GM Erich's #6-00 Salt of the Ocean (5-6) for Gameday XIII

Game Master Thereus, Silver Crusader

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Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

Slipp works their way between a group of sailors, asking about the crates.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20

"What do you know about *that* crate?"

Vigilant Seal

Male Kobold Monk


The winds shift first, followed by the sails filling with their full power. The Snapdragon lurches forward. Eando grins and says, “We’re making good speed. We’ll be at the isle in no time.”

Table GMs, the Running Downwind condition is now in effect.

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

One of the sailors Slipp interrogates remembers a black-feathered tengu walking onto the ship, placing a single crate, and then leaving.

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Feel free to follow up on the information you gained from the sailors but we can also move on with the last mission...

With the crate at least discovered, you hear a bustle on the upper decks.

Captain Benarry shouts across the din of the storm, “Seems we’re listing, sailors. Get back below deck, quick. Assess the damage, patch holes, and report anything you can’t fix.” The ship sways as a gust hits the sails. The captain winces as the ship doesn’t fully recover from the movement. “Get working—I don’t want to capsize today.”

Phase One−Assessing Damage: You may begin by assessing the damage to the hull. You can attempt a DC 18 Athletics or Acrobatics check to survey the exterior of the Snapdragon, an DC 20 Crafting check as you measure where the damage is coming from, or perhaps something else you think might make sense (likely DC 22). Critical failures and successes will matter and you each get one attempt.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

When hearing about a tengu placing the crate in the hold, Dennis asks Salissa, "Hey! Maybe it's Tsaraka again?" He quickly continues, "The one who stole stuff. For the demon pirate, Enav!" Dennis still seems unusually excited about the prospect of a demon pirate.

[Later ...]
When his Captain asks for help, Dennis calls out, "Aye aye, Captain. On it!" and the youngster enthusiastically rushes to action to help assess damage.

Athletics, DC 18: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

Slipp goes in search of the Ship's carpenter.

"You! Your skills are needed below more than here. Get down there and start fixing the leaks!" they snap.

intimidate DC22: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 60/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

Athletics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Having shaken off the effects of the spoiled potions, Ra'uf checks the ship for any damage.

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None

Lootie hangs from a line to check for damage and manages to avoid drowning.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |

"Perhapsss I couldst open the crate with mine elemental might?"

Salissa carefully examines the crate, her tongue flicking furiously as she picks up various smells.

Salissa has scent and will try to use that to determine what might be inside the crate.

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |

Salissa will head to some of the areas that she determined might prove troublesome when she did her underwater assessment earlier. She summons up her elemental aura and uses her command of wood and water to shift and destroy water to take a better look.

Kineticist: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

base kinesis

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Regarding the crate...

Salissa is not able to determine anything further from her acute sense but Dennis' inquiry does raise suspicions. Calisro summons the mutinous tengu and he recalls "Yeah, now that you mentioned it, I did bring a crate on board. Didn’t think nothing of it. They all have the same sigil on the bottom, though.”


Still need Dorgath's check for Phase 1, but we can move into the next phase as well...

Several of you help to identify that one of the collision bulkheads has been breached, as Dorgath ponders its severity...

It's time to face the continuing threat of the storm as you stabilize the outside of the ship prior to full repairs being done.

Phase Two−Emergency Measures: You can attempt an DC 18 Crafting check to patch the most damaged areas, or a DC 20 Nature or Survival check to chart a path that will protect the ship from further damage, or perhaps something else you think might make sense (likely DC 22). Critical failures and successes will matter and you each get one attempt..

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

[Back with the crate...]
When the group does the tango with the tengu, Dennis looks confused. "Si-gil? Is that how you say it?" He admits proudly, "I just skip over big words when I read." He doesn't read much. Then he innocently asks, "What's a si-gil?"

After helping locate the bulkhead breach, Dennis quickly rummages through his pack to find his repair kit. He assures everyone, "I'm good at fixing things." It's unlikely anyone is assured. His tools look like toys ... albeit finely crafted ones. He enthusiastically starts pounding away with his hammer.

