• Lay on Hands: 7 uses = ½ Paladin Level 5 + Cha +5 / 2d6+4+8 hp healing per use = d6 hp per two Paladin levels, +2 hp per die rolled from Fey Foundling feat, +8 hp per healing effect from Planar Infusion feat
• Hospitaler Channel Energy: 8 uses = 3 + Cha +5 from Hospitaler archetype / d6 (channel positive energy as a cleric equal to paladin level –3)
• Ki Pool: 6 = ½ Ninja Level + Cha +5
• Smite Evil: 1 = 1 Hospitaler Paladin Level one + 1 every six levels
Bluff +12 (Rank 1, Class +3, Cha +5, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Diplomacy +21 (Rank 8, Class +3, Cha +5, Persuasive +2, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Disguise +12 (Rank +1, Class +3, Cha +5, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Intimidate +21 (Rank 8, Class +3, Cha +5, Persuasive +2, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Knowledge Arcana +9 (Rank 1, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Knowledge Dungeoneering +9 (Rank 1, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Knowledge Local +12 (Rank 1, Class +3, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Knowledge Nature +9 (Rank 1, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Knowledge Planes +18 (Rank 7, Class +3, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Knowledge Religion +12 (Rank 1, Class +3, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation)
Spellcraft +5 (Rank 1, Class +3, Int +1)
Swim +3 (Rank 1, Class +3, Str +3, ACP -4)
Use Magic Device +19 (Rank 8, Class +3, Cha +5, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Five levels x 3 Skill Points ( 2 Paladin + 1 Int) = 15 Two levels x 9 Skill Points ( 8 Ninja + 1 Int) = 18 One level x 5 Skill Points ( 4 Oracle + 1 Int) = 5 Rebellion rank 2/7 bonus = 2
TOTAL: 40 Skill Points
Craft Alchemy +5 (Rank 1, Class +3, Int +1)
Knowledge: History +12 (Rank 1, Class +3, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Knowledge: Nobility +12 (Rank 1, Class +3, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Knowledge: Geography +9 (Rank 1, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Knowledge: Engineering +10 (Rank 2, Cha +5 ‘Lore Keeper’ revelation, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Handle Animal +12 (Rank +1, Class +3, Cha +5, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
Linguistics +12 (Rank 8, Class +3, Int +1)
Perform: Sing +12 (Rank +1, Class +3, Cha +5, Circlet of Persuasion +3)
16 skill points => Eight levels with 2 Background Skill Points per level
Circlet of persuasion; Lucky horseshoe; Minor bag of holding; Meditation crystal channel focus; Cold Iron Morningstar; MW Cold Iron Greatsword; Alchemical Silver Dagger; Bardiche; Backpack; Weapon cord; Tea of Transference x 24; Scroll of Shield, Scroll of Remove Sickness, Scroll of Summon Monster 1, Scroll of Remove Fear, Scroll of Protection from Evil, Scroll of Obscuring Mist, Scroll of Mindlink, Scroll of Identify, Scroll of Expeditious Retreat, Scroll of Endure Elements, Scroll of Detect Undead, Scroll of Detect Evil, Scroll of Comprehend Languages; Cold Iron Spiked Gauntlet; Chain mail +1 - Soothsayer’s Raiment (Lore, Focused Trance); Smelling Salts; Rope; Crowbar; 2 x Wooden Holy Symbol of Irori
Lvl 1: 13 Hit Points = 10 Paladin, Con +2, +1 Fav. Class Lvl 2: 7 Hit Points = 5 Oracle, Con +2 Lvl 3: 9 Hit Points = 6 Paladin, Con +2, +1 Fav. Class Lvl 4 & 5: 7 Hit Points = 5 Ninja, Con +2 Lvl 6 to 8: 9 Hit Points = 6 Paladin, Con +2, +1 Fav. Class
• Lvl 1: FEY FOUNDLING: Prerequisites: You may only select this feat at 1st level. Benefit: Whenever you receive magical healing, you heal an additional 2 points per die rolled. You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against death effects. Unfortunately, you also suffer +1 point of damage from cold iron weapons (although you can wield cold iron weapons without significant discomfort).
• Lvl 3: POWER ATTACK: Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
• Lvl - free feat Rebellion rank 4: PERSUASIVE: Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
• Lvl 5: PLANAR INFUSION (Positive Energy Plane, Basic): Benefit: You’ve been infused with raw life force, and whenever you’re healed by a positive energy effect (including all cure spells), you regain an additional number of hit points equal to your total Hit Dice. You gain a +4 bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize while dying.
• Lvl 7: EXTRA REVELATION: Benefit: You gain one additional revelation. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this revelation. Special: You can gain Extra Revelation multiple times.
• Lvl - free feat Rebellion rank 9: IRON WILL: Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws.
