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Farol's page

Organized Play Member. 496 posts (14,547 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters. 21 aliases.


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rainzax wrote:
Who is the god of exams?


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GM Frost wrote:
Just a quick heads-up: A super typhoon is headed toward our location. Electricity and internet might go out, and there’s a risk of flooding, which could delay my updates and participation in the games I’m running and playing. I’ll check in when I can—thanks for your understanding!

Take care of yourself and your family GM! All the best

GM Tiger wrote:

EDIT to the Q17 Recruitment -- Please make it Low-Tier. Leo's friend is a new player so I'd rather not have to use Level Bumps.

Those who want to play this High Tier, let me know and I'll open another table for you.

I actually have lvl 4 Rogue that I could play it with, or if you prefer 2nd low tier table I have an idea for champion at lvl 1.

Have fun! Thanks for considering me Watery

Hey, to confirm:

Xun is lvl 7, I need to update his profile, I started playing on discord and manage accounts through smart naming of chronicles + pathbuilder, I will update his profile
For Zazu he is lvl 8.2 (one chronicle will flip him to 9) Same case, I will update him in an instant

GM Tiger wrote:

My Investigator is still trying to defeat Ulrich of the Burning Suns... Otherwise:

Character name: Isaku Beru
XP: 80-84 by the end of GD (depending on whether I apply additional credit)
Class: Investigator 7
PFS number: 2396852-2001
Perception Bonus: +14 (Master)
Faction: Radiant Oath

Isaku my a*** guess who I would dive for this round!

I would love to play this series, I did play it with Hopper in the past, so I would go with replayes for all three.

1a. Same character yes - I have Oracle lvl 7 and Zazu ratfolk lvl 7 or 8 (I need to double check), I was holding my warpriest but decided to play her at another scenario which made her lvl 9 :( (I could swap players after first scenario but I don't think it is a good idea), I also have druid lvl 6, But I would need to apply some credit to make him eligible for other scenarios
b. My PC can make it
c. Flaking? No, that is not me, but I do see less free time lately whihc my make some of my posts shorter than I would like
d. I am open to play the whole thing
e. Yes for all 3
f. yeah, I know the charms of high tier game, I don't mind my PC die, I am prepared for that, and I like close call fights!
3. Yeah I know you Watery I am fine with your speed, assuming that you are fine with mine
4. Ok so here is the availability list:
Rawiri currently playing special scenario
Xun bard lvl 7 currently playing protect the fireligh (I feel like we are close to finish)
Zazu Wizard lvl 7/8 currently available
if and only if group need more beefy frontline I can bring Makai lvl 9 warpriest but only for 2 last scenarios,

I don't have the details ... but my good pal WaterySoup will lay it down in great details.

Before you: WaterySoup! please refrain from trying to thicken in!

I would love to play any of the above, I think I played them all, but I don't mind replaying them, and I have 7+ PC's.

GM Tiger wrote:

ok. I think the next question would be:

Do we have enough to fill 2 tables (1 low tier and 1 high tier). Trust me, you don't want to be doing a high tier table with a level bump...

After gameday I would likely play the low tier version ;)

GM Frost wrote:
GM Frost wrote:

Recruiting for Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: Guardian's Covenant

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
If you are interested to join, SIGN UP HERE! The game will start in 24 hours after I notice six signups.

The sign up is quickly filled up. I would like the following Pathfinders for S03-13 Guardian's Covenant to quicky head over to Port Valen Lodge and meet Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen HERE:

Shayla Quickfingers
Zizarc Misraria
Galanthus 'Snowdrop' Frostweaver

Darn mist it!

Bakbat wrote:
'I have a 7th level Sorcerer who can play 5-08' which makes sense:
Bakbat profile

I have glyphs, but they do not matter now ;)

THanks @Mike for running this table and having me, Hey @Hmm and Bretl, great to be playing with you again. Hey all!

For the PCs I have:
Bard lvl 7 or 8 (need to count chronicles) that I would like to play this scenario with ;)
Flames Oracle lvl 7 (but I think we have Oracle already)
Wizard lvl 8 (Ysoki ;) but we have this one as well)
Magus lvl 5 (frontline) - I will play him if we have no other front folks, but since we seem to be heading into high tier I would try to avoid playing lvl 5 PC ;)

I would love to join

Watery Soup wrote:

Season 1:
Levels 1-4: 1-02 (I've said previously I didn't intend to run it, but I'm actually kind of open to it now)
Levels 3-6: 1-19
Levels 5-8: 1-21, 1-24, 1-25

Season 2:
Levels 1-4: 2-01 (this one was tough IIRC), 2-03
Levels 3-6: 2-04 (although I might want to save this to run as a series with other Arcadian scenarios from Seasons 3-4), 2-12
Levels 5-8: 2-07, 2-08, 2-10 (is there another orc scenario in later seasons that couples with 2-10?)