Crafting +Superb Kit, DC 18: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 1 = 20

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None

Lootie pays more attention to flowers than navigation, but it's worth a shot. He tries to chart a path.

Nature DC20: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Grand Archive

Male| Hold-Scarred Orc| Cleric lvl 6| HP: 72| AC: 23 (25 w/ shield)|Saves: F: +12 R: +12 W:+14|Perc:+14 (Darkvision) | Speed 25|Focus:2/2| Hero Pts: 1| Exploration-Search| Conditions: none

Dorgath is unable to help deal with the crate. The strange sigils seem like enough of a reason to stay away from it, but likely they'll need to find some way to deal with it before this trip is done.

As the captain calls out for the crew to begin patching up the ship, he tries to rally the crew to work more efficiently. "Quickly now lads, we've got to find the problem or we'll all be left at the bottom of the drink!"

phase 1: Diplomacy attempt?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Once they've identified the issue, Dorgath returns to the deck keeping a watchful eye on the waters for anything else that might damage the ship.

survival dc 20: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

Slipp gazes out at the impressive storm. "Look over there! I think it is lighter. That might mean the storm is less intense in that direction!"

nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 60/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

Ra'uf checks the skies for breaks in the weather.

Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |

kineticist: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

Salissa sends water away where necessary and summons bits of wood to repair the ship.

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

The temporary stabilization efforts from the group provides enough support for everyone to create longer-term fixes, including using a fast-setting tar for additional waterproofing and reinforcing weak boards.

Phase Three−Permanent Fixes: You may each attempt up to six DC 20 Crafting checks to repair the ship. The more the merrier.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

Dennis doesn't need much encouragement to continue pounding away. "It's fun fixing things!"

Crafting +Superb Kit, DC 20: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 1 = 23
Crafting +Superb Kit, DC 20: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 1 = 16
Crafting +Superb Kit, DC 20: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 1 = 21
Crafting +Superb Kit, DC 20: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 1 = 13
Crafting +Superb Kit, DC 20: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 10 + 1 = 22
Crafting +Superb Kit, DC 20: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 1 = 25

Grand Archive

Male| Hold-Scarred Orc| Cleric lvl 6| HP: 72| AC: 23 (25 w/ shield)|Saves: F: +12 R: +12 W:+14|Perc:+14 (Darkvision) | Speed 25|Focus:2/2| Hero Pts: 1| Exploration-Search| Conditions: none

Dorgath continues to keep watch as the rest of the party begins patching up the boat. "Trust me my friends, you'll prefer that I keep using my eyes instead of trying my hand at helping patch up the ship"

+0 crafting so... best of luck everyone!

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |
GM Erich wrote:
Phase Three−Permanent Fixes: You may each attempt up to six DC 20 Crafting checks to repair the ship. The more the merrier.

Could I use Kineticist class training instead of crafting for this?

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 60/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

Also a +0, so unless there is no penalty for failing or critically failing, I'll sit this one out.

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None

Lootie sees the "work" that Dennis is doing, and has no intention of risking damage to his fingers with so called tools.

Instead, he tries to inspire the crew to help out.

Diplomacy w/Performance: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21

only a +2 in crafting

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

@Salissa It seems like a good use of your Base Kinesis to create pieces of wood used to repair and strengthen the hull, so sure... but at DC 22.

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |

kineticist DC22: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
kineticist DC22: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
kineticist DC22: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
kineticist DC22: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
kineticist DC22: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
kineticist DC22: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Salissa calls forth the elements to aid in repairing the ship.

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

Slipp finds themselves in a similar situation to Ra'uf, so rather than doing repairs, they spend time carting wood from the spares to where the crew need it for repairs...

laborer lore?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 If that is an acceptable alternative
laborer lore?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
laborer lore?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
laborer lore?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
laborer lore?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
laborer lore?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Thanks to the effort of the team, the repairs are fully effective and the Snapdragon pushes full ahead to the Isle.

Venture-Captain, Online PBP


From the crow’s nest, the cry of “Land!” carries over the deck. Sailors repeat the call as Calisro Benarry pulls a spyglass from her belt. She lowers it with a smile and says, “Get ready to drop anchor. We’re making landfall.”

