Mega Monster Meltdown!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

All these Bestiary 2 monsters are CR 20 or higher. Deal with it!

If you can.

Illustration by Eric BelisleIllustration by Eva Widermann
Illustrations by Jorge Maese

Wes Schneider
Managing Editor

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Tags: Agathions Dragons Eric Belisle Eva Widermann Giants Jorge Maese Monsters Nightshades Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
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Dark Archive

Über near epic sweeeet !

Jabberwock and he's not on a Tumtum tree !

Silver Crusade


Looking kind of Nirvana there dragon guy.

Astral predator of some sort. Shadow Plane maybe?


Dark Archive

Mikaze wrote:

Could be ... although I little short for a Titan?

Monster 2 reminds me of the original Styx Devil but it's just the robes I'm sure. This guy looks to benevolent ... and at CR 20+ no less!

Mikaze wrote:

I was thinking some sort of Nephilim.

EDIT: But since Titan wasn't in the first Bestiary, it's more probable...

Sovereign Court

evilash wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

I was thinking some sort of Nephilim.

EDIT: But since Titan wasn't in the first Bestiary, it's more probable...

Can't be Nephilim, not enough fields...

The robes Widermann has done are awesome, another great job from her.

When is this coming out again? With the exception of the draconic priest I can't wait to find out what these things are.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
FenrysStar wrote:
When is this coming out again? With the exception of the draconic priest I can't wait to find out what these things are.

December, alas.

The shark thing's eyes scream Daemon to me for some reason...

The jabberwock is obvious. I'm guessing the giantess is a titan and the sharkmonster is some kind of fiend.

I have no idea whatsoever about the robed dragon-humanoid, but I want to know more.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Shark with Frickin' Laser Beams ? Awesome.

Arevashti wrote:
I have no idea whatsoever about the robed dragon-humanoid, but I want to know more.

Not sure you can call it a humanoid, since it doesn't have any legs... just a serpentine body.

Lantern Lodge

I really like the fiendish shark.
It is awesome.
The jabberwock is easily identifiable.
I guess that the draconic character is a sort of outsider.
For the last, I will bet on a Titan.

Between Jabberwock and Dagon, instant win. I'm looking forward to some interesting fey options...

Jabberwocky certainly
2nd looks a bit too regal for Dagon, but I have no better idea. My first thought was "Bahamut?"
Armor-plated Shadow-infused Dire Shark - RUN! CR 20+ JAWS? Dang!
Definitely Titan - picture exudes chaotic goodness.

1. Jabberwocky

2. I really don't know, but if I had to guess, I would say that the Nirvana Dragon has been redesigned.

3. Stygian Leviathan (CR 21, From the Tome of Horrors II). Sure, it looks like a shark and not a whale, but this seems much more frightening and in line with what the greatest predator in the River Styx should look like.

4. Giantess with wild hair, clothes and expression, vaguely knightly armor, two handed warhammer...Definately a Titan.

Question inspired by the shark-thing.

Does anyone know if the shark deity Sekolah is propriatory, or does it have a real-world origin?

#2 could possibly be a psiwyrm from ToH III... although it's CR is too low.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1. Jabberwock.
2. Half-Naga/Half-Gold Dragon Cleric 20.
3. Shadow Shark of some kind.

Grand Lodge


Liberty's Edge

1: mutant bunny
2: Pope dragon
3: The ghost of Jaws
4: a supermodel playing whack-a-mole

:P Still, awesome stuff.

gregg carrier wrote:

1: mutant bunny

2: Pope dragon
3: The ghost of Jaws
4: a supermodel playing whack-a-mole

:P Still, awesome stuff.

Robot ghost of Jaws.

Ranting, I hope the Nirvana Dragon hasn't gotten a redesign. All it needed was a neck job.


I know what two of them are. :D

The shark almost looks kind of technological to me ... I'm sure it's not, but kind of reminds me of the Sentinels from The Matrix ...

evilash wrote:
#2 could possibly be a psiwyrm from ToH III... although it's CR is too low.


EDIT: Whoops! quoted wrong post.

Wow, epic sweetness, I hope the "epic" book is soon to follow... :D

The artwork is awesome, as always. I wonder if you're getting spoiled having such great artists available to you.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Todd Stewart wrote:
I know what two of them are. :D

Signs point to two outsiders...

It's a Deep Shark.

Arevashti wrote:
I have no idea whatsoever about the robed dragon-humanoid, but I want to know more.

Bozak draconians are back. AND THEY'RE PISSED.


