Ultimate Combat Playtest

Playtest Results: Round 1
Playtest Results: Round 2
Gunslinger Discussion: Round 1
Ninja Discussion: Round 1
Samurai Discussion: Round 1
Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

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So Kinda wondering on Gun damage...

So Kinda wondering on Gun damage...

Ninja's and poison?

Guns And Shield

Advanced Firearms and Misfiring

Revised Gunslinger v.2.3.0 with Archetypes

Samurai is an Alternate Cavalier

What would your Katana do?

Gunslinger Playtest – PFS Deeper Darkness

Wall Jumping

Adamantine Firearms

Gun Training with two firearms

What I'm hoping for in Ultimate Combat

Wild West

The Katana Sword for the Samurai

Ronin Challenge

Comparing Samurai: Ultimate Combat vs. Paths of Power

Bastard Sword Proficiency

Fighter feats for gunslingers- Yes / No?

How do changes affect my Pathfinder Society gunslinger?

Gunslinger got TOOLED

To Stephen, a question still stands.

Scatter Special Quality: Some confusion within my group

The real problem with the Ninja...

A small thank you now that the playtest is over

My take on the Gunslinger

Porthos Gets Put on Ice

Gunslingers, Musketeers, Dragoons, and Cavalry

Assassins Equal Evil. Ninjas Don't?

Gunsmithing ammo crafting question

Gun Training - It just doesn't make any sense!

The design goal of gunslingers...

Getting down to brass tacks at the last minute

Armor Versus Guns Suggestion

Silly idea

Couple of gunslinger things



Bullets of light

Guns and Gravity bow

Starting Guns

Single ninja just dropped my party of 14th level adventurers

Katana and 'Japanese Weapon' proficiency (both Samurai and Ninja)

Craft Guns

Monk Chasis-Based Gunslinger

Leaping Attack Clarifications

Shield spell and other deflection ac works against guns?

Some considerations

Gunslinger: Ideas for Regaining Grit

Are guns a viable option for non-gunslingers under any of the pricing guides?

Samurais with Heavy Shields

Modified Samurai Class (Now with more OPTIONS)

Poison Smoke Bombs

Why invent a new term (attacking touch ac) instead of using existing terms (touch attack)?

Buffing the base classes to balance the UC classes is poor game design

Ninja without hand-to-hand martial arts not a Ninja

My take on the ninja as a monk

Can't find the thread...

How dangerous is the revolver compared to mid to high level spellcasting?

Swallow Whole + Guns - Need some kind of addedum

Lightning Reload clarification?

Gunslinger - Duelist

Gunsmith Should be Gun Affinity

Monk + Gunslinger = Vash the Stampede?

Ultra-reload extravagana

Misfire and the Broken condition

Proposal for the Gunslinger Final Version


Roland the Level 11 Gunslinger in the Arena of Death Defying Doom

Pouncing velociraptor thwarted by pistol whip.

Gun training, too powerful?

Gunsmith's Kit.

Scatter and Misfire

Flurry of Bullets and Guided Shot

Shadow Clone grant 1d4 clones, or 1d4+X?

Shotgun vs. Mirror Image

Ult. Combat Round 2 Wish List

Is the balance of the gunslinger hinged on low damaging weapons (per round)?

A few suggestions...

Thoughts, in what I hope is a constructive vein

The Gunslinger needs a "Thing"

Guns - Still unbalanced

Pepperbox or Revolver

Stephen says: Need free hand for reloading, How is the Iconic supposed to do her thing?

Quick firearms observation

Seperate pistol choices for weapon focus?

Seperate pistol choices for weapon focus?

Deadshot and Leaping Shot Deed feat clarification

Names for class abilities

Commando Crawl?

8th Level party w / gunslinger take on 19 serpent folk and an Amphibaena


The Musket-Axe-Ateers!

Gunslinger + Alchemist = Outlaw star's Caster Gun?

Just out of interest

If you've met one gunslinger... (and a challenge)

Suggested level 1 deed

Over under pistol / dragon pistol?

Making Deeds Chosen instead of Automatic (a suggested progression)

Advanced Deeds

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