Table GMs, you have 1 day to resolve your encounter. The Land Ahoy! condition is in effect.

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 60/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

Ra'uf keeps his counsel, but looks obviously relieved that his time on the ship is nearly at an end.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

Just as Dennis is about to whine, "Are we there yet?" he hears the cry of landfall. The youngster quickly packs up his toys tools and runs past everyone to the upper deck to get a good view. "Golly! This boat ride has been fun. I can't wait for the island!"

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None

With the call of Land Ahoy Lootie cracks his first smile in a long time.

After a journey so rough and so long,
Where the winds and the waves were so strong,
We spotted the shore,
Can't take any more,
Get me off this ship where I don't belong!

Venture-Captain, Online PBP


Eando stares over the sea as an isle draws nearer. Calisro stands next to him, gripping the railing as though she could make it cut through the water faster with sheer will. Just behind the Snapdragon, a monster of a ship gathers speed. Its sails fill with gusts of wind conjured by magic.

“This is it,” Calisro says with a grin, “It’s time to prove to these demons they can’t outrun us!”

Eando shakes his head and chides, “And then we’ll finish the Whippoorwill’s mission. That’s what we’re after. I’m worried we’re about to unseal a dark force that shouldn’t be disturbed.”

Calisro laughs and claps the other Pathfinder on the shoulder. “If demons want whatever’s on this isle, we can’t let them have it,” she says. “Checking off our centuries-old to-do list is an added benefit.”

Table GMs, please begin Act 4.

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

With your restful night and daily preparations complete, Calisro points and nearly shoves the closest one of you into a jolly boat. “No time to lose,” she says with a smile. “The barrier islands aren’t going to secure themselves. Get a move on.”

The curve of the barrier island creates a naturally sheltered shore for landing. Past it, clusters of trees bend in the wind from the storm. The sand forms a paste that threatens to rip off boots.

Your boat scrapes upon the sandy beach and you quickly start to disembark into the sand that threatens to suck your feet in.

New Map. With the intensifying storm, the sand is saturated with water and is difficult terrain. The areas beneath the trees are sheltered and standard terrain.

Unsurprisingly, you are not alone... two huge clawed demons emerge from the jungle in front of you while strangely translucent sharks leap into the fray seaward.


Dennis Init: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 13 + 1 = 21
Dorgath Init: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 1 = 35
Lootie Init: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 11 + 1 = 21
Salissa Init: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 1 = 28
Slipp Init: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 1 = 27
Ra'uf Init: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 2 = 18
Red Init: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Orange Init: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
Blue Init: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Purple Init: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Round 1 - Bold can act
Red Demon
Orange Demon
Purple shark
Blue shark

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

"Look out behind!" calls out Slipp.

Then, as if coming to the gnomes aid, there is a sudden thrashing in the waters as a swarm of stonefish push through from the First world to engage with the sharks.

Summons a Stonefish swarm

The swarm savages the pink sharkP damage: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7 [ooc]basic reflex DC 18 to counter the damage, and perhaps more importantly, injects their venom into it. Fort DC 18 vs 1d6 damage and clumsy 1 in the first round

** Summon animal (stonefish swarm)

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |

"We be beseiged on two fronts. Dennis, Ra'uf, thou shoulst confront the northward foes and shield our more vulnerable friends. With Slipp's assistance I shall divert the assault from the sea."

Salissa turns and swims out to confront the ghostly sharks. She calls forth her elemental might and launches an icy jet of water at one of the deadly fish.

elemental blast vs blue: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
damage, cold: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8

◆ swim, ◆ swim, ◆ channel elements

Grand Archive

Male| Hold-Scarred Orc| Cleric lvl 6| HP: 72| AC: 23 (25 w/ shield)|Saves: F: +12 R: +12 W:+14|Perc:+14 (Darkvision) | Speed 25|Focus:2/2| Hero Pts: 1| Exploration-Search| Conditions: none

Dorgath takes a moment to study the demonic crab-like creatures on the beach.

