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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th to 9th level characters (Tiers: 5-6 and 8-9).
The Pathfinder Society sends you into the undead-ruled nation of Geb for an undercover mission, not disguised as undead, but temporarily transformed into a shambling, zombie version of yourself. Can you survive the ordeal to return to the land of the living, or will your final grave be among Geb’s bones?
Written by Hyrum Savage.

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A small-sized doll dressed in a frilled blue-and-red outfit rests on a shelf near the ceiling. He has waxy skin, curly blonde hair, and glassy blue eyes that seem to follow you wherever you go.

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Dotting, will post with updated alias soonish. FWIW, I find it easiest to do intros once an initial gameplay post is up, so we have some idea of the setting and situation to play off. And it gets us going!

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Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin calls you all to his office in Skyreach, the towering headquarters of the Pathfinder Society in Absalom. His message requesting assistance is cryptic, hinting at a dangerous mission into Geb, the domain of the dead.
You are all currently waiting in the lobby outside of his office.

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At ease in the Skyreach chamber, Sarma rests his halberd against his shoulder. The fit Tian man has a cleanly shaven scalp and dark eyes, while his mithral armor bears a simple symbol of a red sun on a coastal line.

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The doll backflips off the shelves.
Bonjour! The Fly is here too, ready for action! The Fly speaks with a Galtan accent; he doffs a fancy feathered cap; you can see it has a hole in it — the spot where he stabbed Ploog the orc slaver shortly after declaring he admired the hat and would pluck it from his corpse.
Last time he met Ambrus The Fly climbed upon his shoulder and gave him fashion advice regarding his mutton chops. Do you think Ambrus listened?
As he waits, The Fly grows bored and begins to idly climb on the walls… and the ceiling (so long as it has handholds for a DC 30 or maybe higher). Do you think Geb has mountains to climb? Perhaps it is no matter; for every enemy is a peak to conquer in of themselves, are they not?
Climb Wall, Sure Grasp (Advantage): 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (3) + 24 = 27
Climb Wall, Sure Grasp (Advantage): 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39
Climb Ceiling, Sure Grasp (Advantage): 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (18) + 24 = 42
Climb Ceiling, Sure Grasp (Advantage): 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (16) + 24 = 40

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The sudden reveal is startling, but only an instant passes before a smile breaks across Sarma's face. "I would offer apologies, but it seems I was not meant to be aware of your arrival. I have encountered a few Pathfinders that travel such ways, but you are most skilled at it. I am Sarma, servant of Keltheald, and happy to make your acquaintance, Sir Fly."
As the Fly begins to crawl the walls, it begins to get a bit straining to follow the movements, leaving little choice but to speak indirectly. "I have heard that the venture captain takes counsel well, but never about fashion choices. Perhaps today will be different. This will be my first visit to the horizons of Geb, so I cannot say what peaks we might find."

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Standing with the other Pathfinders is a somewhat peculiar figure. A slender young man of average height, he has a smallish set of wings sprouting from his back, covered in feathers of a dusty brown, and a beautifully crafted bow hangs over one shoulder. He holds his head completely still, then moves it quickly like a bird of prey scanning for a meal, his large, amber eyes taking in the assembled Pathfinders. This predatory aspect is reinforced by his hooked nose, like the beak of a desert hawk.
The avian hunter look, however, is undone the moment he speaks, his voice abrupt and almost squawk-like as he glances at the Fly on the ceiling and says, ”Every enemy a peak? Hardly! Every enemy is a source of chaos and disorder, and often a threat to the stability of the market!” Running a finger unconsciously along the fletching of an arrow riding in the quiver at his hip, he continues, ”If every enemy were a peak, were something stable and dependable, one could predict the costs and benefits of engaging, and choose what investment to make in the outcome! Alas, when we Pathfinders encounter enemies, it is more likely to be crazed duergar in the sewers of Cassomir or orc slavers who can't even keep their hats on...”
After a moment of silent thoughtfulness, the bird-man continues, ”Forgive me. I am Zinkyudo, a humble clerk in the service of Abadar, the Judge of the Gods, Master of the First Vault. And I have never been to Geb either. Though the little I know of it, as a land populated largely by undead, suggests to me that it must be a lawless place. And the fact that the dead have no need of an income, or even food, really, must create very puzzling market distortions.”
Turning to Sarma, he asks, ”I do not believe I have ever met a servant of Keltheald. Can you tell me of your faith? Do you have fine gilt churches?”