Well, from my side, I would love to play 1-21/1-24/1-25 with my cleric who is one scenario away from lvling into 9th ;)

Yeah, what GM said ;) In PBP people will most likely do block initiative ;) In real time game, you would go creature by creature, resolving actions and all. Since PBP tends to be slower and wait time would drag the fight to days for one round, most have agreed to resolve initiative in blocks.

You group all players that are next to each other into one block, and when their time comes they can post all at once. It creates some challenges and opportunities ;) [as many things in PBP]
1. You can post as a third one and the creature could simply be dead at that point ;) Then GM will go with best guess ('I will move you and take two attacks vs the other creature') Or will ask you to redo your round
2. At times GM can decide to reschufle as bard will post last buffing the party, so GM can decide that buff will go first, or recall knowledge will happen before you cast your spell
3. Reactions are a bit akward (Attack of Opportunity - is rare but still happen, but then there are Champion reacitons to strike, Shield Block, Spells that are reactions and all) - the best approach that I saw is to include it in your post either as a spoiler:

AOO if any creature triggers:

Here comes attack roll

Or a ooc block

If any creature strikes Kahawa I will use Glimpse - give resistance 3 and enfeebled 2 on the creature for a round

Overall I would recommend reading Gm Doug profile he has some good links and descriptions. Some of them are his preferences but it is a good starting point ;)

Kahawa Barristar wrote:

When I roll for my nature thing, should I preview the post and continue my response? I didn't meet the DC so I haven't checked what's inside the spoiler, but after posting I realize that I don't quite understand what I'm seeing, yet, and would probably comment on it? Certainly I would have described what my thoughts were had I made the DC? No?

What's the etiquette of the in-built rolling system, is the question, I guess. And the process of posting, based on a roll I get. :D

Overall it is fine to preview and adjust your post, if you meet the DC I like to describe what the spoiler has, tell it using your PCs way of speaking and all that. If you don't fill like it, or you don't have time, you can simply leave a note:

Feel free to read the spoiler

Some people don't do it and assume that it is the rule:
- I made the check, so everyone can read the spoiler. So something to keep in mind


With regards to loot, in society games loot represents effectively how much money we will get at the end of the scenario. The list of given items: crowbars, spears and healing potions would not persist beyond this session. So if you find use for them - cool, no one will fight you on it. The healing potion could be the most 'crucial' as if some of us will go into dying it may be relevant ;)

Overall most players do not care about such loot, and there are some mechanics that are not clear. For example:

Witch can learn a spell by letting her familiar to eat a scroll with a spell. And it does not cost money, so when you play with a Witch it is a good idea to snatch every scroll and let your familiar eat it as known spell would persist beyond a session. So there are those wierd cases.

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Hey Pirate!, folks, just a note from Froggy:

'Pls inform our table in Q3 that my home PC suddenly died. Also pls inform Pirate Rob of the same thing (I'm in his 1-23) game. I'll have to troubleshoot my PC when I get home.'

So leaving a note here! Have fun!

I have 3 PC'S that I can bring:
- Lvl 3 gunslinger (Pistolero) who played the previous Arclord scenario
- Lvl 3 Witch
- Lvl 3 gunslinger (vanguard) ;)

Since we have 1 gunslinger I am leaning towards the Witch at the moment ;) Unless playing PC who interacted with the school is so much better

THanks for being an awesome group! See you at forums!

Ok, I haven't seen others posting, so I am leaning towards closing this thread in couple of days...

Watery Soup wrote:

So, I had planned to sign up to GM a nonrepeatable 1-4 or 3-6, but several of the ones I'm interested in already have signups.

Unofficial interest check for:

1-02 (Mosquito Witch): I don't remember liking this scenario when I played it, but it was the very first PF2 scenario that I played, so I thought maybe I'd give it another shot. I don't think I've ever seen it offered on PbP.

1-09 (Star-Crossed Voyages): I feel like a lot of people have played this already, I think I recruited for it a while back but didn't get a table.