Religion Recall k.: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

He then summons a spiritual scimitar that rushes out and slashes at Orange

Spiritual armament to hit: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Spiritual armament damage: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 8) = 9

◆ Recall knowledge crab demons
◆ ◆ spiritual armament

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

knowledge Dorgath:
They are RIPTIDE DEMONS, bent on seducing those around them to hold onto things they care about above all other concerns. They are very proficient at grabbing onto creatures with their massive claws.

Dorgath begins with a quick spiritual weapon that can't quite maneuver into position. Salissa's blast is more effective and Slipp is joined by an allied school which chomps into the elusive shark.

The demon moves to the edge of the tree-line and concentrates on the fighter before him, trying to freeze him in his tracks. As it nears you all, thoughts of losing your gear in the vast ocean storm start to cloud your mind.

Need a DC 21 will save vs paralysis from Dennis and then a DC 21 will save vs stun (either stunned 1 <or 2 on crit fail>) from Dennis, Lootie, and Ra'uf

red reflex save vs swarm: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
Alas, they are immune to poison...

Round 1 - Bold can act
Red Demon
Dennis Need a will save vs paralysis first and another will save vs stun at the start of your turn
Lootie Need a will save vs stun at the start of your turn
Orange Demon
Purple shark -3 damage
Ra'uf Need a will save vs stun at the start of your turn
Blue shark -16 damage

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

Will, DC 21: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Will, DC 21: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Dennis manages to withstand the mind-control powers of the demon. With his one-track mind, he says, "You can't make me do anything I don't want to."
◇ Delay for (hopefully) Lootie's courageous anthem...

After waiting for some bardic inspiration from Lootie, Dennis slogs through the sand to get within range of both demons, and he quick-draws his halberd jabbing at the one who just attacked. Seeing he has extra time on his hands, he jabs a second time.
+1 Cold-Iron Striking Ghost-Touch Halberd +CA vs Red: 1d20 + 17 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 17 + 1 = 24
Piercing Damage +CA: 2d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2) + 4 + 1 = 13

+1 Cold-Iron Striking Ghost-Touch Halberd +CA +MAP vs Red: 1d20 + 17 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (3) + 17 + 1 - 5 = 16
Piercing Damage +CA: 2d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (7, 10) + 4 + 1 = 22

Reactive Strike, if appropriate:
Reactive Strike triggered on first manipulate or move action w/in 10'.
+1 Cold-Iron Striking Ghost-Touch Halberd +CA: 1d20 + 17 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 17 + 1 = 21
Piercing Damage +CA: 2d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 4 + 1 = 7

◇ Delay (for Lootie), ◆ Stride, ◆ Quick-draw (strike), ◆ Strike
(Looks like Dennis used up all his good rolls on the saves. That's fair.)

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None

As soon as Lootie steps onto land he falls to his knees and kisses the sandy shore. But alas his moment of joy is short lived, there appear to be demons to kill.

Will DC21: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
stunned 1

Shocked by intruders, Lootie breaks into song with a flourish to inspire the crew and demoralize red.

Lingering Composition DC22: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26
Demoralize w/Performance: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17

◆ Courageous Anthem
◇ Lingering Composition (3 rounds remaining)
◆ Demoralize Red

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Updated. Found the proper picture for the demons...

Dennis lurches forward and stabs the demon, the cold-iron searing its hide. Slipp is unable to pierce its bravery. The other demon slides slowly forward and grabs at the solitary warrior.

One of the sharks gets to Salissa as well, sinking its teeth in and not letting go...

orange grapple and constrict (bludgeoning) vs Dennis: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 221d4 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
orange claws (bludgeoning) vs Dennis: 1d20 + 17 - 5 ⇒ (7) + 17 - 5 = 192d6 + 9 ⇒ (2, 5) + 9 = 16
purple jaws (piercing) vs Salissa: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 271d12 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
purple grapple vs Salissa: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Round 1 - Bold can act - Courageous Anthem is up!
Salissa -9 damage <grabbed>
Red Demon -18 damage
Dennis -12 damage? <grabbed> Need a DC 24 basic fort save vs constrict damage
Orange Demon
Purple shark -3 damage
Ra'uf Need a DC 21 will save vs stun at the start of your turn (see three posts above for effect)
Blue shark -16 damage

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Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

About my GM style:

My own PbP combat style is to try and respect initiative order in resolving actions rather than just simple posting order (unless the sequence of events would benefit significantly otherwise).

