Rules Questions

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Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook FAQ

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Pathfinder Rules Questions Guidelines

Channeling Energy from multiple classes

Guided Hand vs CMB

Can you Take 20 to hide an object?

Fluid Form vs. squeezing

gaze vs sight

Prana vs Poison Immunity

Adding that 20th Sorc level to a Great Wyrm Solar Dragon

Alchemist Vs formulas

High-Level Reanimators: A Weird Tale

Pricing of an Arrow of Charming

Does Slay Living (or other damaging Death effects) apply damage before or after the natural attack or spellstrike damage it was delivered by?

Barbarian Vs spirit totem

About the ability of Sense Motive level 15 in Skill Unlocks

Can You 'Size Up' an Opponent with Sense Motive?

Dampen Presense feat vs. lifesense & spiritsense

Arcanist - Bloodline Development - Eldritch Heritage - which bloodline works?

Murky water vs. Freedom of Movement

Instantaneous Spells & Continual Use

Any way to get Precise Shot feat on equipment?

Pricing question

poison vs attacks

Suffocate spell: if you succeed on a save, you still have to save every round for 3 rounds, right?

Gun Chemist / Item Weight questions

Elemental Purist Kineticist: Why I find myself torn

Moonlight Stalker Master + 5' step

Arcanist - Magical knack + Toughness

Dodging Panache and 5-foot step

Paladin Lay on Hands

Skald's Ragin Song Duration

Wanderer's Wisdom

elemental body vs elementals

polymorph vs CR

Arcanist - Bloodline Development

Arcanist - School Understanding + Bond Item

Sohei / Ascetic style / Monk's Robes questions

Mindscape Door Questions

Flurry of blows interaction with serpent runner

Magus Spellstrike and spell combat lv2

The secret perk of being Planetouched?

Ghost Brand

Bladebound Magus and Arcane Pool question

Vizualizing a Synth Summoner on a character sheet

I've encountered a discrepancy regarding Sensate Fighters.

Free action + Spell like ability

Do these two abilities work the same?

Readied action to move against Charge

'Giant Template' clarification

Durable arrow's and special materials

How to regains panache for a Guiding Blade?

Ultimate Campaign Discounts on Buildings

Stalwart Defender Defensive Stance + Belt of Mighty Constitution

When the Light is over there.

Do you need to hold a light source (lantern, wayfinder etc) in hand for it to be effective?

What feats and abilities can be used with a dancing weapon?

Can you do do a swift action as a move action (or standard) instead?

What about natural healing of not-resting Creatures?

Request for Jason - Please clarify the Shades spell!

Coat of Many Stars Wording

Flurry of Stars question

Warpriest and Fervor

witch hover and move actions.

Animal companion skeleton

Is there a maximum number of class levels a "monster" can have?

Witch hit with Baleful Polymorph... are hexes still avail?

Drunken Sing-Along fact check

Metamagic items Vs caster levels

Whole party keeps dying via Wail of the Banshee

[Skull & Shackles] Fleet morale and the role of the admiral

Traits, metamagic, and reduced levels

Shock Weapon Underwater

The "Called" Special Ability?

Shattered star start date?

Question about interactions with incorporeal creatures.

Total Concealment vs. Zen Archer question.

Clarification on Archetype Replacements - Practiced Strangler

Rules during mounted combat

Tanglefoot Bomb

Sword devil and shifter claws

Sword devil and shifter claws

Defensive Instinct stacking.

Oracle, Natures Whispers and AC

Snap Shot around a corner

Supernaturalist and shields

Doubt about the 5-foot step

Advanced Weapon Training

Augmented mythic blade barrier

Warpriest Weapon Focus

Blindsight / Tremorsense

Swallow whole vs saves

Dimension Door and immediate actions

Project Terror Duration

Fool card question, XP loss, Deck of Many Things

Large creatures and mounts

Large vs Reach

Must Whirlwind Attacks be made with only one weapon?

Action economy of the Special delivery teamwork feat

Boots of Elvenkind

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