Cottonseed PFS PbP (2E)

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XII Announcement
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Radiant Oath

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Just gauging interest right now. If I were to open a second table for 05-18: Equal Exchanges - Tapestry of the Mind (9-12, non-repeatable), how many would be interested in playing?

Liberty's Edge

GM Tiger wrote:
Just gauging interest right now. If I were to open a second table for 05-18: Equal Exchanges - Tapestry of the Mind (9-12, non-repeatable), how many would be interested in playing?

If you need more players I'd be willing to spend a replay and bring my level 11 bard.

Radiant Oath

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Michael Hallet wrote:
GM Tiger wrote:
Just gauging interest right now. If I were to open a second table for 05-18: Equal Exchanges - Tapestry of the Mind (9-12, non-repeatable), how many would be interested in playing?
If you need more players I'd be willing to spend a replay and bring my level 11 bard.

I'll keep you in mind. Just throwing out possibilities right now. Half The Sky says she's willing to play a 2nd table... It won't be immediately -- I have my games for GD13 to focus on (which includes 1 glyph scenario [04-15] and a formal eval)...

Horizon Hunters

Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search

I might have a character or two that might be able to go, depending on when we finish or you start GD 13.

GM Tiger wrote:
Just gauging interest right now. If I were to open a second table for 05-18: Equal Exchanges - Tapestry of the Mind (9-12, non-repeatable), how many would be interested in playing?

I haven't had a chance to play that one yet. I have a level 12 fighter.

All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

I have a 9th level Barbarian who would be interested.

Map: -- | -- | ◆ ◇ ↺ |

after gameday i could bring a lvl 11 rogue

Quinoline would love to join.

Radiant Oath

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ok. I think the next question would be:

Do we have enough to fill 2 tables (1 low tier and 1 high tier). Trust me, you don't want to be doing a high tier table with a level bump...

I'm also potentially interested in playing it (w/Fighter 11)

I have GMed it, but haven't played.

Radiant Oath

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Looks like we have enough for a high tier table. :)

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Let's move this discussion to the recruitment thread, please. Even interest checks belong there.

GM Tiger wrote:

ok. I think the next question would be:

Do we have enough to fill 2 tables (1 low tier and 1 high tier). Trust me, you don't want to be doing a high tier table with a level bump...

After gameday I would likely play the low tier version ;)

Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | PFS1e ES#6 | SFS1e 6-14 | PFS1e 6-04

This is probably a stupid question with an obvious answer but I'm going to ask it anyway.

If an item is on a Chronicle Sheet but is no longer in the Remastered item list (i.e. Legacy only) such as the Brooch of Shielding and the Goggles of Night, I presume they are 'grandfathered' in?

I'm finishing up my Remasters and want to be sure before I finalise.

Also, is the same true of a Sorcerer who's Bloodline didn't carry over?

| Extinction | url= |

It's more complicated than simply "grandfathering" something. Some things were discontinued and need to be sold.

I anticipate someone helpful will be along shortly with the link. :)

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So, rules elements (items, feats etc) that weren't reprinted with the same name, still exist and are perfectly legal choices. If the new version has the same name, treat as errata.

There are a small number of Withdrawn Items that need replacing, all that use Spell Schools.

Withdrawn Items List.

So it's not even about being grandfathered. Googles of Night for example continue to be an item that exists that is purchasable, and will continue to be purchasable.

Brooch of Shielding (assuming you have access, it's uncommon) continues to be purchasable. Do note that it only protects you from Magic Missile and not Force Barrage, (although I wouldn't fault a GM for being more generous).

Related to that, you could memorize and cast both Magic Missile and Force Missile, as they are separate spells etc.

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Sorcerer(and classes in general) are a little more complicated than other rules elements.

Guide Link

OP Guide wrote:

Beginning on August 12, 2024, if a class has been reprinted in Player Core 2, no new characters may be created using its class chassis as printed in the Core Rulebook or Advanced Player’s Guide. "Class chassis" means everything that all members of a class receive; roughly, this means the text in a class description which comes before the list of class feats.

Characters with at least 1 game reported prior to August 12 may be built using the Core Rulebook or Advanced Player’s Guide chassis.
Previously-existing characters with at least 1 game reported may continue their progression using the Core Rulebook or Advanced Player’s Guide chassis. They may not use the chassis in Player Core 2 without rebuilding.

A non-reprinted bloodline is still available, even for new sorcerers. Bloodlines seems to work the same. There may be a small technical issue where "Granted Spells" is now called "Sorcerous Gifts". But considering it works the same, it would be stupid for somebody to interpret them as not being granted, even if an overly strict reading could get us there.

