out with a handful of its citizens before their absence is noticed so that the Radiant Oath can help them find new lives beyond their current ruler's tyrannical reach.

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Bazerofan Bejod---marvel-worker, correspondent, and renowned flautist--- is a wizard with a checkered past. He is a human of Vudrani descent and unremarkable height and build, but with a bright, ready smile and keen eyes.
While of course an eagerness to help those in need in the best tradition of the Pathfinder Society is foremost in his thoughts, the potential for skulduggery that this assignment promises is perhaps more appealing to him. Those who know him might describe him as Streetwise, or share stories of a time when he demonstrated a wealth of Dubious Knowldege.

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Fortiva, a young elven woman with a charming, crooked smile (for the people she likes) and a blade casually sheathed at her waist (for those she doesn't), tosses her long, honey-colored hair over her shoulders as she greets the others.
Her pale skin and the brightness of her blue eyes speak of a youth spent living in places deep underground, although her patched and well-worn armor, athletic build, and ease with the blade speak more of years spent as a mercenary.
When she got word of this mission, she jumped at the chance to once again employ her skills - both as a scoundrel and as a pathfinder.

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"I wasn't expecting the Radiant Oath to call upon my services so soon after the race, but I am here to service again." A tall elf with silver hair and heavy armor strides into the room. He holds a helmet in his hand. He appears well equipped for combat, carrying a longsword, shield, and blade of Elven descent upon his person. A composite longbow also sits upon his back.
"Kain, you may all call me. Sir Kain Herst of Shelyn's Faith and Barrister of the Musical Halls. I come as a representative of music and justice." He smiles. He appears rather old in his ways and dress, not matching the current decorum of most elves with the design of his armor.

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In contrast, the young human woman who follows in shortly after Kain wears no armor and carries only a rapier, the hilt of which protrudes from underneath her traveling cloak. Gloved hands reach up to remove her hood and expose her short brown hair before one returns to rest comfortably on that hilt.
Her dark brown eyes pass over everyone already present in turn, before she finally smiles and bows her head in greeting. "Hello, friends. My name is Erryn. I have been led to believe this mission may have need of a healer, so here I am."

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The gnome is a recent immigrant from distant Jameray, as is evident in his clothes and manner. He dresses flamboyantly, in colorful tights, evidence of both his exotic culture and also his profession in the circus. His hair is an explosion of rainbow colors, worked into an elaborate towering structure on top of his head. "Greetings," he says upon entering the room. "I am Highwire. I have recently joined the Pathfinder Society, and I believe this is where I am supposed to receive my first mission. It is most thrilling." He looks around expectantly. "Yes, this is correct?"
Still have to get my stat line put together, but my sheet is in the profile.

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Erryn returns Kain's handshake and nods seriously. "They'd be fools not to. Refugees often need all kinds of care, physical and otherwise."
Turning to Highwire, she smiles. "You are in the right place, Master Highwire. We are all simply early to our briefing."

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With a hint of a smile on her lips, Fortiva chimes in, "M'lady, I might have need of your healing services sooner than later."
Looking between the acrobat, the flautist, and the barrister, she shrugs dramatically, "I just can't decide if it'll be my ears or my eyes that will need it most."
"But come," she says, extending her hand to each of them in turn, "I am Fortiva, and if you have my back, then you are all well-met on this little 'errand'."

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Giving a small laugh as she takes Fortiva's hands, Erryn says "I expect that you and I will get on just fine, m'lady."

