
Jangafzaar Kargar's page

529 posts. Organized Play character for noral.

Organized Play Characters

Corvin Tergsvor
Scarab Sages Kioshi Katsu

Male N Kitsune (always in human form) from the Forest of Spirits in north-eastern Tian Xia | Exploiter Wizard 9 | HP 84/84 + 0/0temp HP| Baahuush Familiar 42/42 HP | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMB +1, CMD 16 | F: +16, R: +15, W: +14 & +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison | Init: +5 | Perc: +16, Dipl: +19, Bluff: +19, SM: +5 | Lesser Rods: Extend 3/3, Piercing 3/3, Intensified 3/3 | Folio Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira Reroll 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 5/7 | Speed 30ft | Resistances: Elec. 3, Acid 3, Fire 2, Cold 1 | Active c.: Height awareness, heroism, (1,013 posts)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Dirty Tactics Toolbox (PFRPG)
Scarab Sages Andor Katsu

Male CG Kitsune (in vulpine form) from the Forest of Spirits in Tian Xia | Swashbuckler 1 / Investigator 9 | Resistances: Elec. 3, Acid 3, Fire 2, Cold 2 | Init +8 | HP 94/94 | ‘Serang' Familiar HP 47/47 | Normal: Panache 7/7 | Inspiration 10/10 | Extend Potion 6/6 | AC 28 (30 vs. Traps), T 18 FF 21| CMB +16 (with Rapier), CMD 22 (24 Disarm) | F: +10, R: +18 (+20 vs. traps), W: +12 (+14 vs. illusions) | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Perc +24 (+28 vs. traps), Dipl +19 | Low-light vision | Speed 30 | Active cond.: none (914 posts)
Scarab Sages Setare Katsu

Female LG follower of Sarenrae | human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | freckles, sweet, naive, fierce personality in battle | Outsider (Native), Humanoid (human) | Resistances: Elec. 3, Acid 3, Fire 2, Cold 3 | Smite 1/1 | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Swashbuckler 5, Paladin 2, Unchained Monk 3, Bloodrager 1 | HP 106/106 | Protector Familiar HP 53 | with mage armor/rage: AC 35, T 30, FF 24 | CMD 37 | F: +23, R: +25 (Evasion), W: +17 | Init: +13 | Perc: -2, SM: -2 | Ki Pool 7/7 | Stunning Fist 6/6 | Rage 6/6 | LoH 7/7 | Panache 6/6 + Plume 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 + Lesson of H. 1/1 | Eefriti Magic 1/1 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 40ft | Active cond.: +4 Dex (891 posts)
Scarab Sages Zaarah Katsu

Female N Kitsune, always in human form (auburn hair, freckles, dreamily observing and sometimes looking a little bit crazy) | Swashbuckler 1 / Magus 15 | Low-light vision | Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Lucky Horses. 1/1 | HP 209/209 | Normal: AC 24 T 19 FF 16 | CMB +25 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 28 | F +22, R +22, W +15 | Empower 1/1 | Quicken 1/1| FreeMove 4/4 | Panache 9/9 | Arcane Pool/Ring 11+4/13+4 | Black Blade Pool 4/4 | Concentr. reroll 2/2 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Flight 15/15 | Init +9 | Perc +26, SM +21, Bluff (Deceive) +28, Dipl. (Convince) +28 | Active cond: Ablative barrier, invisibility, fly, Defending bones (1,174 posts)
Tilo of Braganza
Silver Crusade Aryas Katsu

Male LG, looks human (actually mostly human Ifrit) - usually enjoying being charming & handsome | Bard 2, Paladin 4, Unch. Monk 3 | Bardic Performance 3/11 | Reroll 1/1 | Share Will 1/1 | Lucky Horseshoe 1/1 | | HP 92/92 | AC 23, Touch 23, FF 16 | CMB +16 (Grapple, Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 29 (31 vs. Grapple) | F: +19, R: +22 (Evasion), W: +14 | Init: +11 | Perc: +1 | Boots of speed 3/10 | Smite 1/2 | LoH 5/7 | Stunning Fist 3/3 | Ki Pool 2/6 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 40ft | Moth Familiar 46/46 HP | Familiar Domain 1/1 | Active conditions: (771 posts)
Scarab Sages Shen Hawaah

Female CN(G) Elf | Wizard (Conjurer) 6 | HP 50/50 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +8 ( +2 vs. ench.) | Init: +5 | low-light vision, Perc: +14, SM: +2 | Acid Dart (3/9) | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. (443 posts)
Linton Demeer
Dark Archive Eltran Katsu

N Male follower of Pharasma and Brigh | Looks like a Tian-Taldane human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | Outsider (Native), Humanoid (human) | Bard 6 | | HP 67/67 | AC 24 T 11 FF 23 | CMB -4, CMD 13 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +9, Bluff: +16, Dipl: +16, SM: +6 | Bardic Performance 22/26 | Lore Master 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Bard 1st 4/6, 2nd 5/5 | Speed 20 ft | Active conditions: images, +4 initiative (478 posts)
The Concordance Tofang Siyaah