I'll roll initiatives at the start and some saves if I think they will affect my further actions in the turn to keep things moving. If you wish to delay on purpose, let me know, don't just wait on me. I will usually only update the combat narrative when everyone who can go has gone.

Make sure you roll for your actions in the order they occur in your turn. Requested saves first...

Make sure you keep your tagline updated with the current value for your Saves, Perception, Exploration Activity, and Armor Class, considering your spells cast. Treat it as your verbal response if I were to ask you what the value was in a face to face game, because that is how I'll treat it. But don't worry about conditional modifiers like cover or prone, I'll handle that stuff.

I will try to keep track of everyone's ongoing buffs in the combat tracker during combats and will also show you enemy conditions (and heights, if they are flying), so we are all on the same page. Let me know if I missed something.

Feel free to ask about anything in the discussion threads or if you think I've ruled incorrectly or just made a mistake. You likely know your character better than I will. I'll make corrections as necessary, but I think we all know there are still some rules that are up to the GM's discretion. I try to rule by RAW for PFS, and stick to written tactics unless they are obviously illogical as the combat progresses.

Also, let me know if you need to take a short break from the game for any reason.

Please post your:

Player Name
Character Name
PFS# for this character
XP Progression (slow/normal)

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

Player Name: Professor Plum
Character Name: Dennis the Menace
PFS#: 263869-2011
Class: Fighter
Level: 6
Faction: Horizon Hunters
XP Prog: Normal

Looking forward to the special. I have 2 GM glyphs to hand out.

Grand Archive

Male| Hold-Scarred Orc| Cleric lvl 6| HP: 72| AC: 23 (25 w/ shield)|Saves: F: +12 R: +12 W:+14|Perc:+14 (Darkvision) | Speed 25|Focus:2/2| Hero Pts: 1| Exploration-Search| Conditions: none

Player Name: Nathanielwise
Character Name: Dorgath Elokar
PFS# : 2390878-2008
Class: Cloistered Cleric
Level: 6
Faction: Grand Archive
XP Progression: Normal

Been a while since I've played on the forums, but glad to get back into it. I've got one glyph to hand out as well!

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None

Player Name: dohjoe295
Character Name: Lootie Kriss
PFS#: 259571-2006
Class: Bard
Level: 5
Faction: Vigilant Seal
XP Progression: Normal

Excited to be back for another special. I have one glyph to give.

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Hey all, we are about ready to start, feel free to introduce yourselves in Gameplay prior to the scenario start on Sunday. You start near the docks in a small Shackles settlement known as Quent.

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |

Player Name: Halgur
Character Name: Salissa Greenscale
PFS# for this character: 35206-2012
Class: Kineticist
Level: 6
Faction: Horizon Hunters
XP Progression (slow/normal): Normal

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

Player Name: B Viggers
Character Name: SLipp
PFS# for this character": 100387-2003
Class: Sorcerer
Level: 5
Faction: Horizon Hunters
XP Progression (slow/normal): Normal

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Any other GMs have glyphs to share, we have 4 so far...

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |

I have 2 glyphs.

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

You all start with two hero points then! I have placed them next to your token on the handouts.

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

Glyph free here.
But pretty rich, any suggestions for good items to acquire?

