Level 8: Imp. Uncanny Dodge; Level 6: Walk on Water & Lava?!

Ninja Discussion: Round 1

Grand Lodge

I'm not sure if this has jumped out at anyone else or if it's been discussed but My Gosh, that seems at least backwords, if not worse.

I can maybe see Improved Uncanny Dodge -- taking away opponents' +2 Flanking, and more seriously an opponent's Sneak damage -- at 8th level, but allowing a Ninja to walk on ANY surface at all!, at 6th level?!?

It's considerably cooler than Improved Uncanny Dodge and my initial reaction was to suggest switching the 6th Lvl Feature with the 8th Lvl Feature but even still, walking on water seems too good even for 8th level.

Improved Uncanny Dodge at 8th Level but Light Steps needs to be pushed to beyond 8th. Or at least rewritten.

How many DMs would want to deal with a 6th Lvl PC who can walk on Evard's Black Tentacles?

Or across a lava flow?

It seems that 14th level might be a good place to let a PC walk across lava or Evard's Tentacles or a clothesline.

Grand Lodge

Well, I think that with regards to Evard's since there is still a saving throw involved and that superceedes the ability. Thus to be able to move through it they'd have to make the saving throw.

As for walking on lava, I have no problem with that. With the stipulation that if they don't have fire immunity or resistance then they will be taking massive amounts of damage. I beleive they ruled somewhere that if you have water breathing and immunity to an element you can breath it. For example if you have water breathing and immunity to fire you can breath in lava. But I'm not sure where the ruling was made, so don't quote me.


Grand Lodge

The Light Steps Class Feature specifically says that one does not take damage when walking across these surfaces. I used laval in my example because that (plus caltrops) is the specific example used in the description.

It just seems too much to me. Or, actually, it seems too much at 6th level -- switching it with Improved Uncanny Dodge or pushing it back even further (say, 14th level) seems like a more balanced solution.

I did, however, use Evard's Tentacles as an example in my post because I think it's a good example of a gray area in the description of the Class Feature.

My [insert magic class here] can do that too. It is called fly

Shadow_of_death wrote:

My [insert magic class here] can do that too. It is called fly

Good point. Every other half magic class can do that too and monks got similar stuff. Actually only rogues and fighters can´t do it without further aid i guess.

Then, read it correct, you have to stay on firm and save ground at the end of the turn, what makes it less than fly or other abilities.
In the end, it surely doesn´t work on black tentacles or any similar spells, because spells are not a surface normally, additionally there is a saving throw. You might light step over a greasy surface, but that spell works the surface. Tentacles on the other hand stick out and grapple. I don´t think there is an grey area.

It can be quite mighty though, especially of you have means to increase your base speed. For example i bought some boots of the raptor for my halfling, which give you a base speed of 60, what makes 120 with light steps every round without getting tired or any costs and checks. Then you can even use sneak on it, of course fasst sneak or swift as shadows halfling racial trait help a lot here. Just race through any dungeon or whatever hidden and scout it, even if you are discovered, be gone in seconds.

Grand Lodge

I get what you're saying and maybe I'm overreacting but Light Steps is a BAZILLION times better than Fly!!!!

Your Wiz cand cast it what, once per day?!

Your Sor more than that at the expense of other things.

FLY does NOT let you FLY 24 hours a day.

Light Steps does.

Dark Archive

how often are "streams/pools of lava that can be crossed in 1 round" used that it becomes an issue?

If you have to use that much lava, then rethink your DM style

What are the pcs stuck on the "plane of lava with cool rocks to stop on placed every 50 feet"?

Also they still take the damage from being near the lava.

Consider, it doesnt let you cross heights. You can jump, but thats acrobatics. To cross heights you need a second feat, a master feet.
You can´t do anything else either while using light steps.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, it just seems like it is too cool to have at 6th level. Maybe it isn't, afterall, but it sure seems that way. I think it's be better to switch when the PC gets Light Steps with when it gets Uncanny Dodge.

(Name Violation, you do realize "lava" was just an example, yes? The "any surface" and "rough terrain" parts were what raised my eyebrows (my italics). And I used "lava" as the any-one-of-a-thousand examples that may come up in a session because the description also used that example.)

What situation are you thinking that this can be used more then a wizard can fly? Or a monk could jump?

Grand Lodge

Again, I just think Light Steps looks like it could be too cool to get at 6th level. Pushing it to a higher level (maybe switching it with Uncanny Dodge) seems better.
And since we're in the playtest....

Sorry if my post wasn't too articulate on the Wizard or Sorcerer.

A Wizard will commonly prepare Fly as one of his 3rd level spells. (A few Sorcerers may choose to make Fly one of its 3rd level known spells.)

For the Wizard, once it casts Fly, it can not do so again until it prepares spells tomorrow. So the next tightrope or river or lava pit or spiked pit or whatever the Wizard comes across that (occasional) session, he has to come up with some other thing -- his Fly is gone. The Ninja can do Light Steps again. (The Sorcerer may have a few uses for 3rd level spells but how many want to use those for Fly?

It's a great ability at 6th level. It's a pretty good ability at 9th level. It's... redundant in the extreme at 12th level?

My wizard only casts Flight down at level 5-8. Once he has overland flight, the boundary on flight is no longer an issue. More importantly, even the fighter and rogue are carrying Fly potions for spot use, or have magic items that allow flight during the day. It's a necessary high level trick, and smart soldiers prioritize mobility if they don't want to carry a bow and make 9 attacks a round using their wisdom for attack and armor class.

Zen Archer Monk trumps anything and everything everyone else can do. Snuffing one BBEG a round or half a dozen minions with a single full attack, without worrying about cover, concealment, basically range, or anything shy of FANTASTIC AC. The bar has been raised.

W E Ray wrote:

Again, I just think Light Steps looks like it could be too cool to get at 6th level. Pushing it to a higher level (maybe switching it with Uncanny Dodge) seems better.

And since we're in the playtest....

Sorry if my post wasn't too articulate on the Wizard or Sorcerer.

A Wizard will commonly prepare Fly as one of his 3rd level spells. (A few Sorcerers may choose to make Fly one of its 3rd level known spells.)

For the Wizard, once it casts Fly, it can not do so again until it prepares spells tomorrow. So the next tightrope or river or lava pit or spiked pit or whatever the Wizard comes across that (occasional) session, he has to come up with some other thing -- his Fly is gone. The Ninja can do Light Steps again. (The Sorcerer may have a few uses for 3rd level spells but how many want to use those for Fly?

convenient that their happens to be two 60ft lava pits exactly one fly spells duration apart, wait what?

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