Ninja Discussion: Round 1

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Ki based off of Cha? Oh Please!

Vanishing Trick = Obnoxious AND Overpowered

Ninja vs. Rogue issues boiled down

Trapfinding Ninja

Help me make a Ninja

Strength Ninja

[Actual Play] Ninja playtesting, Kingmaker Path

Level 8: Imp. Uncanny Dodge; Level 6: Walk on Water & Lava?!

Do Rogue archetypes work with the Ninja?

Can Ninja take the Extra Rogue Talent feat?

Hidden Master over powered

Ninja Death Attack

Assassinate versus Death Attack; An indepth comparison

Ninja's can't be Rogues and vice versa right?

Where are the Black Eggs?

Pressure Points / Sneak Attack

Does this help the ninja issues?

Shouldn't the ninja have Survival? No trace uses it

Why sudden strike should be kept

Vanish balance idea

A few balance ideas for Ninja / Rogue

Shuriken and Ki Charge

Necklace of Ki serenity

Question about forgotten trick

Playtest of Ninja class: results

Great ninja builds

Samurai / Ninja update question

Forgotten Trick issues

Question on ki

Light steps and stealth

Ninja Trick question

Equipment needed: Kunai, giant shuriken... Abilities needed: Genjutsu

Using Ki

Ninja's and poison?

What would your Katana do?

Wall Jumping

The real problem with the Ninja...

Assassins Equal Evil. Ninjas Don't?


Poison Smoke Bombs

Buffing the base classes to balance the UC classes is poor game design

Ninja without hand-to-hand martial arts not a Ninja

My take on the ninja as a monk

Shadow Clone grant 1d4 clones, or 1d4+X?

Where's my kusarigama?!

Katana and Wakisashi should be Samurai weapons only

To Rogue or not to Rogue

How do we fix this?

where can i find a copy of the ultimate playtest to check out

Can we change the name of the Ninja? and a few other things...

Hidden Master (How detectable are you?) / Invisible Feinting

Ninja and unarmed combat

My suggestions on how to change the ninja, both for balancing and flavour

Ultimate Combat PCGen Dataset


Ninja / Rogue infiltration...

First thought on Ninja

Shadow Split

Good Assassins?

Single ninja just dropped my party of 14th level adventurers

New to the playtest scene

The REAL reason for a charisma based Ninja

No Ninja Tricks

Rogue vs. Ninja DPR race!

Ki attack Ninja and Monk

My Two Cents on the Ninja...

Shouldn't the Ninja's Ki Pool be Wisdom-Based?

new ninja trick idea and my idea on the darkvision trick


Ninja Equipment

Does the iconic Ninja point and laugh at Merisiel?

Not actually a post about the Ninja

Your Proposed Changes - The Ninja

A need for Apples to Apples comparisons

Armored Ninja

First Thoughts: Ninja's, Ḥashāshīns, and Rogues OH MY

Ninja addition suggestion

One level monk dip and ki to Wisdom

Rogues should be able to take Ninja Tricks


A note to all those put out by Ninjas, Samurais, and Monks...

Assassinate is optional?

Bleeding Attack & Deadly Range & other issues experienced

Pressure point is really poorly designed

Wall Climber Ninja Trick

Neccesary Fixes for the Ninja (and Other Thoughts)

Swift Action Abilities

Alternate Class Tricks vs. Talents

When can you add an extra attack with a Ki point?

This is my version of the ninja

Balance Issues

Questions on ki charge / sneak attack

Ninja and rogue alternate Class features

Ninja specific proposed prestige classes

Quick question to you guys who hate Ninjas / Samurai

What's in a name?


Hidden weapons and Quick Draw

Alternate Concepts using Ninja Mechanics

Hidden Master just a bit too strong for the cost

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