First Edition

General Discussion
Rules Questions
Paizo Products
Product Discussion, Beginner Box
Pathfinder Player Companion
Third-Party Pathfinder RPG Products
Product Discussion, Advice and Rules Questions
Homebrew and House Rules

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Incorporeal Vs Channel Energy

Combat Expertise - Such a Waste

[CRB Error] Turn Undead

Ptolus's (very stubborn) Dwarves, Plus Racial Feats

[CRB Error] "Cat, Small" section

[CRB Error] Natural Attacks

[CRB Error] Greater Shield Focus prerequisites (and Penetrating Strike Prereq.)

Druid Animal Companions

[CRB Error] Intimidating Prowess feat

Revised luck

Thinking of making the switch

Feat Conversion: Exalted Turning

Getting Books

Prestige Class Discussion

Hellcat Pounce

A new Epic Conversion Project!

New Items: Craftsman's Guide to [Item Creation Feat]

Acrobatics question (tumbling)

New PFRPG Monster Icons

Ultimate Spell Decks: Ranger Spell Cards for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

Tieflings in Cheliax

10th + level feats

Advancement line entry for Pathfinder Bestiary missing?

The Fishmonger Design Thread

Item creation: Does your PC pay other PC crafting items?

Ptolus' elves (shoal, harrow), plus racial feats.

Defeating Uncanny Dodge

Monsters with Trip

Low level wizard - help advise me

Throw Anything and a Earthbreaker

Pathfinder RPG Errata

Doom at Anchor Bay

Can a Dex 17 monk take Two-Weapon Rend as a feat?

Does Vital Strike apply to ranged attacks?

[CRB Errors] Smite Evil ability

On Grapple

[Query] Alertness not available to Animal Companions?

What makes a good feat?

Giant Stymphalidies from the Sixfold Trial missing some info

Question about Wolves and Trip

Spellfire Warlock (ToS) idea.

Item Creation Question: Bag of Bats?

Beast Form Spells, and Sorcerer abilities.

Shadowcaster, Warmage and Factototum

Shield master foolishness.

Abjurant Champion, Long Fix

Great Grapple clarification requested.

Pathfinder at Albany Game Day

2 Rules Questions

Fixing Tome of Secret's 1 Million Items

[Poll] What RPG Material Would You Be Interested In?

Question Regarding a first level Paladin build

Updating other Base classes (Archivist specifically)?

New Standard in 3rd Party Publishing?

Ring of Feather Falling mechanics

Lance + special materials

Protection Domain Power

Greater Magic Fang and druid wildshape

Can a swarm be entangled?

Feats with Concentration as a prerequisite

Help with designing a feat needed

Video from the Paizo Booth at Gen Con

Thiefling lifespan

Warlock (Tome of Secrets) Pact's.

What builds have started frustrating you?

What are the main elements of Pathfinder that has made high level play better?

Truenamers And Truespeech

What about psionic?

Looking for suggestions on tweaks to the Monk (non-mystical)

A Question about Tumbling

Can you tailor the size of magical armor using skill checks?

Time Stop, Wall of Ice, and Trapping a Creature.

Maximum # of Magical Items

Domain Power Spell Levels?

Rules Clarification: Bardic Performance

Domain Spells

Metamagic Feat: Infinite Spell

Very Confused on Skills Pathfinder RPG

Product Idea: Golarion Beastiary Vol 1

One hand Glaive... Reach or not?

Massive amount of Monk attacks rule - Please help

Need Errata: Druid's Vestment cost

New magic system for Gloomblade (Shadowcaster-Duskblade)

Sorcerer / wizard feat

Varisian Companion?

Barbarian Overhaul

Familiar Flavour

Living Creature Definition?

Most common mistakes you see in prestige class design

Shield Speech

Yet another Bard thread

Venomous Bloodline

Printer-Friendly Errata?

PF Barbarian

Horizontal "Falling" Damage

Party of 5 using a cohort cleric

Item creation question

Channel energy in silence?

What Do You Think of the New XP System?

Council of thieves part 1 adventure path...

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