Male N Wayang | Alchemist (gun chemist, mindchemist) 6 | HP 57/57 | With Barkskin & cogn.: AC 28 T 15 FF 25, Normal: AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMB +2, CMD 17 | F: +9, R: +12, W: +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +11 | Alch. ordnance 11/11 | Folio Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision | Speed 20ft, on riding dog 40ft | Riding Dog HP 13/13 | Familiar HP 28/28 | Active conditions: Heightened Awareness, Barkskin (473 posts)
The Exchange Toral Kargar

Male N Dwarf from Qadira - usually talking business or about the past | Flame Spirit Shaman (Speaker for the Past) 9 | HP 98/98 + 12/12 Temp HP | Resistance Fire 10 | Now: AC25 / AC 27 vs evil, Normal: AC 22 T 10 FF 22 | CMB +4, CMD 14 | F: +11, R: +6, W: +17 | Init: +0 | Perc: +20, SM: +19, Dipl.: +24 | Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira trait reroll 1/1 | Knowledge 8/8 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Active condition: heroism, barkskin, magic vs evil, heightened awareness (839 posts)
Temple Priest
Sovereign Court Taariik

| Male LG follower of Irori | Ifrit | Outsider (Native) | Paladin 2, Ninja 2, Medium 6 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | DR 5/bludg. 15/40 | HP 93/93 | AC 18 T 8 FF 18 / AC 20 with heavy shield | CMB +14 | CMD 22 | F: +19, R: +14, W: +17 (+18 vs. fear/confusion) | Init: +13 | Perc: -2, SM: -2, Dipl: +22 | Mind Arsenal 9/9 | Ki Pool 4/7 | Reroll 1/1 | Smite 1/1 | Influence 1/4 | Spirit Dance 17/18 | Eefriti Magic 0/1 | Boots of Speed 5/10 | Horseshoe 1/1 | Active conditions: defending bone (616 posts)
Pathfinder Module: Plunder & Peril (PFRPG)
Dark Archive Noke Tiiz

Female N Wayang Witch (Invoker archetype, Time patron) 12 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft (40 ft riding Happu) | | Temp HP 19/19 | HP: 115/115 | AC 19 Tch 15, Fl 16 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15| F: +18 , R:+14, W:+14 & +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison | Init: +3 | Perc: +17, SM: +3, Dipl. (Influence): +22, Bluff (Deceive): +22 | Invoke Patron: 9/12 min. | Flight 10/12 min. | Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira reroll 0/1 | Happu (riding dog) HP: 13/13 | Divune (familiar) HP: 115/115 | Act. Cond: See invisibility, Heroism (704 posts)
Liberty's Edge Dana Katsu

Female N, looks like a Tian-Taldane human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | Psychic 9 | Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira reroll 1/1| Rod Extend 2/3 | Rod Piercing 3/3 | HP 66/66 + temp hp 0/0 | AC 20 T 7 FF 20 | CMD 9 | F: +10, R: +4, W: +13 | Init: +1| Perc: +13, SM: +16, Dipl (Influence): +21, Bluff (Deceive): +13 | Focused Trance 0/3 | Expanded Awareness 3/3 | Phrenic Pool 6/7 | Spells: 1st 5/8 + 1/1 DT, 2nd 8/8, 3rd 8/8; 4th 5/6 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Active cond: heroism (717 posts)
The Exchange Almaas Kargar

Male LN Dwarf from Qadira | Follower of Erastil | Monk 3 & Inquisitor 7 | Freedom of Movement 3/3 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 3/3 | HP 106/106 | Normal: AC 22 T 20 FF 20 | CMB +6, CMD 27 | F: +18, R: +12, W: +22 | Init: +9 | Perc: +22, SM: +18, Diplomacy: +26 | Discern Lies 7/7 | BoSpeed 3/10 | Reroll 1/1 | Lucky Horseshoe 1/1 | Bane 15/15 | Perfect Strike 4/4 | Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Divine Favor (638 posts)
Shag Solomon
Scarab Sages Kenji Haru

| Male LG follower of Irori | Wolfscarred Ifrit | Outsider (Native) | Paladin 2, Ninja 2, Oracle 1 | HP 54/54 | AC 17 T 8 FF 17 / AC 19 with heavy shield | CMB +8 | CMD 15 | F: +12, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: -2, Dipl: +8 | Ki Pool 3/6 | Oracle 1st 5/5 | LoH 6/6 | Smite 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: (644 posts)
Dark Archive Suussmaar

Male NG Warpriest 9 of Ragathiel | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 89/89 | AC 21, T 16, FF 15 | CMD 23| F +14 R +14 W +16 | Init +6 | Perc +14, Sense Motive +9, Diplomacy +17 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 9/9 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions: Defending bone (497 posts)
Shenmen Merchant
Silver Crusade Xiao Katsu

Xiao Junior | Male NG Halfling - usually enjoying life | Bard 5, Oracle 1 | Bardic Performance 14/21 | HP 51/51| AC 19 T 16 FF 14 | CMB -1, CMD 12 | F: +9, R: +14, W: +11 / +9 vs. fear | Init: +3 | Perc: +9, Dipl: +24, SM: +24 | Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Oracle 1st 4/5 | Bard 1st 6/6, 2nd 4/4 | Speed 15 ft (40 ft on riding dog), Swim 15 ft | Familiar 12/12 HP | Riding Dog HP 13/13 | Active conditions: (595 posts)
The Exchange Sadaf Kargar