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A human with an heavy armor on a horse dismounts, and joins the group, as he’s grabbing his wayfinder. His armor is typical of Minkai, and so is his katana. As usual for Tien-Min, he has eyes of a particular color, green jade in his case. He seems well equipped, he has a composite shortbow on top of the equipment in the saddlebags and his backpack.
He must be quite fit as all that does not seems to be hindering him.
He approaches and asks in Taldan with a Tian accent “Are you Pathfinders that where summoned there for a mission?”. Once closer, a symbol of Shizuru can be seen hanging from his neck. Once someone confirms his intuition he bows down. “Well met.” After a pause, he stands and continues. “I am Tanaka Ryū. I am from Tian Xia and after a mission in the Forest of the Spirits, I took the opportunity to come to the Inner Sea. I’ve trained as a samourai, a warrior, from birth, following Shizuru’s teaching. Three years ago, I joined the Society to satisfy my curiosity about the world and also try to help protect the people from the numerous dangers and evils lurking around.”
I assume the party meets near Xin Edasseril. In the grand lodge Tanaka would be wearing a kimono rather than his heavy armor.

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Having received a request for aid from Valais Durant of the Radiant Oath faction, the PCs have gathered aboard the Merry Mayfly, a ship headed toward Xin-Edasseril.
At this time, that's all that I can say.

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Note: it appears we are at 14 Challenge Points. This puts us at the low tier
Valais Durant begins. “I need your help for a task that requires both great risk and discretion.” The aasimar woman gestures to a green-eyed Varisian man, who flashes a sly grin framed by a thin mustache.
“This is Guaril Karela, a prominent figure among the Sczarni,” she continues. “The Sczarni maintain a smuggling ring, providing freedom to those chafing under the oppression of Belimarius, the Runelord of Envy and ruler of Edasseril. Demand for such services is high,” she pauses and casts a somewhat disdainful glare toward Guaril, “allowing the Sczarni to extract hefty sums from desperate patrons.
“I find the practice rather distasteful,” Valais sighs. “However, collaboration with his operations grants the Radiant Oath some measure of oversight in ensuring proper treatment of the refugees. Further, I have Guaril’s personal assurance that the Sczarni will not demand more in payment than their clients can afford.”
“Transportation’s expensive,” Guaril chimes in. “Not to mention paying off border guards and harbormasters. It’s dangerous work. Certainly, you wouldn’t expect my people to take such risk and not be properly compensated, would you? Or have you forgotten that Belimarius has placed a price on my head?”
“Not the first to do so, I’m sure.” Valais notes, before continuing, “Belimarius and her minions began to suspect Guaril’s intentions the last time he was in Edasseril. Now, they seek not only his head, but those of his known associates, including those among the Pathfinder Society. It is not presently safe for them or Guaril to venture within Edasseril’s borders.”
“I had a number of clients ready to go, before leaving Xin-Edasseril,” explains Guaril. “Most of the arrangements are already made. All you need to do is make contact with the clients. Give them the time and place for departure, then escort them out of the city—with their payment.” The Sczarni stresses. “You’ll get a hefty cut of the payment you secure as compensation for your hard work.”
“I prepared a client list,” Guaril says, handing over a sheet of scrawled paper. “Memorize it. Then, tear it up, burn it, chew it, swallow it—whatever you do, get rid of it! If Belimarius gets a hold of it, it’s a death sentence for anyone named on it.”
Working to get the slides up

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Guaril gives you the sheet on page 5 of the slides. Images of Valais and Guaril on slide 6

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Guaril gives each of you a set of legitimate papers, and a merchant's permit.
“You’ll be entering Xin-Edasseril disguised as merchants,” explains Valais.
“These papers will allow you passage in and out of the city for five days before they expire.”
“At dawn on the fourth day after your arrival in Xin-Edasseril, the ship Rolanna’s Prayer will arrive in a bay just outside the city: Shard Cove. The boat can accommodate five clients, providing an excellent opportunity to escape undetected. One of the clients, Flitch, knows a secret tunnel to Shard Cove.
“Once the clients are aboard ship, return to the city. Any remaining clients that you weren’t able to smuggle out by sea will have to be smuggled out of the city with you, which means you’ll have to get them past the guards at the docks. Your ship, the Merry Mayfly, must depart the docks once your papers have expired.”
“The clients are expecting to deal with me,” cautions Guaril. “But as that’s not possible, and as it’s now a few days past the window when I was to make contact, the clients might need some reassurance to go through with the job.” [/b]
Giving the Pathfinders a stern look, Guaril then warns, “While you’re in Belimarius’s back yard, be careful. You are foreigners in Xin-Edasseril, and Belimarius has eyes everywhere. Don’t do anything that would draw unnecessary attention to yourselves. The last thing you want to do is tangle with the authorities. The runelord’s forces are well trained and quite capable. Keep your wits about you at all times and your blades sheathed.”
“We cannot afford one of you being arrested or interrogated. Pay any bribe required to remain free. I don’t want to further expose any part of the operation,” says Valais. “Our goal here is to bring hope and freedom to as many souls as we are able. It is risky, but hope and freedom are worth the price.”