Rebuilding gets you the new chassis, which includes the free Sorcerous Potency, and I don't think (but am not super familiar with sorcerer) it changes anything else. And you can still use non reprinted bloodlines.


Not specific to sorcerers but do note that all remastered characters lose any potential FPS school/related benefits such as the bonus school level 5 skill feat, alternate Lore (other than PFS at level 1) and potential extra downtime from Field Commissioned. Those options are not available for new and remastered characters.

Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | PFS1e ES#6 | SFS1e 6-14 | PFS1e 6-04

It looks like that the only item I need to withdraw from my PCs then is the Wand of Fey Flames although I interpreted it as containing Revealing Light instead of Glitterdust

As for Magic Missiles versus Force Barrage I had concluded it was the same spell under a different name. What is the difference between the two that makes them separate spells?

Goggles of Night I may as well put them back in the PCs inventory if that PC got them from a Chronicle or an ACP boon. Brooch of Shielding depends on the answer to the above paragraph. Plus also on some Chronicle Sheets were Bags of Holding.

phaeton_nz wrote:

As for Magic Missiles versus Force Barrage I had concluded it was the same spell under a different name. What is the difference between the two that makes them separate spells?

They have different names. That makes them different spells.

OP Guide wrote:

If a character option has been reprinted with the same name, use the new version as if it were errata. No additional retraining is necessary...

If a character option has not been reprinted, characters are free to use the option as previously printed, or to select it at any time.

Example: the produce flame spell has not been reprinted, but ignition takes its place thematically. Characters may learn either spell anytime they would learn a new spell, and could learn both spells if they chose.

You may want to read the PFS Remaster Rules instead of trying to come to your own conclusions. The rules are very specific about how these things work to largely avoid ambiguities of thousands of players trying to sort them out themselves. Based on your statements I suspect you may have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the remaster interacts with legacy elements.

Do note that Glitterdust is still a perfectly legal/available spell.

Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | PFS1e ES#6 | SFS1e 6-14 | PFS1e 6-04

That is a distinct possibility :) Thank you :)

And yes, I also thought that Revealing Light was Glitterdust bit I think I get it now. Going to have another look through those rules.

I think part of it is because I read somewhere that Paizo were changing the names of a lot of things: languages, ancestries, etc in order to get them away from WOTC names.


Why did they have to make a remaster in the first place? It is a lot of work figuring out what we have to add, subtract or rename for our character. Like Power attack is renamed vicious swing. Especially when I have to type my character(s) in on foundry, I have to find the new names for everything. Not to mention there are thousands of players out there that play at gaming shops but rarely go online on the Paizo website. Say someone belongs to one or two gaming shops in their my area on different days playing Pathfinder society, but most of the players in that area don't go online often. They could have an illegal item or two for months and not know it. Or not know that Negative resistance has been chanced to void resistance and they miss out on the damage reduction they could have had for several games.
People like me all of my characters on on pen and paper or rather microsoft word or something not an automated scripted, so I to manually update each individual one just to make sure they are right.

I don't have the details ... but my good pal WaterySoup will lay it down in great details.

Before you: WaterySoup! please refrain from trying to thicken in!

8 people marked this as a favorite.

In the 2000s, Wizards of the Coast created the Open Gaming License, which allowed people to make RPG content that used elements of D&D without having to pay licensing fees. Games like Pathfinder were released under OGL.

In 2023, Hasbro (which now owns WotC) tried to revoke OGL, meaning that nobody would be able to release any more D&D-like games. But more than that, they tried to make it retroactive - meaning that anyone who released things in the past 20 years thinking they owed no royalties would suddenly owe royalties.

Public outcry killed the proposal, but the idea that the RPG world would continue to exist at the whim of Hasbro was scary enough that Paizo, along with a few other companies, got together and created ORC, the Open RPG Convention. It's basically OGL, but nobody's going to own the license - it's held by a nonprofit.

The Remastered game is Pathfinder 2e with all elements that Hasbro could potentially sue for removed. Paizo also took the opportunity to make some changes, but all those annoying name changes are simply lawyer-directed. Things like Magic Missile originally came from D&D, so if OGL were ever revoked, Paizo could be sued. But Force Barrage, which never showed up in D&D, even though it also sends three projectiles dealing 1d4+1 force damage, is completely novel, at least from the lawyers' perspective. And now that it's released under ORC, nobody - not even Paizo, in the future - can take it away.

