Gil-Gandel |
I can't find this FAQ'd anywhere, so apologies if it's just my poor google-fu. Wanderer Monk archetype.
Wanderer’s Wisdom (Ex)
At 7th level, the wanderer can dispense excellent advice in the form of philosophical proverbs and parables. As a swift action, the wanderer can inspire courage or inspire competence as a bard of his monk level by spending 2 points from his ki pool. This affects one creature within 30 feet and lasts a number of rounds equal to the wanderer’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round). This ability is language-dependent.
This ability replaces wholeness of body.
May I assume that the Wanderer is in fact within 30 feet of himself? And can advise himself (time pauses, young disciple in candlelit monastery hall questions blind old master, time resumes with the older version of the young disciple suitably inspired)?

Pizza Lord |
... May I assume that the Wanderer is in fact within 30 feet of himself? And can advise himself ... ?
Yes and no. Assuming they follow the rules for how a bard uses them.
Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself)
... A bard can’t inspire competence in himself.

Melkiador |

Inspire courage is reminder text as it is in parenthesis. and inspire competence is an exception. I’m not sure of the intent, but as written the wisdom can indeed be used on the monk.
And that works thematically. Reciting koans to oneself.
With fresh eyes, I see that this ability lets you do either courage or competence "as a bard". So, I think the monk would be prevented from using the competence bonus on himself, but could use courage just fine.

Gil-Gandel |
Thank you, all. I haven't seen this archetype talked about much, but it seems to have quite a lot going for it. You're strapped for ki powers to trade for qinggong abilities until you get to 11th level, but you get a fair bit for the lower-level ones, and that continuous *freedom of movement* at 13th is a doozy.