Jadrenka the Maiden

Makai Goldenoak's page

596 posts. Organized Play character for Farol.


HP 87/87 | AC 26(28 w shield) | F +14 R +10 (+3 Bulwark) W +14 | Perc +14 (Darkvision) | Stealth +1 |


25 ft. | Heal 3/3 | Spell slots 1st 3/3 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/3 4th 2/2 | Hero Point 2 | Active Conditions: Mind of menace


NG Female Dwarf (Anvil Dwarf) Cleric 7 |

About Makai Goldenoak

PFS Information:

[spoiler=PFS Information]
PFS Number: 2359780-2003

Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance:
Grand Archive:
Horizon Hunters:
Vigilant Seal: +13
Minor Factions
Radiant Oath:
Verdant Wheel:
All Faction Reputation
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 13

Purchased Boons (use this for boons bought w/ Fame, which don’t come w/ a Chronicle)
Vigilant Seal Champion Horizon Hunters (0 Fame)

Makai Goldenoak:

Age: 45
Gender & Pronouns: Female/She
Height: 4’ 9”
Weight: 180 lb
Physical Appearance:
(/end personal details spoiler)
ancestry (heritage) Dwarf (Anvil Dwarf)
background Barkeep
class Cleric Warpriest; Level: 7;
size traits Small Humanoid Dwarf
alignement NG; deity: Torag (The Forge Father)
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Perception: +14 ((+3(wis) + 11(prof) ) [E]
Special Senses: Darkvision


AC: 26 (10 + 0(dex) + 9(prof) + 6(item) + 1(rune)) [T] (+2 w Shield)

Fortitude: +14 (3(con) + 11(prof)) [E]
Reflex: +10 (1(dex) + 9(prof)) [T]
Will: +14 (3(wis) + 11(prof)) [E]

Class DC: 22 (10 + 3(wis) + 9(prof) [T]

Speed: 25 ft Movement Types:

Melee Strikes
Clan dagger +15 (4(str) + 11(prof)) [E]
damage (1d4 + 4(str)) [P/B] Agile, dwarf, parry, versatile B

Striking Ghost Touch Warhammer +16 (4(str) + 11(prof) + 1(item)) [E]
damage (2d8 + 4(str)) [bludgeoning] shove

Spiked Gauntlet +15 (4(str) + 11(prof)) [E]
damage (1d4 + 3(str)) [P] agile free-hand

Ranged Strikes

Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: [E]; Warhammer: [E];Unarmed: [E]; Martial: [T];

Armor Proficiencies
Light: [T]; Medium: [T];Heavy:[T];Unarmored: [T]


Magic Traditions
Arcane: #
Divine: 4
Occult: #
Primal: #

Spell Attack Roll (divine): +12 = (3(wis) + 9(prof)) [T]
Spell DC (occult): 22 = (10 + 3(wis) + 9(prof)) [T]

Spell Slots per Day
1st: 3 2nd: 3 3rd: 3 4th: 2

Spells Known
Cantrips (cantrip level 1): divine lance, forbidding ward, guidance, detect magic, shield
1st: bless, fear, bless
2st: Faerie Fire, Harm, Harm
3rd: Heroism, Mind of Menace, Searing Light
4th: Vital Beacon, Holy Cascade