Radiant Oath

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I noticed this as well -- as some of the verbiage in Paizo's literature references "the oldest RPG"... which, obviously, we all know what the oldest RPG is... :)

More specifically, the Magic Missile/Force Barrage we know and love comes from AD&D. IIRC, the Basic D&D game has MM at 1d6+1 and it's a single missile. Don't know if it ever evolved (i.e. transferred to later versions), but the Magic Missile I know from AD&D has one additional missile per 2 levels. The Paizo one is the only one I know that allows you to shoot 6! :)

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Showing my age here, but I think the Basic D&D one gave you an extra missile at 5th level and maybe 10th. But that was long, long ago. In a gaming universe far, far away.

But for gameplay purposes magic missile and force barrage are identical. So items that work against one should work against the others. That may not ever make it to a written rule (as that would obviously reference the potentially forbidden words "magic missile". But I can't see any reasonable game master ruling it any other way.

Liberty's Edge

AD&D 1e gave one 1d4+1 missile at first level, with an additional missile every odd level past that. There was no upper limit on the number of missiles; I don't know if the cap came in AD&D 2e or 3rd edition.

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Quick History of Magic Missile Text:

D&D: This first-level spell conjures a missile equivalent to a magical arrow that deals 1d6+1 damage to any creature it strikes. The caster can conjure the missile within 15". The caster may conjure an additional two missiles for every 5 levels they have (so, three missiles at 6th level, five missiles at 11th level, etc.).

AD&D: The caster creates a magical missile that flies from their fingertips and strikes the target unerringly for 1d4+1 damage. One additional missile can be created for every 2 caster levels after 1st (2 at 3rd level, 3 at 5th level, etc.), and they can hit the original target, or another target near the first, as desired.

AD&D 2e: The caster creates a magical missile that unerringly strikes its designated target, dealing 1d4+1 damage to it. One additional missile can be created for every 2 caster levels after 1st (2 at 3rd level, 3 at 5th level, etc.), and they can hit the original target, or another target near the first, as desired. Magic missiles don't damage objects, and can only strike a creature the caster notices and can specify.

D&D 3e: A missile of magical energy darts forth from your fingertip and strikes its target, dealing 1d4+1 points of force damage.
The missile strikes unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat or has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can’t be singled out. Inanimate objects are not damaged by the spell.

For every two caster levels beyond 1st, you gain an additional missile—two at 3rd level, three at 5th, four at 7th, and the maximum of five missiles at 9th level or higher. If you shoot multiple missiles, you can have them strike a single creature or several creatures. A single missile can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you check for spell resistance or roll damage

(Original text was different, this reflects errata after people complained about it not always hitting) D&D 4e: At-Will ✦ Arcane, Evocation, Force, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature
Effect: 2 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Level 11: 3 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Level 21: 5 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Special: If the implement used with this power has an enhancement bonus, add that bonus to the damage. In addition, you can use this power as a ranged basic attack.[

D&D 5e: Three glowing darts of magical force each hit a creature of your choice that you can see within range. Each deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more dart for each slot level above 1st.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

And of course... Starfinder.
You fire two missiles of magical energy that strike targets unerringly (the creatures must still be valid targets) and deal 1d4+1 force damage each. You can’t target specific parts of a creature, and objects are not damaged by the spell.

You can target a single creature or several creatures, but each missile can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you attempt to overcome spell resistance or roll damage.

You can cast this spell as a full action. If you do, you fire three missiles instead of two


That makes sense, renaming stuff so we don't copy dungeons and dragons who is trying to enforce stuff. Curiously are they going to start making us rename classes too? Barbarian is now uncivilized fighter. Fighter is now armored warrior. Ranger is now Tree hugger. Wizard is now named prepared spell caster. Sorcerer is spontaneous spellcaster, etc.

Silver Crusade

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Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | PFS1e ES#6 | SFS1e 6-14 | PFS1e 6-04

I don't think so. It's only those things that they can claim as their 'intellectual property' that would need to be avoided. Trying that on class names would just see them laughed out of court I suspect.

But getting back to the original question. The remastering rules say:

If a character option has been reprinted with the same name, use the new version as if it were errata. No additional retraining is necessary.
Example: divine lance has been reprinted with new Remaster-compatible rules. All PCs with divine lance must update the spell accordingly.

If a character option has not been reprinted, characters are free to use the option as previously printed, or to select it at any time.
Example: the brooch of shielding has not been reprinted. Characters may still purchase and use a brooch of shielding.
Example: the produce flame spell has not been reprinted, but ignition takes its place thematically. Characters may learn either spell anytime they would learn a new spell, and could learn both spells if they chose.

By that definition, it seems that magic missile and force barrage are two different spells even if they have identical effects, which also implies that a Brooch of Shielding will block one but not the other, as Pirate Rob stated.