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Erryn studies the list intently and then looks up at Guaril. "Five berths aboard the Prayer for nine clients. What was your original plan to get everyone out?"

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"Five on Rolanna's Prayer, the rest on the Merry Mayfly. There is plenty of space, but you'll have to get them past the guards at the docks. How you do it is your business." says Uncle Guaril.

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"But the crew of these ships, they are confederates who can be trusted?" Highwire asks, twirling his fingers through his elaborate hair structure.

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Fortiva shakes her head slightly. "And the runelords guards, they are well-trained and capable, but still open to being bribed?"
Looking at the others and realizing that they are taking seriously what she presumes to be a fool's errand, she adds, "Which of the clients were you most convinced by their coin - and the least by their pleas? The tip about your activities could easily have come from one of these five, after all."

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"Themolin must come," Guaril insists. He's paying more than all of the other clients combined." His response elicits a glare from Valais.
"Other than that, they all have far more to lose by staying, or by turning me in. Belimarius is not known for her mercy, nor does she make deals. If it were to come out that any of these clients were planning on leaving, they would not last the night."
Valais turns to the group. "So, what are your plans... how do you think you will do this?"

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Highwire considers. "I know little of this Runelord ... What sort of servants should we expect to encounter, or avoid? Merely mortal henchmen, or does he command forces more ... difficult, like undead or infernal?"

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"She," Erryn corrects offhandedly, her focus on thinking through the coming operation. This couldn't have been his original plan, could it? If any of it doesn't go just right, the entire thing comes crashing down on itself.
"I expect," she says in a dry tone, "that we will use a combination of cleverness, stealth, and force of will to achieve our mission with the usual subtlety and discretion that the Society is known for."

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Kain listens silently in the back during the initial briefing. When asked what the plan is, he thinks about it while rubbing his chin. "Well, we either have to watch the guards and learn their routes to time a well-executed smuggling of people, get ourselves some boxes and haul them around, or find some sort of sewer passage to navigate. I think we'll come up with the easiest solution while there."
"Merely mortal henchmen, or does he command forces more ... difficult, like undead or infernal?"
"I should hope not. If so, I pray we face no such monster in such a crowded area."

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Guaril gives a big, toothy smile. "So, the sewers, eh? As it happens, I know that Fitch knows the secret tunnel to Shard Cove!"
It looks like almost everyone has filled out their "secret rolls" page. I'll move things on as soon as you are ready, but will need these all filled out before that happen.
Also, each of you has a hero point on your card. Does anyone need an additional point from boons or the like?

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Bazerofan voices a low grunt and nods his head as if making a decision, then scribbles a few words to a friend among the schools of Spells on a slip of paper and disappears it in a tiny flash of sparks.
"Wonderful!" he decrees, "All of this seems eminently doable, and I look forward to meeting this Flitch person. When do we embark?" Making a show of checking that he has everything he might need ready at hand---namely 1) his flute and 2) his hat---he communicates his eagerness to begin.

