[PBP GameDay XI] GM Silbeg's Quest #11 A Parchment Tree (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

Slide Deck | Macros | Sign In | High Tier w/ 29 CP | 3 hours

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Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

In the nation of Qadira, Esmayl ibn Qaradi calls for Pathfinders to assist in what should be a simple genealogy verification. Multiple parties are heavily invested in the results that might be revealed by this family tree, however, and things won't be as simple as sifting through some old family records. As thieves and nobles vie to control history itself, the PCs will need to fend off violence and deceptions as they follow the branches of an ancient family tree.

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

Tarkii chitters and rubs their paws together before picking up their staff and looking around to their allies, their dark stary eyes peering out from under their grey cloak

"Greetings... Tarki... Tarki here." says the grey furred Ysoki with the starry eyes and the strange inflection.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Venture-Captain Esmayl ibn Qaradi invites you all to his personal estate in Qadira’s capital of Katheer. Signs of wealth abound; fine cloth awnings hang over an impressive spread of food and drink, with fruits, meats, and grains from across the Inner Sea. Esmayl’s attire is expensive, finely pressed, and immaculate. When the PCs arrive, the venturecaptain clasps the arm of each of you at the elbow one by one (waiting a moment to watch for any social cues that might indicate the physical contact is unwelcome) and invites them to enjoy the refreshments.

"Please make yourself at home. I know you all only by your dossiers, but would you mind introducing yourselves to myself and your fellow Pathfinders?"

Slide #4

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 36/36 | AC 19 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +7, Darkvision | Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None | Spells 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 2/2 |

The small brass colored kobold before him stares wide-eyed in shock.

"If you haven't heard of my greatness then that is INEXCUSABLE. I must remedy that immediately."

They draw out a ten foot tall wooden bo staff tipped with the top portion painted yellow and covered with orange and red streamers to give the illusion of it being constantly topped with a fire blowing in the wind.


Then a beat passes... "...Okay okay, I am merely training to be the greatest the gladiator there ever was, but I have unfortunately yet to win my first fight in the ring so I am training here with you Pathfinders until I am ready to make my proper debut. But I assure you I can be very tough, loud, and scary!"

Radiant Oath

[R] Tiny Female Luminous Sprite Exemplar 4 | Perfection Seeker | HP 50/50 restoring 1 HP/min, AC 21 w Leather Lamellar (23 w Salvo Shield raised), Fortitude** +9, Reflex* +10, Will** +8, Perception* +6 (low-light vision), Stealth +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Exploration Activity Search | Active Conditions Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

Looking around, it overwhelms Selena to see the extravagance of the estate of the Venture-Captain. The scene is more than she was used to from her former master. Upon touching her elbow by Esmayl, she is surprised but does not react, trying to be a respectful guest. She thinks it is perhaps a normal cultural thing to do to guests, whatsoever.

"Well, uhmm, I am Selena. It is nice to meet you, good sir." she introduces herself awkwardly, trying to not make eye contact.

Radiant Oath

Buuurn! | 2396852-2006 | CG Male Goblin | Scavenger | Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Minor Healing Potion (2) | HP 42/42 | AC 21 | F/R/W: 8/11/6 | Perc +6 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Alchemical Items: 5/3/- (Alchemist Fire/Bottled Lighting/Infused) |

A short green goblin with beady red eyes sits quietly in the corner happily munching on a pickle. He notices the other Pathfinders file in and absently drops the pickle back into his pickle jar and stands up to greet them, his hand a bit sticky from pickle juice.

"Hello. I's called Lokoloko. Are you the ovver Paffinders I's suppose to meets for this mission?"

Are we all short folk apart from the elf?

Envoy's Alliance

Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10(11), W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 2 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search, Backfire Mantle (+1 Reflex, 3 splash resistance)

A Dwarven sized suit of full plate makes its way into the extravagantly appointed room, the helmet pauses briefly on the spread of food, a rumbling echo escaping the breastplate. The visor is quickly flipped open, revealing a younger looking Dwarf in fine physical condition. He removes his right gauntlet and gives a firm handshake.