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A business card appears on a chair, face-down.
Karasuma Tazou, Attorney At Law
[/i]Puddles District, Absalom (next to the Painted Tengu)
Accredited in Magnimar, Goka, Druma[/i]
Scribbled below. "I am here, waiting."

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A booming voice calls out from the wood-paneled office’s open doorway. “Welcome! Welcome my friends! Please. Have a seat.” The speaker, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin, points to a number of chairs around his desk. He sounds friendly, but his smile seems forced.
“I’m not one for beating around the bush, so let me lay it out for you. Three weeks ago, we lost contact with an expedition of Pathfinders sent into Geb, led by a researcher from Absalom named Joktan Heth. He and the other members of his group were magically disguised as undead creatures and tasked with recovering an ancient tome known as the Testament of Geb, purported to be a scholarly treatise on the creation of new types of undead—intended specifically for use on the battlefield. Joktan’s mission was to sneak into the country, locate the Testament, and bring it back to the Vaults. He’s overdue and we fear the worst. We need you to undergo the same process of disguise, infiltrate Geb, and learn the whereabouts of Joktan, his team, and most of all, the Testament. Pathfinders, time is of the essence. If that book falls into the wrong hands, it could destabilize the entire Inner Sea region. We need that book and we have the utmost faith that you’ll do what’s necessary to make sure we get it.
“Any questions?”

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"My service would be a lonely one without the help of our society. Keltheald's church is the open road, so it was clear that I should offer my services when I learned of the Pathfinders. Not once has a mission failed to bring me to new horizons, as my lord commands me to seek out." Spying the business card on the chair, Sarma grins widely, but says nothing.
“Any questions?”
"Have we learned anything of the testament that would help identify it, sir?"

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”As far as we can determine, the Testament is a book or scroll written by the infamous wizard-king Geb before he joined the ranks of the undead who served him. Not only does it discuss in depth a number of different types of undead, their creation, and their weaknesses, but it also includes formulae for constructing devastating undead weapons of war.”

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”Every enemy a peak? Hardly! Every enemy is a source of chaos and disorder, and often a threat to the stability of the market!”
The Fly, who is himself a major source of chaos and disorder, smiles nervously at the Abadaran and tries to hide his wand of protection from law.
He pockets one of Karasuma's cards.
The Fly tsks. Monsieur Ambrus, I see you have not heeded my advice on how to trim and wax your mutton chops! He refrains from climbing on the venture-captain this time, as last time it almost ended with his defenestration from Skyreach.
Are there such things as undead dolls? Perhaps a soulbound doll. This is my chosen method for subterfuge, you see. To demonstrate he freezes in place and looks very much like a toy with glassy eyes and a smirk on its face.
Stealth: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (20) + 22 = 42

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Zinkyudo picks up the business card and reads it, then says quietly, ”Oh, excellent! We’ll have legal counsel present on this mission. It is so important to be able to get a reliable legal interpretation as one is considering the path forward, particularly in relation to any contracts or prospective purchases.”
Zink is going to be very surprised to learn that the lawyer assigned to this case is a Desnan ambulance-chaser!
His remarks are interrupted by the venture-captain’s booming voice, and he joins the others filing into Valsin’s office. After the brief mission summary, Zinkyudo remarks, ”One has to wonder what the Society intends to do with this tome, but I certainly understand that it’s better not to have it fall into evil hands. Or, even worse, chaotic hands.” He ponders a moment, then adds, ”We are to be disguised as undead? How do you propose to do that? Our burly Tien friend here could hardly pass as a skeleton, and I have never heard of a tiny zombie that crawls on the ceiling like an insect.”

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"As to the method of disguise, The Fly, it will be a little more complete. The Society has in its possession an item known at the Chalice of Undeath. When used, it gives a creature the semblance of undeath, while the creature remains alive and maintains full control of its soul. Our experiments here show that until the process is reversed—by drinking from the chalice again—you will have the semblance and aura of an undead, and be affected by magic that also affects undead. Be warned that healing magic that affects living creatures will hurt you while you are in this state, just as it would any true undead." replies the Venture-Captain to The Fly.

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"That will make healing wounds very difficult. It would be prudent to avoid combat as much as possible. Does the lodge have any other resources to help our mission?"

