Rules Questions

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Fighter turning Barbarian

Pathfinder 2: building a Dhampir

Does Lightning Stance apply to Spring Heeled Sprint?

About rebuffing reduction feat

Year of the Scoured Stars (Slotless Boon) Requirements

Is it legal to bring a character to Society if they're partway through an Adventure Path?

QUESTION: Does it break game balance to add a remote hacking feat?

Curious companion feat?

Telekineticist: Foe Throw weight limit?

Life Bubble as offensive spell

PbP SFS and Alien Archive (1&2)

Evolved Companion: Slam

Rifle with integrated weapon.

What is the final ruling for Overrun?

beyond level 20 question

SFS Character Leveling

Pathfinder Class Question

Izalguun Modernized Arms (Starfinder Society 1-13) question.

Adapting a Feat From Pathfinder: Leadership

Fabricate tech shenanigans

What PF1 Errata and FAQs Do You Want Addressed Before PF2 Is Launched?

Combat Option: Single Target Burst?

What constitutes "adjacent" for Saving Shield?

Mechanic Overload; WhyWireless hack but not Remote hack?

Stand up DOESN'T provoke Attack of Opportunity

Control module for power armor?

GM hammer question / opinion request - "Paladin falling"

[SFS] 1st-level rebuild question

So why would anyone use a Doshko (or other Unwieldy melee weapon)

Grenades Price - suggestion

Item Crafting Rules?

Armor Class in Science Fiction

How to: destiny inspired guardian?

Haan race boon

Weapon Ranges

Quest: Into the Unknown

SFS questions for the devs re: Hirelings.

[1-1 Quest - Into the Unknown] no Faction Boon?

FAQ available

Abysium ammunition radiation radius?

Grenade Questions

Are the Enhanced Witchwarper abilities "Seek the Breach" and "Overload Reality" intended to work with the abilities that replace "Infinite Worlds?"

How does the hologram pc race carry gear in its core form / can it move in core form

Particle Wave Zenith Revelation

Particle Wave Zenith Revelation

Question for drones: Reactive Camouflage with rider

Can an SRO communicate telepathically?

Perception check to notice / pinpoint an invisible immobile creature standing in the open

Riot Grenade used by Detective in Interstellar Species.

Arcochor Lunging Grab question

Vellsencraft Ltd and Thasphalt

Evolutionist flight category?

Eldritch Array and Multiclassing the source?

Gear arrays and variable items?

How often do Vellsencraft Ltd. augments consume thasphalt?

Deflective Reinforcement + Steelskin Half-Orc Stack DR?

Head slot means Brain slot?

Experimental Vehicle compact form-Items inside?

Dynamic Hacking and Expert Rig

Disease contracted through poison & tracking

Starship Virtual Intelligence Question

Mechs and class abilities

Manifold Array

Near Space, p. 119 Error in Stat Block for SC VAULTSHIP

Determining CR of starship encounters / battles

Are Breaching Pods and Drop Pods (SOM) supposed to have a minimum starship size they can be added to?

Shields and their armor check penalty

Do a mechanic drones initial mods count towards its limit?

Polymorph Creature creation confusion

Remote-Link Module Armor Upgrade [Near Space]

Yasakaja size and space

Confusion About Templates and their "requirements"

Android question

Solar Manifestation vs. Create Darkness

COM Hack Cache Capacitor issue.

Polymorph questions

Creature Companions - Modifiers

Sensors help 'Target System' but NOT 'Lock On'???

Entropic Strike and Multi-Weapon Fighting

Divine Blessing: Oras and Skill Synergy, Skill Focus, and others

Range of Erase spell?

Computers controlling lower tier computers

Riding a Dragonkin, how does it work?

Remove affliction vs Poison, make someone healthy or no?

Understanding Archetypes

Microbot grenade questions

True Expertise Question

Hover Drone: Hydrojets Mod / Movement

Autofire, blast weapons, and burst effects

Priests and philosophies.

AI and Custom Rig

what is the bulk of a Basic Enercycle?

Technomancer Caustic Conversation

Shadow Essence

Understanding the Spellthrower Fusion

Bright weapons missing?

Drift and Summon magic

Confused / Confusion

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