"Kernal Klank, at your service Venture Captain. You've got a fine place here, and quite the lunch spread out before us." He tries not to grimace listening to the kobold's overly grandiose introduction. "We hope we can help with your investigation."

He puts his gauntlet back on to avoid the sticky fingers of the goblin, shaking hands with everyone else that he probably should have known already from the trip here. Did this guy really splurge for our own ships and carriages here? I should set up a shop here, everyone could use a crowbar or two right?

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 61/68 | AC: 23| Fort: +10, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +13) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Conditions: . |

A bronze, bald-pated half-elf has been here all along, picking through the foodstuffs with gusto, clearly pleased to be here. He mumbles to himself as he loads a bit of flatbread with ground chickpeas. Oh, so very glad to be in warmer climes!

Greetings! he says, spraying a bit of masticated food on the floor. He quickly steps forward onto it to cover it up as he swallows his mouthful. Hampton Candlewood, at your service.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

"Welcome all of you to my home, and thank you very much for coming. I have invited you here so you can help me settle an important matter on behalf of the Pathfinder Society as a whole. As you know, our lodge here in Katheer is the only location we have in the whole of Qadira. This is something I plan to rectify personally, so I have contributed a small fortune to purchasing a plot of land for another lodge, close to the slave port of Sedeq in the south.

“We’re having this conversation here due to my personal stake in the matter. As it happens, I’ve come across a problem that’s brought the sale to a complete halt. Two different merchant families, the Agarja and the Patari, have approached me with papers claiming they are the proper owners of this land. Both attest they are descendants of the original landowner, Prince Agar ibn Karatari. I was under the impression I was to deal only with the owner of his estate until these two families stepped forward. The process to complete the sale alone will take months, but thankfully, this is a problem that can be rectified.

“With your assistance, we can determine which family is the legitimate heir to the property. There are four documents we can use to authenticate the prince’s lineage, which I have tracked to the bazaars of Katheer. Here is a list of the four merchants you’ll need to speak with. I would recover them myself, but I have another appointment I’m afraid I must keep. While you are in the bazaar, I will be discussing another matter with a fellow Pathfinder agent. I intend to use the new lodge as a safe house for the Society and our allies released from slavery, and I have intelligence which indicates some of our own could be moving through Sedeq from across the Inner Sea.

“If you’re able to recover these documents on my behalf, not only can we move ahead with saving our compatriots in chains, but we can establish further relations with the nation of Qadira and hopefully within Casmaron itself.”

He hands you a note (see handout #1 on slide #4) with several locations in the Bazaar that you can check out. He then waits for your questions.

Selena - please add your character and such to slide #2 and your token(s) to #3.

Tarkii, Selena, Kernal Clank, Torchstaff please fill out the macros sheet ASAP as well. I will need these for initiative and secret checks, and we have one such check waiting as we speak. I've filled out your character names

Tarkii, Kernal Clank, please fill in the sign in sheet. This will help get the game reported promptly, and will help me in double-checking the CP for the game.

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 61/68 | AC: 23| Fort: +10, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +13) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Conditions: . |

A simple enough task, Hampton says. Anything you can tell us of the individuals listed here? Even minor tidbits may be of use to us as we talk.

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

Filled out Macros.

Tarkii nods and rubs their paws together and waits for any responses to Hampton's questions.

Envoy's Alliance

Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10(11), W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 2 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search, Backfire Mantle (+1 Reflex, 3 splash resistance)

Klank takes his turn looking over the documents. For a simple blacksmith he has a good eye for things like contracts and details "Looking at each of these contacts, do any carry more weight for your burden of proof? What if we simply can't convince someone to help your cause and we're only able to secure 2 or 3 necessary documents?"

He starts to hand them to Loko but thinks better of it, selecting Selena instead. Paper, words and fire.. best not to provoke that one.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

He replies. “The Agarja family deals in trading spices to and from other lands, and the Patari family farms cattle local to Qadira. I am eager to find out who truly owns the property we seek.”"