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The fly clacks his teeth. I shall howl with the wolves… and moan with the dead!
The Fly will spend 2 PP on a wand of inflict light wounds. Has decent UMD
He eagerly drinks from the chalice, excited to see what it's like to be undead. His transformation is startling!

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"Hang on, Pathfinders. Do you have any more questions? Perhaps about the Pathfinders you are supposed to rescue, or how you are getting to Geb and back?"
You may make a knowledge local or religion check as well
Once everyone is checked in on rpgchronicles I can let you know what you'll be getting from the Society.

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Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
"I have heard little about this man, Joktan Hess. Do you have a description of him or perhaps a sketching?"

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Zinkyudo nods along as Sarma mentions the challenges of healing, and offers his thoughts, ”It is true, that there is always a cost to combat, and even more so in this case. I have always found that calming the emotions of my foes, to avoid the fight entirely, to be very effective. But how to do that when the undead have no feelings, and are completely immune to market incentives?”
When Valsin suggests that more questions are in order, Zinkyudo responds affirmatively, ”Yes, those would be good things to know! How will we know the Pathfinders we seek from the other restive dead? Is there somewhere in particular you expect them to be, or perhaps a map of where they were headed? And how do you plan to get us to Geb and back? It is some ways from Absalom, Abadar be praised for that.”
Zinkyudo will also get a wand of inflict light wounds, since it’s on his spell list.
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Hahaha! Too bad this isn't PF2...

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“Joktan Heth is a student a history, specializing in the war between Geb and Nex and the history of necromancy and undeath. He joined the Pathfinder Society early in his career and worked in the Vault helping catalog various artifacts and magical items. He discovered the Chalice of Undeath in the Repository and petitioned the Decemvirate to allow him to use its powers to travel into Geb in order to find the legendary Testament of Geb." Valsin replies to Sarma.
The, to Zinkyudo, he says “The Society will teleport you to an isolated position in north central Geb, near the city of Graydirge but not near enough that anyone should see you suddenly arrive. From there you will need to head toward Corpselight, a small farming town to the east of the city. Joktan was convinced the Testament of Geb was there and that’s where any clues as to his fate will be found. Once your mission is completed, send word via this magic token and we will have you teleported back to Skyreach.”
You know the following:
Geb is a nation ruled by the undead. Intelligent undead have the same rights as the living (or even more), and the kingdom uses other undead as a form of cheap labor and as expendable, renewable soldiers in the country’s armies.
Because of the nation’s dependence and promotion of undeath, the faithful of Pharasma, goddess of death, often conduct raids into the country in an attempt to destabilize it, to destroy unholy sites, and eliminate the undead abominations that call Geb home.
Living creatures need to be careful while in Geb since they can become conscripts in the army, or used as sustenance for the various types of undead within the kingdom.

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Once all of your questions have been answered, Valsin takes you to a special room in Skyreach where your may purchase a few last-minute items and then take part in a special ritual (which the Society pays for), the
culmination of which is drinking from the Chalice of Undeath. Animal companions, familiars, special mounts, and the like may participate in the ritual as well, so they may accompany you on this trip. Eidolons do not need to partake in the ritual or drink from the Chalice, as undead summoners in Geb don’t necessarily have eidolons that appear undead, so there is no need to disguise the eidolon of a summoner.
Go ahead and make any other purchases you think you need.
Once the ritual is completed, Valsin gives the party eight potions of inflict critical wounds . You are then teleported by a Society mage to Geb with whatever supplies they carry with them. You are now on their own, in a nation of undead, hoping to find their fellow Pathfinder!
I'll give you some time to make your final preparations before moving on

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umd: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Before entering the teleportation circle, The Fly bops his undead legs with Longstrider, twisting the dessicated muscle into a more efficient shape.

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Sarma holds his halberd close before him, offering a prayer to Keltheald.
Casting See Invisibility.

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With the act actually upon them, Zinkyudo hesitates slightly at the prospect of turning himself into an undead horror. It is for the greater good, he consoles himself. and sometimes one must innovate to disrupt the market and bring about greater stability.
He drinks from the chalice, the taste bitter and strange, then studies his companions to see what changes the ritual has wrought in them. Looking over his shoulder, Zinkyudo sees that the feathers of his wings have turned pale and dusty, and that their natural luster has faded, leaving them disheveled and rather sad. ”Right, onward,” he mutters.
Before stepping into the teleportation circle, he asks the Society mage to use a wand on him, and casts a protective spell of his own.
Mage armor from wand, magic vestment as domain spell.