Male N Dwarf from Qadira | Druid 5 | HP 58/58| AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | CMB +1, CMD 13 | Darkvision | Reroll 1/1 | Totem Transformation 5/5 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +12 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 | SM: +10 | Dipl.: +18 | Chaldira trait reroll 1/1 |Speed 20ft | Active conditions: (578 posts)
The Concordance Tabar

Male N Ratfolk | Swashbuckler 1, Occultist 5 | Panache 6/6 | Chaldira Reroll 1/1 | T-Shirt Reroll 1/1 | HP 67/67 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMB (Trip, Disarm, Sunder) +10, CMD 15 | F: +9, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Bluff (Deceive) +9, Dipl. (Influence) +14, Perc +10, SM +3 Spells 1st 6/6, 2nd 3/3 | Transm. Impl. MF 3/3 | Abj. Impl. MF 7/7 | Illusion Impl. MF 2/2 | Speed 20ft (40ft on riding dog)| Active conditions: (425 posts)
The Exchange Jangafzaar Kargar

Male NG Dwarf from Qadira | Cleric of Erastil (formerly Shelyn) 7 | DR5/bludgeoning 35/35 | HP 63/71 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +3, CMD 18 | F: +14, R: +9, W: +17 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19 | SM: +13 | Dipl.: +21 | Rooted Vitality 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: resist electricity 20, defending bone. (529 posts)

Dark Archive AD kljkd
(0 posts)
Silver Crusade Aaftaab

Male NG Grippli | Inquisitor 3, Kineticist 1, Rogue 3 | HP 68/68 | NOW: AC 24 vs. evil | AC 22 T 17 FF 16 | CMB +0, CMD 16 | F: +11, R: +13 (Evasion), W: +9 | Init: +9 | Perc: +15 vs. traps +1, SM: +10, Dipl.: +13 | Darkvision 60ft | Dipl. reroll 3/3 | Chaldira Reroll 1/1 | T-Shirt Reroll 1/1 | Spells 1st 3/4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: prot. from evil, ioun torch (443 posts)
Silverblood Werewolf
Silver Crusade Gorg Noghree
(0 posts)
The Concordance Aatish

Female CN Humanoid (Gnome, Orc) follower of Gorum | Sorcerer 5 (Tattooed Sorcerer archetype / Orc bloodline) | HP 48/48 | ‘Besuuz’ Familiar HP 24/24 | AC 18, T 13, FF | CMD 10 | F: +8/+10 vs. death eff., R: 5, W: +6/+10 vs. fear | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +0, Dipl: +18, Bluff: +15 | Darkvision 60ft & Light Sensitivity | Spells: 1st 6/8, 2nd 2/5 | Reroll 1/1 | Ghermez (riding dog) HP 13/13 | Active conditions: None (285 posts)
Dark Archive Ra’geh Ejtehah

CG Human Mwangi Male | Shifter 4, Warpriest 2 | Follower of Lythertida | Speed 20ft | HP 56/56 | AC 26, T 16, FF 23 | CMB +10 | CMD 25 | F +11 R +8 W +10 | Init +2 | Perc +13, Sense Motive +8, Dipl +2 | Reroll 1/1 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 3/5 | Wild Shape 3/8 | Aspect 8/8 | Div. Training 1/1 | Ret. Abj. 1/1 | Active Conditions: (267 posts)
Nivian Priest
The Concordance Aatish e Khorshid

LN Male Gnome follower of Asmodeus | Mesmerist 5 | usually enjoying his intimidating aura and allegedly superior presence | | HP 30/47| Riding dog HP 6/13 | AC 23 T 10 FF 22 | CMD 8 | Darkvision | Speed 15 ft (40ft on riding dog) | F: +8 (+2 vs. Death Effects, +4 vs. Diseases/Poisons), R: +7, W: +14* | Init: +9 | Perc. +5, Dipl. +19, Intim. +19, Sense M. +5, Bluff +18 | Retroactive bonus 4/5 | Tricks 9/9 | Breath 3/5 | Reroll 0/1 | Spells: 1st 6/6, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: (344 posts)
The Master of Heresy
The Concordance Djahan Ruuh

Male LG follower of Irori | Tiefling | Outsider (Native) | Spiritualist 1, Paladin 2 | Resistance Fire 5, Cold 5, Elec. 5 | HP 33/33 | AC 19 T 8 FF 19 | CMB + 5 | CMD 13 | F: +12, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +4 | Perc: +2, NOW: Perc: +4 | Smite 1/1 | Lay on hands 1/5 | Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision | Speed 20ft / 30 ft charge | Active conditions: ear clear (297 posts)
Dark Archive Sakura Kian Fane

| Female LN Aphorite | Outsider (Native) | Fighter 1, Samurai 3 | HP 25/41 | Electricity resistance 5 | AC 20 T 10 FF 20 | CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F: +8/+10 vs. poison, R: +2, W: +6/+8 vs. mind aff. | Init: +0 | Perc: +5, SM: +1, Dipl: +10 | Skill 1/1 | Crystalline Dust 3/3 | Urban Grace 1/1| Challenge 1/2 | Resolve 2/2 | Pessimist Reroll 1/1 | Folio Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: (350 posts)
Denrelwe Azrinae
Silver Crusade Ilvaria Syzrendross