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No hero point, but I do need to equip a boon I forgot to enter.
Infernal Detonation
Trigger: A creature within 30ft of you targets you or an ally with an attack.
Effect: The creature takes fire damage equal to 1d6+level (Basic Reflex Save). The DC of the reflex save is equal t oyour spell DC or class DC, whichever is higher (13).
Flame's of Rebellion #1-11

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Tanaka is trying to hide his displeasure at how much greed is what is motivating Guaril, but he does not do a good job.
“I am glad to help people, but such a mission needs skills that I do not posses. I will do my best.”
Pathfinder school items: Feather token (ladder) and an owlbear claw affixed to his katana.

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Fortiva points affirmatively to Kain. "I'm all over that first one. Knowing how the patrols work will help a lot. ... Even if we do move everyone thru the sewers and tunnels."

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Erryn nods, saying "Right. They're all but certain to check those routes regularly."

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Turning back to the smuggler, Fortiva asks, "How do you contact each person? Secret handshake, code word, order the red tea at the corner diner, what? And we'll need descriptions, places of business, and home addresses, naturally."

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"Fortiva, my name should be good enough to break the ice." answers the Sczarni. "They are expecting me... or at least they were. They may need a little convincing by this time, but i am sure you can get them out.
"Just remember, the Society only gets half of any monies collected. The other half, before expenses, is mine. I've already done all the groundwork, and hired the ships, so you can see that this is only fair."
Edasseril is the western kingdom of the nation of New Thassilon, which was founded by the two surviving runelords of ancient Thassilon. Edasseril is the domain of Belimarius, the Runelord of Envy. Xin-Edasseril, the nation’s capital, is located on Peridot Isle.
Xin-Edasseril was trapped outside of time within a massive crystalline sphere, as the result of Belimarius’ efforts to avoid the catastrophe of
Earthfall. Many of the city’s residents, particularly the city’s guards and functionaries, are too proud to acknowledge how out of touch they are with the modern world.
You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Deception checks to Lie about where you’re from or Impersonate a citizen of another country in the Inner Sea when dealing with Xin-Edasseril’s guards and functionaries.
Belimarius became the tenth and final Runelord of Envy upon the murder of her predecessor. Over five thousand years ago, Belimarius ruled the Thassilonian realm of Edasseril, a nation of bitter rivalries, byzantine bureaucracy, and enslaved giants, until shortly before Earthfall. As the result of Belimarius’ efforts to avoid the catastrophe, the ancient city of Xin-Edasseril became trapped outside of time, allowing the runelord and her citizens to survive the worldwide calamity known as Earthfall.
The Emerald Guard is the city guard of Xin-Edasseril. Highly trained and capable, they maintain a presence throughout the city. Graft and corruption are rampant among the organization.
You know of a guard named Ellvard rumored to have sold a forged painting to Belimarius, but no proof has surfaced to support these claims.
You don't recall anything about the mission
The Emerald Guard is the city guard of Xin-Edasseril. Highly trained and capable, they maintain a presence throughout the city. Graft and corruption are rampant among the organization.
Belimarius became the tenth and final Runelord of Envy upon the murder of her predecessor. Over five thousand years ago, Belimarius ruled the Thassilonian realm of Edasseril, a nation of bitter rivalries, byzantine bureaucracy, and enslaved giants, until shortly before Earthfall. As the result of Belimarius’ efforts to avoid the catastrophe, the ancient city of Xin-Edasseril became trapped outside of time, allowing the runelord and her citizens to survive the worldwide calamity known as Earthfall.
Belimarius became the tenth and final Runelord of Envy upon the murder of her predecessor. Over five thousand years ago, Belimarius ruled the Thassilonian realm of Edasseril, a nation of bitter rivalries, byzantine bureaucracy, and enslaved giants, until shortly before Earthfall. As the result of Belimarius’ efforts to avoid the catastrophe, the ancient city of Xin-Edasseril became trapped outside of time, allowing the runelord and her citizens to survive the worldwide calamity known as Earthfall.