To Klank, he says, "I really do need all of the documents."

Horizon Hunters

HP 36/36 | AC 19 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +7, Darkvision | Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None | Spells 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 2/2 |

Torchstaff shrugs. "Well the only contracts I know are the kinds I sign from my agent but rest assured my fame and impeccable attire should be good enough to convince any official to share with me.

The kobold smiles a big toothy smile.

Macros done, no further questions from me.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD


The Patari family has ties to central Qadira. As part of their cattle trade, they do business in very peculiar mammals with the geniekin of the Zho Mountains.


The Patari family has ties to central Qadira. As part of their cattle trade, they do business in very peculiar mammals with the geniekin of the Zho Mountains.

As soon as you are ready, please let me know which site you wish to visit first!

Radiant Oath

Buuurn! | 2396852-2006 | CG Male Goblin | Scavenger | Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Minor Healing Potion (2) | HP 42/42 | AC 21 | F/R/W: 8/11/6 | Perc +6 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Alchemical Items: 5/3/- (Alchemist Fire/Bottled Lighting/Infused) |

"Hmm... The Patari family has ties to central Qadira. As part of their cattle trade, they doing business in very peculiar mammals with the geniekin of the Zho Mountains. Oooh. I's never seen geniekins before..."

One location is as good as any -- Lokoloko's not really a diplomat so he'll just tag along (and set things on fire if he gets the chance)

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 61/68 | AC: 23| Fort: +10, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +13) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Conditions: . |

Absent a compelling reason to change the sequence, Hampton will suggest going in order, #1 to #4.

Radiant Oath

[R] Tiny Female Luminous Sprite Exemplar 4 | Perfection Seeker | HP 50/50 restoring 1 HP/min, AC 21 w Leather Lamellar (23 w Salvo Shield raised), Fortitude** +9, Reflex* +10, Will** +8, Perception* +6 (low-light vision), Stealth +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Exploration Activity Search | Active Conditions Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

"I agree with you," Selena is nodding as Lokoloko states some facts about the Patari family. "I suggest we begin in Satrap Esoterica. Maybe we can find something useful there as a good start." she suggests. "What do you think?" she asks Lokoloko.

Radiant Oath

Buuurn! | 2396852-2006 | CG Male Goblin | Scavenger | Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Minor Healing Potion (2) | HP 42/42 | AC 21 | F/R/W: 8/11/6 | Perc +6 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Alchemical Items: 5/3/- (Alchemist Fire/Bottled Lighting/Infused) |

Lokoloko shrugs and nods.

"I's not knows anyone. I's follow longshank Paffinders."

Reaching into his pickle jar, he pulls out a half eaten pickle and holds it out to Selena.


Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

Tarkii nods "Satrap Esoterica, yessss... a good point to start.... yessss."

Horizon Hunters

HP 36/36 | AC 19 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +7, Darkvision | Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None | Spells 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 2/2 |

Torchstaff shrugs. "Well I do like a good series of memoirs. It would be good to see if I can look at some so I know how I will write my own when my fame finally catches up with me."

Envoy's Alliance

Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10(11), W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 2 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search, Backfire Mantle (+1 Reflex, 3 splash resistance)

Kernal nods at the VC's response "Then we will do our best to acquire them."

As the group banters with the possibilities Klank readies his armor and shield in case a fight breaks out. Making sure all the straps are properly secured and the shield face, adorned with the hammer and anvil of Torag, are properly shined up. A well crafted warhammer hangs off his belt in easy reach.

"Have you seen any signs of fighting between these other families that could suggest they would get involved physically in this project?" Not so subtly referring to a fight breaking out.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

"Not any more than the usual, Kernal. Politics being what they are, anything is possible."