• Meticulous (Drawback): You plan and prepare everything in detail, and aren’t good at improvising when things don’t go as planned. Effect: You take a –2 penalty on skill checks for skills with which you’re untrained.
-- TRAITS --
• FATE’s FAVORED (Faith): Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.
• MAGICAL KNACK (Magic: Paladin): Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.
• EX-ASMODEAN (Campaign): You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls […] against agents of House Thrune and worshipers of Asmodeus, including most (but not all) devils.
• CLASS SKILLS: Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
• PALADIN WEAPON AND ARMOR PROFICIENCY: Paladins are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).
• AURA OF GOOD: The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level.
• DETECT EVIL (Sp): At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.
• SMITE EVIL (Su): Once per day, a paladin can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the paladin adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. In addition, while smite evil is in effect, the paladin gains a deflection bonus equal to her Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the paladin rests and regains her uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: Paladin, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. • HOSPITALER Smite Evil (Su): This functions as the paladin ability, but the hospitaler can smite evil one additional time per day at 7th level, and every six levels thereafter (instead of 4th level and every three levels thereafter).
• DIVINE GRACE (Su): At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.
• LAY ON HANDS (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 her paladin level plus her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, a paladin can heal 1d6 hit points of damage for every two paladin levels she possesses. Using this ability is a standard action, unless the paladin targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, a paladin only needs one free hand to use this ability. Alternatively, a paladin can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage for every two levels the paladin possesses. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.
• AURA OF COURAGE (Su): At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.
• DIVINE HEALTH (Ex): At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases, including mummy rot.
• MERCY (Su): At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, a paladin can select one mercy. Each mercy adds an effect to the paladin's lay on hands ability. Whenever the paladin uses lay on hands to heal damage to one target, the target also receives the additional effects from all of the mercies possessed by the paladin. A mercy can remove a condition caused by a curse, disease, or poison without curing the affliction. Such conditions return after 1 hour unless the mercy actually removes the affliction that causes the condition. All available mercy options can be found here. These abilities are cumulative. For example, a 12th-level paladin's lay on hands ability heals 6d6 points of damage and might also cure fatigued and exhausted conditions as well as removing diseases and neutralizing poisons. Once a condition or spell effect is chosen, it can't be changed.
• HOSPITALER CHANNEL POSITIVE ENERGY (Su): When a hospitaler reaches 4th level, she gains the ability to channel positive energy as a cleric equal to her paladin level –3. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. Using this ability does not expend uses of lay on hands, as it does with other paladins. This replaces the standard paladin’s channel positive energy ability.
• DIVINE BOND (Sp): Upon reaching 5th level, a paladin forms a divine bond with her god. This bond can take one of two forms. Once the form is chosen, it cannot be changed. The first type of bond allows the paladin to enhance her weapon as a standard action by calling upon the aid of a celestial spirit for 1 minute per paladin level. When called, the spirit causes the weapon to shed light as a torch. At 5th level, this spirit grants the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. For every three levels beyond 5th, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5, or they can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: axiomatic, brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, flaming burst, holy, keen, merciful, and speed. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property's cost (see Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities). These bonuses are added to any properties the weapon already has, but duplicate abilities do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. The bonus and properties granted by the spirit are determined when the spirit is called and cannot be changed until the spirit is called again. The celestial spirit imparts no bonuses if the weapon is held by anyone other than the paladin but resumes giving bonuses if returned to the paladin. These bonuses apply to only one end of a double weapon. A paladin can use this ability once per day at 5th level, and one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 5th, to a total of four times per day at 17th level. If a weapon bonded with a celestial spirit is destroyed, the paladin loses the use of this ability for 30 days, or until she gains a level, whichever comes first. During this 30-day period, the paladin takes a –1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls.
- Legalistic: Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual.
- Wolfscarred Face: Your face is deformed, as though you were born with a wolf ’s muzzle instead of an ordinary nose and jaw. Many mistake you for a werewolf, and in areas plagued by lycanthropes, you must take pains to hide your face. You have a severe speech impediment, and any spells you cast with a verbal component have a 20% chance of failing, wasting your action but not expending the spell. You gain a natural bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage if you are a Medium creature or 1d3 points of damage if you are Small.
- Oracle 1st level revelation: MISFORTUNE (Ex): At 1st level, as an immediate action, you can force a creature within 30 feet to reroll any one d20 roll that it has just made before the results of the roll are revealed. The creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. Once a creature has suffered from your misfortune, it cannot be the target of this revelation again for 1 day.
- via Extra Revelation feat: LORE KEEPER (Ex): Instead of encyclopedic knowledge, you learn most of your information through tales, songs, and poems. You may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Intelligence modifier on all Knowledge checks.