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

GM secret roll matrix:
100d20 ⇒ (14, 17, 5, 7, 15, 19, 16, 18, 19, 6, 17, 10, 2, 16, 14, 2, 10, 14, 19, 15, 5, 5, 16, 7, 3, 8, 4, 8, 15, 17, 7, 11, 5, 15, 14, 19, 17, 9, 14, 12, 11, 10, 19, 4, 15, 13, 16, 16, 1, 13, 9, 18, 3, 17, 17, 16, 2, 13, 2, 17, 5, 20, 2, 20, 12, 19, 19, 13, 3, 12, 18, 12, 13, 8, 17, 17, 4, 7, 13, 10, 6, 10, 13, 16, 17, 15, 13, 16, 20, 13, 17, 11, 2, 3, 8, 6, 8, 14, 10, 4) = 1164

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

It will take a few days to make it to your destination, and many things can happen while at sea...

Quick ordering of events possible here, cast your votes to rank which ones you wish to try in what order...

Sailing Mission 1: All Hands on Deck (Skill Challenge)
Sailing Mission 2: Loose Lips Sink Ships (Puzzle)
Sailing Mission 3: Headwinds and Windfalls (Social Skills)
Sailing Mission 4: Win Some and Flotsam (Skill Challenge)
Sailing Mission 5: Red Sky in the Morning (Hazard)

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

Happy to do in order presented, but have no real preferences. Probably strongest in the social skills challenge with Slipp.

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None

The default order works for Lootie.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

Order is fine. Maybe move the Hazard from 5 to 4, since we'll have already done a Skill Challenge?

Grand Archive

Male| Hold-Scarred Orc| Cleric lvl 6| HP: 72| AC: 23 (25 w/ shield)|Saves: F: +12 R: +12 W:+14|Perc:+14 (Darkvision) | Speed 25|Focus:2/2| Hero Pts: 1| Exploration-Search| Conditions: none

No preference for me as well, though if were not doing all of these challenges I'd vote for skill, social, hazard, puzzle in that order!

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 60/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

Sorry, missed this discussion.

Player Name: cmlobue
Character Name: Ra'uf Steelwheels
PFS#: 312045-2002
Class: Champion
Level: 6
Faction: Radiant Oath
XP Prog: Normal

The only change I would make is do the puzzle either first or last, since that is likely to take the longest.

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Looks like ranked choice give us the same order as stated 1,2,3,4,5. Let's crank these out. I'll try to give everyone a full day to respond to my posts so check the game daily.

Grand Archive

Male| Hold-Scarred Orc| Cleric lvl 6| HP: 72| AC: 23 (25 w/ shield)|Saves: F: +12 R: +12 W:+14|Perc:+14 (Darkvision) | Speed 25|Focus:2/2| Hero Pts: 1| Exploration-Search| Conditions: none

Man I really hope these rolls turn around for me... Not my hottest performance thus far

Grand Archive

Male| Hold-Scarred Orc| Cleric lvl 6| HP: 72| AC: 23 (25 w/ shield)|Saves: F: +12 R: +12 W:+14|Perc:+14 (Darkvision) | Speed 25|Focus:2/2| Hero Pts: 1| Exploration-Search| Conditions: none

Rauf don't forget we are quickened this round. You've got one action left I believe

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

There are up to four missions in this act, let me know your preference for the order.

Whippoorwill Mission 1: Shot Across the Bow (Hazard)
Whippoorwill Mission 2: Cat o’ Nine Tales (Skill Challenge)
Whippoorwill Mission 3: Pirate Parley (Skill Challenge)
Whippoorwill Mission 4: To the Sea Floor (Underwater Combat)

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |

In order of preference 4321. I was kind of hoping we'd get an underwater combat since Salissa actually has a swim speed and underwater marauder.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

Agree with Salissa. Underwater combat! And agree with the order too.

4, 3, 2, 1

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

Happy to go with the group on this. I suspect my fire spells might not be that effective down under...

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 60/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

Ra'uf is at least theoretically a good swimmer...

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Looks like reverse order this time... also, Salissa held her own pretty well in that first fight so we will go with granting the first Hero Point to her.

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None

That order works for Lootie. While underwater, would Courageous Anthem work?

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

I'd say yes but maybe with the caveat that it becomes more of a visual performance.

Grand Archive

Male| Hold-Scarred Orc| Cleric lvl 6| HP: 72| AC: 23 (25 w/ shield)|Saves: F: +12 R: +12 W:+14|Perc:+14 (Darkvision) | Speed 25|Focus:2/2| Hero Pts: 1| Exploration-Search| Conditions: none

Sounds good to me as well!