Female N Drow | Sorcerer 4 (Tattooed Sorcerer, Shadow bloodline) | HP 26/26 | ‘Meshgi’ Skunk Familiar HP 6/6 | AC14 T13 FF 11 | CMD 13 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +5/+6 vs. Illusions/+8 vs. comp./+10 vs. charm/Immune to Sleep | Init: +3| Perc: +1, SM: +1, Dipl: +13, Bluff: +13 | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Reroll 1/1 | ‘Meshgi’ Musk 2/2 | Darkvision 120ft | Spell Resistance 10 | Active conditions: None (350 posts)
Iylvana Desdoros
The Concordance Shirin Asal

Female CN Half-Elf | Vanilla Unchained Summoner 2 | HP 18/19 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F: +3, R: 3, W: +7 / +9 vs. Enchantment & +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: +1, Dipl: +4, Bluff: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Summon Monster 7/7 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None (177 posts)
Sovereign Court Anastasia Shoi-Ming

Female N Human Tien-Ulfen follower of Pharasma | Oracle 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 16 T 9 FF 16 | CMD 9 | F: +5, R: +1, W: +4 | Init: -1 | Spells: 1st 7/7 | LoH 5/6 | Channel 6/6 | Speed 20 ft (50 ft on horse) | Reroll 1/1 | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Perc: +0, SM: +4, Dipl.: +11 | Active conditions: None (125 posts)
Eskelda Teredein
Dark Archive Mina Asal

Female N Oracle (Spirit Guide, Lunar Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | DR5/blud. 25/25 | HP 60/60 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 23 T 16 FF 17 | CMD 9 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +6 | Init: +9 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +0, SM: +0, Dipl.: +17, Bluff: +9 | Active conditions: Defending bone (205 posts)
The Concordance Nuwa Feng

Female N Half-Elf | Unchained Summoner (Soulbound) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +8 / +2 vs. Enchantment & +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: +1, Dipl: +10, Bluff: +5 | Speed 20 ft | Spells: 1st 4/4 | Reroll 1/1 | Low-light vision | Active conditions: None (52 posts)
Rask Skyblood
The Concordance Zamin

CN Male Medium Skinwalker Wereboar-Kin (Humanoid Shapeshifter) | Bloodrager 1 | Speed 30ft | Low-light Vision | HP 14/14 | AC 18, T 12, FF 16 | CMB +5 | CMD 18| F +6 R +2 W +1 | Init +2 | Perc +7, Sense Motive +1 | Reroll 1/1 | Rage 8/8 | Active Conditions: (43 posts)
Dark Archive Aya Eman

Female LN Aasimar Cleric of Horus 4 | Outsider (Native) | Darkvision 60ft | Init: -2 | HP 33/33 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | AC 15 T 8 FF 15 | CMD 9 | F: +7*, R: +0*, W: +10* (*+1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Bardic Perf. 15/15 | Variant Channel 8/8 | Perc: +10, SM: +9, Dipl.: +12, Bluff: +5 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: (36 posts)
Dark Archive Lovis Moush
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge noral 726 core
(0 posts)
Twonas En
Exo-Guardians Donovan Borde

CN Male Lashunta | Envoy 4 | SP 28/28 | HP 28/28 | RP 5/6 | EAC 18; KAC 18 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +5, SM: +4+d6 | Speed 30ft | Darkvision | Active conditions: None. (298 posts)
Wayfinders Shamshir Maah

Lashunta (Korasha) Soldier (Arcane Assailant) 1 | Stamina 7/7 HP 11/11 Resolve 5/5 | EAC 13 KAC 15 | CMB +5 CMD 23 | F: +2, R: +1, W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: -1, SM: -1 | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: none | N Male (63 posts)
Ebon Acolyti
Wayfinders Darqen Taabestuun

N Male Ysoki | Operative 4 | Specialty (Hacker) | Theme (Dream Prophet) | SP 32/32 | HP 26/26 | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM: +8 | Blindsense (Scent) | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None (183 posts)
Rat King
Wayfinders Harqen Taabestuun

CN Male Ysoki | Operative 1 | Specialty (Hacker) | SP 7/7 | HP 8/8 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +6; Will +2 | Init: +5 | Darkvision; Perc: +5, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. (75 posts)
Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Fazaah Taabestuun

CN Male Ysoki | Operative 1 | Specialty (Hacker) | SP 7/7 | HP 8/8 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +6; Will +2 | Init: +5 | Darkvision; Perc: +5, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. (4 posts)

Second Seekers (Roheas) Sarih Marg
(0 posts)

Dataphiles A D 31
(0 posts)

Ultimate Magic Ultimate Magic Deck - Enora

Ultimate Equipment Ultimate Equipment Deck - Quinn


Adowyn - Iconic Hunter

”Adowyn” | Female NG Medium Human Hunter 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 17, T 14, FF 13 | CMD 14 | F +4 R +6 W +2 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Speed 30ft | Animal Focus 1/1; Spells 1st 2/2 | Active Conditions: None (122 posts)

Altronus - Iconic Solarian

"Altronus" Male LN kasatha scholar solarian 1 | SP 8/8 HP 11/11 | RP 2/2 | EAC 12; KAC 13 | Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +3 | Init: +1 | Perc:+1, SM: +1 | Speed 30ft | Attunement: unattuned | Active conditions: None. (24 posts)
Amala Zorex

