Marian_Di_Tog |

So the question:
If I as an Arcanist, get "School Understanding" feat and will choose Bond Item, can i cast throug this bond item with standart wizard rules ANY spell from my spellbook?
I'm asking, cause i merely remember what i saw an info, about i as arcanist through this exploit, can cast just 1st lvl spells from my spellbook...

Melkiador |

Is there a school that grants a bonded item? That ability is usually granted to wizards independent of their school class ability
There is a bloodline that grants one, but bloodline development puts a limit on that:
If this ability is used to gain an arcane bond and a bonded item is selected, the arcanist can only use that item to cast spells of a level equal to the level of spell that could be cast by her equivalent sorcerer level (limiting her to 1st level spells unless she spends a point from her arcane reservoir).