Acrobatics: +1 = 1(dex) + 0(prof) + 0(item) - 0(armor)
Arcana: 0 = 0(int) + 0(prof) + 0(item)
Athletics: +13 = 4(str) + 9(prof) + 0(item) - 0(armor) [T]
Crafting: +10 = 0(int) + 9(prof) + 1(item) [T] (+1 blacksmith, +1 stone works)
Deception: +2 = 2(cha) + 0(prof) + 0(item)
Diplomacy: +11 = 2(cha) + 9(prof) + 0(item) [T]
Intimidation: +2 = 2(cha) + 0(prof) + 0(item)
Lore (Alcohol): +9 = 0(int) + 9(prof) + 0(item) [T] (background)
Lore (Absalom): +9 = 0(int) + 9(prof) + 0(item) [T] (training)
Medicine: +14 = 3(wis) + 11(prof) + 0(item) [E]
Nature: +12 = 3(wis) + 9(prof) + 0(item) [T]
Occultism: 0 = 0(int) + 0(prof) + 0(item)
Performance: +2 = 2(cha) + 0(prof) + 0(item)
Religion: +14 = 3(wis) + 11(prof) + 0(item) [E]
Society: 0 = 0(int) + 0(prof) + 0(item)
Stealth: +1 = 1(dex) + 0(prof) + (item) - 0(armor)
Survival: +3 = 3(wis) + 0(prof) + 0(item)
Thievery: +1 = 1(dex) + 0(prof) + 0(item) - 0(armor)
ABILITY SCORES (in case you’re wondering why this is so far down, it’s because your stats are baked into everything above)

STR 18(+4), DEX 12(+1), CON 16(+3), INT 10(0), WIS 16(+3), CHA 14(+2)

Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Special 1st: Darkvision: You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.
Heritage 1st: Anvil Dwarf: You are a descendant of a famed crafter and have your own amazing talent. Other dwarves might consider this a blessing from your ancestors or from the Forgefather himself, depending on where you grew up. You become trained in Crafting (or another skill if you were already trained in Crafting) and gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat, but you can pick two different specialties instead of one.
1st: Unburdened Iron: ignore speed penalty from armor. Whenever your you get a speed penalty reduce it by 5ft
5th: Sheltering Slab as long as the rock is adjacent you are not flat-footed

Skill Feats
Background: Barkeep
Skill Feat: Speciality Crafting: blacksmith, stonework
Skill Feat: Hobnobber
Skill Feat: Battle Medicine
Skill Feat: Continual Recovery
Bonus skill feat (5th lvl): Assurance(Crafting)
Skill feat: Ward Medic

General Feats
1st: Shield Block
2nd: Reactive Shield
3rd: Armor Proficiency (heavy)
7th: Fleet

Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Deity Torag (The Forge Father) Edicts be honorable and forthright, keep your word, respect the forge, serve your people
Anathema tell lies or cheat someone, intentionally create inferior works, show mercy to the enemies of your people
Feature 1st: Divine Font (Heal x3)
Feature 1st: Divine Spellcasting
Feature 1st: Doctrine Warpriest
2nd: Bastion Dedication
3rd: Second doctrine: trained in martial weapons
3rd: Skill Increase (Medicine)
4th: Channel Smite
5th: Alertness
5th: Ability Boosts (STR, CON, WIS, CHA)
5th: Skill increase (Religion)
6th: Nimble Shield Hand
7th: Third doctrine: Simple, unarmed and warhammer proficiency expert. Critical specialization effect for warhammer
Combat Gear: clan dagger, warhammer +1 striking, spiked gauntlet, Lesser Sturdy shield (H: 10, BT:40, HP:80), +1 full plate armor, sling (20 stones)
Magic Items: Crafter's Eyepiece
Other Items backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, chalks (10), flint and steel, grappling hook, rations (1 week)s (2), rope (foot)s (50), sheaths (1), soap, torches (5), waterskin, purse, wooden religious symbol, repair kit, healer's tools, winter clothing, cookware

Bulk: 4 Bulk 5 Light (Encumbered at: 8 = 5 + 3(str); Maximum at: 13 = 10 + 3(str))

Coins: 8 copper 2 silver 112 gold


1. PFS(2) Q-04: Port Peril Pub Crawl :

Boon: ---
Reputation(s): +1 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 3.5
Downtime: 0.02 (failed)

2. PFS(2) Q-13: Falcon's Descent :

Boon: ---
Reputation(s): +1 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 3.5
Downtime: 0.2 (failed)