Female CE follower of Calistria, the savored Sting | Tiefling | Outsider (Native) | Antipaladin 2 | Resistance Fire 5, Cold 5, Elec. 5 | HP 23/23 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMB +2 | CMD 16 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc. -2, Sense Motive -2, Dipl. +10, Bluff +9/+13 to lie, Intimidate +8 | Smite 0/1 | Selfish Healing 2/5 | Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: (227 posts)
Scarab Sages Amiri - Barbarian Iconic

”Amiri” | Female CN Medium Human Barbarian 4 | HP 45/45 | AC 18, T 12, FF 16 | CMD 20| F +6 R +3 W +2; +2 vs. fear; +1 vs. traps | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Speed 40ft | Rage 12/12 | Power attack -2/+6 | Active Conditions: None. (16 posts)
Anastasia Shoi'Ming

Female N Human Tien-Ulfen follower of Pharasma | Oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner, Life Mystery) 14 | Vision: Lifesense 30 ft (Blindsight for living creatures) | HP 146/146, DR5/bludgeoning 50/50 | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30 ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 9 FF 18 | CMD 18 | F: +16, R: +9, W: +15 / +22 vs. mind affecting | Init: -1 | Spells: 1st 7/8, 2nd 7/8, 3rd 5/8, 4th 7/7, 5th 7/7, 6th 5/6, 7th 4/4 | LoH 8/8 | Channel 8/8 | Energy body 13/13 | Lucky H. 1/1 | Perc: +0, SM: +4, Dipl.: +26, Bluff: +23 | Active conditions: see in posts (157 posts)
Local Celebrity
Scarab Sages Andor' Katsu

Male CG Kitsune (mid 20s, red/blondish hair, freckles, smiling) | Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade, Noble Fencer) 1 / Investigator (Empiricist) 3 (347 posts)
Aoa, the Lillend Azata

Female N Medium Serpentine Azata Eidolon 2 | HP 13/13 | (Link to Aoa’s picture in serpentine form) | AC 18, T 14, FF 14 | Resistance Electricity 5 | CMD 17 | CMB +4 | Fort: +1, Ref: +7, Will: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5 | Speed 20 ft, Climb 20 ft | Active conditions: None (45 posts)

Male N Large Horse/”Unicorn” | Animal Companion Mount | HP 38/38| AC 21T 11 FF 19 | CMB +8, CMD 20 (24 vs. trip) | F: +8, R (Evasion): +6, W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 Speed 50 ft | Active conditions: None (29 posts)
Blue Dragon
Aurax, the Astral Dragon

Serpentine Astral Eidolon | Male N Medium | HP 11/11 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | CMD 16 | CMB +4 | Fort: +1, Ref (evasion): +6, Will: +3 & +4 vs. curses/diseases/poisons | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +13, Dipl: +15 | Speed 20 ft, Climb 20ft | Active conditions: None (77 posts)
Azardra, the other Grandmother

Female N, looks human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | Psychic 10 | Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira reroll 1/1| Rod Extend 3/3 | Rod Piercing 3/3 | HP 93/93 + temp HP 0/0 | AC 21 T 8 FF 21 | CMD 11 | F: +11, R: +7, W: +15 | Init: +1| Perc: +14, SM: +17, Dipl (Influence): +21, Bluff (Deceive): +21 | Focused Trance 3/3 | Expanded Awareness 3/3 | Phrenic Pool 8/8 | Spells: 1st 8/8 + 1/1 CP, 2nd 6/8, 3rd 8/8, 4th 7/7, 5th 4/4 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Active cond: (139 posts)
Babr, the Celestial Tiger

Male N Medium Magical Beast | Animal Companion 5 (Air Elemental Companion Archetype) | DR 5/Evil | Resist Cold, Acid & Electricity 10 | Spell Resistance 10 | HP 36/37 | AC 21 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5 | CMD 19 | F: +6, R: +8 (no Evasion), W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 | Smite 1/1 | Speed 40ft | Scent | Darkvision 60ft | Low-light vision | Active conditions: None (40 posts)
Bjk, the distant falcon's agent
(2 posts)
Scarab Sages Crowe - Iconic Character

”Crowe” | Male CN Medium (Shoanti) Human Bloodrager 7 | HP 74/74 (Rage +21/21)|DR 1/- | Rage: AC 16 / Normal: AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | CMD 24| F +8 R +5 W +5; +2 bonus vs. spells cast by self or an ally | Init +1 | Perc +10/w | Speed 40ft | Spells 1st: 0/2, 2nd: 0/2| Bloodrage 9/18 Elemental strikes 0/3 | Active Conditions: Enlarge, 4 mirror Images (280 posts)
Damiel - Alchemist Iconic

”Damiel” | Male N Medium Elf Alchemist 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 15, T 13, FF 12 | CMB +0 CMD 13 | F +3 R +5 W +0 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune to sleep) | Init +3 | Perc +6 SM +4 | Speed 30ft | Bomb 5/7 | Active Conditions: None (57 posts)

Male N small Velociraptor | Animal Companion 5 (Bodyguard Archetype) | HP 42/42 | AC 21 T 15 FF 17 | CMB +3, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +8 (no Evasion), W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11 Speed 60ft | Active conditions: None (134 posts)
Rothka Spiteblade
Djahan's Fractured Mind

