Ultimate Combat Playtest

Playtest Results: Round 1
Playtest Results: Round 2
Gunslinger Discussion: Round 1
Ninja Discussion: Round 1
Samurai Discussion: Round 1
Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

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Ninja / Rogue infiltration...

Ninja: I cast Lesser Dissertation

The Gunslinger and the Gun (Long, in-depth review)

Advice on Firearms, please

Samurai and their mount, something doesn't feel right.

Gunslinger with musket is SUPER effective

First thought on Ninja

Level 12 mini-adventure

Gunslinger is cost prohibitive

The role of the gunslinger

L10 Ninja Playtest (vL9 Party) [CoT Spoilers]

switch roles play test with ronin, magus and gunslinger.

Gunslinger (Warlock alternate class, no magic)

Gun and Showdowns at Hight Noon

Shadow Split

Bleed Question

Gunslinger as John McLane

A simpler way it could've been done...

Playtest last monday

Good Assassins?

4th level Gun-slinger Play test. Porthos the gunslinger gets Sargavaed

Gunslinger's Homemade Ammo (Playtest Suggestion)

Ideas to fix Alpha build Gunslinger

Single ninja just dropped my party of 14th level adventurers

Gunslinger Home Playtest

Samurai: A dissertation. Combat at levels 5, 10, 15, 20 + Reflections

Gunslinger Rebuild #1

Post Counts

Level 11 Ninja and Samurai in the Arena of Double Double Doom

New to the playtest scene

The Gunslinger, or why it can be awesome

4th level mini adventure playtest

The REAL reason for a charisma based Ninja

A few thoughts on Grit and Deeds...

10th level TWF Invisible Ninja and his friends

Gunslingers and their guns

3rd level Samurai, Magus, Ninja and Gunslinger playtest

The class name "Gunslinger"

What does an elven curve blade look like?

YD's Final Thoughts on All Three Playtest Classes

Scrapping the idea of Gunslinger as an archetype

Free Starting Gold

Wis Based Gunslinger needs oomph from wis?

Targeting torso

Gunslinger Test

No Ninja Tricks

Rogue vs. Ninja DPR race!

Gunslinger Godsmouth lvl1 playtest

So, Monks can deflect bullets?

Gunslinger Level 8 Playtest PFS Rebel's Ransom

Samurai level 1 and 10 playtest

Ronin order ability without master, redundant?

Please adjust the Samurai / Fighter Feat level process

Ki attack Ninja and Monk

Reloading Deed Idea

Ultimate Combat - Misc Requests

So about that river we just fell into

My Two Cents on the Ninja...

Gunslinger update coming this week?

Pickles for Everyone!

Shouldn't the Ninja's Ki Pool be Wisdom-Based?

new ninja trick idea and my idea on the darkvision trick


Are guns masterwork quality?

Beyond the Pickle (what else does the Gunslinger need to finish making the Sandwich?)

Data analysis of firearms Touch AC attack

Guns; To Target Touch AC or Not To Target Touch AC? That Is The Question.

Gunslinger Lv1 PFS playtest

Gun Playtest

Gun Craft DC's


Gunslinger on the Shiv

A 3PPs view on the Samurai

Ninja Equipment

Does the iconic Ninja point and laugh at Merisiel?

Banners? Samurais didn't carry around banners

Ninja / Assassin playtest, Shackled City (Spoilers)

Does Gunslinger get Fighter feats?

The Gun is Good! AKA Firearms Reality is nice, but not fun in a 6-second round

Last Stand + Antimagic Field = Unkillable?

Gunslinger playtest from Conception UK 2011

Not actually a post about the Ninja

The Role of Guns, or "What if I don't want to be a vaquero?"

Giving up on Gunslinger

My 2 cents on the gunslinger

Why not limit the usefulness of guns for the general population by failure alone?

Firearms / Tech level

Your Proposed Changes - The Ninja

Doesn't anyone agree guns in Pathfinder / D&D is bad

A need for Apples to Apples comparisons

Armored Ninja

A Message to Paizo about the Gunslinger

Gunslingers from a Story point of view (and some mechanical elements I noticed)

My thoughts

Simple Suggestion

First Thoughts: Ninja's, Ḥashāshīns, and Rogues OH MY

Ninja addition suggestion

Gunslingers, Guns, and Pathfinder Society economics

No quickdraw?

8th Level Gunslinger Playtest

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