2-01 (Citadel of Corruption): Haha, this one was fun for me even though I'm pretty sure we deserved a TPK. I offered this a while back and not enough masochists signed up.

2-03 (Catastrophe's Spark): I don't remember much about this one specifically, but I offered this a while back and it didn't go, and I ended up running 2-05 (the third part in the series) instead.

2-17 (Lost Maid of Anactoria): I think this may be long for a convention, but I really liked it. Did someone recruit for a 2-17 run recently? I feel like I recently saw it.

2-21 (In Pursuit of Water): This was okay fun when I played it. I didn't read the description and brought a water-themed character. Would not recommend that, but would recommend the scenario overall. I don't think I've seen it offered recently.

I played all of the above, but I wouldn't hate to replay one of them. From the above, I really enjoyed 1-02 (I played it on outpust/gameday in a team of 2 players with 2 pregens ;)), 2-17 and 2-21.

On another note, lately I contemplated that I would love to replay Breaking of the Storm arc ;)

Beggar So wrote:
Watery Soup wrote:
I've got Quinoline at level 10, but I want to play another 7-10 so she can be level 11 for the 9-12 scenarios.
Farol's got a 7-10... which I'm also tempted to play assuming Isaku's game (04-07) ends on time...

Yeah, I want again try to GM something, and it was the last scenario of the metaplot that I did not play. So I decided to GM it instead.

Chronicle looks good, thanks Tiger!

I was here from the beggining, the really early beggining ;) I think we played through the content that was planned ... and then some more. As much as I would not mind playing more, I have a feeling like I lost some energy. So I would be leaning towards calling it a day, but if others wish to continue I can change my mind.

GM Zoomba wrote:

It's a new year. A time for new beginnings, and new Pathfinder agents.

Looking to see if there's interest for a table of Intro #1: The Second Confirmation. Come test out you new (or newish) level 1-2 characters to help out a fellow missing agent!

I would be interested!

Hey folks, do someone have a link to pregen bb codes? I think it was pinned some time ago, but I couldn't find a working link

Sorry folks, I am a bit swamped with work and as a result I am burning out on pbp (effectivelly I am loosing time slots to post, and in my free time I tend to close paizo instead of opening it). I am also missing lvl 1 creature PC. So I could play a pregen and assign it to a number.

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Off by one coma ;) 1100 km ;) Moon in fact is much closer ;) So I traveled still within Europe (which is one of the smallest continents out there). Watery Soup/Pirate Rob/Pale Dim makes that distance to buy butter ;)

Chronicle looks good! Thank you very much for running, and sorry for not being more active!

Yeah what Watery said. I was on vacation. or actually returning from vacation. But still 11 k km in car ;) Anywho, I am catching up with the games now

GM Watery Soup wrote:

The game has been reported.

Chronicles are HERE.

Hey Watery, I wanted to actually download the chronicle, and got no access ;)

Loong Laohu wrote:
Farol, you planning to do 04-08 (Battle for Star's Fate)? Isaku's 6th lvl and I don't want him to go out of range if you run it.

Currently no, I am experimenting with GM'ing again to see how it fits my new schedule. And I am running one scenario at the moment and making no plans or promises to GM more

I could join something but Croaker is my highest lvl pc (lvl 9), I did not play 5-10, I put my name under 5-13

Hey folks, I allowed myself to take the last spot. I will bring my lvl 5 bard along, whome I did not play for long time. So let's see how it goes.

I have 1 glyph to add to the party, and just a note I did GM the two scenarios, but it was long time ago and I am relatively good at being active and not pushing the team in any direction :D

GM Tiger wrote:
Anyone interested in playing 04-15 (In Glorious Battle)? Contemplating setting it up since it appears very straightforward...

I would be interested

I hope you will recover soon!

Elsha Ustosh wrote:

We're waiting on two more in the signups, correct?

Shayna Quickfingers still needs to fill out the macros and slides.

Correct, Smell of Pines and Rannarix

Do anyone wants for me to disable their others PC's from the campaign?

Elsha Ustosh wrote:

Okay, rpgchronicles is doing better today, so:

Sign up

Farol please add it to the top at earliest convenience.

Everyone else... sign up!

GM Tiger wrote:

those slides look familiar... :)

btw, I usually bold #3 in the Macros and make the text red so that people don't actually enter anything into it and break the logic :)

Good thinking. Doing...

Added at teh earliers convinience, and signed up! I brought Gunslinger to the party

Elsha Ustosh wrote:

New links:

* Macros (skills)
* Slides (character tokens/info, marching order)

I think rpgchronicles has had a rough day and isn't fully "up", so I'll try to get that setup tomorrow.