Moving on to #1

gather information:

Lokoloko's Diplomacy (T): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Tarkii's Diplomacy (E): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
Selena's Diplomacy (T): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Tarkii and Selena are able to to determine the location of the Satrap Esoterica after 2 hours. When you make it to the shop, you are met by the storekeep, Anebu, a Garundi woman, wearing a rather eclectic assortment of clothing and jewely. "How can I help you?" she asks.

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 61/68 | AC: 23| Fort: +10, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +13) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Conditions: . |

For whatever it's worth, Hampton is +7 in Diplomacy. If I missed that in the macros that's my mistake.

Greetings, Hampton says, raising his right hand with his palm facing Anebu in a traditional Osiriani greeting. We are here to see Satrap Esoterica about a matter most urgent.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

"Yes, that's the name of the store. My name is Anebu, I am sure that I can help you. What are you looking for so urgently?"

Horizon Hunters

HP 36/36 | AC 19 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +7, Darkvision | Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None | Spells 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 2/2 |

"Hello there Merchant Anebu. We would like look into the memoirs of Prince Agar ibn Karatari's life. We are in search of tales of his greatness and of the strength of his great lineage! I have heard you can help us with this task."

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

Tarkii wanders around the shop looking at books at random while his party works on the important questions.

Radiant Oath

Buuurn! | 2396852-2006 | CG Male Goblin | Scavenger | Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Minor Healing Potion (2) | HP 42/42 | AC 21 | F/R/W: 8/11/6 | Perc +6 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Alchemical Items: 5/3/- (Alchemist Fire/Bottled Lighting/Infused) |

Lokoloko joins Tarkii in looking through the shelves.

"I's not know many Isoki." he says. He rummages in his pack and reaches into his ever-filled pickle jar. He pulls one out and begins eating it. Then suddenly remembering his manners, he holds out the half-eaten pickle to Tarkii. "Pickle?"

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

Tarkii sniffs the pickle, takes a bite and leaves the rest for Lokoloko before going back to looking at books.

Radiant Oath

Buuurn! | 2396852-2006 | CG Male Goblin | Scavenger | Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Minor Healing Potion (2) | HP 42/42 | AC 21 | F/R/W: 8/11/6 | Perc +6 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Alchemical Items: 5/3/- (Alchemist Fire/Bottled Lighting/Infused) |

Lokoloko looks a bit startled by Tarkii's reaction, seeing that most people react almost always negatively when he does that. He crams the remainder of the pickle into his mouth and resumes looking at the merchant's wares.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

[b]"Please, look to see what you can find. I can only hope that I can help."[/b[

Society to decipher script, Crafting to search for hidden text

Radiant Oath

Buuurn! | 2396852-2006 | CG Male Goblin | Scavenger | Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Minor Healing Potion (2) | HP 42/42 | AC 21 | F/R/W: 8/11/6 | Perc +6 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Alchemical Items: 5/3/- (Alchemist Fire/Bottled Lighting/Infused) |

Lokoloko begins looking for hidden text.

Crafting(E): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 61/68 | AC: 23| Fort: +10, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +13) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Conditions: . |

My bad, did not catch that it was the name of the shop.

Society: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Hampton has no luck parsing the text.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Overcoming a goblin's natural fear of the printed word and through a process of licking, applying pickle juice, and the semi-judicious application of flame, Lokoloko finds the correct volume.

This takes 1 hour to complete.

Where to next?

Envoy's Alliance

Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10(11), W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 2 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search, Backfire Mantle (+1 Reflex, 3 splash resistance)

Klank keeps his position at the front door for the entirety of the visit. One has a hard time telling if he's having stomach problems or is keeping watch.

Sorry, busy last couple days at work!

He quickly helps relieve Lokoloko of the book, to keep more hands free for pickle consumption of course "Thank you Lokoloko, you're very good at what you do."

Morning Sands?

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

Tarkii nods "Morning Sands sounds good."

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Again, I need a gather information check to find the correct location!

Horizon Hunters

HP 36/36 | AC 19 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +7, Darkvision | Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None | Spells 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 2/2 |

Torchstaff wanders about the town very vivaciously asking if people know where Morning Sands is.