Radiant Oath

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Watery Soup wrote:

In the 2000s, Wizards of the Coast created the Open Gaming License, which allowed people to make RPG content that used elements of D&D without having to pay licensing fees. Games like Pathfinder were released under OGL.

In 2023, Hasbro (which now owns WotC) tried to revoke OGL, meaning that nobody would be able to release any more D&D-like games. But more than that, they tried to make it retroactive - meaning that anyone who released things in the past 20 years thinking they owed no royalties would suddenly owe royalties.

Public outcry killed the proposal, but the idea that the RPG world would continue to exist at the whim of Hasbro was scary enough that Paizo, along with a few other companies, got together and created ORC, the Open RPG Convention. It's basically OGL, but nobody's going to own the license - it's held by a nonprofit.

The Remastered game is Pathfinder 2e with all elements that Hasbro could potentially sue for removed. Paizo also took the opportunity to make some changes, but all those annoying name changes are simply lawyer-directed. Things like Magic Missile originally came from D&D, so if OGL were ever revoked, Paizo could be sued. But Force Barrage, which never showed up in D&D, even though it also sends three projectiles dealing 1d4+1 force damage, is completely novel, at least from the lawyers' perspective. And now that it's released under ORC, nobody - not even Paizo, in the future - can take it away.

I'm guessing that's also why the remaster removed alignments... which begs the question: how do you deal with 'evil' damage for older scenarios -- I've been dropping them in my games.

Radiant Oath

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Pirate Rob wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

THANK YOU! -- you proved I'm not insane by backing up my statement that Basic D&D had Magic Missile at a single 1d6+1 missile!! :)

phaeton_nz wrote:


Sounds like you've got it now. <3

IIRC all Alignment damage is now spirit damage.

With the following extra note:

Holy and Unholy: Many previously-aligned options now have either the holy, unholy, or sanctified traits. At a GM’s discretion, enemy abilities which previously had the good or evil traits may now have the holy or unholy trait.


Classes won't get renamed as those are very generic names and no one can claim they invented a Wizard or Fighter.


Quick question, which Heritage/Ancestry boons are now free?
I can't seem to purchase Aasimar(renamed Nephilim), Changeling, Dhampir, Duskwalker, Tiefling(renamed Nephilim). For Ancestries I can't seem to purchase Leshy, Orc. Did I miss any?

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Gisher provided an excellent list here: ancestries list

Halgur wrote:
Gisher provided an excellent list here: ancestries list

That is quick the list, thanks. Wait when did poppet become free. Also I was there when Catfolk was limit 1. Then got changed to unlimited and now, yes I didn't know it was now free.

Edit: Okay I read the thread, cool.

Radiant Oath

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anyone recruiting for anything low level (1-4)? I've got a pair of characters I'd like to test drive...

GM Tiger wrote:
anyone recruiting for anything low level (1-4)? I've got a pair of characters I'd like to test drive...

I feel ya, I finally made a Swashbuckler and I'm wondering how much of a pain pbp will be for them.

That said it's possible I'll run something small starting next week. Although I said that to myself last week about this week. If it does happen I'll make sure to let you know. IRL has been throwing challenges at me recently though making it hard to put a game together.

Pirate Rob wrote:
GM Tiger wrote:
anyone recruiting for anything low level (1-4)? I've got a pair of characters I'd like to test drive...

I feel ya, I finally made a Swashbuckler and I'm wondering how much of a pain pbp will be for them.

That said it's possible I'll run something small starting next week. Although I said that to myself last week about this week. If it does happen I'll make sure to let you know. IRL has been throwing challenges at me recently though making it hard to put a game together.

I played a Swashbuckler in a PbP and I have to say that it was pretty annoying. Essentially every turn I had to post two contingencies: what I do if I achieve panache and what to do if I fail to achieve panache, with attempting to get panache usually being my first action.

I haven't looked at the remastered swashbuckler yet to see how it may have changed but overall my impression of the premastered swashbuckler was that the play style was very repetitive and against foes that it was hard to get panache, pretty boring. I hope the remaster improved it.

Abraham Z. wrote:

I haven't looked at the remastered swashbuckler yet to see how it may have changed but overall my impression of the premastered swashbuckler was that the play style was very repetitive and against foes that it was hard to get panache, pretty boring. I hope the remaster improved it.

Huge improvement. Basically you get panache even on a fail. (Some other improvements as well)

Bravado wrote:
Bravado: Actions with this trait can grant panache, depending on the result of the check involved. If you succeed at the check on a bravado action, you gain panache, and if you fail (but not critically fail) the check, you gain panache but only until the end of your next turn. These effects can be applied even if the action had no other effect due to a failure or a creature’s immunity.

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