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None

I tried adding a template for bless, feel free to adjust as you see fit!

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Just a reminder that bless and courageous anthem don't stack (both are status bonus)

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

After we get done with this particular hazard, there are four other missions to tackle in this Act. So, let me know your preference for the order you wish to do them.

Whalerunner Mission 2: Pincer Attack (Combat)
Whalerunner Mission 3: Taking on Water (Skill Challenge)
Whalerunner Mission 4: Accursed Cargo (Hazard)
Whalerunner Mission 5: Refining Memories (Skill Challenge)

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

No preferences here, though if we are doing a skill challenge, I'd opt for 5 before 3.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

Sure. 5 before 3, but (to no one's surprise) Dennis prefers combat first:
Preferred order: 2, 5, 4, 3.

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 60/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

Ra'uf is also better suited for a fight, and echoes Dennis's choices.

Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |


Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

2, 5, 4, 3 it is...

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

GM Erich -- Can you just confirm Dennis' options:

1) DC 18 Climb check to get back to the main deck.
Is that 1-action to do that?

2) Drop down to the 5' platform (?).
Not sure I see where the platform is. Is that half-way up the side of the ship, adjacent-ish, to the baddies? If so, is that 1-action to jump down? If so, would that jump require an Athletics check?

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

1=yes, roll and 1 action
2=yes, one action to leap (no roll, more of a controlled swing and let go) - you would be down where the rigging ends (white circle) 5 feet away on the diagonal from the dragon but on "solid ground" with both hands free.

Alternately, you could climb down the rigging 5 feet (with a DC 18 check) and be adjacent to the dragon (blue circle) but with both hands holding the rigging. Able to kick though!

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

Thanks. Since Dennis climbed up, I removed all 3 of his tokens from the lower map.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none
GM Erich wrote:
Minor retcon: Need a DC 24 Will save vs fear from everyone. S=Frightened 1, F=Frightened 2, CF=frightened 4

Does this happen before or after Lootie gets his Courageous Anthem up? Probably before, but doesn't hurt to ask if we get +1 to our saves.

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Good point. The save should be whenever you are or look over the side of the ship as the dragons emerge. So only Ra'uf would benefit as he moved over after the song started.

Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

As usual, you will be able to have an overnight rest in between acts.

When the new one begins, there will be a choice as to what order to do the new missions. So again, let me know your preference for the order you wish to do them.

Mission 1: Don’t Try Me in a Sea Race (Chase)
Mission 2: Cut a Path (Combat)
Mission 3: Deep Hooks and Rake (Hazard, Puzzle)
Mission 4: The Island Remembers (Hazard)

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

Dennis' preferences: Combat (always combat), Hazard/Puzzle (sounds more interesting than normal Hazard), Chase (why not).


(good with other options, but I'd put regular hazard last)

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 60/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

2, 1, 3, 4

Grand Archive

Male| Hold-Scarred Orc| Cleric lvl 6| HP: 72| AC: 23 (25 w/ shield)|Saves: F: +12 R: +12 W:+14|Perc:+14 (Darkvision) | Speed 25|Focus:2/2| Hero Pts: 1| Exploration-Search| Conditions: none

2/1/3/4 for me!

Horizon Hunters

Sorcerer-5 HP 33/63; Spells L1:3/4;L:2 1/4;L3:1+1/3+1; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1l; AC 21 Fort +13 Ref +10; Will +11; resist negative/1; regen 1hp/10min; Perc +9; speed 25';

I'm easy 2/1/3/4 works fine for me.

Vigilant Seal

M Fey-Touched Gnome | Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None


Horizon Hunters

F Sacred Nagaji | Kineticist 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 82/82 | AC 24 | F +14 R +13 W +10 | Perception +8 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | speed 25 Active Conditions: none |

Any order is fine with me.

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Play-by-Post Discussion / GM Erich's #6-00 Salt of the Ocean (5-6) for Gameday XIII Discussion All Messageboards

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