3. PFS(2) Bounty-2: Blood of the Beutiful :

Boon: ---
Reputation(s): +1 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 4

4. PFS(2) 2-11: The Pathfinder Trials :

Boon: ---
Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 14
Downtime: 0.8 (failed)

5. PFS(2) 1-22: Doom of the Cassomir :

Boon: Doom Averted (General): In defeating a growing cult of Groetus in Cassomir, your spirit is filled with a renewed resistance against the same prophecies of doom that his priests shout from the rooftops. When your dying value is increased to exactly the amount that would kill you, this boon automatically activates. Check the box that precedes this boon and decrease your dying value by one.
Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 14
Downtime: 0.08 (failed)

6. PFS(2) 1-10: Tarnbreaker Trail :

Boon: Tarnbreaker Champions (General): You are a champion of the Balgirdtrek, which earns you special privileges throughout the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. While playing in an adventure that takes place primarily in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, you can stay for free at any Ulfen or Varki inn or similar establishment, and you gain a 10% on all non-magical goods bought in Ulfen or Varki settlements (this does not stack with any other discount or reduction in price). In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks to Make A Request while playing in an adventure that takes place primarily in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.
Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 14
Downtime: 0.4 (success)

7. PFS(2) 1-12: Burden of Envy :

Boon: Valais's Assurance (General, 0/2): Valais Durant is the leader of the Radiant Oath, in no small part because of her kindness and willingness to share her power with those in need. You may check a box next to this boon and spend an action to use the champion focus spell lay on hands, heightened appropriately for your level. This does not cost a focus point.
Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 22
Downtime: 0.4 (success)

8. PFS(2) Quest #2 Unforgiving Fire:

Boon: One-who-waits (slotless, 0/3): Whenever you roll a critical failure on an Acrobatics or Athletics check you can mark this boon and get a failure instead.
Reputation(s): +1 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 5.5
Downtime: 0.4 (success)

9. PFS(2) 2-09 The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy:

Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 22
Downtime: 0.4 (success)

10. PFS(2) 1-20 The Lost Legend:

Boon: Waters of Warlock's Barrow (0/1): You cast disrupting weapons as a 1st-level innate spell, it has also water trait
Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 38
Downtime: 1.6 (success)

11. PFS(2) 1-18 Lodge of the Living God:

Boon: Light in the Dark (Envoy’s Alliance, General): While in Razmiran, get +1 circumstance to Diplomacy to Request Assistance or Make an Impression.
Boon: Narsen’s Web (General): You get +1 circumstance to Perception to Sense Motive anyone hiding their features behind the mask
Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Reputation(s): +2 Enovoy's Alliance
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 38
Downtime: 1.6 (success)

12. PFS(2) 2-19 Enter the Pallid Peak:

Boon: Kin-worded boon
Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 38
Downtime: 0.16 (failure)

13. PFS(2) 1-19 Iolite Squad Alpha:

Boon: Kin-worded boon
Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Reputation(s): +2 Enovoy's Alliance
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 64
Downtime: 2.4 (success)

14. PFS(2) 2-23 Agent's Obligation:

Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 64
Downtime: 2.4 (success)

15. PFS(2) 3-99 Fate in the Future:

Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 100
Downtime: 4 (success)

16. PFS(2) 1-25 Grim Symphony:

Boon: Grand Finale
Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 100
Downtime: 4 (success)

17. PFS(2) 1-21 Mistress of the Maze:

Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 100
Downtime: 5.6 (critical success)

18. PFS(2) 3-98 Expedition into Pallid Peak:

Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 100
Downtime: 4 (success)

19. Mark of the Mantis:

Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 150
Downtime: 4 (success)

20. PFS(2) 3-07 Secluded Siege:

Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 150
Downtime: 4 (success)

21. PFS(2) 3-14 The Tomb between the Worlds:

Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
Fame Earned:
Fame Spent:
Gold Earned: 150
Downtime: 4 (success)