I added th elinks to the top

Elsha Ustosh wrote:

I need a little longer to prepare. Work has been extra-hectic this last week. Apologies. I can start us by weeks-end.

Are we re-using this thread and passing along ownership or starting new ones each time?

Till now, we were reusing this thread (I am the owner), and I was simply updating the threads headers and disabling players when asked. I am fine with whatever, initial plan was to keep the thread the same so that we can see the old posts.


When it comes to PC, I can keep on with Ragni (I think he could be lvl 5 now), or I could bring my lvl 3 gunslinger (to help keep the lvls lower).

Pause is fine, people go on vacations and such ;) I think initialy we settled on going with repeatables simply becasue it would be hard to find scenarios that others did not play.

勝20100 wrote:
Does anyone have news from our gm?

GM is a player at my table, and he posted on thursday last time. I think he has busy week (guess)

And here are the two newcommers, @Tarondor and @PirateRob welcome onboard,

In the campaign details there are links to RPGChronicles, maps and macros. Please go ahead and fill in your details. The current composition that is playing is:

- Sunshine - swashbuckler lvl 4
- Elsha - alchemist (bomber) lvl 4
- Smell of the Pine - summoner lvl 3
- Rangi - druid lvl 4 (a PF2 mirror of Scarred One)

So I guess your rogue and ranger (both lvl 4) would fit in nicely.

Betel Capella wrote:

I'd be in for both. Have also played and GMed them before.

Two glyphs to hand out.

Sorry @Phaeton_nz - Pirate Rob and Tarondor beat you to the punch.

Hey @Tarondor, @Pirate Rob, Great to see you two. Please hop onto the discussion thread. As Pirate Rob did mention, for now we are not expecting you to GM scenarios.

If you want to, we are not actively discouraging it as well ;)

Ok, so I will go with looking for 2 players, without a requirement to GM.

And here it is post

Character Name (optional): Rawiri
PFS number (required): 2359780-2006
Faction (required): Verdant's Wheel
Level for the 1st 4 XP (required): 4th
Level for the 2nd 4 XP (required): 5th
Level for the 3rd 4 XP (required): 5th
Downtime for the 1st 4 XP (optional): Lore plane fire, DC16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 success 2.4 gp
Downtime for the 2nd 4 XP (optional): Lore plane fire, DC18: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 failure 0.64 gp
Downtime for the 3rd 4 XP (optional): Lore plane fire, DC18: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 failure 0.64 gp

Yeah, I also vote to play 1-23 (repeatable that I played only once before).


Regardless of the above, are we looking simply for 2 players to fill up to six that would play with us the two scenarios (2-06 and PaleDims one?)?

Or are we looking for folks to join the rotation and do GM'ing of their own (as we will get short on the repeatables).

First, I removed 'old' players from the campaign: Removed Lady Ladile/Corona and Quentin (who was still 'active').

GM Tiger wrote:
So what's the plan? If we're going to fill the table, Farol probably needs to put out the call (since it's his table) :).

There is an interesting train of thoughts here. But could we first specify what are we looking for? Meaning. Are we looking for players only: Tiger to run their table and potentially PaleDim to do his? (I am not sure if you even expressed interest in GM'ing ;) here).

I just would want to be explicit.

@Corona - thanks for playing with us. I totally understand and respect your reasons to step back. I am sure we will bump into each other on the boards!

@勝20100 - regarding tableplop, I used it in the past already, and I don't mind it. I know that it is easier to move your token on mobile than google presentaiton. I also know that if you know how to use it, it is easier to set up a map allign the grid etc.

On google presentation the easiest way is to copy and paste the map, which then could be moved. If you want to use it as a background image, it has to be in the right proportions to not be stretched (for the map squares to still be squares ;))

With regards to GM'ing, I liked it. I played the scenario once in the past, so I knew the story. I think you handled the positioning on the map well, the same as making the decisions to either do more research or heal. That made the fights more challenging.

The part that I did not entirely liked (but it can be personal feeling), in couple of fights the initiative was so divided, that I ended up posting ever 2nd or 3rd day. That very quickly resulted in me loosing the energy for the scenario. I know that for some it is not a problem, but for me it is ;) That is why when I GM I would cluster the initiative more (moving people to create groups), just to minimize the amount of times when we wait only for 1 player.

But other than that, i really liked it!

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