Medium Male LG Outsider | Phantom 1 | Anger Emotional Focus | Hero-God Guardian | DR 5/Slashing | HP 8/8 | AC 15 T 9 FF 19 | CMB +3 | CMD 14 | F: +3, R: +1, W: +2 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | Darkvision | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: None. (20 posts)
Djahan's Young Fractured Mind

Small Male LG Outsider | Phantom 3 | Incorporeal Form | Whimsy Emotional Focus | HP 16/16 | AC 19 T 19 FF 17 | CMB +3 | CMD 18 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 | Hero-God Archmage 2/3 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: None (51 posts)
Harbormaster Permelia
Dora Asal

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions: (113 posts)
Dark Archive Ejtehah as a Deinonychus Hybrid

Male CG Hybrid Human / Deinonychus | Shifter 4, Warpriest 2 | Follower of Lythertida | Speed 40ft | Scent 30 ft | Low-light Vision | HP 56/56 | With Crane Style AC 32, T 20, FF 25 / AC 28, T 16, FF 25 | CMB +11 | CMD 26 | F +11 R +8 W +10 | Init +2 | Perc +13, Sense Motive +8, Dipl +2 | Reroll 0/1 | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 2/5 | Wild Shape 3/8 | Aspect 8/8 | Div. Training 1/1 | Ret. Abj. 1/1 | Active Conditions: Celestial template (SR 12, DR 5/Evil, Darkvision, Smite 1/1, Resist 5 Cold, Acid, and Electricity) (77 posts)
Linton Demeer
Eltran Katsu'

N Male follower of Pharasma | Looks human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | Outsider (Native), Humanoid (human) | Bard 4 | | HP 42/42| AC 22 T 11 FF 21 | CMB -5, CMD 12 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4, Bluff: +15, Dipl: +15, SM: +0 Bardic Performance 14/20 | Reroll 1/1 | Bard 1st 5/5, 2nd 3/3 | Speed 20 ft | Active conditions: (62 posts)
Enora - Arcanist Iconic

Enora, Female LN Halfling | Arcanist 7 | Arcane Reservoir: 6/6 | Prescience: 6/6 | HP 45/45 | Temp HP 16/16 | AC 15 T 15 FF 12) | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +7 (+9 fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st: 5/6, 2nd: 2/5, 3rd: 2/4 | Staff charges 10/10 | Wand CLW 9/10 | Wand Mage Armor 4/5 | Rod of extend 3/3 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: Mage armor, 5 mirror images, prot. evil. | (226 posts)
Enora - Iconic

”Enora” | Female LN Small Halfling Arcanist 4 | HP 27| AC 13, T 13, FF 11 (Mage armor: AC 17, T 13, FF 15) | CMD 12 | F +4 R +5 W +5; +2 vs. fear | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30ft | (130 posts)
Enora - Iconic character

Enora, Female LN Halfling | Arcanist 7 | Arcane Reservoir: 5/6 | Prescience: 6/6 | HP 45/45 | Temp HP 15/15 | AC 19 T 15 FF 16) | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +7 (+9 fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st: 1/6, 2nd: 3/5, 3rd: 0/4 | Staff charges 10/10 | Wand CLW 10/10 | Wand Mage Armor 4/5 | Rod of extend 2/3 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: Mage armor, protection from evil, 5 images (768 posts)
Scythe Glass Swarm
GM Nowruz
(11,456 posts)
Hakon - Iconic Skald

”Hakon” | male NG human skald 7 | HP 52/52 | AC 19, T 14, FF 16 | CMB +9, CMD 23 | F +7 R +6 W +5 (+4 vs. bardic, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +3 | Perc +9 SM +16 | Speed 30ft | raging song 23/23; lore master 1/1; spell kenning 1/1; spells: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2, 3rd 2/2 | Active Conditions: None (41 posts)
Golem in Progress
Iseph - Iconic Operative

"Iseph" | non-binary NG Android ace pilot operative 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 | RP 6/6 | EAC 19; KAC 19 | Fort +1; Ref +8; Will +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +0; darkvision, low-light vision | Speed 40 ft, fly 30 ft (Avg)| Evasion | Active conditions: None (146 posts)
Shag Solomon
Kenji Haru'

aka “SCARAB“ | Male LG follower of Irori | Wolfscarred Ifrit | Outsider (Native) | Paladin 5, Ninja 2, Oracle 1 | HP 55/70 | AC 15 T 8 FF 15 | CMB +9 | CMD 17 | F: +13, R: +8, W: +15 | Init: +2 | Reroll 0/1 |Perc: +0, SM: +0, Dipl: +21 | Oracle Spells 1st 0/5 | Paladin Spells 3/3 | Channel 6/8 | Ki Pool 3/6 | Trance 5/5 | LoH 0/7 | Smite 1/1 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: (202 posts)
Keskodai - Iconic Mystic

"Keskodai" Male NG shirren priest mystic 4 | SP 28/28 HP 30/30 | RP 6/6 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +11, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Communalism 1/1; Healing Touch 1/1 | Spells: 1st 4/4; 2nd 3/3 | Active conditions: None (40 posts)
Kess - Iconic Brawler

”Kess” | Female CG Medium Human Brawler 7 | HP 19/67 | Now: AC 18 AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 29 (40 grapple, 37 trip) | F +7 R +8 W +5; +2 bonus vs. charm and compulsion | Init +2 | Perc +10 | Speed 30ft | Folio reroll 0/1 | Knockout Strike 0/1, Martial Flexibility 2/6 | Active Conditions: Heroism. (61 posts)
Corvin Tergsvor
Scarab Sages Kioshi' Katsu
(378 posts)
Scarab Sages Kyra - Cleric

