Ultimate Combat Playtest

Playtest Results: Round 1
Playtest Results: Round 2
Gunslinger Discussion: Round 1
Ninja Discussion: Round 1
Samurai Discussion: Round 1
Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

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I must object!

Using a gunslinger as the villian in my upcoming adventure

Ki and Haste

Samurai orders

My personal Thoughts and Findings: Ninja

Ninjato & Kusari-Gama

Feat ideas

First thoughts on Guns

Alternate class features?

Rapid Reload

Early thoughts

Clarification on the Targeting: Torso Deed

Samurai with Bluff?

Kingmaker Playtest Drop-in's [KM & RotRL Spoilers Ahoy!]

Starting Weapons

Gunslinger and references to computer games (FFXI)

Firearms and other classes

Gunslingers, Guns - Fix proposals

First take on Gunslinger and Firearms

Perception... no... OK... why not?

Katana Proficiency: martial or exotic?

Gunslinger go boom? When Fireball Meets Gunpowder

Having fun playing ...

Gunslinger vs. Crossbowman Archetype

Not that bad, if the rogue class did not exist

Ronin: A small proposal

Cover and Firearms

Dual-wielding pistols

Gunslinger Build and DPR Scaling

Suggestion for Targeting Deed

"Ninjas"! - "Damn"

My thoughts on the Gunslinger

Final Thoughts on Ninja before Round 2...

Called Shots and Hit Locations?

Firearms, Gunslingers, and the fundamental flaws of the current system

Grit feats as Deeds?

Can we change the name of the Ninja? and a few other things...

Similar to Ranger Combat Style

Notes and Impressions

I unironically love Power of Ninjutsu, the worst movie. Also a review of the class I guess

Guns and Cost

Deed feats -- why would I take these?

Typos / Errors

Death to "per-day" and unrechargable martial restrictions

Alternate Class - Don't think it's necessary

Still reading it, but...

Guns and AC

Grit feats adding deeds

Adamantium bullets

General Response

Guns + Other Classes + Items

Guns + Other Classes + Items

Guns and ranges and a bit of Grit?

To adress what seems to be an issue with the price of guns.

Ideas for more hurtful gunslingers (Plus everything else I noticed)

Firearm Ability Clarification

2 Questions: Deadly Aim and Lightning Reload+Signature Deed?

Post Counts

Infinite Money Cheat?

Firearm Damage Too Low

Gunslingers are fighters right

Grit feats

Crafting bullets and black powder

Secret Stash = Printing Press

Another Objection

Ninja Sneak Attack Ability

"Leap for Cover" Deed

Gunslinger as Alchemist, better?

Short lookover

Gunslinger worse than Fighter

Stop Bleeding

Sub-Class or Base Class

2 Quick thoughts...

Think Killing Blow should be renamed Deadly Blow

Notes and Impressions

Welcome to the Ultimate Combat playtest

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