Matthew Morris wrote:
Todd Stewart wrote:
I know what two of them are. :D
Signs point to two outsiders...

I didn't work on this book, so don't draw conclusions. ;)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Todd Stewart wrote:
I know what two of them are. :D

Me too. But are they the same two? One never knows... :)

Hugo Solis wrote:
Wow, epic sweetness, I hope the "epic" book is soon to follow... :D

Well remember that even in a 1-20 game you still need something that is CR 23 for an epic(apl+3) end fight and allow PCs to use all those cool capstone powers. So having CR 20+ is important.

Best hope the PCs have invested in a Vorpal Sword and that the "Mutant Rabbit" doesn't just snap it like a toothpick.

Daemon astral hunting shark? Puts the astral construct to shame. It's Jaws vs. an astral caravan (that looks like a fishing boat).

I'm a little disappointed with the titan, I honestly haven't seen any better than the original 3.0 artwork for one. It looks good, better than the 3.5, but just not...regal enough maybe?

The jabberwock looks great. So I guess like Todd, I know what two of them are...

I have to agree, I'm really disappointed in the "Titan" art. I mean, the only way we know the size is because of the cheap trick of the cape fluttering partially behind a tree - which is necessary because otherwise it is impossible to tell the perspective of the character versus the trees. What is that thing it is a attacking? A chocolate demon?

The titaness sure looks happy in her work, though.

Liberty's Edge

Kain Darkwind wrote:

I'm a little disappointed with the titan, I honestly haven't seen any better than the original 3.0 artwork for one. It looks good, better than the 3.5, but just not...regal enough maybe?

I did think a titan would be a little less...armored? But still she's not too bad. Would be more impressive if she were giving a boot to the face of a building or something. But yeah, whack a mole is pretty addictive, especially when you can chase the mole!

Grand Lodge

titan is hot

Dark Archive

i have a feeling that these are all the CR20+ of the book...


Cartigan wrote:
A chocolate demon?

Aw, guessed!

The chocolate demon is actually the monster in that illo. I don't know where ya'll are getting titan from.


ulgulanoth wrote:
i have a feeling that these are all the CR20+ of the book...

Let me squelch that feeling right now. Ahem:

These are NOT all the CR 20+ monsters in Bestiary 2.

And no, I'm not just counting great wyrm dragons.


Liberty's Edge

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
A chocolate demon?

Aw, guessed!

The chocolate demon is actually the monster in that illo. I don't know where ya'll are getting titan from.

Is she a Cheerful Chocolate Giant?

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
A chocolate demon?

Aw, guessed!

The chocolate demon is actually the monster in that illo. I don't know where ya'll are getting titan from.

That's what I was thinking at first because why would a monster illustration have an attack target of something with horns. Of course, everyone kept saying Titan so I looked at the bigger picture. The problem is the one I mentioned earlier - bad perspective and the cape going behind the leafy blob changes it.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Krome wrote:



Shadow Lodge

Divine Dragon Disciple.

Metal Shark.

Bunny(teeth)/Snake(Long neck)/Dragon hybrid.

Normal sized person next to bonsai trees.


Cartigan wrote:
Of course, everyone kept saying Titan so I looked at the bigger picture.

I think once you get to read his totally real "Dark Confection Deception" ability a lot of what you're seeing will make much better sense. But remember, it's not the calories, it's the saturated fat that'll getcha!

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
Of course, everyone kept saying Titan so I looked at the bigger picture.
I think once you get to read his totally real "Dark Confection Deception" ability a lot of what you're seeing will make much better sense. But remember, it's not the calories, it's the saturated fat that'll getcha!

But the antioxidants are good for you!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
But remember, it's not the calories, it's the saturated fat that'll getcha!

I hear that saturated fat doesn't even allow a saving throw.

Edit: Also, that's not a titan. It's a Jolly Red Giant, the rare female counterpart of the Jolly Green Giant. She's punishing that chocolate demon for discouraging people from eating their veggies.

Where we're going, we don't need rails.

Dark Archive

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Metal Shark.

*jumps over shark*

Todd Stewart wrote:

I didn't work on this book, so don't draw conclusions. ;)

How does one draw conclusions, anyway? I always get the wrings wrong.

Epic Meepo wrote:

Edit: Also, that's not a titan. It's a Jolly Red Giant, the rare female counterpart of the Jolly Green Giant. She's punishing that chocolate demon for discouraging people from eating their veggies.

You know nothing. Jolly Red Giants make people eat red meat. She punishes the little bugger for being a vegetarian.

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