Ultimate Combat Playtest

Playtest Results: Round 1
Playtest Results: Round 2
Gunslinger Discussion: Round 1
Ninja Discussion: Round 1
Samurai Discussion: Round 1
Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

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Idle Thoughts: Round the Second

Deadly Aim Fixed!

Signature gun idea

Ancestral Blade (Samurai Archtype)

Advanced Firearms Pistol - 8 to hit 99 feet away Touch AC.

Crafting / Repairing guns without Gunsmithing?

Gunslinger Suggestion Box

Guns and damage reduction

Indepth Review on Revised Gunslinger

Dragon Pistol

Still no weight values?

Questions about Deadshot and Dual Wielding

Dead Shot - How do critical hits work?

2nd Level is still a dead level

Greater Vital Strike + Dead Aim

Questions about Gunsmith class feature and Firearm availability in PFS

Make Deeds selectable like Rogue Talents or Rage Powers

Dead Shot

Samurai play test lv 1-2

Is the gunslinger still an alternate fighter?

Round 2 thought on Death Shot and True Grit class abilitys

Advanced Firearms and Misfires

Cheat Death indeed!

Round 2 See Invisibility Sight need CL 9


Gunslinger's Dodge question

Secret Stash: Action type?

Touch attacks need to go

Get your crossbows out of my gunslinging!

Paper cartidges

Paizo Blog: Gunslinger Reloaded

Blunderbuss and Shotgun

Long overdue for a Dev update...

Board Locked

Gunslinger Playtesting Feedback

Gunslinging in Guild Wars 2... (youtube link)

Gunslinger Retires At 11th- Secret Stash Signature Deed

Gunslinger as alternate class of Fighter creates further problems

Gunslinger Alpha Version

1000 gp gun. Can I kill and rob the gunslinger yet?

Gunslinger vs. Fighter

Guns, oils, and trying to find some balance.

Gunslinger issues fixed for your 3.5 / Pathfinder game.

Bonus Combat Feats

Playtest of a lvl 4 Ninja

Do Guns vs Natural Armor skew the CR system?

New Gunslinger

Respect the Dill Pickles

To Rogue or not to Rogue

Help me out! Newb Gungslinger build help!

Broken Gunslinger

Gunslinger Proficiencies

Guns, the Tarrasque's worst nightmare

Ideas for the Gunsliger...

How do we fix this?

Gunslinger targeting deed somewhat broken

Gunslinger Issues I ran into in a one shot

Samurai and proficiency question

What about shuriken?

Gunslinger - Yuck

Just a few thought on grit and the rest of the Gunslinger

Samurai Misconceptions

where can i find a copy of the ultimate playtest to check out

Confusion on firearms

Can we change the name of the Ninja? and a few other things...

Hidden Master (How detectable are you?) / Invisible Feinting

Ninja and unarmed combat

My suggestions on how to change the ninja, both for balancing and flavour

Saumrai rules to revise / change / explain

Multi - barreled pistols / musket

Gunslinger Review - Gunslinger, Guns, Core Classes (Multi-Part)

Level 11 gunslinger - Reloading becomes a non-issue

Ultimate Combat PCGen Dataset

3rd Party Rules for Firearms and a comparative class to the Gunslinger

Magic items for gun campaigns

I can do 4d12 base damage with a touch attack!

Straight Gunslinger Damage Too Low? Nah

My thoughts on the Ultimate Combat classes especially the gunslinger

Guns become gunslinger exclusive

Playing around with a gun mage (alchemist)

Retouching the Gunslinger

Failed Samurai Variant

Beta Game “Travel’s on the sea of Muzin”

Ijitsu: class feature or combat maneuver

Inquisitor based gunslinger.

My issue w / Gunslingers and the other classes...

Gunslinger issues I ran into


Firearm Damage Too Low

Playtest results for the Samurai

Playtest results for the Ninja

Idle Thoughts

Should we keep posting?

I can't be fighter / gunslinger? Why?

More Deeds Please!

Questions regarding the Gunslinger and her new toys


Targeting, Covering Shot & Pistol Whip

One level gunslinger


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