Gathering Information:
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Envoy's Alliance

Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10(11), W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 2 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search, Backfire Mantle (+1 Reflex, 3 splash resistance)

If Religion could be used to guess most likely location for a Dawnflower area in the Bazaar. Otherwise Klank just keeps an eye on the pickle pusher.

If Religion Applicable:

Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 61/68 | AC: 23| Fort: +10, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +13) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Conditions: . |

Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

gathering info: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Tarkii does his best to ask around.

Radiant Oath

Buuurn! | 2396852-2006 | CG Male Goblin | Scavenger | Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Minor Healing Potion (2) | HP 42/42 | AC 21 | F/R/W: 8/11/6 | Perc +6 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Alchemical Items: 5/3/- (Alchemist Fire/Bottled Lighting/Infused) |

Lokoloko also tries to ask around.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Turning to Kernal Klank, Lokoloko grins at him. "Yous not bad too. Pickle?"

Radiant Oath

[R] Tiny Female Luminous Sprite Exemplar 4 | Perfection Seeker | HP 50/50 restoring 1 HP/min, AC 21 w Leather Lamellar (23 w Salvo Shield raised), Fortitude** +9, Reflex* +10, Will** +8, Perception* +6 (low-light vision), Stealth +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Exploration Activity Search | Active Conditions Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

Selena wanders and asks the locals to know where she could find Morning Sands. Diplomacy to Gather Information: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

The sun seems to shine more brightly upon the sign of the Morning Sands. Perhaps divinely so, as this quaint shop serves as an antechamber to one of the many churches of Sarenrae in Katheer. The Vudrani priestess
Zarida greets you as you enter. "Good day, friends. What may this humble servant of the Dawnflower do for you today?"

Envoy's Alliance

Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10(11), W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 2 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search, Backfire Mantle (+1 Reflex, 3 splash resistance)
Lokoloko wrote:
Turning to Kernal Klank, Lokoloko grins at him. "Yous not bad too. Pickle?"

"You haven't seen what I can do yet. I hope to keep you and the others safe and sound." He politely declines the partially eaten pickle.


Klank offers a hearty handshake "Good morning. We're here to learn more about Prince Agar ibn Karatari. We've heard the Prince had ties to the Dawnflower?"

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

Tarkii nods and chitters, approaching closer than is entirely polite.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

"Yes, I do recall that I read something about Prince Agar in the church’s library"

She’s willingcto part with it on Esmayl’s behalf to you, if only she
can remember whether she found it among the sacredtexts or within the forbidden archives.

religion or Sarenrae Lore to help the priestess to recall enough information to quickly collect the correct scroll from the sacred texts. occultism to prompt her to collect a tome with similar information from the forbidden archives, though this task can take her some additional time to access as she retrieves the appropriate key.

Radiant Oath

[R] Tiny Female Luminous Sprite Exemplar 4 | Perfection Seeker | HP 50/50 restoring 1 HP/min, AC 21 w Leather Lamellar (23 w Salvo Shield raised), Fortitude** +9, Reflex* +10, Will** +8, Perception* +6 (low-light vision), Stealth +4 | Speed 20 ft. | Exploration Activity Search | Active Conditions Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

Selena wanders inside the library as she feels she would not be really useful as she is not familiar with religious text or occult archives. "Perhaps, somebody knowledgeable on the matter can help her?" she nudges the others.

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Tarkii chitters "Perhaps the Dawnflower's teachings can help guide you to the dawn of information we seek."

Radiant Oath

Buuurn! | 2396852-2006 | CG Male Goblin | Scavenger | Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Minor Healing Potion (2) | HP 42/42 | AC 21 | F/R/W: 8/11/6 | Perc +6 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Alchemical Items: 5/3/- (Alchemist Fire/Bottled Lighting/Infused) |

Lokoloko isn't as knowledgeable as someone steeped in religious lore, but he tries to recall what he has learned of the subject from his many travels.

Religion(U): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

what he remembers appears to be very little

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