”Kyra” | Female NG Medium (Keleshite) Human Cleric of Sarenrae 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMD 12| F +3 R +1 W +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | Speed 30ft | Channel positive energy 3/5 (DC12), Rebuke death 6/6 | Active Conditions: None. (84 posts)
Scarab Sages Kyra - Cleric Iconic

”Kyra” | Female NG Medium (Keleshite) Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4 | HP 32/35 | Now: AC 19, T 12, FF 19 (AC 17, T 10, FF 17) | CMD 15| F +6 R +3 W +9 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | Speed 30ft | Channel positive energy 2/5 (DC16), Rebuke death 7/7 | Active Conditions: Shield of Faith, 4 min duration. (56 posts)
Hero-God of Gardens and Orchards Kelksiomides

Male LN Warpriest 7 of Erastil | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 56/56 | AC 20, T 16, FF 14 | CMD 22 | F +11 R +11 W +14 | Init +6 | Perc +13, Sense Motive +10, Diplomacy +16 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 7/7 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions: (21 posts)
Cinder Wolf
Leryn - Iconic Hunter Animal C.

”Leryn” | Male N Medium wolf | HP 6/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | CMD 15 | F +5 R +5 W +1 | Init +2 | Perc +5; low-light vision, scent | Speed 50ft | Active Conditions: None (38 posts)
Thkot Tal

Giant Mosquito, N Medium (counts as Large) | Vermin Companion 7 (Unexpected Intellectual) | HP 59/59 | AC 25 T 15 FF 19 | CMB +4, CMD 24 | F: +9, R: +9 (Evasion), W: +3 (+4 ench.) | Init: +4 | Perc: +11 | Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) | Active conditions: None (44 posts)
Almah Rovshki
Navasi - Iconic Envoy

"Navasi" Female CG human outlaw envoy 8 | SP 48/48 HP 52/52 | RP 8/8 | EAC 22; KAC 23 | Fort +3; Ref +10; Will +9 | Init: +4 | Perc: +12, SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. (62 posts)
Kobold Master Trapper
Noral's Pregen

FAZGYN" | Male Kobold (Small humanoid reptilian) Unchained rogue 4 | HP: 29/29 | AC: 20 (15 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +9 | Speed 30ft |Active conditions: light sensitivity. (203 posts)
Kbold Chieftan
Obozaya - Soldier Iconic

"Obozaya" Female N vesk mercenary soldier 8 | SP 72/72 HP 62/62 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +6; +2 vs. fear | Init: +8 | Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. (60 posts)
Oloch - Iconic Warpriest

”Oloch” | Male CN Medium Half-Orc Warpriest of Gorum 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +1 W +4 | Init +3 | Perc +4; darkvision | Speed 30ft | Spells 1st 2/2 | Blessings 3/3 | Active Conditions: Shield of Faith, War mind +1 AC. (193 posts)

Male N Large Roc | Animal Companion 7 (Bodyguard Archetype) | HP 39/39 | AC 30 T 13 FF 26 | CMB +11/+15 grapple, CMD 25 | F: +7, R: +9, W: +3/+7 vs. enchantment | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 Speed 20 ft., Fly 80 ft. | Active conditions: None (69 posts)
Haughty Avenger
Pregen by Noral

Eramay - The Loyalist | Female Half-Elf Cavalier (Constable) 8 | HP: 72/80| AC: 24 (12 Tch, 22 Fl) | CMB: +12 CMD:24 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +8 (+10 vs Enchantment, Immune Sleep) | Init: +1 | Perc: +17, SM: +13 | Speed 20ft | Challenge 3/3 ||Tactician 2/2|Aspis Badge(+3 saves vs Charm, Compulsion & Fear, +2 vs Challenge | | Active conditions: divine favor, spide climb, divine power. (32 posts)
Ancient Solar Dragon
Pregen of Noral

Ember | HP 57/57 (fast healing 1) | NOW: AC 26 t 20 ff 21 | AC 22 t 20 ff 17 | F +7, R +12, W +10 | | Init +5 | Perc +10, darkvision 60 ft | 60 ft fly | B. Perf. 19/19 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 4/4 | Active cond.: Mage Armor (236 posts)

Quig - Iconic Mechanic

"Quig" Male CN ysoki bounty hunter mechanic 1 | SP 7/7 HP 8/8 | RP 4/4 | EAC 13; KAC 14 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5, SM: +1; darkvision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. (37 posts)
Count Lethar Narsus
Radan Alaris
(0 posts)
Raia - Technomancer Iconic

"Raia" Female LG damaya lashunta xenoseeker technomancer 1 | SP 5/5 HP 9/9 | RP 4/4 | EAC 13; KAC 14 | Fort +0; Ref +2; Will +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1; Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None. (75 posts)

Male N Medium Velociraptor | Animal Companion 7 (Bodyguard Archetype) | HP 57/57 | AC 24 T 14 FF 20 | CMB +9, CMD 22| F: +10, R: +10 (no Evasion), W: +4/+8 vs. Ench. | Init: +4 | Perc: +12 | Senses: Low-light vision, Scent | Speed 60ft | Active conditions: None (7 posts)
Tsukiyo, Prince of the Moon

