Cottonseed PFS PbP (2E)

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XII Announcement
Data Tracking Form Link

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Horizon Hunters

The Event Listing Sheet link goes back to this campaign.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am not seeing where to enter that information.

Possibly user error, but if so I continue to err. Need some guidance, here.

Grand Lodge

There's an error in the link.

But HERE is the thread in the Events forum, and HERE is a link to the spreadsheet.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As I posted over there, I can't find either of the games I thought I signed up to run. Is it too late to do so now?

Grand Lodge

We're past the scenario support deadline, but there is no explicit deadline for registering games. Although you were asking about consecutive games, and I dunno how that would work. The deadline for finishing games is pretty generous for one scenario, but two that aren't run at the same time?

bigrin42 wrote:

What if I want to add a game as a GM after the August 12, 2024 Scenario Support Deadline?

That’s fine, you just need to provide your own copy of the adventure.

May I add a game after September 8, 2024, the official start of PBP Gameday XIII?
Yes, you may add a game after the official start of Gameday.Though you must still register your game through the GM Registration for tracking purposes as well as finish the game by the end of Gameday.The Gameday team reserves the right to rule that it is too late to begin a game for convention credit.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Eh, Alright. I'll just run the one, then. But... do I just add it to the spreadsheet?

Tarondor wrote:
Eh, Alright. I'll just run the one, then. But... do I just add it to the spreadsheet?

Use the GM submission form.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Right. Did that last week. Just did it again.

It doesn't automatically appear in the spreadsheet, so will someone update that at some point?

Liberty's Edge

Whatever you thought you did last week didn't go through. I do see your latest signup is there and if you go to the 'Main' sheet, it shows 1 event waiting to be moved over.

It has to be done manually because the sorting has to be done manually. There was no way to automatically sort entries as they came in as it messed up people who had already signed up. At least none that I could manage when I created the sheet that didn't involve trying to learn the scripting language.

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I didn't see it announced anywhere, but apparently, general seating has begun.

Liberty's Edge

Watery Soup wrote:
I didn't see it announced anywhere, but apparently, general seating has begun.


Advertisement for my Gameday XIII offering.

[Gameday XIII] GM PaleDim's PF2 #3-18: Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster

It's a lottery selection, but if it only gets up to 6 entries then it won't need the lottery mechanism. It's currently sitting at two entries, so accepting more level 1-4 characters.

Horizon Hunters

GM PaleDim wrote:

Advertisement for my Gameday XIII offering.

[Gameday XIII] GM PaleDim's PF2 #3-18: Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster

It's a lottery selection, but if it only gets up to 6 entries then it won't need the lottery mechanism. It's currently sitting at two entries, so accepting more level 1-4 characters.

We have a lovely cast of two and would love to have more to make this game happen! Come one, come... uh, four!

Silver Crusade

What levels have you got? My 4th level investigator just came free.

The real Tux wrote:
We have a lovely cast of two

Three players signed up yesterday, just so you know.

phaeton_nz wrote:
What levels have you got? My 4th level investigator just came free.

It's in the Recruitment thread but everyone has multiple characters so level shouldn't be an issue.

My preferred character is 3, but nobody else has expressed a preference.

Yup, the game is technically safe to run now :) Ty for the interest so far.

If I get no more signups, the "lottery" will be to take current signups.

If I get enough to have > 6, then I'll do the necessary randomization.

I will be running another game, S03-13 Guardian's Covenant for level 3-6 characters, a scenario with Repeatable tag. This will be part of the PbP Gameday XIII event starting on September 9, 2024. If you're interested, head over to this > Gameday XIII Event Listing < to claim your spot while there are still seats available.

There are 3 more spots open for my 5-19 Game Demonic After party played on Cayden's Keg Discord on Gameday

Radiant Oath

As we get closer to the 8 September 2024 start date of Gameday, will the following Pathfinders please check in to:

05-12 Mischief in the Maze:
Enrique Gobrigo

04-15 - In Glorious Battle:
Othello Verese
Liam Prentiss

I would like the following PCs to dot into the linked games for the PbP Gameday XIII event:

S03-13 Guardian's Covenant
Celestia Sol (Sorceress 6)
Aztryx (Wizard 4)

S06-00 Salt of the Ocean
Button Bright (Bard 1)

Grand Lodge

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"Arr, mateys, the ship to Oppara be sailin' soon, and we can't be leavin' until the sea witch Black Molly be aboard."

"Huh, what's that? Another missing crewman? Whadda ya mean yer not even sure who it is? Blast it, just go find 'em!"

"Ahem. Will CamL, a.k.a. cam2513, report aboard also, please and thank ya'. We'll be sailin' shortly after midnight, and you don't want to keep the Lady... What? Whadda mean I can't say who until then? Dagnabbit. Fine. You don't want to keep ... everyone else ... waitin'."

Still looking for the above two for GM Nomadical's #3-16 Escape from Oppara.

Will the following Pathfinders please report to Segada for a totally normal meeting with Venture-Captain Rahaksenwe:

Eladithas of Wolfpoint

The gameday run of PFS2 #4-13 Within the Prairies has begun.


Azgor Kazeth and

please meet up with your team for Trailblazer's Bounty for Gameday? Time is running out before they leave without you!

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