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When the briefing began, behind everyone a Tengu clad in cheap business attire and carrying a briefcase just appeared but in a subtle enough way so as to not draw attention from the briefing.
He will then hand out business cards to the party See Above except for the written note on it and give a polite bow.
When there's a pause, he will give a polite nod to the Venture Captain, placing an order for one (1) Wand of Inflict Light Wounds and two vials of Unholy Water.
He nodded respectfully during the proceedings, and then watched with interest as the Chalice was used. His transformation was no less dramatic than some of the others, or more.
When the discussion shifts to 'companions', he lets out a small sigh and calls out. "Dorianna, it's time to go to work."
From the tengu's shadow a humanoid shadow appears, who may or may not look familiar to experienced agents.
Once the equipment is acquired he'll let out a bit of a chuckle. "I'm not usually stodgy like that, but it's a small comfort to Dori and she's going on her very first Society mission -- and what a great one for her talents it is!"
"Let's get moving, then. Time and courts wait for no feathers!"

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The shadowy figure falls in behind the tengu barrister, forming a clipboard out of shadow and making a motion like they are taking notes as the aivan fellow advances, giving the rest of the party a nod.

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"A pleasure to see you again, Master Tazou. I hope that your time since our adventure in Druma has been pleasant." Sarma smiles at the Fly. "He is quite accomplished at not being seen, as you can see."

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"It's great to see you again, Sarma. And unfortunately, some of the leads from that mission had to be back-traced to other locations, including one involving Dori here. Dirty, messy, non-lucrative cases there, but that's what I signed up for with the pro-bono Pathfinder cases."
A few feathers molt off and drop to the floor. "That is going to be a bit annoying."

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Zinkyudo watches Karasuma's feathers flutter to the floor, and glances over his own shoulder with a look of concern on his face, noting that his small wings look even less impressive now.
With a slightly sad shrug, he turns to Karasuma and says, "Ah, there you are! I am so pleased to have legal counsel on board for this mission! Tell me, do you have a great deal of experience in negotiation of contracts, terms of sale, prospective purchase agreements, that sort of thing? It may or not be critical to our mission in Geb, but I always appreciate working with someone with a good eye for a vulnerable contract clause or a problematic promise of nonnegotiable rate changes upon renewal of a period of performance. I'm sure you know what I mean."

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The world materializes into a hazy swamp, the few plants within as dry and colorless as one would expect in a nation ruled and inhabited by the undead. Ghostly pale moonlight provides illumination and a mournful wind blows slowly from the south, carrying with it the unmistakable sickly sweet scent of long-dead flesh mixed with newly spilt blood. Only the sound of rustling brush breaks the tomblike silence.
You arrive in the dank mire in the middle of night; your newly acquired darkvision provides you ample visibility. The swamp here, while wet and
uncomfortable even to cold and clammy undead skin, never reaches a depth of more than 1-1/2 feet, and then only rarely.
4d20 ⇒ (3, 2, 9, 18) = 32
You hear the sounds of marching feet slogging through the muck coming to your position from the north!

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Karasuma looks to the Aasimar and claps his hands together with a bright gleam to his undeath-darkened eye sockets.
"My *primary* field is criminal liability, but I *have* successfully negotiated many such other contracts in the past. A good attorney is able to do much, and blend the fields they do know into the ones they do not -- and if aggressive arbitration is required, that is assuredly within the purview of my skillset. Subtly, even, if desired."
More recently...
Karasuma motions to spread out as they attempt to blend into the shadows.
They attempt to pick up on what threat is approaching. As newly arrived undead in a near-border area, even the two of them would be suspicious of folks.
Karasuma has fought in campaigns in the Worldwound, and has had the unfortunate experience of dealing directly with troop-scale units and what is approaching definitely sounds like one of them at first guess.
Stealth(Hide in Plain Sight, Fast Stealth): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30
Perception (Trap Spotter, Trapfinder +2 if applicable): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31

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As Karasuma talks with Zinkyudo about negotiations, Dorianna takes plenty of notes on what appears to be a shadowy clipboard, every so often shifting to look behind them to ensure *something* isn't happening. When the shade is satisfied that things are secure they give a nod to Karasuma.
More recently...
Dorianna motions to spread out as an effort is made to emphasize 'not being here', and flies upwards to try and get a better view at the approaching threat while watching for OTHER threats in the area.
Stealth(Shadow in dim light or darker): 1d20 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 4 = 29
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Dorianna movement half-speed for stealth, extra cost for flying should put her 15' up over the swamp if I've done math right.