Male N Undine | Outsider (Native) | | Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade, Noble Fencer) 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMB +7 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 13 (15 Disarm) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1 | Darkvision | Speed 30ft, Swim 30ft | Panache 4/5 | Active conditions: None. (120 posts)
Nivi, the Gray Polychrome

Female N Wayang Witch (Invoker archetype, Time patron) 8 | HP: 79/79, temp HP 12/12 | Cold resistance 2 | AC 18 Tch 14, Fl 15 | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +11, R:+8, W:+9 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12, SM: +11, Dipl. (Influence): +15, Bluff (Deceive): +16 | Invoke Patron: 7/8 min. | Divune (familiar) HP: 39/39 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | Act. Cond: heroism, Air bubble, See invisibility (58 posts)
Scarab Sages Setare' Katsu
(276 posts)
Shardra - Iconic Shaman

”Shardra” | Female N Medium Dwarf Shaman 7 | HP 73/73 + 0/0 Temp. HP | AC 20, T 10, FF 20 | CMB +3 CMD 15 | F +6 R +3 W +11; +3 vs. poison, +5 vs. spells and SLA | Init +1 | Perc +12; darkvision, stonecunning | Speed 20ft | Channel Pos. Energy 1/4 Monstrous Insight 6/day | Active Conditions: none (304 posts)
Temple Priest
Sovereign Court Taariik’

| Male LG follower of Irori | Ifrit | Outsider (Native) | Paladin 2, Ninja 2, Medium 4 | | HP 77/77 | AC 18 T 8 FF 18 / AC 20 with heavy shield | CMB +12 | CMD 20 | F: +14, R: +9, W: +12 (+13 vs. fear/confusion) | Init: +12 | Perc: +2, SM: -2, Dipl: +19 | Mind Arsenal 7/8 | Ki Pool 1/6 | Reroll 0/1 | Smite 0/1 | Influence 4/4 | Spirit Dance 0/13 | Eefriti Magic 1/1 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: (282 posts)
Troy Gol

Male N Ratfolk | Alchemist 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 20 T 15 FF 16 | CMD 12| F: +3, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc +8 | Speed 20ft (40ft on riding dog) | Active conditions: (207 posts)

CN Male Medium Gorebrute Shifter (Humanoid Shapeshifter) | Bloodrager 1 | Speed 30ft | Low-light Vision | HP 10/14 | AC 18, T 12, FF 16 | CMB +5 | CMD 18| F +6 R +1 W +3 | Init +1 | Perc +7, Sense Motive +1 | Reroll 1/1 | Rage 8/8 | Active Conditions: // - - EBERRON MAPs -- (73 posts)
Zoudra, High Priestess of Asmodeus

LE Gestalt Cleric & Oracle 4 devoted to Hell | Outsider (Native), Small Female Succubus & Aasimar blooded Halfling | Darkvision 60ft | HP 44/44 | DR2/magic | Resistance 2 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr, Fire; Resistance 5 vs. negative energy | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 10 | F: +9, R: +7, W: +10, +2 vs. Poison | Init: +5 | Bardic Perf. 15/15 | Variant Channel 8/8 | Oracle Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Perc: +5, SM: +9, Dipl.: +12, Bluff: +12 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: life link transfers 5 damage per round per PC (31 posts)
Rimon Fessel
Yar Aval

Male CG/N Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) 2 of the Monkey King | Aasimar Halfling | Outsider (Native) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 20/20 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Speed 20 ft | AC 18 T 12 FF 17 | CMD 9 | F: +7*, R: +2*, W: +8* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) Caravan Bond 6/6 | Copycat 7/7 | Liberation 7/7 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4, SM: +8, Dipl.: +8, Bluff: +8 | Active conditions: (28 posts)
Yoon - Iconic Kineticist

”Yoon” | female CG human pyrokineticist 1 | HP 15/15 nonlethal damage: 0 | AC 16, T 14, FF 13 | CMB –2 CMD 11 | F +5 R +5 W +1 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +3 | Perc +5 SM +1 | Speed 20ft | burn 0/6 | Active Conditions: None (114 posts)
Scarab Sages Zaarah' Katsu
(108 posts)
Zadim - Iconic Slayer

”Zadim” | Male N Medium Human Slayer 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14 | CMD 16| F +3 R +4 W +2; | Init +2 | Perc +4 | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None. (21 posts)
Storm Giant
The Concordance Zamin in human form

CN Male Medium Skinwalker Wereboar-Kin (Humanoid Shapeshifter) | Bloodrager 1 | Speed 30ft | Low-light Vision | HP 13/13| AC 18, T 12, FF 16 | CMB +5 | CMD 18| F +5 R +2 W +1 | Init +2 | Perc +7, Sense Motive +1 | Reroll 1/1 | Rage 7/7 | Active Conditions: (9 posts)

Male N Medium Magical Beast | Animal Companion 4 (Air Elemental Companion Archetype) | Resist Cold, Acid & Electricity 5 | HP 30/30 | AC 21 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5 | CMD 19 | F: +6, R: +8 (no Evasion), W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 | Smite 1/1 | Speed 40ft | Scent | Darkvision 60ft | Low-light vision | Active conditions: None (1 post)
Nemira Lowls
° Sarah Cordon
(21 posts)
° Sue Young
(43 posts)