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"From what I heard, in spite of the Emerald Guard being highly trained and capable, graft and corruption are rampant in their organization. They maintain a presence in throughout the city." Kain says.

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"From what I heard, in spite of the Emerald Guard being highly trained and capable, graft and corruption are rampant in their organization. They maintain a presence in throughout the city." Kain says.
"That's true. I don't foresee and difficulties handling this assignment in short order."

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"Fortiva, my name should be good enough to break the ice." answers the Sczarni.
"It's a wonder you were found out.," Erryn says, her voice flat. "I believe I've heard enough. If there are no objections, I will go and prepare for our arrival."

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"None from me. I will do the same."

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"I wish you well, and good hunting!" says Valais.
"Remember, Pathfinders," says the former Szcarni faction head, "this mission should be quite profitable. We've all taken losses lately, and could use the pocket change!"
Xin-Edasseril is a city of gleaming architecture and beautiful vistas, although its skyline still bears scars from the events that brought it into the present day. Most of its structures stand as grand displays of the wealth and power of ancient Thassilon. Public construction projects dot the city, slowly erasing damage caused by its shift through time.
You arrive at the docks without incident. As soon as you disembark, a pair of well armed guards approaches you. Their equipment looks immaculate, and they clearly have a good deal of magic, in weapons, armor, and other things, on them. "Papers, please." asks one of them.

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Erryn likewise hands over her documents when asked and tries to get a read on the mood and bearing of the guards they are confronted with, while doing her best to appear bored by the whole affair.

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Having gotten past the guards successfully with your papers, you can now move about the city. You know that on the dawn of your fourth day in the city, the Rolanna's Prayer will arrive in Shard Dove, and you can send five clients on it.
On the fifth day, your papers will expire, so you will need to be on the Merry Mayfly before they do. Also. you are told taht there is a curfew at night, so being in the streets after dusk will attract unwanted attention.
It is not dawn of the first day. Where would you like to go next? (Map on slide 6 has Xin-Edasseril and some interesting points labeled on it. It is assumed that Guaril's notes have more information, including where to find these people.

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What time of day is it?
"I suggest we start with this Yuleg. He owns the Rockfish Inn, and we need a place to stay for our time in the city. Once we have made contact and secured lodgings, perhaps check on Flitch. His knowledge of the local underworld may prove useful."

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"That makes sense, and it certainly helps that the two are located close by one another." As they move out of port and around the city, Erryn does her best to keep an eye out for anyone who may be tailing them.

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As he’s getting into the city, Tanaka is curious about the city in general. With all the restrictions that seems to be in place, there is probably few pathfinders that did reports on the city. He’s looking left and right, but more of both curiosity and wonder.
He’s not forgetting his mission thought, so at the mention of checking at the inn first he nods and mounts his horse, ready to get there.

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It takes you about 2 hours to make your way to your desitnation, a sturdily built stone building with a meticulously thatched roof is marked by a hand-carved wooden sign with silver inlays that declare the building to be The Rockfish Inn. When you arrive, you find that the establishment is boarded up. A sign on the door states that the inn is closed due to illness. A stable next to the inn holds two mules and a light wagon.

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Fortiva stands in front of the shuttered building with her hands on her hips. "Well, doesn't that just beat all," she grunts.
She moves to the stable and calls out to see if there is a hand tending the mules.
Assuming she finds none...
Fortiva looks up at the upper story of the building, trying to gauge how hard of a climb it might be, or whether there are signs of life inside.
Over her shoulder to her companions, still looking up, she'll ask, "Are we all agreed that that's bogus, and that Yuleg has been arrested or worse? ... Unless it's his way of keeping anyone but us from coming around."

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Erryn shrugs. "If it was me, that's what I'd do. It would be harder to leave if there's guests about, and claiming illness will certainly discourage anyone from investigating. For a time, at least."

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Highwire glances over at the stables, then nods to Erryn. "We should try to knock, but if that doesn't work, I can likely make it up to that window."