- via Soothsayer’s Raiment: FOCUSED TRANCE (Ex): You can enter a deep meditation, blocking out visual and auditory stimuli and allowing you to concentrate on a single problem, philosophical issue, or memory. This trance lasts 1d6 rounds, during which time you can only take move actions. During this period, you gain a bonus equal to your level on all saves against sonic effects and gaze attacks. When you come out of your trance, you may make a single Intelligence-based skill check with a +20 circumstance bonus. You may enter your focused trance a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.
• NINJA TRICK: Forgotten Trick (Ex): A ninja with this ability can recall one trick taught to her by her ancient masters. When she uses this ability, she selects one ninja trick (not a master trick or rogue talent) that she does not know and can use that ninja trick for a number of rounds equal to her level. She must pay any ki costs associated with the trick as normal. Using this ability expends 2 ki point from her ki pool, plus the ki cost of the trick she chooses.
• KI POOL (Su): At 2nd level, a ninja gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy she can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in the ninja's ki pool is equal to 1/2 her ninja level + her Charisma modifier. As long as she has at least 1 point in her ki pool, she treats any Acrobatics skill check made to jump as if she had a running start. At 10th level, she also reduces the DC of Acrobatics skill checks made to jump by 1/2 (although she still cannot move farther than her speed allows). By spending 1 point from her ki pool, a ninja can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but she can do so only when making a full attack. In addition, she can spend 1 point to increase her speed by 20 feet for 1 round. Finally, a ninja can spend 1 point from her ki pool to give herself a +4 insight bonus on Stealth checks for 1 round. Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. A ninja can gain additional powers that consume points from her ki pool by selecting certain ninja tricks.
• Wis: -2, Str: +2, Cha: +2
• TYPE: Outsider (Native)
• SIZE: Medium
• WILD HEART: Ifrits with this trait are as swift and dangerous as a blazing wildfire. They gain a +4 racial bonus on initiative checks. This racial trait replaces energy resistance.
• EEFRITI MAGIC: Some ifrits inherit an efreeti ancestor’s ability to magically change a creature’s size. They can cast either enlarge person or reduce person (the ifrit chooses when using this ability) once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equals the ifrit’s level). The ifrit can use this ability to affect other ifrits as though they were humanoid creatures. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.
• FIRE IN THE BLOOD: Ifrits with this racial trait mimic the healing abilities of the mephits, gaining fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they take fire damage (whether or not this fire damage gets through their fire resistance). The ifrits can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. This racial trait replaces fire affinity.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Ignan
Iroran paladins meditate on self-perfection and train relentlessly, knowing that their example can inspire others to excel.
An Iroran paladin embraces law and goodness as other paladins do, conducting himself with honor and protecting the innocent.
An Iroran paladin avoids entanglements that would distract him from the pursuit of perfection, i.e. he would not incur debts nor give loans to others—though he could be encouraged to give freely to those in need.
Irori offers no universal paladin code— each paladin in his service creates his own code as part of his spiritual journey, seeing the adherence to such a self-formulated creed as one of the many tests one must face to reach perfection.
So team, I need to inform you all about mechanical stuff related to Kenji that affects all of you!
Misfortune (Ex): At 1st level, as an immediate action, you can force a creature within 30 feet to reroll any one d20 roll that it has just made before the results of the roll are revealed. The creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. Once a creature has suffered from your misfortune, it cannot be the target of this revelation again for 1 day.
The trickiest thing for everyone to keep track of in a PbP format is his Misfortune revelation. Basically, Kenji can require anyone (including allies) to reroll a d20 once/day.
Caveats: it uses his immediate action (so it's not available when he's still flatfooted) and it has a 30' range limitation.
This means that
a) I can use it on you once/day per person;
b) but I can only use it once/round (since it uses my immediate);
c) so as an ally try to stay within 30' of Kenji if possible.
To my fellow players: In a PbP format, I think one good way to handle this is for you each to decide for yourselves if you want to use the ability and just be sure that someone else hasn't already used my immediate previously that round.
To the GM: With regard to foes, I'm fine with the GM reflecting the misfortune hex against a foe, using the following priorities:
- Enemy attack rolls: If a foe threatens a crit against an player that has only 20 hp left then Kenji will immediate action misfortune the initial attack roll.
- Enemy saving throws: When they have to make a save and have rolled 13 or better on the d20 roll then Kenji will immediate action misfortune the reroll the saving throw.
I hope this was understandable! :-)
Thanks to GM Abraham from whom I copied major portions of the text above as he is also using Misfortune with one of his characters.
Born into slavery and sacrifice in the church of Asmodeus in Egorian
Kenji was born in the capital of Cheliax, the City of Thorns Egorian, as the unfortunate child of a Tian slave that was raped again and again by beings from the elemental plane of fire. His mother and many, many other predominantly human and Halfling women were used as the toys of an Asmodean sorceress that regularly experimented by cross-breeding his tortured slaves with the planar creatures that the sorceress summoned to the material plane.