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The Fly climbs into a tree or bush and pretends to be a creepy doll, sitting in plain sight.
Climb: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (6) + 24 = 30 Sure Grasp
Climb: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (12) + 24 = 36 Sure Grasp
Stealth: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (18) + 22 = 40

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"Let me help conceal you, friend." Sarma offers a prayer to Keltheald, blessing Zinkyudo to fade from view before repeating the prayer upon himself.
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 20 = 29
GM Reroll: 1d20 + 8 + 20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 20 + 5 = 52
Well that was a terrible start.

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Not sure if our cover is already blown with the noise of spellcasting, but I'll go for some sneaking like the rest of the gang.
Zinkyudo nods as Sarma offers to help conceal him, slipping his bow off his shoulder as he vanishes from view. Once invisible, he freezes in place near his companions, waiting to see the source of the sounds of marching feet.
Stealth, invisible and stationary: 1d20 + 7 + 40 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 40 = 67 Wow.

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1d20 ⇒ 81d20 ⇒ 4
The party hides before the marching platoon comes to their location. The leader barks out, "I heard something! Sounds like chanting. Fan out!"
After a few tense moments, the commander calls out again. "Nothing here, must have been some sort of wayward spirit. Move out!"
The platoon then marches on.

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Sarma waits, crouched in the mire, until he is certain the Geb force is gone. He looks over to Zinkyudo and smiles. "It is good that they could not pierce Keltheald's glamer with their senses. Some undead have other ways to perceive the world." He keeps his voice low, waiting for the other party members to return.

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Zikyudo smiles back invisibly, then says, "Thank you for hiding me, Sarma, and good job hiding yourself. I wonder what that troop was about, and where they are headed. I'm not much of a tracker, but perhaps we could let them travel a ways and then follow them. It shouldn't be hard to follow the trail of a platoon of warriors." Looking around for The Fly and Karasuma, he adds, "Though I suppose we already know we're supposed to head to Corpselight, which should lie to the east."
DM - if it's relevant, which direction was the platoon marching?

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You are actually 2 miles north of Corpselight. The troop seems to be going to the southwest, ready to engage something

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1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 231d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Sarna identifies the leader of the platoon as a Morgh, and the troops as wights.
See pictures on slide #4

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"I agree with our small friend, we should find a better trail in the town than that of a fighting force. Any citizen of Geb is likely to be dangerous, but at least the non-militant ones may be less alert."

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When you arrive in Corpselight, the town is virtually devoid of activity, its inhabitants mostly indoors going about their daily lives. In the various pens and corrals around town, however, shackled humans in tattered rags stand or sit in their own filth like poorly tended livestock. Their eyes are glazed over and they make no sound or movement
toward your approach, obviously having accepted their fate, acting and thinking like the cattle they are now treated as.
A young, malnourished woman calls out from the pens. "Help me! Please, we need food... water... help!"

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The fly is liberty'e edge!
The Fly shambles about. R-r-r-r-r-r. As he does so he looks around for some rations or water that he can steal and give to the woman. He certainly didn;t bring any… why would an undead need trail rations or water!?

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Zinkyudo approaches the young woman, then looks for a suitable receptacle for some water. Spying a battered cattle-trough, he glances about to make sure none of the resident undead are nearby before speaking a few words and conjuring water into the trough. ”I’ve no food, but there’s some water,” he says, his tone gentle. ”I’m new to this town, have you been here long? Do a lot of humans come through here? Seems strange, in Geb?”
Use Blessed Correction to roll twice and take the better on social skills, 1/7 uses today.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

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Following behind, Sarma remains silent, watching the houses of the town for anything that might emerge.

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The young woman painfully stands up, ”Please,” she asks in a hoarse voice, ”please help my father. He is ill, and needs food, badly.
“He won’t be nearly as nourishing if he dies of illness and starvation like this. Have mercy. ”

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The Zombie Fly is not trained in survival, but will try to aid. A drop of blood — an undead tear — falls from his eye. What tragedy…
Survival to Aid: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16 IIRC Survival can be rolled Untrained