Kenji’s mother was a broken woman and although she gave him his name and tried to secretly teach him about her roots in Tian Xia, she died too soon to prevent the Asmodean indoctrination that Kenji and his “sisters and brothers” faced day to day.
As Egorian is the heart of the faith of Asmodeus, and the largest concentration of his worshipers can be found there, the allegiance of the sorceress to the church of Asmodeus was not surprising, and thus this led to the young slaves of the sorceress to be tortured and ‘educated’ in the The Midnight Temple in Egorian.
Kenji can still remember the Black Altar in the Temple of Asmodeus that resembled a devil with large wings and horns and which was the place where many of his siblings had to prove their ultimate loyalty by volunteering! The sacrifice of nine slaves were made to the deity at midnight on the first day of every ninth week. The wings closed around the sacrifices to hide the killing blow, and no corpse remained when they opened.
Although Kenji was once clearly a worshiper of Asmodeus, seeing his ‘family members’ die week after week made him slowly lose the only faith he knew. Being asked to give up something dear as a sacrifice, the life of a newly born or older brother or sister, was too much to bear.
Freedom and purpose within the Sacred Order of Archivists in Kintargo
Maybe it was fate or maybe it was the Master of Masters plans but one day a concerted strike on the evil sorceress’ hideout by the Pathfinder Society and the Bellflower Network led to the freedom of all slaves! The Halflings and humans were liberated and Kenji was able to see the world outside of the hell that he called life.
The Pathfinder and Bellflower network agents had a hard time to convince all of Kenji’s ‘family members’ to reclaim their freedom because they had simply never met anyone who opened their eyes and showed them the truth—that Asmodeus does not care for his followers, and that there are other deities, organizations and communities that do. After this event, Kenji and many in his family aided the Pathfinders and the Bellflower network, and as a result, his family was hunted down and all that were found were punished and even executed. Ever since, Kenji has vowed to get justice against the church.
During this time Kenji and some of his siblings received a more formal education by a human Pathfinder agent from Kintargo that was allied with the Bellflower network and as a Paladin of Irori, the God of history, knowledge and self-perfection, saw the need to guide the former slaves. The story of a mortal man who ascended to godhood by attaining pure physical and mental perfection was so intriguing that Kenji and some of his siblings followed the Paladin.
Although no official Iroran temple existed in Kintargo, the semi-secret Many-Steps Monastery worked against House Thrune’s constant redactions and rewriting of history. Hidden under Hocum’s Fantasmagorum in Kintargo’s Redroof district, the Many-Steps Monastery was home to the Iroran Sacred Order of Archivists, and it was here that Kenji found a true home and started to learn more about the world, about himself and about the beliefs that he wants to focus on.
Training to become a Paladin in Absalom and life in the Pathfinder Society
While not interested in direct confrontation, the Iroran scholars taught Kenji to seek out documents and relics crucial to maintaining an accurate picture of the past, and safeguarding them for those who might legitimately seek out their secrets. During this time the Archivists expanded beyond Cheliax, establishing cells wherever corrupt governments, extreme nationalism, or prejudice might cause people to sweep inconvenient truths under the rug.
Because of that Kenji accompanied the Paladin that originally introduced him to the faith of Irori to Absalom where he helped Kenji to get accepted to the Tempering Hall, a Iomedaen combat school that traditionally trains paladins of Iomedae as well as those Paladins called by Abadar, Irori, and Shelyn, as well as those dedicated to fighting evil! The three-year course of study and training was a valuable preparation against powerful foes.
Wanting to follow in the footsteps of his Iroran Mentor and former Pathfinder, Kenji also joined the Pathfinder Society to gain and protect the knowledge of the past across the Inner Sea and beyond! Although Kenji gained significant experience in the Society, he soon realized that his goals as an Iroran of the Sacred Order of Archivists sometimes put him at odds with the Pathfinder Society, as his superiors all too often were interested more in locking away knowledge and securing power than in careful stewardship as well as proliferation of knowledge.
Return to Kintargo
When he eventually learned of the Night of Ashes, during which Thrune agents attacked the Monastery and took control of it from the Order of Archivists, Kenji decided that it was time to return to Kintargo to see if he could reclaim the seized relics and books. Kenji realized that the city had significantly changed since Barzillai Thrune’s takeover of Kintargo, and he immediately decided that it was time to resist the agents of House Thrune. When he tried to contact some of his Tiefling friends in the slums of Devil’s Nursery he was shocked to learn that also the Cloven Hoof Society was hit hard and that many Tieflings and misfits are unprotected again.
Now he has heard of a group of heroes that have started to resist the Thrune regime and Kenji is eager to join their ranks and support them!